Thursday, April 14, 2022

April 14

11:11. Aha. Thanks for providing such clear examples of the conspiracy (they are probably getting desperate). Also a sad proof of how fast the crowds forget their idols. Also another forgotten and now destroyed rung on the no return ladder of illusions, climbed just two days ago (think i'm getting dizzy). About the AHA song, played right now by 103.3. Never-ending most disgusting distorting stealing one's personal unplanned, ambush type experience. I hope they will pay one day for the barbarism.

Just finished this, planning on writing a few words, now they're playing the addicting True Colors, the gay making song, canceling my efforts. All i have left to say. Everything, right and left, extremist or promiscuous, all fake, all come from the same direction and that is the Huniversal Consipracy.

Ok i'll say it anyways. Slightly disgusted with the current world, using the weird whooshing sound of a bass voice playing on a much higher range, present everywhere where there are blond people, Sting gets you there, right in a trance of right extremism.

7:52 Two minutes after i posted this. I didn't know until now that... Also...

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

April 13

6:00 I think i also figured the root cause of my persistent throat infection. It's the cheap dental adhesive from Walmart i used in the last many years. "Zinc free", it has, instead, as main ingredient, petrolatum, a "mineral" oil (there's nothing mineral in it except the name) that smells... like petroleum, of course and it has never meant to be used internally. Part of it inevitably gets swallowed.

Last night i made pizza and i used the adhesive again and my infection flared like in the first day when i used antibiotics, that was almost a week ago.

But before that, all my teeth around my partial dentures went out one by one, killed by infections and then having them removed.

Lately i've been using huge amounts for upper because they don't really fit. Got some in the making, believe it or not, never had time to go and pick them.

I got better until morning but not out of the woods yet.

11:53 When USSR was created, Russian Soviet Socialist Republic seemed too big for the whole project not to look like being dominated by it and pieces of it together with compact Russian ethnic minorities have been given to other soviet socialist republics (or to better control them or both), like to Ukraine. Soviet Union had a large chunk of its high tech industry located in Ukraine, one of the most technologically developed of the soviet socialist republics, concentrated especially in Eastern Ukraine. But let there be no mistake. It was Chernobyl who drove the soviets in a hurry out of East Germany and U-crane starting Gorbachev's glassnots and perestroica revolution, both obvious masonic keywords. Not that it wasn't their creation in the first place (ladder of illusions).

BTW i don't think i have to explain the symbolism of this song, what is thunder on a sunny day or who is the (wo)man in Bruxelles who now of course speaks Australian. Except maybe for the... veggie man sandwich, but i leave that to your delight.

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

April 12

12:38 They did laundry all morning somewhere in the building. The vapor is leaking in the basement and condensates on the floor in areas where it's stripped of insulation. That is under the couch in living, in spots in bedroom, etc. The fiberboard part of floor bulges, carpet smells like mold in those areas.This on top of mold smell coming from mole holes, food wraps on the red carpet etc.. Result. Got a fungal rhinitis for a week now that of course does not go away with antibiotics.

1:24 Again cetirizine. Also.

11:29 Sprinkling borax last night on the moldy carpet seemed to turn again the balance towards me escaping eluding again. Also turned back on the "ionic pro" which i was mad at because at one time, months ago, i believed it puts out dog poop smell after getting contaminated. That filter would tip the balance even more because it puts out a small amount of ozone and also catches mold spores.

11:32 This means that on taxpayers' money, they can watch us but we can't watch ourselves. A one hour or three hour loop or whatever time it takes until a Police officer requests a recording after being on the scene i think it's doable with existing DVR technology (without much if any investment). And BTW google maps does a much better job at showing real time congestions.

12:18 A început, iar? Only you can scratch my itch...

1:24 Was searching for a face while laying in bad, my lumbar back hurts if i sit. As many times before, i fell asleep because they fill the place with smoke, always a bit different. Woke up in a room full of smoke, sneezing. Went outside and probed a couple of new holes but they were not through holes, water was not going in. A truck with a trailer hitting the bumps and making a huge noise. Not sure if the smoke ended since i just opened the door to air. Most likely not.

5:14 More fallout from "the storm". I think there was a "power outage". The only clock that has no batteries, on the stove, was off. We've been out Saturday for 12 hours, power could have been out for more than 4 hours. Today i eat again from the meatloaf i made Friday and got sick. Dizziness, sleepiness and in the end diarrhea.

Also the garage with the junk. Finally figured what were they doing every 2 or 3 months throwing things making big noises for a whole day. There is a garage or two next to the sign that says "no dumping" that get filled with junk from people who leave from the 280 units some site says are here. For some time there was a firm a with truck and a trailer called Junk and Joe that were collecting those. Or both. Thing is today they opened that garage, picked the stuff, everything around it was stinking. I sneezed till my tears come down my face. Wet mats that were thrown during the rain, stored inside for at least one month. Maybe more than 10. Couches, strollers, wooden furniture, name it. They loaded one big trailer and one big bed truck and then they came back for more.

6:17 One more mystery solved. But why it happens always at the next apartment, or F2 i guess?

I've complained quite a few times about the fan in the window in the apartment next door. A fan in an open door running in November, then December? Lately, the fan was on with the window closed, which made no much sense. Back then i thought they were running a pup mill because of the smell but the regular dog poop smell around here was exacerbated those days from a dead mouse in my car's radiator casing. I remember the day when i wrote in the blog (link above) i also went and complained to the management (or wrote an email, can't remember which).

Today i went again to check for mole holes and the wall was radiating heat to my now sensitive face. Touched it, warm to the touch. Warmest at the right side or next to wall with window (left of the corner in picture). Temperature higher than body temperature. This could have happened only if there was a fire inside or... Again some sort of meth cooking installation?

It happened the same like after i fixed the pipes in the basement, at the same apartment. A few days later i saw a fat tall Mexican? guy dressed in black with gold chains and stuff, and then the woman moved. Last summer they remodeled that apartment and rented it to a nice old lady who sometimes, yes, walks the dog around. Two tall thin guys with a red SUV coming with groceries, to their mother, i assumed. But how did it pass inspection a couple of weeks ago? Could they had it uninstalled and then installed right back?

No it could not explain either the cigarette smoke coming from upstairs that apartment or from the holes in the ground. Those are separate problems. Whatever they were/are doing in there was/is very professional, very self contained. Trouble is, today the fan went out and the wall heated up. But they could just unplug it, to cover the more horrible story with the food gone bad in the fridge during a long blackout when we weren't home. BTW didn't wait long enough for that infection to clear my guts, i ate (eggs, again from the fridge) and now i'm sick again. I'm three times sick. Back pain, upper respiratory and food poisoning.

Nevermind, these guys, those before, were both venting some stuff in the basement using the driers' pipes that now to me seem to have been designed or later added for this purpose (unusually long pipes passed through basement instead directly to wall like all i've seen before). I remember in the first days here i tried to unclog the basement vents that were full with leaves and the handy-woman wouldn't let me. Cause if those are open the smell comes out much faster. Probably same happened in Lake Oswego, with the guy at first level who was never cleaning. But that was much more quality stuff, maybe he was just throwing marijuana and cocaine in the fireplace and the chimney was leaking at my level.

Monday, April 11, 2022

Now That's What i call a Speed Trap!

Turned around on Tualatin Sherwood to take a picture, lucky enough to catch a car passing by at 99 in the great city of Sherwood that has many cameras for through traffic of course, surrounded by perennial construction zones, money makers for the successful Rob_in_hood mayor of city of Sherwood, now sitting on many waters. Just passed through a puddle of water that was just around the corner (two great masonic obsessions) that was unsignaled though there are cameras for speeding and red light in the intersection. Got home, air filter is dry, catalytic still works, no check engine lights. An answer to what i wrote, but not sure if about flooding the moles or the post with Udă-rea or my car sitting in October at the shop three weeks in a puddle of water, with pounds of dog food in the cabin air system and then mold in the AC circuits, rusted brake rotors, etc.. All of the above? One thing is sure. The masons make the law, they are the law and of course above it.

Construction zone starts just before the intersection, when coming from west, but if you turn right, on top of cameras, right after the corner there is a barely visible sign (never saw it, Angela reminds me all the time) that says 25, before the puddle of course. Where were all the Police SUVs (equipped with blinding at night red and blue flashing lights) patrolling at night or hidden within that restriction area with a barely visible sign?

About how legal are those automatic tickets, that are not written/given by cops, i wrote before. Picture taken 11:20 PM Sunday April 11, about half hour after the peak of the rainfall.

April 11

8:16 I'm giving up. Went twice outside, there's still smoke, some coming from around the corner. They put something in the smoke to make it more acceptable, make me sleepy. After 4 hours of sleep last night, i'm going to sleep.

4:38 There is a guy pretending speaking on the phone for hours in the next building G. He stays in the balcony door and yells towards our building, not stopping for answers, basically speaking nonsense. One minute ago "he got mad" and started hitting the wall. Tall, goatee, in his 30s, sometimes he has a cigarette in his hand.