Thursday, September 15, 2022

September 15

12:49 And everyday the paper boy brings more... Faces that is. Looking frantically for a new Putin ally i didn't know it existed until they ran out of others and dragged this one into international spot light. While doing so of course my attention is increased and see more things i otherwise wouldn't. Like this author that attracted me with her legs instead of her books' covers. Also because they poured a new batch of fresh she dog in heat poop on my head, tonight. This cover says more about continuity of Australian culture in Asia and Europe and America than one million words. Clear as daylight. Australian cave art. Dreaming. Shiva. Jainism. Judaism. Neo-Zoroastrianism. etc..

1:21 Just remembered something really bizarre i saw on America's got talent tonight.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

September 14

10:05 Din Boto_sani, cu prietenie.

10:23 Nu, Fuego nu este fiul.

10:23 Și praf se vor face, la fel ca bugetul, fără nici o dare de seamă (sans autre forme de procès).

10:28 De la unguri în schimb, numai psihologie (inversă).

12:07 Billy Rose.

9:08 I once put the recipe for Romanian "zacusca" in here. It is very close with the French ratatouille  that also doesn't have a very flattering name, without the zucchini.

Anyways cutting eggplants and peppers to small pieces requires some labor and was doing that when the "man" upstairs worked on his motorcycle which involved starting it and shaking the building for minutes at the time. Today it was Wednesday, the blew dust on the building, dust is also falling from some newly created by replacing the windows cracks. Somehow dust got in here (from tiny openings around door) and now i feel it in my throat and teeth.

Two days ago i've done an experiment with the car, adding 80% silver conductive epoxy in the threads of the battery's connectors, i drove the car  yesterday or after 24 hours, the car never ran better

I'm thinking, the most overlooked problem in modern cars, the battery contacts are not good enough to smooth the fluctuations after rectifying the voltage coming from alternator that may influence sensors, fuel pump, electric power steering, etc.. There can also be fluctuations from alternator's regulator and even from car's vibration.

Battery works as a huge capacitor and can smooth those out, however, if the contacts are not perfect, the voltage is not going to be perfectly smooth DC but pulsating DC. The very expensive silver epoxy i bought is very slow to cure though, still soft after 48 hours, and very expensive, 20 dollars for a few grams. The cheaper ones are only 60% silver. So i'm wondering if they're not going to sabotage this. I remember a year ago, just before the accident, when i discovered this, i put some adhesive on top of the nuts that were loosening selves after tightening battery connectors and that again improved mpg and drivability visibly so i was wondering if they're gonna let me run like that, at least for one long trip.

Was thinking at the 24 carat gold covered chocolate statues done by Wolfgang Puck and if i could find some of that gold dust to make a paste and put in the threads. Yes it is worth it (and a much better use of the gold than going down the toilet LOL) the mpg increase is at least 10%, which means one gallon out of ten at every fill-up bur it's not only that. Car runs much smoother, drives better, has more power and less gas burns in the catalytic.

9:54 Nevermind, this can't be gold dust, is too cheap. No prices here.

12:49 And everyday the paper boy brings more... Faces that is. Looking frantically for a new Putin ally i didn't know it existed until they ran out of others and dragged this one into international spot light. While doing so of course my attention is increased and see more things i otherwise wouldn't. Like this author that attracted me with her legs instead of her books' covers. Also because they poured a new batch of fresh she dog in heat poop on my head, tonight. This cover says more about continuity of Australian culture in Asia and Europe and America than one million words. Clear as daylight. Australian cave art. Dreaming. Shiva. Jainism. Judaism. etc..

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

September 13

1:28 In retaliation to my last posts, they poured in the walls so much dog litter dust it stinks from the outside. It made me of course really sick, with constant stomach pain. Every time a vehicle with modified exhaust or a helicopter passes, more of it gets on my head.

3:10 The reason i woke up at midnight and can't sleep. I open the sliding door trying to air, it was better for a while, then smoke concentration rose and had to close it.

3:11 Ok poate nu am ales poza cea mai bună pentru asemănarea cu Simona Halep, pe vremea aceea nici eu nu luam asemănările astea prea în serios și oricum mă concentram pe nume mai mari. Ce ziceți de asta, pe care nu am chef la ora asta s-o decupez și să fac altă asemănare Se pare că tipa a avut o carieră lungă în Ungaria, ca modelă (de lenjerie intimă), chiar și prezentatoare TV înainte de a fi reciclată în tenis și trimisă în România.

La fel ca Țiriac, un cântăreț de operă din Ungaria (nu sunt sigur cine, am mai mulți candidați), care a făcut carieră (scurtă, un singur album și un turneu, dar se mai aude și acum din când în când) în SUA ca și cântăreț de folk, pe numele Jim Croce (country whatever), "a murit" într-un accident de avion și a apărut în România peste câțiva ani, doar pentru că semăna cu Dracula. La fel ca Irina Loghin (Patsy Cline) etc..

LOL stau și râd singur aici în noapte.

3:38 A trecut o săptămână de când am reușit în sfârșit să trec de testul de compatibilitate a telefonului pe care l-am cumpărat pe Amazon în ianuarie cu 120 de dolari, unlocked, neștiind că nu era făcut pentru SUA. Telefonul (cu cartelă, prepaid) a funcționat 6 luni la Hello Mobile, intermitent. Adică dacă mergeam dintr-o zonă în alta, nu se lega automat la turn, trebuia să-l repornesc deși internet aveam pe el tot timpul. Am închis contul într-o zi când m-a enervat, nu am găsit ceva mai bun și m-am întors la Hello Mobile (T-Mobile adică Deutsche Telekom). Dar acum nu mai treceam de faza de compatibilitate pe site. 

Puneam IMEI-ul și nu mă lăsa să deschid cont. Am mai încercat peste un timp și acum trecea de faza aia, am pus adresa, card-ul și ei mi-au spus că au trimis sim card-ul, care trebuia să vină a doua zi cu Amazon. Avem în complex locker Amazon, adică un dulap cu uși care se deschid automat când pui un cod care-l primești într-un email. Dar cred că cineva fac pe nebunii, sim card-ul nu mai ajunge la mine de o săptămână. După mai multe sesiuni de chat din care una am pus-o ca postare de blog, azi am vorbit la telefon cu un tip din India (multe firme au serviciul clientului în străinătate) care vorbea o engleză puțin diferită și părea prea șmecher ca să fie un angajat obișnuit, era mult zgomot în call center, vocea se auzea distorsionat iar eu trebuia să ghicesc cuvintele.

Cred că unul din scopuri este de a încerca să demonstreze că eu nu vorbesc engleza chiar așa de bine cum scriu, altul să simuleze rasism din partea T-mobile, care apare că mă șicanează intenționat, iar azi în media românească mai apare și articolul acesta, care chiar m-a enervat și m-a făcut să scriu rândurile astea deși nu prea aveam chef.

4:07 Mi-a venit o idee ce să mai fac ca să scap de greață, m-am dus în "bucătărie" să dau un măr pe răzătoare aia măruntă, ca pentru copii mici (mere din alea verzi, acrișoare și tari ca lemnul, e nevoie de ceva efort ca să-l razi, treabă de vreo 5 minute) când tipa de sus, de data asta fără să facă cel mai mic zgomot de pași, a dat drumul la duș, timp de vreo 5 minute, care la ora asta din noapte într-o clădire de lemn se aude normal ca o Niagara, iar vibrațiile aduc mai mult miros și praf din pereți. Ok am terminat de curățat mărul acela, dar din cauza stresului și a iritării pe esofag de la praf și acid din stomac, mi s-a oprit, așa dat prin răzătoare, în esofag, după care speriat, am luat niște ceai și a trecut cu greu și dureros.

5:32 Tipa seamănă cu fosta nevastă a lui McCartney cu care el a scos niște melodii chiar bunicele. Mda și reacția burselor la postarea asta. No intention, sorry.

10:37 I was feeling like paralyzed when i too some almond  butter with grapefruit juice. Slept some more, awoke with dog s... taste in my mouth when delivery knocked on my door. There is still some smoke outside, though AQI is near 50. Got my sim card, put it in the phone, had some emotion because on the envelope was written Be part of the 5G revolution, my phone is 4G, now the phone works and i don't have a funky number except for 8960. 60 is my birth year, easy to remember, 89... etc.. Unlimited talk, 4 gigs of data for 15 dollars a month, i hope i have enough data to play music from youtube (where i have coverage) in car's stereo.

10:40 Yeah it looks like many of the cathedrals have inside lotus motifs. Some have spires. Some, or those with one tower look a lot like a version of Shiva's lingam. Television tower in Hamburg, where i climbed at the rotating restaurant in 72 when i was 12 etc.. I would assume because Goths were of Chinese origin. Don't know if these are real Gothic medieval characters, but some of the Gothic letters seem to have been Latin letters touched by Chinese calligraphy. Zic și eu ca fraierul, oare academicienii nu știu chestiile astea, ori le e frică să vorbească ori sunt din tabăra învingătorilor, care au scris de mult istoria?

11:19 Faptul că are pe cadranul vitezometrului 310 sau că motorul poate sau că ei îl promovează așa nu înseamnă că poate atinge această viteză pe o autostradă obișnuită, care de obicei mai poate avea denivelări, cu un șofer oarecare sau în general. Autostrăzile sunt rute de transport foarte convenabile, fără intersecții, fără opriri, fără prea mari aglomerații dar nu sunt piste de curse sau de aterizare decolare pe un aeroport. Eu am condus mult pe autostrăzi în SUA (27 de ani, 32k km numai în ultimul an) și nu am văzut pe nimeni inclusiv eu conducând mai mult de 150 kmh. Mașinile autorizate la vânzare au în general o limitare soft la această viteză dincolo de care nu mai accelerează, ca să nu mai vorbim de încălcarea legii, facilitată chiar de producător. Și atunci pentru ce să cumperi o asemenea mașină? Ca să atingi primul viteza maximă legală când pleci de la semafor.

2:03 Obstinația asiatică. Ei nu se vor opri niciodată din a încerca să vă convingă, pentru că e mult mai ușor să convingi pe cineva ca să-l poți fura. Lumea cumpără de Crăciun cu bani trimiși din afară. De ce nu dați cifrele bugetului, câți bani s-au cheltuit până acum și pe ce. Pentru că jumătate din banii din buget pleacă în Ungaria.

2:41 I wouldn't have posted the paragraph with the Chinese origin of the Goths if i didn't receive this today. Somehow Amazon printed on a regular Amazon envelope a lotus motif and sent it to my door. The market crashed for the rest of the day, though the crash stopped when i went at WinCo where  they have  their people who move around me to create incredible situations. Market always goes up half percent when i go there.

2:50 În SUA faptele se pot prescrie doar până în momentul depunerii plângerii. Dacă ancheta a început înainte de prescriere, prescrierea nu se mai aplică.

Ciudățenie. Un cetățean obișnuit nu poate face plângere penală, asta este doar la decizia poliției.

La fel de ciudat mi se pare că în România o anchetă și în general procesul judiciar să poată fi oprit, odată început. Ce te faci dacă ancheta începe cu câteva zile înainte de termenul de prescriere, o zădărnicești?

Termene de prescriere (statutes of limitations) în Oregon.

7:36 Now i know why it was stinking yesterday on the outside. Next to kitchen window they didn't seal right the new piece of vertical siding they installed. Stuff from the wall released from upstairs was falling and depending on wind, was getting on the deck and back inside from under the door.

10:50 Deci totul a pornit de la o eroare? Corina Chiriac are într-adevăr vocea foarte asemănătoare cu a lui Tony Tenille, dar nu am verificat niciodată îndeaproape asemănarea fizică. Astfel am aflat azi că există o cântăreață de operă corespunzătoare lui Corina Chiriac în Ungaria, dar cam atât. Deci prima mea asemnănare reușită a fost a Angelei Similea. Sau Anda Călugăreanu. În 2011. O postare de blog incompletă, cu link-uri sricate care dovedește data la care am început cu aceste asemănări. În fiecare zi spun că mă opresc, apoi apare ceva în știri și mă enervez și mă apuc iar.

Monday, September 12, 2022

September 12

2:30 Cuckoo (proudly) calls his own name. A Shiva's lingam on a cover of Time magazine? Looks to me like his whole architecture was inspired by the lotus flower. Minoru YamasakiGyure.

Lotus petals, tridents on the cladding of WTC.

Lotus petals and a Shiva's lingam on top of the new one.

2:40 (AM) After i just ate, loud, deep base in the parking lot shakes the walls and litter dust falls from cracks. There is a van outside parked in a spot with no visible LPN.

3:40 One hour later. Nausea and pain all over.

4:13 WT...

2:20 A number of local and Romanian fake news are trying to erase (from memories) things i just posted.

I don't know what to do, to re-post them or not. If i re-post them, more people are going to see them, if i don't those who saw those will forget what i just posted. Many other "news" you should be aware of.

Yakima girl missing.

A young woman gravely wounded in a motorcycle accident.

Calling sick and old.

Simona Halep is a big star in Romania, occupying a good chunk of the news, surpassed maybe only by the war in Ukraine. Mainly because of nostalgia, Năstase and Țiriac where some of the first people of Romania to break through the iron curtain (with approval of authorities on both sides of course), tennis remaining a glorious symbol of freedom in Romania to this day. But she plays for money and though playing tennis for money has its advantages, but i don't believe it deserves so much national attention.

After divorce a few days ago, now she's got nose surgery. Could it be a direct allusion at the differences at the nose level in many of my matches? Those pictures are picked from the internet, they were not intended for identification purposes, we are lucky enough to see them as they are. Some are done at different ages, lights, with different cameras and position of the head, focal distances, etc..

Emma Răducanu is not Romanian or British, she is just another Japanese model. On top of that, she resembles a bit the woman upstairs as well, could make a good double. BTW, Jacqueline Cristian passed my sliding doors again this morning.

I wrote a few days ago about being puffy all over, and blaming it on exposure to insulation dust, or inflammation causing litter dust.  However there are two other major causes and i strongly believe dehydration is most common while most common cause for dehydration is drinking regular coffee and alcohol on top of inflammation due to exposure to pollutants. I can't believe a guy in his position, whose mother had two valets and a cook just for her (majesty) dogs, doesn't have the necessary nutritional advisors at any time near him. Or maybe he ignores them. The pain he has to endure.

8:06 There is a vehicle with big loudspeakers playing loud base outside for more than half hour, asking for it, i just can't ignore no more.

Sunday, September 11, 2022

A Chat With Hello Mobile

Though they made it difficult, i succeeded into copying and pasting the conversation here. They have a software problem and instead of fixing it they keep sending sim cards at the address that is incomplete and invalidated.

Please be patient while you are being connected with an operator ...

You are now chatting with RobertoI Thank you for contacting Hello Mobile .

My name is RobertoII have read your concern and need to verify your account to better assist you. Can you please provide me with your first and last name and address as it appears on your account?

Can you please open the link i just sent you first

[this reply came almost instant, there are no time stamps, he wouldn't have had the time to open that link so fast] or these guys are bots] I have read your concern and need to verify your account to better assist you.

Can you please provide me with your first and last name and address as it appears on your account?

this is a bot, right?

I am not a bot not a live person?

I have read your concern and need to verify your account to better assist you.

Can you please provide me with your first and last name and address as it appears on your account?

so why do you keep repeating the same question when i asked you one first?

Can you please provide me with your first and last name and address as it appears on your account?can you please open the link i just sent you?

Unfortunately , company policy prohibits me from discussing secure account information with a 3rd party.

This policy is meant to protect the privacy of all Hello Mobile customers.

Thank you for understanding. Please have the account holder contact our Customer Support Team Toll-Free at 1 (888) 95-HELLO, and we'll be more than happy to help.

Chat session has been terminated popup 

Please be patient while you are being connected with an operator ... 

You sent twice the sim card but because you didn't put the complete address i did not receive it it's been one week since my account was open and my card was charged and i still don't have the sim card 

You are now chatting with Ayden

To better assist you, I need to access your account.

Can you please provide me with your full name and address, and the phone number you used to sign up with?

George Ion 19355 sw 65th Ave Apt F5 Tualatin Oregon

did you read my first message?


Thank you.did you read my first message?

Zip code, please?


September 11 2:39 pm Package held by carrier as the delivery address is incomplete. Please contact the carrier to update your address information.Thank you.

Account My Profile Account Number 198363233 Account Manager George Ion User Name Password ******** Billing Address 19355 SW 65th Ave

Please allow me a moment.

address is missing the apartment number in my profile which is F5

i already chatted twice about this and told them several times about the apartment number


okay what?did you fix it already?


I went in my profile and refreshed the page and billing address is still missing the apartment number

I apologize, the F is already updated.

F5, is there anything else I can help you with today?

It doesn't show in my profile

And they won't be able to deliver it the third time

can you open a link with a tracking for today's failed delivery?

After reviewing your account, I see that your FREE SIM card was shipped and is on its way to you.

You will get an email with tracking details for a sim card.

can you please open a link?

2:39 pm 

Package held by carrier as the delivery address is incomplete. Please contact the carrier to update your address information.

i tried to contact Amazon logistics at a phone number i found on internet but it says the voice mail is full

I apologize, please contact the Amazon or USPS facility to to update your address information.

i don't know how to contact it

on the tracking page there are no contact instruction

Please go to or

it's amazon logistics it's not

Yes, that is correct., is there anything else I can help you with today?

there is no contact information on amazon logistics page

can you fix the address in my profile?

when i first created the profile when it came to apartment number it jumped to line 2 of the address

you said you fixed the address but you didn't

I apologize, you will need to contact Amazon to update the sim card package address,

it is not amazon

you have to contact them because it's your business partner

Can you please provide me with the new address you would like updated in your account?

19355 SW 65th Ave Apt F5 TUALATIN, OR 97062-8103

Thank you.

it's not new, it's the same it always was,

thank you for holding. Your SIM card order was successfully processed and will ship within the next 24-48 business hours. Once shipped you will receive an email confirmation with your tracking details.

Did you put the apartment number this time?


I think there is a glitch in you software,

is there anything else I can help you with today?

you put in the apartment number but the system takes the address from the profile which it hasn't been updated

can i copy this conversation?


usually at the end i get the survey and can't copy and paste in my blog

You can take a screeshot also.

My wife also have an account with Hello Mobile and the address is correct, with the apartment number in her profile however you can't edit the address, the only thing you can edit in my profile is the password

As I said earlier I have updated the address apt as F5.

Once shipped you will receive an email confirmation with your tracking details.

Can i send you a screenshot?

unfortunately at this time I am not able to resolve this matter via chat.

Please call us Toll-Free at 1-888-954-3556 anytime Monday - Friday 8:00 AM to 12:00 AM EST or Saturday - Sunday 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM EST so we can further assist you.

Is there anything else I can help you with today by chat?

yeah ok and i will talk to an Asian woman who doesn't understand English as i tried today

At this time I request you to please wait for the new sim card, Once shipped you will receive an email confirmation with your tracking details.

view chat action items

Obviously, bots. Semi-bots? Half human, half machine?