Sunday, November 12, 2023

November 12

3:50 She was in the car, a curly man with long hair in the van, they both looked scared to death, i don't know if they were driving the vehicles.

First time i saw the van 40 miles south of Salem, about 5 PM was staring at it and the traffic slowed suddenly but i had time to hit the brakes. Second time, about 10 miles later, got to see them both, i think she had the makeup on, been crying, the traffic in front of me stopped like before, one second after i took the picture.
All it takes is people to be naive enough to believe some people think some other people are capable of doing it and THEY will act in their name.

In my way back. Just before Sunnyside exit (some 45 miles before Tualatin) i was driving on the right lane and saw a dead dear broken in two separate pieces on the shoulder. A mile closer another one was walking on the right white line and i had time to veer left but not too much because it did not change course.

4:40 Just before that. I got gas at a Jacksonville Shell station in Salem. When i left i went south paralel with the freeway for about 2 miles. I saw a helicopter pointing a light down, like maybe getting readty to land before i re-entered.

At first i believed she did the video but then i was thinking a lot while driving. It would have been like begging for it.

1:50 I went to take the garbage. At the body shop they are doing something unholy (fixing another dodge).

Eminem: It's just me i'm just obscene (thinking with my d...)

Yeah i know, i moved to the PC because i thought the laptop is still biting me. That is putting out microwave to wifi even while it's on ethernet. That PC is even slower than this (Lenovo Idea 3 all in one) and does not have any CGI capability. For that you would need a much bigger computer.

I think i know what this song is about.

I bought this computer at Fry's @ 2016 for 400 bucks. But what do i know.

Saturday, November 11, 2023

November 11

12:21 (of 11/11)

Since i said two days ago there are never 2 persons in here, like many times in the past, when i turn the spot on them, they start fixing their act. So i heard steps before someone came with a car.

Actually i went to pick something from my car and they came. Always somehow synchronizing while returning time is so variable. However, again no talking. Now i vaguely remember about a month ago every day i heard steps before the other person climbed.

The interesting part was there is big time smoke outside and could not figure an obvious source like from the ground. Would have missed it like leaving in the bubble with several filters and ionizers and stuff.

12:36 Now i thought i heard someone talking. Haven't heard it since they moved here in July i guess.

8:42 Back in black.

8:55 To Squirtle. Relax it's all been done before. A one hit wonder by Holly that we all big and small, young and old still get to listen on the radio every now and then.

1:40 It's Veteran's day and tomorrow Angela's birthday and we were planning on driving to 7 Feathers Casino which is 190 miles on I5 from here in southern Oregon and when Angela looked with google, it shows the occupancy rate close to nothing (scroll down, on right panel) (we know that on holidays and when the casinos are busy there are more chances).

So i called them because i don't want to drive 2x190 miles for nothing, to see if the're open, it happened to me last summer when i went there and there was a power outage and the casino was partly open on backup generators.

Friday, November 10, 2023

November 10

6:17 Și replica la ce am scris despre aurul dacilor. Și apropo, corectez a doua oară în fraza cu link-ul spre Tratatul de Aderare din 2005, formulării în loc de forumulării.

Ok i figured why there's an annoying fan running at night in his bedroom in November. So it can't be listen to ambiently, the fact nobody is there at night. Also note the fact "they" never talk and there are never two persons in the same time walking upstairs.

6:30 Un coșmar. Am spus de mai multe ori că partidul AUR, George Simion au fost create pentru a interfera semantic cu postările mele despre aur, similarities/asemănări. Acum, în contextul a ce am spus două zile despre o formă ciudată de polarizare a luminii.

6:35 Delir. Anul acesta se plătesc pensii de 110 miliarde în total. When you turn black...

6:40 A sărit și Isărescu, cel care spune că rezervele de aur ale României nu trebuie să depășească 100 de tone...

7:15 Ghinion. După cum spuneam, o țară cu 10 milioane de locuitori (Ungaria) sau Austria cu 9 are același drept de veto în Consiliul UE ca una cu 83 (Germania). Și România are, dar nu l-a folosit niciodată. De fapt cred nici Germania, care a devenit un colos economic și un pitic politic.

Am văzut recent retragerea Nissan din Franța. Poate s-au prins și francezii că mulți din funcționarii Nissan care se foiau pe acolo erau de fapt ninja. O situație asemănătoare este și în Austria, unde un sfert de locuitori sunt străini, care pot fi și asiatici.

7:42 Perfect storm. Among other things that prepared me for the crossing of the hospital alley event yesterday were the city leaves pickers. It took them several hours yesterday morning before i left and after to pick leaves from the tiny park with a gigantic vacuum on wheels that vibrated most of the dust from the building.

Just went outside to dust the door frame and mat  which i haven't done in two weeks and there was not much left. BTW keep hearing car doors being slammed, must heave heard 20 in one minute.

Much of that dust came inside and got to breath some (forgot the ion generator off the night before) while i was still sleeping at 8 AM and that got me sick and it continues to this moment. Got some very bad microbes in my gut and i was late with the charcoal and now i am dizzy and nauseated, breathing and vision problems.

11:08 I slept (8:37 to 11) but i remember someone climbing the stairs... Then leaving within half hour.

The market just got another purrrfect oil day.

1:10 Are you sure that is a... pussy (riot)? (the only time you are allowed to use the word pussy on (social) media is if you talk about pussy riot, right?). And i bet easterners don't know what that word means. BTW i figured a new etymology for it cause puss sounds too weird. 

Yeah my browser crashed again last night when i tried to put the above timed link and i was too tired to do a workaround but today it didn't so i start asking myself if this is not some sort of dynamic timed censorship.

Have a nice weekend yall.

5:35 "get ready, 'cause this s...'s about to get heavy" (Eminem).

As we're about to eat the kids are back in the back, after an absence of almost one week I guess they didn't want them to see people agonizing. So the ninja do have some moral ethics though not as much as the samurai. Cause daimyo would hire ninja to do the things samurai wouldn't, as per Bushido, remember. Samurai were more into killing, and ninja more into stealing (information) and influencing (lying).

But why am i not agonizing no more. Finally after at least since last vacuum, or about 2 months ago, today i did so. Got my electrostatic bags from Amazon, i already re-arranged some of the stuff and i did it today. But something wasn't right. So i started to sweep with the electric sweeper the kitchen area (it does a very good job and lately i was tempting to just use i and not mop) and what did i found. Right next to Angela's desk a line about one feet long one inch wide of organic fertilizer.

Made of ordinary chicken droppings but also some from some exotic birds from an island (forgot the name) complete with shrimp shells and other goodies (if i remember right).

In spring i bought a bag for 10 bucks at Fred Meyer, i think it was on sale, didn't use it all at the garden and i put the rest in a jar with sealable lid for the plants here. And today i found that jar next to entrance door where i left it ever since. My fault. But the lid was still sealed.

Then i remembered about one week ago Angela found something under her office chair with wheels that to her looked first like mold, then ground coffee and to me, that i remember now, the same stuff from the jar. I swept that one right away without bothering to figure what it was (i was in a hurry to go somewhere, probable). The whole idea was that when she moved with the chair the stuff was ground finer and finer and gain flight capabilities.

I was getting sicker and sicker and today i started to cough as my lungs started to get affected and i think i was about to die, if it wasn't for large amounts of charcoal caps probably again saving my life my life.

No i did not give a key to no one. No one was supposed to enter here period.

Yeah i think it got something to do with the gasoline smell that was covering it.

I have only one question. For how long this was happening, best answer would be, since last time i swept which i can't remember but could be more than a month, but Angela did it last time maybe 2 weeks ago but only the trails (narrow passages between boxes and empty water bottles and stuff.

And yeah i started to believe the videos youtube google, whatever, pushes to me are all made up by people with something in their minds, i don't know what.

7:15 I once was talking to a guy who fixed something in the apartment and he said he lived in Germany and over there everything is taught in schools. As opposed to the US and Japan where everything is taught in companies.

But how and at who's expense?

People working in big corporations like Angela are supposed to train the newcomers. That is while doing their regular job. And the trainee is supposed to do the job he/she is paid since the first day at work. Easier jobs first. And the trainer is responsible for the quality of the work of the trainee period.

All at no extra pay. And BTW due to inflation and everything a new temp trainee now has just a few dollars less than her who worked there for 9 years.

And you know what? Most of them quit after training because they find the job there is kinda difficult.

Angela just finished training for weeks a deaf mute and she done a great deal of effort because while doing this and working her normal job in the same time she had to write down everything cause the deaf mute of course could not hear the instructions and now she's got another one after one in between who acts kinda burned out and screwed something and put it in the stack without giving Angela a chance o verify.

Now, at the meeting, Steve (Eaton, coincidence of name with the company), the always acting supervisor, the man who schedules himself overtime at the easiest jobs, because last supervisor (out of many since Steve and Angela is there) quit in April, brought the issue in a meeting with pictures and everything. Without telling Angela first.

Angela took a day off Monday because of her birthday but she is already emotionally screwed up for the weekend and her birthday while i was already screwed up emotionally. And yes, he always does this before weekends, holidays and vacations.

For a while i tried to keep up with her mishaps. Some of them are written on fb, and i centralized in this spreadsheet but i quit doing this in 2020 and now i have to try and gather in that file everything i wrote in the blog ever since. But i can do a search since the name Steve Eaton, the big man who knows everything there but never accepted a supervisor job because then he could not schedule to himself overtime appears in any of my entries on the subject.

Biggest problem by far is not Steve though but the sisters. Two Vietnamese sisters that are friends with Steve (for reason of food, small gifts) were bullying Angela who was so happy to get rid of them while working in SMT). But since she cannot work there anymore because of the enormous amount of walking required and her legs problems, now she is facing them again and one of them retired at 70 but is coming back from retirement in December.

I can do a query on the name but then you have to sort and search the results, again Eaton with CTRL/F.

9:22 Malta is the least populous country in the EU with a little over 500 thousands citizens. However it has the same veto power in the Council Germany has, with 83 million. The Council configurations that vote on specific problems unanimously are made by unelected ministers from each country.

9:54 Speranța de viață.

Thursday, November 9, 2023

November 9

8:50 Guvernul nu a aprobat legea pensiilor, Guvernul nu aprobă legi, el aprobă proiecte de legi. Parlamentul aprobă legi. Legea pensiilor mai are un drum lung de parcurs, multe discuții de discutat în media.

Da bineînțeles sunt tot ei, dar vom avea parte de multe discuții, drame și dramolete, reacții, intervenții și răsturnări de situație până la aprobarea acestei legi care de fapt este indexarea cu inflația și ar trebui făcută automat în fiecare an.

Nu vor crește taxele fiindcă odată cu creșterea salariilor a crescut și fondul de pensii deoarece contribuția pentru pensie, CAS sau Contribuția pentru Asigurări Sociale (pensii) este 25% din salariu (iar CASS, Contribuția pentru Asigurări Sociale de Sănătate, 10% iar acestea nu se pot mări, fiind printre cele mai mari din lume, dacă mai adăugăm la ele impozitul pe venit, ajungem la aproximativ 50% din salariul brut.

10:30 Există o lege anuală a plafoanelor care stabilește sumele maxime care pot fi alocate în legile bugetelor care sunt două, una pentru bugetul de stat și una pentru cel al asigurărilor sociale. Se poate vedea că nu se respectă proporția de 2,5 între cele două sume (Buget Asigurări Sociale și Buget Asigurări Sănătate) ceea ce poate însemna mai multe lucruri din care unul poate fi sumele nu sunt cele reale și se strâng de fapt mai mulți bani la CAS.

Putem vedea din Anexa la Legea Bugetului Asigurărilor Sociale că acest buget a fost subvenționat în 2023 de la Bugetul de Stat în proporție de aproximativ 10% sau aproximativ 10 miliarde de lei anual. Mai putem vedea o creștere anuală a veniturilor provenind din contribuțiile CAS care a fost aprox. tot 10% de la 2022 la 2023 și încă nu știm cât va fi în 2024 dar va fi proporțională cu creșterea salariilor în acest an.

Dacă Guvernul vrea să mărească unele pensii cu până la 40%, să spunem cu 30% în medie pe tot anul va trebui să găsească aceste 30 miliarde însă nu depinde de el ci de Parlament care votează legile bugetelor pe anul următor, deși dacă Parlamentul votează proiectul aprobat azi, va trebui să țină cont de acea lege la întocmirea legii plafoanelor și a bugetului. Însă cel puțin 10 miliarde vor veni tot din contribuția CAS a salariilor mărite care a fost cu 10% mai mare în fiecare an. Au crescut și pensiile cu aceeași măsură?

Ce mi se pare interesant și realizez acum pentru prima dată.

Conform legii plafoanelor, România are un buget anual al Fondului naţional unic de asigurări sociale de sănătate de până la 54 miliarde care provine din contribuția CASS de 10% de pe fluturașul dvs. și în același timp Ministerul Sănătății mai are și el un buget de 29 miliarde de care provine din Bugetul de Stat (care se finanțează din TVA, impozit pe profit, pe venit etc..) care acoperă salariile medicilor (2,6 miliarde) și în general toate costurile legate de sănătate.

Să înțeleg că acest Fond național unic de asigurări sociale de până la 54 miliarde este folosit numai pentru concedii medicale, adică în România se plătesc concedii medicale cât jumătate din total pensii?

1:05 Is that going to put out (some of the) the annoying fires in Northern California and Southern Oregon?


2:25 Supertramp

3:15 Bogdan Aurescu a fost sacrificat și pentru scandalul Schengen însă nu a avut vreo vină specială. Toți politicienii români după 2007 în frunte cu cel cu 2 termene și 2 referendumuri de demitere au pus batista pe țambalul aderării fără recunoașterea României la apartenența acquis-ului Schengen.

Însă pe mine nu mă duce capul cum un politician deși longeviv și mai tăcut din România, profesor la o universitate puțin cunoscută în lume și care nu a fost niciodată avocat, procuror sau judecător a ajuns să ocupe o asemene funcție, și asta imediat după comentariile mele asupra formulării greșite din Tratatul de Aderare a României la UE.

A doua maneveră de urgență după descoperirea și postarea mea, prima fiind faza cu mărirea pensiilor.

Deși denumirea și poziția de pe lângă ONU arată că această curte este respectabilă, sunt numeroase probleme și contestări. Eu personal mă îndoiesc de realitatea existenței une jurisdicții așa numită internațională sau deasupra statelor, mai ales când vedem că în cazuri mai serioase ele nu apelează la această curte ci preferă să-și facă singure dreptate.

Apropo de ICJ. Dacă cei care spun că sunt evreii biblici sau chiar al 13 trib, Ashke_nazi cred că au dreptul de a se așeza în locurile biblice pe care le-au luat tot de la palestinieni la ieșirea din Egypt, atunci și România ar trebui să ceară de la italieni aurul pe care l-au luat romanii din Dacia, și nu a fost numai 200 de tone, tezaurul inițial, ci 200 de tone pe an timp de 165 de ani (totdeauna uit numărul) plus dobânda pe 2000 de ani.

Și la fel ca atunci, mai profită azi și de munca ieftină, fără asigurări și pensie, din cauza Schengen, a mai mult de 500000 de români, cât a fost numărul de prizonieri daci luați de Traian. Italia are a treia cea mai mare rezervă de aur din lume, după SUA și Germania.

Și apropo, nu numai Italia a profitat de acest aur. Întreaga Europă de vest unde se întindea Imperiul Roman, Franța, Germania, Austria etc.. a profitat și datorează nivelul lor de dezvoltare acelui aur.

6:52 Like this morning when my legs were really heavy and i was dizzy and had trouble typing and palpitations thinking it was just a hangover, now it happened again.

For a few days now mole mounds grew back next to the building and a weird smell came out of them.

I plugged three earlier, got some relief, fell asleep but when i woke up i felt the smell of smoke again. This time it was from under the shrub next to the closest garages and i plugged those too but i think the smoke coming out of those was from fumigating with cartridges. Though i saw recently the exterminators around here i think someone took the problem in their own hands and stuck one of those cartridges in there.

But after i plugged that one, the smoke started to come from a different one, probably one of the other ends of the burrows network that is really huge, next to next building. I saw rats coming out of that and entering the basement of that building, but exterminators have been putting bait boxes around here for at least six months now.

This morning, soon after i finished typing and ate something i left for my walk with my heavy legs and right at the first hospital alley, the one that leads to oncology, here comes from my left, after a KJR vehicle passed, this gigantic white Chevy (i think) truck.

He stopped and let me pass but there was this rolling 2 cm diameter stick from a branch hidden by the curb which i stepped on it and i nearly stumbled and fell, and i think "he wouldn't have seen me laying in front of his truck" from were he was sitting, that was 6 ft above ground.

After i passed and he left i saw at the wheel from a side a MAGA hat on top of white hair and though i did not see his face the general impression was he was Trump.

So the hypothetical prosecutors can add one more indictment to his name, that is attempted murder and then he we will be indeed comparable with Al Capone (check the security tapes for the parking lot at Legacy Meridian hospital in Tualatin, Oregon).

7:43 So it was her sniffing me yesterday? I thought when i saw the grimace she put on when she passed me that it was because i did not take a shower for three days but indeed i was smelling like brandy when she passed me on the street. Actually i think her grimace that BTW was so damn sexy on her pretty face was a bit early (was not close enough) and that was for a camera on a drone cause i think it was not for me. Her bodyguard was on the other side of the street.

Add to that stalking, invasion of privacy. Was she an accomplice to her father to premeditated attempted murder? And a whole bunch of other people from their entourage i guess. Are they trying to wash their sins by killing me? I never lied on this blog but i know it takes a whole lot to settle after reading it.

Please don't. Don't forget and don't settle.

The criminals are trying hard for some time now and there is no law in the Wild Wild West to stop them.

7:57 The smell outside turned to vaping for cover of course.

11:10 One of the most tasty and easy to eat vegetables that was a favorite among many people was demoted a while ago to nothing.

The humble lettuce. Mostly water they say. Some doctors now are even recommending drinking a glass of water instead (LOL i remember a joke from Romania).

So i said to myself, this is impossible and started some searches. Some sites say it has no fiber at all. How is that possible, what holds it together? Some re-started to state that it has some nutritional value having like some fiber, vitamins and some go as far as saying it's packed with nutrients.

I would say, trust you gut feelings. Eat by cravings, your body knows what it needs.