Saturday, June 10, 2023

June 10

6:02 I personally do believe ex presidents should also be immune to all kinda prosecution. Think of the number of state secrets they carry for the rest of their lives not in "hidden documents" but in their brains. All the briefings from intelligence agencies during the 4 years period (do they train presidents to be able to face certain situations, emergencies?). In short, they could get blackmailed and tempted to exchange some of those informations with enemies of the state for dropping charges whatever.

BTW Do they use phones with plans from providers like the rest of us? Some of the providers on the market are not even American while most all phones including iPhones are made in China.

10:25 George SimIon, AUR au fost inventate pentru a măcina subliminal orice postez eu prin false asocieri pur semantice. Dar fiindcă asta nu a fost suficient, vin în continuare masiv cu alte măsuri. Nearticulate.

10:40 Se vede chiar din articol titlul e fake. Mai mult decât atât, aceste "snoave" care sunt la baza bancurilor moderne pot fi doar fantezii populare, ca de exemplu poveștile lui Petre Ispirescu, Miorița, etc..

10:52 Fum din găuri de cârtițe, miros de la mașina de uscat a vecinei cu evacuare prin subsol. Sunt prea multe că să răspund la toate.

11:32 Sincer cred că ar trebui introdusă undeva în regulamentul acestui sport o regulă care să specifice că dacă o echipă se numește FCSB adică Steaua București, ar trebui să aibă în componență un procentaj, nu știu, poate jumătate, jucători localnici.

Nu mă așteptam la profesori să reitereze această obscenitate, o cruce ca simbol al morții. Mă întreb mereu câte din detaliile acestei activități sociale alese într-un moment atât de prost aparțin lor sau liderilor lor cei fake.

2:48 Finally figured. (My burned out brain can process only so much information at a time). In the parallel Huniverse Rishi Sunak and Kate Middleton are actually dance partners. As i said before, reality is weirder than strangest conspiracy theories. Today on the bridge?

Friday, June 9, 2023

June 9


7:18 Yesterday evening when i went to Fred Meyer i almost bumped into a black Nissan with two Japanese guys inside. Now it's parked in the empty spot next to ours.

7:22 Nevermind they just left. It was raining and the asphalt under is dry.

7:29 Nevermind they just came back and parked rear first.

10:44 Out of 300, there are actually just a few fires that do the smoke.

1:52 They left (the Nissan with LPN MMN (More MeN), miuntes before i went for my walk.

1:55 Teoria conspirației. Realitatea e mai ciudată decât conspirația. În Lake Oswego am locuit pe strada Eagle Crest, până în 2015. Focul de la Eagle Creek în 2017 e primul care a afectat Oregonul în mod serios, de când sunt aici sau 1995. 2 luni de mizerie, soarele și luna, colorate.

Un băiat de 15 ani din statul Washington de peste Columbia a a aprins focul, fiindcă el nu putea lua decât muncă în folosul comunității. Dar cine l-a dus acolo unde nu se poate ajunge decât cu mașina și de ce? E adevărat, în primii ani când am locuit aici am fost high tot timpul, de la fum care era trimis pe galeriile de cârtiță. (Sunt prea multe faze în general pe care nu am avut încă timp să le sortez, totul se întâmplă mai repede decât pot eu să procesez).

2:07 A scandal covered by another (un scandal cu alt scandal). O manipulare bună e atunci când nici nu te prinzi și necesită ceva educație din partea receptorului (semidoct în general).

6:50 Never knew statutes of limitations clock is suspended if the defended moves out of state and i can't generally agree with the motivations behind such legislation.

I understand it is necessary in the case of fugitives; "fugitives of prosecution" rather than fugitives of justice, but if a person is elected president and has to move to Washington, the clock for limiting the time frame for prosecution still stops in the state where the crime was allegedly committed, like for any alleged criminal.

Then they realized (finally awoke) only after he was elected a crime was committed during campaign and they had to wait for his time in office to run out, cause it is agreed any president can't be prosecuted while in office, because an arrest would prevent him from exercising the function he was elected for, and then prosecute him, some extra years after.

One reason this should not apply for a president is Washington DC is not a state. Though Trump was not residing in New York, he was in a territory that is not a state and thus it may commonly belong to all of the United States. You can never be out of state if you are (President) in Washington DC.

If they were smarter they could have brought this up during the campaign when usually all stones are turned and all skeletons are dug up and Trump might have never become president. Thus this late finding is suspicious.

Thursday, June 8, 2023

June 8

1:05 This woman is not Romanian, she is Japanese.

11:13 About the guy at Apt.1 i wrote before. He looks like a dead Japanese opera singer. He tormented me for years by idling a Dodge pickup with a V8 engine and broken exhaust, with no purpose, for up to half hour a day. One day i confronted him and since that didn't work (he said he doesn't have the money to fix the truck) i went to the office and he stopped doing that.

Then i saw him having some guys loading/unloading sacks of rice in his van. I saw him with his van on the hospital alley and thought he was reselling the rice to the hospital but later i saw in his van huge barrels labeled "disinfectant". I think i went and complained at the office about that one too. But yesterday when i went to pick the last leaves that were thrown off the east garages (relative to the building) i saw a trail of tiny pellets of fertilizer going to his apartment.

I the last few days i bought and used at "Angela's garden" and for the plants in the balcony 2 pounds of organic fertilizer made mainly of bird droppings and talked aloud about it.

2:10 A cup of suction for your head.

9:10 Impresia generală și a mea până acum când am deschis această pagină din Wikipedia a fost că guvernul Ciucă este majoritar PNL. PNL deține ministerele cheie în acest moment, ca cel de externe, dar PSD sunt majoritari ca număr în acest guvern. Deci pică argumentul că guvernul nu respectă proporția rezultată din alegeri.

Mai cred că sunt pe blat cu liderii sindicali care au ales momentul grevelor atunci când trebuiau să se rotească guvernele (adică PNL să cedeze aceste ministere importante către PSD?). Astfel mai au un motiv să nu se rotească, ca să-și poată termina treaba.

Mai cred că acest fals Klaus Iohannis, un scriitor ungur pe nume Imre Babics, împreună cu ministrul său de externe, un scriitor ungur pe nume Zorán Ardamica vor să ne ducă în prăpastie, alegând să fie tot mai agresiv cu rușii. Iohannis și-a bătut joc de România ca nimeni altul, numind până acum nu mai puțin de 11 prim miniștri în 14 guverne, începând cu Gabriel Oprea, din 22 iunie 2015.

Cum au ajuns aceștia să conducă țara? Cum au fost și toți ceilalți, dinainte de Ceaușescu, până în 89 și apoi toți primi miniștrii și toate guvernele. România este în secret o colonie ungurească care s-a numit până recent Ungrovlahia. Ungurii s-au retras însă oficial din Ardeal pentru că aveau nevoile de toate forțele pentru o misiune mult mai importantă. Să controleze împreună cu japonezii toată lumea.

De data asta ei vor să ne aducă într-un conflict cu Rusia, ca să dezmembreze țara fără nici un efort din partea lor.

Pentru toate astea au format, în principal la universitatea Loránd Eötvös o armată de peste 10 000 de actori care sunt în viață acum, plasați în conducerea tuturor țărilor.

Bineînțeles că un ministru de externe PSD după "rotație" ar fi tot unul de-al lor însă nu ar putea face în numele PSD ce fac ei acum în numele PNL, ar bate la ochi.

11:05 Woke up really sick, hands are cold and have chest discomfort. I believe the woman at 4 did it again. Dried a dog blanket in the drier without washing it when i was gone, Sunday or Monday. Though her apartment is upstairs, the drier's vent is at basement level. The wall next to kitchen smells now both from outside and inside like a dog toilet, especially when the fridge starts. Waves of smoke are also coming from outside.

What happens is the parasite (T Gondii) or something else in dog pee and poo is increasing dopamine, adrenaline and other hormones. Your body works in high gear and heart pumps harder on low oxygen with the nose congested. You don't feel a thing or even incredibly high (like drunk) and sexually aroused until it brings you to heart failure. Nothing magic.

3:00 Very suspicious the Canadian fires, now at the beginning of June. So far affecting only NE states. What will it be in September then? Reason? Taking your mind off some other things, weird associations.

5:30 Angela went to bed, they came in the back and started yelling.

Got my wi-fi dongle i ordered to move the wi-fi away from laptop, at the end of a longer USB cable (to use in a hotel room with no wired (ethernet) connection). However could not make it work even if plug it directly. It starts, according to the meter. But is not visible in settings, even after i restart the laptop. Drawback of Chromebook, it doesn't have drivers for all stuff sold on the market. Also the settings are kinda minimalist.

In the process i briefly turned the internal wi-fi on and exposed myself to a minute or two worth of radiation now from two sources, the dongle and the internal. The reason i turned wi-fi off and use the laptop on ethernet since the beggining of this year.

Pain followed promptly in the nearby areas (from knees to belly) which shows i'm not healed from previous massive doses from keeping the laptop on my lap for 10 hours a day and probably never will. It looks like i became radio sensitive that is i cannot take no more doses of microwave radiation. I read online that radiation dosage is cumulative, that is the effects of new exposure add on top to the old one and in and there maybe a limit in a lifetime.

Also i was thinking. In the past i could go to brick and mortar stores like Fry's in Wilvonville that is now closed and talk to the sells-people about what i need before i buy something. This is a one of a kind never been done project and i feel like i need to talk to someone about. I googled but can't find any pre-sell advisers at Amazon.

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

June 6

10:25 I found a way to use my laptop in a hotel room (and even at home) without exposing myself. Very cheap and very easy. A wi-fi dongle at the end of a longer usb cable. Looking for a similar device for a phone.

So far the only solution i found is a signal booster. Being close in your home will require little power to be used by (the automated settings on) your phone and will handle the high power needed to connect to a distant tower, away from your persona.

Of course much better would be to use the first device hooked to the USBC port of your phone but for that you would need that option from the provider (wi-fi calls).

12:54 They reverted to the older practice from Lake Oswego of flying small planes in circles above where i'm at, making big noises. For the last part of my walk (11 to 12, i wish i recorded the time) a small plane flew above in circles, at high rpm and small speed, probably under 5000 ft., making most possible noise and is still does to this moment. With the transponder off, it does not show on this web site linked on Port of Portland Noise Management Office page. In the past i tried and contacted them in similar situations with much waste of time.

1:08 Nu rezolvă și mai rămân!

2:45 Not extraordinarily nostalgic but sill. Some 20 years ago we stopped at this restaurant. As the name suggests, it is on a hill (back then the hill seemed like a mountain, nowadays everything gets smaller) with an extraordinary view over Newport (where i avoided a number of ready made accidents, Sunday).

When we got back from Florence i wanted to go there one more time. Angela was driving cause i was really wasted from the rum i had before.

Nothing has changed. No even the sanitary installations in the toilet where Angela went and said haven't seen anything like this in the entire stay in the US. Stinking, moving seat, black mold, etc.. She said... If the kitchen looks the same...

But i didn't know that when i payed 18 bucks up front. Self serve. Pizzas were the first. So i filled half plate with different small pizza slices of different types made with self raising dough (not with yeast). Some were burnt, some under-cooked. A few other items to fill my plate including chicken bbq. It was only after i saw someone i realized they had salad bar too. So i ate salad after meats and pizzas.

But first. When we got there in the same time with us came in the parking lot two big vans full of Asian people in a tour or something. Though they were made to look Chinese, i realized later that something was off. Probably the old hikikomori. So we filled our plates, no need for an attendant, but when we got at the table, an older woman kept buzzing us with questions. She had a voice (or  better said, way of talking) similar to that of Fran from The Nanny. But much older. So old actually, i was afraid to look at her, as i told Angela later. Born 1934, almost 90 years old.

That side of the restaurant was empty but a family chose to sit next to us. But who was the woman sitting next to us and talking so much with the girl from Ipanema? ("Possibly preventing us from talking to the Chinese").

3:00 Saw the news oh boy. The Ukraine dam. When this happened? Biggest trouble with searching news on Google is figuring the time of the event.

Cause on Sunday the 4th or two days ago i drove towards the beaches. In Sherwood there was a detour, but still got to pass the intersection with the red light cameras, though from a different direction when i saw two KGB LPNs. Though very usual (to me, it happens constantly either i'm on foot or driving) this time i had the time to take the picture before light turned green in the intersection. Now i know why the detour. So the boat would show like at an angle.

Then Monday morning (the 5th). I went for a walk at the beach while Angela was in the shower. 25+ mph wind from North. I walked a mile in the wind direction and came back with wind on my back. Can't remember seeing the ocean so low in 28 years. It so happened i caught a very low tide. Rocks that were usually covered by water now were visible.
9:55 Mintea dvs., un teren de fotbal dintr-un meci aranjat, semantic. Rum, Romaian, Bacău. Ghe. Ion

Sunday, June 4, 2023

June 4th

9:00 AM PDT. Ne place nu ne place unul din efectele secundare ale grevei cauzată de mulți ani de neglijare a măririi salariilor și al căror moment a fost ales sunt sigur de liderii sindicali exact în momentul când trebuia să se facă rotația este prelungirea prezenței PNL la guvernare. Sunt sigur că PSD ar fi început să slăbească din măsurile PNL în legătură cu războiul din Ucraina, ceea ce ar însemna mai puține riscuri pentru noi.

9:24 Sunt sigur că ceea ce îngroașă arterele inclusiv cele ale inimii sunt inflamații cauzate de infecții de natură bacteriană. Am aproape 3 săptămâni de disconfort în zona inimii, palpitații, dureri suportabile în umărul, brațul stâng, care au apărut după ce am întrerupt un tratament cu antibiotice.

Din motiv de aer condiționat zilele astea mi-a revenit o infecție (tot din zona expusă la laptop, mergeam prea des la baie) și am început să iau din nou antibiotice (metoda cutanată) și la 3 zile (ieri) am simțit brusc o ușurare, ca și cum cheagul de sânge de pe acea arteră "și-a dat brusc drumul".

Nu sunt refăcut 100%, cred că o porțiune din inimă a fost puțin "învinețită" și/sau părți din acel cheag s-au mutat "în aval" pe artere mai mici dar oricum e mult mai bine.

Singurul motiv pentru care nu o merlești într-o asemenea situație este faptul că în corpul omenesc toate țesuturile inclusiv mușchiul cardiac sunt irigate din mai multe direcții sau de mai multe artere mai mari, există deci o anume redundanță, astfel încât dacă o arteră se blochează, mai există alimentare cu sânge din altele, deși mai puțină.

Mai nașpa când ai o arteră blocată și mai apare încă una din aceeași zonă.

Este posibil ca fibrilația, palpitațiile să fie un răspuns natural al organismului care încearcă să se debaraseze de un cheag de sânge.

Nu vă mai mirați de ce spun. Medicina a stagnat de multe decenii, doctorii nu-și bat capul și mai ales nu gândesc ca inginerii. Cred că un curs de mecanica fluidelor ca la facultatea de mecanică ar fi mai mult decât necesar în curriculum-ul de la medicină.

De ce nu m-am dus la doctor. Sincer, nu-mi mai pasă.

12:30 I rotated the car's tires (front with rear). Quite a bit of work in the parking lot with no power tools. I thought i was going to have to put more air in the fronts as the rears had less before i did so. However i had the inspiration to measure them first. Guess what. The higher pressure stayed in the new fronts. That ca have only one explanation. 2/3 of the car's weight lays on the front wheels and because of that the pressure increases in tires when you move them from rear to front. Never new that.