Tuesday, July 5, 2022

July 5th

12:22 As the fireworks were on, the man upstairs was quiet. Now he's yelling and making all kinda peculiar noises, but at a level i cannot record them and still make an impression in the silence of the night. He made me forgot two ideas already.

12:30 Kali ține în mâna dreaptă un cap proaspăt decapitat (am postat ieri).

12:40 Yesterday i ran into some phrases in Norwegian that are easy to understand if you speak English. Today i tried a similar phrase in Swedish (Sverige, Svarga loka) and German. Different story in Finnish. They claim to be of the same origin with Hungarians. They might very well be. Finno Ugric with the subdivision Finno Permic.

5:48 Bullies everywhere. Last night Angela went to put back the money she played with (and made extra 20 bucks) at the ATM. A Mexican looking guy with a big truck was illuminating the whole parking lot. Another guy drove behind me very close when i entered the complex, threatening to hit. Another one followed me very closely in the complex and together with the smoke and popping sounds made very nervous. I popped the hood instead of the trunk, planning to close it later. One big pop right above us starting to make me think. These guys are not professional but use illegal fireworks. What if... Then i forgot to close the hood. This morning Angela forgot the phone, came back, saw the hood, i went to put it back on and the engine war running rough because the connectors i just installed yesterday where loose again though last night it ran better than ever. Inside smells like fresh mold which means there is some garbage somewhere outside. Air quality index outside is 136.

6:30 Could not stand the wave of mold smell and went outside. On the transformer in front of the entrance of next building (not visible from my window) for the second time now a plate with a piece of cake with blue coloring (Bell Bottom Blues), untouched and a metal fork. Thinking maybe i will not throw them away like the bowl last time but i did. Yesterday i had one cookie with blue food coloring.

6:45 Need to restart my phone any time i want to make a call. But i do have internet. Hello Mobile by T Mobile. However Angela's has not been restarted her so i get the voicemail. One more week and i'm switching to Mint. Searching for a face in the list with 93 Japanese actors born between 97 and 2000 (second column with links). A guy with eyes far apart, high, thick eyebrows, a nose pointed downwards with a rare goatee looking like an owl in a mugshot obviously posed. Fb page with 1.3k friends, many Italians by name (probably all they could trick to press accept), but no pictures of him. Not so lucky today, maybe they learned a lesson and use people outside these lists. However, when looking at those, can't help but think. Childish and immature. Wouldn't give a s... on any of them as individuals. But they are part of a hierarchy and are actors with a social role. What good would that be?

11:48 One of the most difficult searches lately. BTW scimmia (pronounced shimia) means monkey in Italian. Of course it never happaned, it is all fabricated by media and local authorities. Same with this case and this one etc..

12:46 Did Scorpions Always Somewhere (released 78) sample heavily from Lynyrd Skynyrd Simple Man (released 73). They never said anything. Because they are not what they pretend but actors who play actors/singers whatever and there is no competition whatsoever among them.  

2:45 Was feeling like chocking. Went to search garbage items. Couldn't find many but i saw they populated the balcony with an expensive BBQ oven, a table and on the table there are the same type of bottles i usually find on the ground, open. Some guy at one of the garages is vacuuming again a different vehicle and the wind is blowing from that direction. Though it probably has a bag or a filter, the finest particles still fly in the open air. The guys with the floating JBQ van came briefly. My laptop does a new trick. Freezes and i have to keep the power button on until it shuts down, for like ten seconds. Did so and kept it on my lap and now my lap hurts. After the holiday, Angela got to start at 5 and works 10 hours.

3:05 Abia ce am scris despre Japonia. Insulele Kurile sunt un fel de Insula Șerpilor din Pacific, dar mai mari și mai multe (56 insule mari, 1000 ca niște stânci, 100 de vulcani pitorești din care 40 activi și se întind pe 1300 km). Un veșnic subiect de falsă dispută care să arate mereu modestia Japoniei, care de fapt nu are ce face cu ele, și care controlează de exemplu direct vestul Statelor Unite, și zone din centru, cu ultimul teatru live, împușcăturile de lângă Chicago, probabil toată America de Sud, Rusia, Europa, toți politicienii din lume, împreună cu aliații unguri care furnizează actorii albi. Best case scenario for the future; a massive awakening of the people from around the world.  

5:45 Mură-n gură, mai mult de-atât nu se poate.

10:50 La puțin timp după ce am început blogul meu (for friends), după ce am postat ceva despre cum să văruiești cu var (ceva ce costă mai nimic), google a încetat să-mi mai dea statisticile reale de la blog care conțin numărul de vizite. Așa că nu mă pot gândi să fac bani. Iar dacă aș adăuga reclame (adsense) sunt sigur că mi-ar băga chestii nu aleatorii ci care să încerce să anuleze ce scriu. Din când în când apar aluzii de genul ăsta. Ultimul a fost cu Selly, care a apărut și pe aici prin parc după ce i-am postat asemănarea după care nu am mai auzit prea multe de el. Apropo, văruitul repetat nu m-a ajutat mult, în apartamentul acela venea fum prin pereți, de la un burlan defect, erau kg de kk de câine împrejur pe care le strângeam săptămânal, etc..

11:00 Ieri am postat o poză cu o bucată de aluminiu de la capacul de la bidonul cu ulei pe care nu eu am scăpat-o în motor, dar cineva a luat-o de pe bidon și a dus-o la Jiffy Lube unde David Copperfield a introdus-o acolo. Cred că unii s-au bucurat văzând înregistrarea video. Dar după ce am aflat, chestia a mers mainstream, la o audiență mai largă decât curioșii de ocazie. În engleză cuvântul oil este aceeași pentru ulei de motor sau petrol și au scuturat ei puțin prețu pentru ca lumea să uite, altfel Jiffy Lube se ducea el în iad.

11:17 On top of everything. Angela's got a garden bed in a church yard. There is a cell phone tower next to it that is not very inviting to me. There is also a pile of sacks with free chicken s... compound rotting there ft away from that bed. However i went a few times. Every time one of us goes there, and smells that stuff, gets diarrhea (and me nausea when Angela comes from there). In a way, is good, helps us loose a few pounds, but i don't know if it can't get more serious and the esophagus or pancreas pains i started to have lately are not related to that (and of course eating the stuff, like lettuce, kale, parsley).

Talking about Shell.

Monday, July 4, 2022

July 4th

6:28 Force (fourth) of July. 4 of 7.

6:29 Half.

12:23 Kabul. Just got home from Illinois oh boy. Danish cookies box.

4:12 Done with re-changing oil. Couldn't cut the filter, couldn't see any aluminum foil on the intake side, some of the filter is visible through some holes, but i found one piece, about 2mm diameter, on the gauge that was sitting on the grill wrapped in napkins. Sifted all the oil i pulled off the engine, couldn't find any more. Maybe the're sitting there on the bottom of the pan or in the folds of the filter though the rubber hose i used to vacuum the oil from the engine was touching the bottom of the oil pan, bringing out some sludge, about the same amount like last time. Some of the clips of the splash guards were loose and i replaced them. I figured the rumble was coming from those, even at idle.

11:40 As i said earlier in an audio recording, in Lincoln City i remembered i took pictures from where the oil filter goes. One of them shows what appears to be a piece of that aluminum seal about to enter the filter though stuck in there. It is impossible for me to have broken the seal. In fact i remember now i saw it still there when i put the cap back on the jug. It is impossible not to have seen it in the stream of oil when i poured it because i didn't use a funnel and looked all the time not to loose direction which i didn't. I really don't see how could have passed the oil passages from top of the engine to bottom. As i said, at Jiffy Lube i saw one of the guys who looked like David Copperfield briefly removing the oil cap. They must have gotten in here first, the jug was inside but next to the door, while Angela went into the other room. Or replaced it while it still was outside and me was cleaning the valve cover from drops of oil and re-inserting the gauge, while the alarm was flashing on the building across. Today i poured Quaker State, full synthetic (recommended by Hyundai, didn't find it at Walmart that day and got Mobile 1) and this one does not have any seal. The guys at Jiffy Lube didn't want to charge me for chaning the stuck filter (was mine) or for the bulb, a 10 dollars value. They didn't charge me period.12:00 I saw fireworks all the way from Lincoln City to here which was nice however starting with Hillsborough air started to be hazy. First i thought it was fog, but then i realized it was smoke from fireworks. With stagnant air (no wind blowing at all) the smoke stays, and when i started the computer i saw (have air quality index page on one of the browser's starting page) index was 180, like during wildfires, with all major cities on West Coast in the same situation or worse. It looks like someone stopped the wind just for me everybody to see me how patriotic the hikikomori who inhabit the West Coast as Mexicans are.

Sunday, July 3, 2022

July 3rd

4:17 Bacău, Băicoi. Lip sync, liposuction, Lysychansk.

Da, la Câmpulung aveam la un moment dat sobă cu rumeguș. Umpleam butoiul din mijloc exact ca în imagine, cu un par la mijloc care la urmă se scotea iar cu alt par se compacta rumegușul pe măsură se se umplea, dar în altă parte, unde aveam rumegușul, după care îl aduceam în casă și-l băgam în sobă (aveai nevoie de o podea solidă dedesubt în timpul compactării). Operațiunea dura jumătate de oră și era job-ul meu dacă eram acasă când trebuia umplut, care normal nu-mi plăcea fiindcă se compacta greu. Ardea încet din interior spre exterior și ținea un număr de ore în funcție de cât de bine era compactat. Nu cred că era prea eficient pentru că rumegușul este izolant. Căldura era transferată mai ales prin capacul rabatabil (din tablă subțire gen capac cutie metalică biscuiți) și burlanul din tablă care intra în coșul principal. Avea o gaură mică în capac prin care vedeai cât mai are de ars. Până se încălzea burlanul și coșul ca să apară "tirajul" adică o presiune negativă în burlan, ieșea și puțin fum în casă. Rumegușul era ieftin sau gratis fiindcă provenea de la fabrica de mobilă de vizavi unde am lucrat mai toată familia, la un moment sau altul.  Tipul acesta de sobă este foarte folosit în atelierele de tâmplărie unde se produce rumeguș tot timpul.

2:05 Last night i picked some garbage from around the building and threw it in the bin. A guy passed by and produced some sounds like hitting two big metal balls inside his pocket. Metal on metal. Suspicious since i changed oil, thought it was an allusion to something, and today when i drove the car i hear from the first time what i thought it was a low frequency rumble (the dreaded low oil pressure rumble maybe) but when i listened with a stethoscope i heard another sound that seems weird coming from lower side of the engine like a louder lifter (or maybe it's an echo of the upper). Too bad of my part that i didn't listen and recorded the sounds of this engine when i got it first. To end speculations, i lowered the phone as much as i could next to fan and recorded it and put it here, so i can compare it with what i will hear in the future. The oil looks clear, was thinking about changing it again but i will leave it for after the holiday. I checked the filter, it comes loose easily with my old tool, no need to buy a new one, got almost zero torque after the change at Jiffy Lube (they put it in by hand), but not leaking. Stripped both threads at the connectors at the battery (my modification), went to next size or 10 mm, was thinking about putting inserts so i ordered a kit on Amazon, it doesn't work on lead though. Went at Home Depot and bought some M10x1.25 nuts and bolts but needed a drill bit with hex end to enlarge the connectors, and the cheapest was like 9 bucks (3 times the price of a few years ago). Next to it was a kit with 6 bits for 11 bucks but when i went at the checkers it was 17. Missplaced i guess. Yesterday i figured a way to remove the ball joint and i'll try again after i'm done with the battery.

3:40 I don't think i mentioned today the live theater shows that occur around me for all the time i go at Home Depot or in any store or casino. Most typical, getting close to me where i was searching, at the same bay though the whole isle is empty, within one minute or waiting for me at the same bays if they know what i'm searching. One guy talking continuously but never answering the right answer or helping. Big crowd at the drawers with nuts and bolts. I said i bought some nuts and bolts. Two bolts and two nuts. M10x1.25. Bolts were in separate bags and the nuts they were both in one bag marked M10x1.25. However one of them was 1.25 and one 1.5 which is impossible because they are manufactured and packed automatically on different machines in big batches. So i finished only the negative side of the battery, running back there to get one more nut. And my screwdriver battery (which sometimes i successfully use as drilling tool) went out. I think in the older version the NiMetal batteries were lasting longer. But i lost that one inside the apartment and can't find it so i bought the one linked above.

Newest trend. Kids from apartments got plastic toy machine guns and use them all the time making sounds that remind of the real thing. Now that i want to leave they gathered behind my car.

9:11 Ok i pulled the ball joint, pinched the boot but in a different part where it had a hole in it, i tried before with that tool but could not figured how to do it (need to remove first the three nuts and bolts to control arm). Used my tool, not a wedge. The new one i had from ebay did not fit, however i was able to take the boot of that one and put it on the old which BTW did not have a damaged thread. Could not put back the ring that holds the boot, used some wire instead, i will search for the part and replace it now that i know how.
Though there are lots of people in casinos tonight, according to google maps, which means the machines are not that tight (because they make more money with more people), Angela lost some last night, it was a good opportunity to make it back but decided not to drive the car 150 more miles because of the bell like sound of the engine. Tomorrow morning will change oil, cut the filter to see if there's any piece of aluminum inside from that seal restricting the oil flow. Also would have been good to leave, they pop big (most likely illegal) fireworks at a small park 500 ft away in direct line of sight from our windows.

10:15 Had no idea Norwegian was so close to English.

10:30 Did i just say about Danish cookies boxes? Hava nagila?

Went and picked some Chinese food boxes from around the corner that were creating a big stink inside the apartment. They alwasy throw stuff we last cooked or ate like rice and chicken with teriyaki sauce. I think it's the same principle from news. They post garbage over my posts. Hope i'm gonna be able to sleep now.

Record number of teens roaming around tonight, no adults.

Saturday, July 2, 2022

July 2

3:04 Câmpulung, Copou, Coposu. A song to cope with anything. Cage, son of Coppola. Etc.

2:08 When i got the car from the auction and paint shop i found. One bent drive axle (right). The other was severely rusted with a play. Two cracked struts. I replaced them all but  never touched the big ball joint nut.

I instead removed the three smaller ones at the control arm. Cause i knew the ball joint conic bolt maybe stuck in the steering knuckle. However somehow they got loose on both sides. Kept tightening them. Before i figured i needed single use nuts i bought a whole assembly (ball joint, cheap, OEM, 30 bucks) on ebay on February 17 which i tried to unnecessarily replace (being constantly under influence from smoke from mole holes which has ceased after i finally plugged all holes with added borax). I put some WD40, untigthened the nut to bolt level and hammered them together but not a lot since i had no room to do it. Tightened the nut back by hand and with a new wrench i bought especially for this. I did not strip the nut, no way. I think that 12 mm bolt can take safely up to 100 pounds. Then i bought a tool on Amazon which didn't work. When i went to Reno i stopped once on the freeway and tried to tighten the nut again but was turning continuously and i figured maybe the conic joint got loose because of the WD40 i put in. Today i went in to see what's happening and found the nut and bolt are stripped period. 

While i was weighing my options in disbelief and was ready to put it together (got the parts, but can't remove the old joint) the read head woman, the mother of veteran's daughter passed by and never came back. I figured she went to the office like she threatened once, because i was working on the car. But at the garages there's a guy who also works on a vehicle and he does it everyday like a business. Closest.

What i don't understand is why yesterday or any time before i retigthened the nut it was making a noise at the bumps and had problems steering at high speed which means the conic bolt is loose but every time i tried to remove it it was stuck. Right now since it's stuck i think i can drive it safely even without a nut on it. The nut is stripped but is very hard to remove and i don't think the bolt would pop up so i may just drive it like this for a few more days (Angela's got Monday off).

3:38 A drive to Les Schwab turned into a whole new adventure. I stopped at Jiffy Lube where they replaced my filter last time. They said they can't do it without an alignement. There is nothing to align at this car except for toe but that one wouldn't change with ball joint replacement. Nothing will change. Anyways, i know when a car is out of alignment. He gave me the "if  you want to argue, i do this for..." (he's like 30).

At Les Schwab. Blake Shelton as customer, a kid that seemed familiar came when i was leaving, but i passed.

Some other mechanic told me what to do. A wedge, but that will destroy the old part in the process. Not so absolutely sure i got the right part on ebay. Though mine is stripped, it still works and if i do this i have to be ready to give up the car for a few days in case it goes wrong.

Now that is stuck (as for today) i don't hear any noises at the bumps.

Risking children's lives. When i came back, a grey silver Audi was coming real close, threatening to hit me from behind. I was braking slowly watching him in the mirror and pulled real fast in the alley, stopped and honked, without realizing there was a car trying to leave the alley with a kid in the back sit staring at me.

Friday, July 1, 2022

July 1st

12:35 I don't know why i keep repeating the same mistake. Went again at the bottle drop center next to Fred Meyer after 8 PM. What puzzles me is it's all automatic. You scan your card, open the little door, put your green bag with the bar-code label inside etc.. So why close it at 8? So i grabbed the case of empty beer bottles and the sac with cans and put them back in the car. But as i was there staring in disbelief, a mysterious, angry, rather fat woman dressed elegant looking Hungarian came and threw something in the big garbage barrel (on the left, not seen in the picture), though she could have done it anywhere else. Then on a hunch i made a search. Two searches. Ok, three. Then i remembered the Caracal case happened during her ministry.

1:25 Mi-am amintit o fază bizară din Bacău cred că era imediat după revoluție, un an doi, oare mai lucram la cepele (capala)? am fost prin oraș și am găsit undeva butoaie mari de plastic pentru murături. Și căram eu butoiul acela, gol nu era greu și am trecut prin spatele blocului lui Nuți unde un tip m-a întrebat ceva în engleză. Și pentru că nu puteam pierde oportunitatea, am stat și am vorbit cu el vreo jumătate de oră în stradă. Îmi amintesc vag, cred că era misionar Baháʼí din Canada și avea într-adevăr figură de Iranian (mă gândesc acum). La un moment dat m-am plâns de influența rusească (era pe vremea lui Iliescu care era perceput pro-rus), el s-a plâns de influența SUA în Canada ceea ce m-a șocat puțin. Apoi îmi amintesc undeva o cameră mare cu pereți și mobilier din lemn, hotel poate, casă de cultură, nu știu, erau și alte persoane și cântam ceva la chitară pe rând cred. În afară de acorduri, știam două melodii, una spaniolă și una evreiască (habar nu aveam, era dintr-un album Deep Purple) (la care a strâmbat din nas) și un riff de rock. Dar ce am făcut cu butoiul. Oare l-am lăsat la Nuți și l-am luat mai târziu? Da, așa cred. Baháʼí, Bacău, Cabala, ABBA, Capa, Butoi.

A și tipa din AHA, fosta mea colegă de clasă, cu altă identitate, deși tot Mariana, pe care nu am recunoscut-o lucra tot la oficiu. Odată am fost la o petrecere la Nuți și a venit și ea cu tot cu tipul din video, Morten (ca prietenul ei) și au adus cu ei casetofonul AKAI din poza asta (din film). Capisci?

10:28 From my walk.

BTW the whipping post and board with insects is still there, accross the street from tennis club.
When i got back here i realized how bad it smelled like dog. For days now, in the heat of the Sun, there was this stink but could not find any source. Today attracted by other garbage, i found an empty bawl with some water and a few seeds in it, and under a bush a green bag with a poop that has been there for a while. There is no chance anybody would leave it there unintentional. You go, pick, then hide under a bush?

10:50 Lip sync, liposuction (subliminal urge).

And the real voice behind it (No, it's not Frank Farian type Euro trash, it's American Disco)

11:30 Melodia aceea era Hava Nagila

Tipii ăștia dau cam repede din mâini, mai ales la urmă. La secunda 39 Mihail spune... "mișto"?

1:00 Deci ea era tipa din parc. Carmen Tănase pentru a o acoperi pe Carmen Dan. Aceeași cabală. Apropo.

Ce bunăciuni. Toate erau. Pentru asta au fost create, crescute în Ungaria și trimise în diferite țări. Poate din material genetic furat chiar din țările respective. Hai să spunem că bunicii voștri n-au știut cine sunt, deși idolatria, adulterul chiar virtual, onania sunt păcate. Dar voi care citiți nu aveți nici o scuză, vi le-am dat pe tavă.