Monday, December 18, 2023

December 18

3:18 Da m-am gândit mult la chestia asta. Dacă noongarii (mongoli, magari) au venit din Australia, cum de călăreau și foloseau arcul, fiindcă aborigenii nu au cunoscut la vremea aceea arcul cu săgeți sau caii. Ei însă nu au ajuns în Europa într-o singură generație ci au trecut, se pare prin China și/sau India.

Fiecărui trib din America de nord i-au trebuit, rând pe rând, 10-15 ani să învețe să folosească și să crească (niște) cai după ce i-au văzut prima dată, deci mai puțin de o generație.

De asemenea porecla lui Attila "Biciul lui Dumnezeu" poate veni și din faptul că hunii foloseau lasouri în luptă. Și chinezii și aborigenii australieni foloseau funia pentru o varietate de scopuri, însă romanii cunoșteau doar un tip de funie grea, de cupru.

În unele imagini Atilla este reprezentat cu două pene la urechi. Coincide până și înfățișarea fizică, priviți pe cel din dreapta sus și comparați Leslie Mandoki din video.

Însă eu mai cred că ai au fost în număr mic față de romani. Singurul mod în care ar fi putut să câștige era prin metode neconvenționale, ca cele biologice și chimice ca de exemplu substanțe halucinogene arse din direcția vântului spre tabăra dușmanilor, înainte de atac. De asemenea cruzimea lor este similară.

5:52 Just figured something. One of the ladies in the management office looks just like her.

6:14 Just figured why they are so careful to synch their stomps with what i'm doing. So any ambiental listener from outside can't figure if it's me or them, just by the sound. After i listen what i record even me i'm tempted to believe the noise comes from here.

9:45 PM (7:45 AM Ora României).

Postările precedente m-au costat foarte mult și erau să mă coste totul. O vânzoleală neîntreruptă deasupra, ceva ce nu am mai auzit niciodată. O bufnitură la fiecare secundă. Mai multe persoane făceau cu rândul. Pentru că probabil e foarte foarte important ca ei să-și mențină supremația în domeniul ăsta, aruncând teoriile lui Einstein la sute de mii sau milioane de studenți în lume să-și spargă capul cu ele.

Mi-a fost foarte rău, în ultimele zile am crezut de mai multe ori că mă ia dracul. De fapt nici acum nu mă simt grozav dar când sunt la tastatură uit de toate.

Din teoria relativității și mecanica cuantică lipsesc părți esențiale. Teoria câmpului electromagnetic e complet greșită. Adevăratele teorii ar fi deschis secretele piramidelor pentru oricine. Dar s-o lăsăm pentru acum. Deși e greu s-o scot din cap după ce de săptămâni mă gândesc la toate acestea.

Ceva fun de relaxare.

Cu ani în urmă m-a izibit asemănarea cântărețului mexican Ritchie Valens cu Nicolae Ceaușescu. Și la voce, și la înălțime, și la păr și la mișcare. Da, cel care cântă melodia la Bamba. În acest video sunt mai multe scene live cu el. Se continuă cu o scenă din film care e BS fiindcă actorul nu seamănă de loc cu el fiindcă a fost jucat de un actor la bază japonez. La fel cum sunt unii din video-ul de mai sus.

Au vrut să creeze astfel noua imagine a mexicanului în America. Așa cum sunt acum majoritatea. Pentru viitor când vor să transfere cât mai mulți hikikomori în SUA.

Se spune că a murit la 18 ani în turneu într-un accident de avion (distanțele de la oraș la oraș sunt foarte mari în SUA). Probabil l-au retras fiindcă la mulți nu le convenea un cântăreț mexican de succes. La fel ca Patsy Kline care a devenit Irina Loghin. Sau Jim Croce care a devenit Ion Țiriac. Sau poate au simulat că l-au omorât unii pentru că era un cântăreț mexican de succes. La fel ca și cu Kurt Cobain.

Eu zic că toți s-au retras. Adevăratul Kurt Cobain a murit în Ungaria în 2005. Actorul Ferenc Mátrai din câmpul cu mătrăgună al lui Orban a murit și el pe bune în 2003.

Eu cred că Mátrai i-a făcut pe amândoi. Nu pot să cred că în această poză Valens are cel mult 18 ani. Nu pot să cred cei doi din aceeași poză seamănă așa de bine și totuși este o diferență de 20 și de ani. Scara leului?

Da normal cei care au cunoștințele pentru a construi asemenea piramide folosite pentru transport interplanetar care în zilele  noastre au fost înlocuite de alte device-uri (posibil tokamak-uri) au putut să ne facă un asemenea show, ce continuă și acum.

11:00 Patru. N-am chef să-i caut acum. A crăpat spațiul. Cinci.

Sunday, December 17, 2023

December 17

9:06 Marius Budăi, încă un autogol în meciul cu Schengen. Și totuși plătim 4.5 miliarde pentru bugetul SRI în 2023 (al treilea link în lista din dreapta aici pe blogul meu) care măcar asta putea să verifice. Putea să verifice și Budăi însuși, ca oricine cumpără o mașină... la mâna a doua?

Miniștrii din România sunt așa de săraci încât circulă cu mașini la mână doua din 2015 din surse dubioase? (neo-populismul).

Nu știu cum e în UE dar în SUA orice mașină are un număr de identificare (VIN number, Vehicle Identification Number) sub parbriz, în dreptul șoferului sau pe stâlp sub ușa șoferului. Se poate verifica aici.

10:43 Upstairs, supposedly went to bed. But it acts like a bell, every time i think of something that excites me it rings.

Saturday, December 16, 2023

December 16

 5:50 Donald, Melania, Ivanka.

On the Origin of Basques

Basque Autonomous Region (Țara Bascilor in Romanian) is a relatively isolated region of Spain of which @25% of the population (with minor differences from author to author) speak a Basque language which is different from Spanish (and most likely they speak both). It is unclear to me what autonomous means in this case, except their language.

Spain was under Arab rule for about 700 years. Although they claim pre Roman and pre Indo-European origin, there is at least one Arab author who claims Basque language has Arabic roots, and the second main component is... Why am i not surprised? Finnish.

I am not going to waste my time searching for how the Finnish got there. Finnish and Hungarians are the only people in Europe of non Indo European and Roman descendance, and they are strongly related.

According to their own legends, Hungarian people has two main components. Huns, who came in Europe at the end of the 4th century, plundered throughout the Roman Empire and spared Rome itself in exchange for Pannonia, a Roman province west of today's Romania and then themselves fell under Ostrogoth occupation. (An idea came to me, could it be the name of Austria, Ostereich by their own language, coming from there).

I personally believe Huns came from Australia, mainly because Attila's shield seen on his earliest depictions has a penguin on it (have to imagine the shield in vertical position), the name Attila, which coincides with one of the most known Australian landmarks in native language (Mt.Conner in English) and his facial hair, very different from that of Asians and Europeans. Here are a few images of Hungarian actors looking like Native Australians. There are many more.

Nowadays Hungary is in transition of changing its name to Magyarország after the name of its second ethnogenetic component, the Magyars. Magyarorszag is a very interesting name because its suffix seems to be... Sumerian. Could  that suffix come from a Pannonia population older than the Romans and Huns. Also obviously non Indo European (it seems a tradition of Pannonia).

Magyars arrived in Europe in the 9th century, again plundered Europe and found home in the same Pannonia. My theory is they are the Magars from Nepal who in those times and earlier were known for being mercenaries and most likely they were some of those hired to guard the Silk road caravans which carried silk and other goods to the Roman Empire and gold back to China. Basically, a versions of Mongols turned Buddhists.

Then, when the silk road was cut, they ran out of job.

The name for Buda, today's Hungarian capital to which recently was added the suffix Pest, meaning the area over the Danube from Buda's fortress point of view, seems to come from the name Buddha itself.

About in the same time with Buddhist Magars, in Europe came a population called Szekelys ("also referred to as Szeklers") whom i believe where of the clan Shakya of which Buddha was a prince, from the same Nepal. They settled west of Transylvania, catching the native Romanians in between. Then they brought in German settlers in south to re-enforce the circling. Current Romanian President, Klaus Iohannis is said to be one of them (though he is in reality a Hungarian writer probably of more recent German origin).

From time to time one author or another comes to claim the Huno-Magars came in that area, including Transylvania, before the Romanians. On December 7 an article appeared in the online Cell publication, previously unheard of (to me and many others) because it specializes in biology. The main author seems to be a post doctoral researcher at University of Basque country, lots of the others have Serbian (Slavic) names including Hungarian-Serbians. (Click on Show all authors, can't link to it).

They also claim Slavic origin of Romanians and late arrival in the area, quoting DNA studies done by themselves. DNA studies are rarely quoted when speaking of the origin of people and to me are at least controversial. It is also unclear to me what is the legal basis for obtaining and processing the DNA samples.

Strong linguistic, historical, archaeological and anthropological evidence prove Romanians are the continuators of Dacians, an old Indo-European population, and the Romans occupants, especially in Transylvania. This article seems done on demand to serve political interests. However lately the linked above Wikipedia article was a battlefield with proponents of the other theory pushing their unscientific point of view.

About the DNA evidence, me personally i do not believe in DNA theory at all.

These guys after the initial plundering of Europe, once by each of their ethno component, the Huns in 4th century and the Magars in 9th, did not give up their goal and that is to conquer it.

After the so called Christianization during their first king, Stephen @1000 with the help of the gold from Transylvania which they controlled and being far more advanced used their deceptive and techniques like psychology, unheard of in Europe, dis or miss information, bribes and blackmails, to gradually infiltrate the Catholic Church which culminated width the religious orders of which Dominicans, those behind Inquisition, started to have a mind and organizing of their own inside the Church.

That process continued to this day when they infiltrated all states, which actually are their creation and now are attempting to build this European Union, to finally control everything directly. Slowly, deceptively, first as a custom union, then as an economic one and finally political.

They were unsuccessful attempts in 1906. Since those peaceful attempts did not work out, Tunguska event and devastating wars (WWI and WWII) followed. Austria was and still is a playground of the Huno-Magars.

Back to our days. In 2005 France and the Netherlands turned down a Constitution and the Great Britain quit altogether in 2016. All that remained as base for the Union are individual treaties signed by each country.

Romanians, the archenemies of Hungarians, are kept in limbo. Though according to the treaty signed in 2005 they have full membership, the Huno-Magars don't want, under some bureaucratic pretext raised by their proxy Austrians, to agree on the free movement of persons, a principle of the Union, and a protocol part of the Treaty. This way, the Romanians are forced to work mostly illegally in the EU for lower wages and benefits.

Shiva Lingam symbol sitting on a lotus flower in the middle of Budapest, others. I believe Shiva Linga is the symbol of the primary disturbance that created the big bang as described in Buddhist mantra hRdaya sUtra (core plan). 

Friday, December 15, 2023

December 15

12:05 World's oldest, not made by humans however the Kufu pyramid was build in dry desert air, not surrounded by mountains and in the geographic or land mass center of the Earth, and that could have only been established by what we know as modern cartography which implies processing a huge amount of data. Add to that geometric perfection, smooth limestone cladding and gold pyramidion.

However i am positive that if the Great Pyramid was in a different climate, after being abandoned and loosing the cladding the normal people would have start using it for agriculture. Maybe cause its steeper.

12:20 физик. Trans Siberian Orchestra.

2:10 No man's land. Tribal Police, Local Police, Sheriff, State Police, FBI, ATF, DEA etc.

How come citizens (clowns) of other country can come here and dress and act as armed Police officers trying to stage a "self defense" murder? Just because i said EU is a mad house? They were four SUVs and four cops and four guns, i think is related more to what i wrote about bogus Einstein EM theory.

As i said, Buddhists got it all wrong, though they were warned about misinterpreting the mantra and not to use psychology which is dividing. Illusion of the five forces mean they were only one, a random manifestation of the void (that cannot be restored  by no one) and all others derived from it, not the whole Universe, world society and senses are an illusion and thus they can do what they want, burn the Earth, whatever.

3:57 No man's land. 7 weeks after. Drowning has contributed to the death of a Friend to you and me.

4:04 I said it many months before, the war in Ukraine is done since long time ago, the deal was EU and NATO against territory. Russians will accept one more NATO neighbor when they will be also tired of war. The reason is very simple. The territory now occupied by Russians had at least 10 million Russians in it and THEY did not want those in the EU and NATO because it could have smoothened out the relation NATO-Russia and THEY want to keep Russia an antagonist force in the world, just in case.

4:28 Just figured out something. Rasputin died a treefold death.