Thursday, August 4, 2022

August 4

5:29 Yesterday i started to choke because of stomach inflammation because of invisible silica litter dust, when stomach and intestine become so inflamed, they swell and increase volume and press on diaphragm muscle and makes it hard to breath, after a massive release of used litter dust from upstairs, contaminated with dog urine and feces.

I put a wet towel in the airflow created by the filter but overnight it dried and i woke with again difficulties breathing. I believe charcoal might help by absorbing the sub micronic algae shells the litter dust is made of. In the living room where it was most, now it smells like a stable with deodorant. When i washed the towel this morning in the bathroom sink water became whitish or foggy because of the silica dust absorbed by that towel before it dried.

It all happened after i posted this. But it isn't the first time, as it happened, over the years, for much "lesser reasons". It took me many years to figure what it was.

5:53 În timp ce majoritatea românilor tremurau de frig în lucrând în mediul industrial creat mai ales după 65, alții, mai norocoși, și-au construit o carieră în tenisul profesionist, jucând în turnee internaționale, cu ajutorul securității însăși. Deși nu înțeleg site-ul, la fiecare meci este afișat premiul în bani, care par mulți, sus este afișat totalul. Năstase, jucător de tenis profesionist timp de 22 de ani, cred că nu i-a fost întotdeauna ușor, mai ales cu deplasările, bănuiesc că a avut și antrenor și însoțitori în timpul turneelor, probabil o întreagă echipă de securiști, acum are probleme cu o locuință, în timp ce partenerul și prietenul său (pe care apropo l-a bătut aproape întotdeauna) își pune numele pe o bancă și are o colecție serioasă de mașini de epocă, dar și avioane pe care la un moment dat le pilota singur.

Nu știu dacă trebuie ridicați la rang de eroi, ocupând atât de mult știrile, la 40 de ani după ultimul turneu, dar poate statul ar trebui să-i dea lui Năstase o pensie specială (pentru că este un personaj într-adevăr special, cazul său este aproape unicat) ceva, ca să nu mai auzim asemenea enormități.

6:05 Nu se specifică tipul de Mercedes în care era Te_o_dosie, dar eu nu cred. Știre apărută tot așa, ca aluzie la postarea mea cu Cadillac-ul din film, pentru o Românie care nu știe ce înseamnă autostrăzi și care însumează și o aluzie la postarea cu cele 10 porunci. Nu cred că cineva poate merge pe autostradă sau oriunde, fie și pe o pistă de curse cu o mașină de serie cu o asemenea viteză (eu cel mai mult am mers cu 160 kmh și am tichetul de amendă ca să atest și nu am văzut niciodată în 27 de ani pe alții mergând mai repede, peste această limită viteza fiind mai mult decât o cifră), e nevoie de cauciucuri, suspensie (amortizoare, arcuri speciale, mai tari decât pentru confort), și aerodinamică a mașinii, chiar dacă starea drumului ar fi impecabilă iar autostrada ar fi eliberată pentru acest test pentru că la ora aceea, 15, totuși erau și alte mașini pe acea autostradă, care normal mergeau cu jumătate din acea viteză, te împiedici de ele pur și simplu iar slalom printre ele nu poți să faci la acea diferență de viteză când cea mai mică denivelare te trimite într-adevăr pe orbită, sorry. Ok să zicem că a prins un km liber pe o bandă (pe care la acea viteză îl faci în 15 secunde), deși îți mai trebuie vreo 2 km ca să accelerezi (100-235, în câte secunde?), dar asta s-a nimerit chiar sub camera dronei sau elicopterului sau ce era?

Pentru cine nu știe, pe autostradă mergi strict în ritmul celorlalți. Necestită concentrare, ținutul direcției la 120 nu e la fel ca la 80, nu prea ai loc, timp, și chef de depășiri, deși câteodată o bandă merge mai repede decât cealaltă, dar asta se schimbă mereu, mașina fuge stânga dreapta la denivelări iar cei de pe sens opus noaptea nu prea sting faza lungă. Este. dacă vreți, o experiență nu foarte plăcută, care însă te duce la destinație în timpul promis.

Între timp, mai asculți muzică, mai faci o conversație, te înjuri singur dacă n-ai umflat cauciucurile destul sau prea mult sau în mod egal, iar un vânt lateral te pune la treabă serios cu menținutul direcției.

6:30 Se discută despre autonomia Transilvaniei, nici un cuvânt despre autonomia României însăși, care este sufocată de actori și scriitori unguri care o fac pe politicienii. A și o chestie, am spus de atâtea ori despre legea referendumului din 2014, neconstituțională, care dă posibilitatea câștigării unui referendum "local" cu 12,5% din voturi, poate se uită cineva acum? ("Opțiuni valabil exprimate" sunt și da și nu).

Nu vă uitați că scrie proiect de lege, așa e site-ul, legea a fost semnată de însuși Băsescu încă din 2014, a cărui suspendare calculat nereușită a "justificat-o".

8:20 Started to feel a bit better and went to bedroom, where it smells less and when i was about to fall asleep, exactly at 8 AM when "quiet time" by complex rules is over i heard some noises i first thought came from upstairs.

I went and looked and saw a smart a...s smiling guy dressed in neon vest working at the sprinkler box which is installed right next to my bedroom window, than speaking Spanish very loud on the phone  but now that i review his face in my memory, i think it was the guy from upstairs, with a mustache. (He probably turned off the sprinklers, since the moles don't come anymore (filled all the holes with borax) after i said there is no water shortage in Oregon. The whole lawn will turn yellow?

11:10 Vorbeam de Ilie Năstase. Nu se poate reduce numărul de bugetari, majoritatea sunt profesorii, medicii, polițiștii, militarii.

Am mai dormit 3 ore, prosopul ud pus deasupra filtrului a mai strâns din praful căzut de sus prin găuri noi în tavan, pe care le-am acoperit, dar în sufragerie acum miorase ca într-o toaletă publică de pe vremea lui Ceaușescu, mai ales după ce am închis geamul de lângă distribuitorul pentru aspersoare azi dimineață când a venit ninja ăla.

11:19 Market indeed today looks like stalagmites.

12:43 Au urmărit foarte atent tot ce am scris de-a lungul timpului, și uneori am și greșit, greșeli pe care le-am mai găsit eu însumi iar ei și-au notat greșelile. Mai ales datorită faptului că ei nu spun anumite lucruri, ca de exemplu numărul de angajați plătiți prin Bugetul de Stat, pe care trebuie să-l ghicim și care este în jur de un milion. Acum, ei mă provoacă exact pe subiectele acelea, știind sperând că voi repeta greșelile, din lipsă de timp.

Singurul loc în care putem vedea toate bugetele României (căci sunt mai multe) adunate toate sub umbrela așa zisului Buget General Consolidat, este descris în Legea anuală a Plafoanelor. Cred că nu există nici un dubiu, în mintea mea sau a dvs. că unele din aceste plafoane sunt atinse încă de la început, prin legile Bugetului de Stat (care apropo, nu are o sumă generală a ordonatorilor de credit, ghicim, adunăm) și al celui de Asigurări Sociale. Bugetul de Stat se finanțează prin impozitul pe venit, profit, proprietate, TVA și împrumuturi iar cel de Asigurări Sociale prin CAS și CASS, care împreună sunt 35% din salariul dvs. Nu știu de unde se finanțează celelalte bugete. Dar cred că există și venituri locale la aceste bugete locale, nu știu exact care.

Deci l-au pus pe Năstase să spună ceva real. Conform Legii Plafoanelor (link mai sus) cheltuielile pe salarii (numite acolo cheltuieli personal) ale bugetarilor locali sau autofinanțați de 55 miliarde lei sunt comparabile (egale ce mai) cu cei plătiți direct din Bugetul de Stat, adică profesori, medici, polițiști, militari, alți bugetari de stat de 57 miliarde (apropo, cât Bugetul Ministerului Dezvoltării ai cărui bani însă nu știm unde se duc) ceea ce pare ciudat. Dar cine sunt aceștia și cât de numeroși sunt ei? Să fie angajații primăriilor în număr comparabil cu categoriile descrise mai sus? De ce nu a venit nimeni, niciodată, să ne explice aceste chestii?

Apropo, pe site-ul au revenit la forma veche cu link la Anexa 3 și link-uri pe numele fiecărui "ordonator de credit".

În mărinimia lor au mai dat drumul la 15 km de autostradă, din 300 și ceva cât însumează autostrada Moldovei, însă, spun chiar ei, acești km sunt finanțați cu bani europeni. Ce se întâmplă cu cele aproape 6 miliarde de euro (34 miliarde lei) pe 2022 la Ministerul Transporturilor, 10 (57 miliarde lei) la Dezvoltare, (bugete repartizate din Bugetul de Stat pe 2022 de 254 miliarde lei sau 50 miliarde de euro), etc., bani proveniți din fluturașii noștri (impozitul pe venit), impozitele pe proprietăți, profitul firmelor și orice cumpărătură purtătoare de TVA?

1:53 Vrăjeală. Creierul mușchiului SUA, al Rusiei și al Chinei se află în Japonia iar al Angliei în Ungaria.
5:39 The old American vertical washers are a waste of time and water and energy. Just did the bedroom laundry, twice and it still stinks. Same goes with the Polar Bear fleece It is true, i just plugged a few more holes at the joints between walls and ceiling.

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

August 3rd

10:30 (AM PDT Pacific Daylight time, ora locală, 8:30 PM ora României). Minciună. Nici un microreactor nu a trecut nici un test. Au fost aprobate doar ultimele aspecte din proiect (design), care nu vor mai fi abordate într-o aplicație de site de către autoritatea americană de profil. Dar toate acestea în România vor trebui să fie aprobate de autoritatea românească de profil.

10:40 Opriți exploatarea copiilor pentru nevoia (acută) de imagine.

10:42 Dacă ați privi această imagine mai mult de 2 secounde sau timpul mediu în care cineva se uită la acest tip de imagini din știri, veți înțelege că fețele acestea nu sunt de femei militare, ci de modele îmbrăcate în uniformă pentru o ședință foto.

10:52 At 9:30 i stepped outside to go for a walk. Still dizzy since yesterday when i was out of sparkling water and drank wine with beer and then brandy. After that, i slept a couple of hours, then went to Angela's garden to fix some of the bamboo sticks she found there and she uses to sustain the tomatoes. Got all wet on my pants with the broken hose when i tried to wet the soil. Got back home and the neighbor with the garage tried to hand me a check he found outside in front of our apartment.

So when i stepped outside, here came this bright red SUV and the driver took two small children inside the other building. I went back inside to double check the stove. Walked all the way to the hospital where i saw a guy dressed only in shorts who was jogging in the hospital's parking lot and came back again in a hurry because of an emergency (it happens to me every time i go there where there is a pile of chicken waste compost).

11:02 There she went. She passed in front of my windows, head down so i can't see her face. Was it again Jaqueline?

2:52 About an hour ago they came with the mowers. They raised some dust in the back that i started to feel inside (it gets here under and by the doors). But i was waiting for them to blow the parking lot as well which they did but stopped at the middle of the building. I waited a while then i went outside and started to hose the building with the long living wall. But as i was doing he came and parked and started to get in my way. First he stood there in the car for about 10 minutes. After, he climbed the stairs and went inside. Then when i wanted to do my balcony he came in the balcony (there is a risk that drops of water will get to his) etc. Last few weeks he was out the first three days of the week, but this week he came back at 2:30 or when i started to hose the building.

From building D, at the same entrance where the man with the red SUV brought two kids this morning, there is a couple, with her clearly Japanese, probably he too, who now came outside in the parking lot with three kids. Unlike when i want to do something in the lot like working on my car, no car is passing so they have the whole alley while i'm hosing and possibly drops can reach them.

3:11 As i was doing the floor of my balcony one piece of paper, part of a DMV application, came down his balcony, never touched by water. I took it next to his car.

3:26 As soon as i finished, they retired with the kids. Could not do the stairs since he's at home, he might pretend falling or something. No, there is no water shortage in Portland, it rained like hell this year.

3:47 Jozsef came flying on her cart but then drove slowly and as far as possible as i was hosing the grass that dried immediately after the first time, putting a scared, pale face.

6:11 He made me nervous and i missed some areas in the balcony too. Or the fact i didn't do the stairs. Electrostatically charged dust by the 200 mph blower floats in the air inside and outside the building, for days. I put some patties in a pan to make hamburgers. The grease vapors usually calm the dust. I was looking through the blinds trying to remember areas that i missed. However kids came at the balcony.

7:44 Looks like i've been tricked, again. Today the dust wasn't coming from outside but through a new hole at the Pillar of the Brazen Serpent. They restrained themselves from doing it like last week so would complain for nothing, 

After the ice-cream van left, now kids came in the back.

7:56 Își amintește cineva filmul La Belle Américaine din 1961, cu Louis de Funès? Parcă l-am văzut pe un televizor cețos. Cred că asta e mașina, 1960 Cadillac Fleetwood, 6.4 litri V8, 325 CP, 583 Nm, aprox 12 mpg, sau 20 litri la sută, adică de 4 ori mai mult ca Elantra mea pe drum drept în afara localității. Încă se mai vând, una în condiție bună cu 16000 dolari. Dar ce să faci cu ea, nu poți merge de exemplu aici căci la ieșirea din complex este o ridicătură și dai cu fundul mașinii de ea. Mergi până la supermarket, bagi o găleată de benzină în ea LOL.

Dar ce văd sub capotă? În centru sus, un imens filtru de aer, din cele circulare. Sub el, motorul, vopsit tot în alabstru. În centru jos, pompa hidraulică de direcție asistată, pe curea dințată, separată. În stânga sus, compresorul de AC. Din căsuța termostatului iese un furtun gros care merge la radiator. Pe vremea aceea nu exista nici PCV nici EGR ci doar benzină cu plumb.

9:23 I knew it when he started to squeak. After i covered at least one more hole by the pillar, right on top of the couch or where i sit now and i threw again the blanket with the polar bear, the one i washed 4 times about a week ago, in the washer, (and it already got the "interesting" smell). I took a second shower today and my hair is very coarse because of the silica dust and i smell like litter deodorant. For nausea, i took some charcoal. They let me have it really good at least within last few days because i neglected everything after my dental extraction that now is almost healed.

10:23 Mult mai importante sunt cele zece porunci scrise în 17 versete din Biblie pe care i le-a dat Dumnezeu lui Moise pe cele două tăblițe de piatră. Prima parte sau prima tăbliță cu primele 5 porunci este descrisă în primele 12 versete iar a doua cu cele mai imperative porunci în ultimele 5 (13-17) care și constituie bazele civilizației occidentale așa cum o cunoaștem.

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Dogs Inbreeding, Dominicans and Hungarians

3:39 Dogs did not evolve from wolves, as some may think. On an evolutionary scale, 17,000 years or the time elapsed since first dogs appear, is too little time for such dramatic changes. Instead, they degenerated from those, mostly, by inbreeding and artificially weeding the non-viable or non-desirable descendants.

Artificially selected mutations but mostly missing wolf genes led to current numerous types of dogs, from tiny Chihuahua to mighty Saint Bernard. Freaks of nature, if you asked me. They might seem funny to some, not to me, not anymore after being tortured with dog waste, among other stuff (under the justifications of justifiable pranks for so many years).

Dominicans. A currently dominant current within Catholic Church. Many popes and most grand inquisitors were Dominicans. Based on a prophecy or the dream of the mother of St.Dominic. A word play name, because Dominic resembles such Latin words as Dominus or Domini. Clearly the greatest heretics, judging others and eliminating opponents for centuries, clearing their path to current world dominance.

In Hungarian language, name Domonkos means Dominican, with the example of singer Johnny Cash who was represented by Hungarian singer Istvan (John) Domon_Kos (pronounced cosh).

Hungarians. Arising to dominate the Australian continent, most likely after a mutation brought in by inserting genetic material from a different species into human genome by a virus (true role of viruses, if they exist, carrying intra and inter species genetic material between individuals) and that after already many tens of thousands of years of genetic isolation of Australian populations, which gave birth to ancient noongar population.

One of the specific traits of the descendants of ancient noongars is they carry the so called "residual expression" on their face, after further isolating and inbreeding of that isolated and mutated population.

That is, even when they don't produce any emotions, they show some expression on their face (like the illusion of a dog smiling), which is most likely influential if not plainly hypnotic on others. That explains the great influence and self sustaining of a whole Hollywood population, which such drive on Americans and the whole world, which is basically the most representative of noongarians mixed with Europeans within special breeding programs for the past centuries in Hungary, involving immigration by invitation of different European populations or what Viktor Orban tried to subliminally erase in his last much controversial intervention from the territory of Romania where he is intruding for decades because of the Hungarian (actually, Székely, one of the many populations of their lost empire) minority there.

In a way, there is a resemblance between the two phenomena. Both dogs and Hungarians are a type of inbred population for special features, giving up (or losing) the natural evolutionary genetic endowment for social dominance and advantages.

August 2nd

6:46 Frustration and lack of chlorine bleach prevented me from fixing the snake, completely. It was still stinking this morning when Angela left as i only cleaned the first inches, or dirtiest. Deep inside they were more stalagmites. This morning i used my snake brush and a bit of chlorine i had left and pulled out of that flexible pipe lots of dirt.
But ran out of chlorine and rushed to WinCo. But guess what. Found another ticket on the truck, saying it was again stationary parked for more than 24 hours in a visitor spot. But it was on a No Parking on Thursday spot. I thought that was the only restriction. I put it there Thursday after the garbage truck passed, was busy driving around the NW in the so called little vacation, ticket was put on Sunday but the hand-witting is the same as on other tickets. This ticket was pale pink and under the windshield wiper and would not have seen it if i didn't get in the truck and started it. I think it's again the Hungarian writer who poses as a handywoman but she does not work on Sundays.

Trouble with the tickets is they chose a towing company named 21 Century which is 18 miles away. Not because of price, cause they don't pay nothing to them, they make their money out of towing vehicles. Maybe they couldn't find any around cause they won't come so close for less money. Last time (when the driver was Shatner) i payed 300 dollars and Angela had to drive me there, missing a workday. Absolutely by chance today i found the ticket, and  the towing was scheduled for tomorrow morning or one day before Thursday or just before i would have moved it.

At WinCo there was this old American Japanese woman (nisei, born in the US) at the check-stands (closest), as always early morning, yelling and trying to be funny to others, as always, but i was pissed because of the ticket and told her not to yell anymore. The keypad moved again when i tried to enter the pin, like they always do when they want to piss me off (playing pranks to the universal dictator). The manager was present there pushing stacks of merchandise around that check-stand, another Hungarian, writer or actress, whom i found once and forgot (i think her name was Klara she  has this Gothic appearance, can't find anyone named Klara or Klari in the lists).

They never made a fuss with visitor spaces until after i complained of the van with many barrels inside that was parked on a designated spot. The little guy who looked like a dead Japanese opera singer, also had an SUV with broken exhaust who was making a big noise which tormented me for years. Before the barrels, he was carrying in that van many bags of rice (literally tons of it). I also suspect some of the neighbors ran some hash or meth labs in the building and one day i felt the wall of the bedroom at Nr.2 or next to ours that had a fan on during winter time, hot.

Over the years i changed my mind several times on who the handywoman may be, but lately i thought it was him. Actor, director and translator (probably English), his doctoral dissertation was on Misima Jukio theater.

8:06 I heard noises on the seven steps stair outside the door, looked through the window and saw a Spanish woman with two small children crossing the alley and entering the other building. Now she went back up the yard and left.

8:30 This one's for dr. Jámbor.

8:32 A small dog most likely from next apartment or Nr.2 i just wrote about came and defecated alone, some 30 ft from the window, in my sight.

9:31 As i said before, the only way to find out the exact time of an event is look at French sites. 5:07 Paris time means 11:07 EDT. Just found another way, on a... Romanian site!

11:56 Mda au început iar, nu știu exact de când, cu regiunile, un proiect drag lui Dragnea și apoi lui Dîncu la Dezvoltare.  Nu fac nimic cu cele aproape 6 miliarde euro pe an la transporturi, dar au împărțit țara în regiuni, care nu sunt o formă de guvernământ scrisă în Constituție. (Atenție, Legea Bugetului pe site-ul Camerei Deputaților a rămas la stadiul de proiect (care a fost demult aprobat) iar link-urile pe ministere sau alți cheltuitori sunt pe micile iconițe din fața denumirilor).

12:08 Seamănă cu peluza de iarbă din spatele apartamentului, cu mușuroaie de cârtiță de un metru diametru.

1:55 I will get by...

2:13 Two nervous skinny (snake) girls came to play with a dog 10 ft away from my window. I was running water with chlorine in the dishwasher hoping to get the stench that entered the whole plastic cage, with the hose disconnected (not to contaminated again with stench from sink) and i forgot to put the hose in the blue tub and about when they left, the washing cycle ended and about 2 gallons of water went on the kitchen floor, faster i could run to stop it. Some drops went on my pants and i put those in the washer, hoping the're not going to get chlorine stains. How funny ha ha. This means they watch everything i'm doing here just to play pranks. Or... Or... No laws or copos in Tualatin or Oregon or... Also looks like dr. Jámbor didn't learn his lesson.

Monday, August 1, 2022

August 1st

3:18 Came home. At Grocery Outlet in Lincoln City they were giving away empty cardboard boxes at the check-stand and Angela grabbed one. Numerous vehicles with modified lights, times the power of a regular high beam, blinding me. Red light at first camera in Sherwood turned green just for a second or two, though no other cars were in the intersection, the guy following us had to stop. Should he had passed on red, would have caught us and left us wondering all evening morning what it was. Before the one on Avery some other guy was tailgating so i pulled right and let him pass. He took a right without stopping and got flashed, should have been in front of him, would have been flashed too and let us wondering... etc.. Here at the building some shirtless guy crossed the alley in front of us and went to smoke at the other side of the alley and the guy upstairs left his trunk open made me wondering if i should call the Police, etc..

3:56 Doamna Crăciun "polițistul imperial", asistenta de la mate din facultate, ?

8:53 Slept 4 hours (2 more in the car), opened  the living blinds only to see a girl leaving, but only from behind. In other days i saw in the backyard a girl who looked like her.

9:08 A nu se înțelege greșit. Noi nu avem o Companie Națională Pentru Construcția Autostrăzilor. Această firmă de stat care se numește la fel ca cea din Bulgaria doar semnează contractele licitațiilor trucate. Apropo, un miliard de euro pentru 37 km de autostradă înseamnă 27 milioane pe km (probabil un record mondial), de 9 ori mai scump decât în Bulgaria în jurul anului 2000 sau de 4-5 ori mai scump ca acum (dacă nu ne grăbim, autostrăzile devin tot mai scump de construit), deci ei construiesc 172 de km tot prin munți cu aceeași sumă cu care noi facem 37.

11:31 Ghivnici, șeful meu de la IMU?

12:37 Lunea Ciucă. Am mers la Liquor Store să-mi iau niște coniac. Mi l-au pus normal într-o pungă maro. Chiar când începusem să mă simt prost, normal, fiindcă nu lucrez și nu mergeam în pauza de masă, ci la Liquor Store, în parcare, era tipul ăsta, dar în realitate are capul și mai mare, chiar cât o baniță. Mult mai mare decât Căposu însuși. Și m-am trezit din vis. La plecare și mai ales la venire am avut ceva probleme în trafic (lume flămândă cu ochii scoși conducând ca nebunii în pauza de masă, cozi de mașini la drive in la fast food, slalom cu întâlniri neașteptate pe sens opus etc..).

12:38 De Nero, Mazzini autoriza. But what is that ornament on the left?

12:53 Feel like i need a drink.

2:12 Or maybe it was her in the backyard. Or both.

4:51 One thing they can do for Lake Mead or any shrinking lake is use monolayers extracted from vegetable oil, that are one molecule thick thus imperceptible, with little or no effect on wildlife and can reduce evaporation by 75%. Here's a quote from a study since 1959: "4. It appears that maintaining of a monolayer under the conditions found at Lake Mead during these tests would not be too difficult and that a significant coverage could be retained for reasonable lengths of time". One thing i can think of though is the lake is now cooled by that evaporation and i'm wondering how much the temperature will raise if they would do so. But of course authorities would not do so since they are controlled by entities that deliberately want to heat the planet so they can hurry the heaven on Earth that would happen after the Earth will burn of course.

7:45 How Ukraine war caused and maintained by two men, Putin and Zelenskyy, contributes to climate crisis. Coal is mostly carbon (and lots of other pollutants especially sulfur) while oil is mixed and natural gas like methane has 25% by mass hydrogen and the rest carbon. However hydrogen produces more energy per mass than carbon.

7:54 Have you ever heard kids yelling like a high pitch vibrato car alarm? This is what they're doing here for the last few hours.

8:03 I had a bad link and it was too important and i repeat it here (Noises often distract me and i forget things). By use of monolayers to prevent 75% of evaporation they could raise the lake 4 ft every year. But don't say that to a Dominican or Buddhist cause they won't like it. BTW. It always puzzled me like since i was a kid and heard for the first time of artificial lakes. Creating these gigantic lakes to store water lead to more water loss through evaporation, right?

9:20 Show of the evening, about 15 minutes ago. Angela wanted to do a load of laundry because she needed things for tomorrow (still had her day off today though we haven't been anywhere, it was a ruined vacation). I started to gather things from the room and basket and as usually the pants and shirt on me on me were the last items to go in there.

I was in the small hallway in front of the bathroom when i pulled my belt and unzipped my pants when i saw, around the corner of the wall, through the opening in the blinds on top of the AC (rest of the blinds were shut) three brown Japanese girls that just came around the other building staring at me from about 100 ft distance. It lasted one tenth of a second, they couldn't have seen anything, because i was around the corner, my head with only about 5% of my body visible, my pants still on and they should had look in that direction which they did, like waiting for me to do just that.

Behavior (mine) prediction by AI and synchronization on the ground, it's all i can say. I went in the bedroom, furious, changed my pants, when Angela found a spider that came out of nowhere and caught it in a transparent plastic glass and it was me i should had take it outside, but when i opened the door, this time there was a Hungarian clown talking on the phone, next to hydrant, like he only had signal from Budapest in that spot, where those girls just passed. So i waited for him to leave (actually he just went out of sight), took the spider outside and went to see what they could have seen. Though the clear plastic sheet on top of the AC covering the door opening is wrinkled, they had a pretty good view, from where they were standing, in the only possible point they could have seen me for that tenth of a second.

Just put a blanket in that area with sliding hooks on blinds' rail, that would stay there for the rest of the AC season. This morning when i first open the blinds i saw through that same area a girl with a dog, leaving from ft away from the balcony.

9:50 Just went outside to water the plants in the balcony. The timer at the light bulb with sensor at the same corner where the girls where went out and the yard went dark (like in the past one of the two broken lights at the building across that were going out when i was stepping outside). Started to pour water when the light came back on and turned my head to see this time a Japanese boy carrying a big transparent jug with some juice left at the bottom which made me salivate. He passed by me and went down between the buildings and the same way the girls left.

The normal route should be on the alley, google maps won't "let you" walk through the grass, where they usually come with the dogs, pass and sometimes play, starting point is where they sensor light is, and where the girls came towards the single white car (I think it's our old Elantra), our building covered by trees is in the middle, there is one more building at the left and two garage buildings enclose the yard.

10:55 Iepurică? (The little rabbit), my colleague at AVX (August 1999 - August 2000). I went to a party with him once. Also possibly the cop in this video and the male voice saying an impossible word "hmhmhm yeah eh" that reminds of a rabbit (sound). BTW the other girl in the video is Naomi Naga_ta from the Expanse.