Thursday, August 1, 2013

Tismăneanu vs Vişinescu

Just looked in Wikipedia for the page of Leonte Timsnăneaun (born Leonid Tisminetski)

"In 1948, Tisminetski and his family were sent to Soviet-occupied Romania, where he changed his name in 1949 to Leonte Tismăneanu, at the request of the PCR(Romanian Communist Party).[5] He was named deputy director of Editura PMR (Romanian Worker's Party's), later Editura Politică, the publishing house of the Communist Party[6] and also held the Chair of Marxism-Leninism at the University of Bucharest.[1]"

He used to be the head of Communist Romania's main publishing house as stated above. Teacher of Marxism-Leninism at the University. We know at least one case where he was an investigator into a high profile case resulting in the imprisoning of a Romanian student that later became a known dissident and writer although controversial after year 2005 Paul Goma. 


Some of Goma's post-2005 articles and essays have been criticized for their strong antisemitic nature.[10][11] Goma rejects these criticisms[12] and claims that he has filed libel lawsuits against his accusers.[13] He asserts that his wife is Jewish and states that similar arguments were used against him by the Securitate in the 1980s.[14] On January 30, 2007, Goma was awarded the "Citizen of Honor" distinction by the Municipal Council of Timişoara. In February 2007, the Federation of Jewish Communities of Romania and the Israeli Embassy protested against the distinction, arguing that Paul Goma is the author of multiple antisemitic articles.[15]

On April 5, 2006 he was invited to become a member of the Tismăneanu Commission,[16] a body charged with researching the crimes of the communist dictatorship in Romania. Nine days later he was dismissed by the Commission's president, Vladimir Tismăneanu, who explained the exclusion based on Goma's questioning the moral and scientific credibility of the president of the Commission, and disclosing of their private correspondence.[16][17]"

In 1952 when in 10th grade he was detained by Securitate for 8 days for speaking out about Romanian anti-communist partisans and for keeping a coded personal journal... http://en.wikipedia.or/wiki/Paul_Goma#Dissident_in_Romania

In 1956 was arrested for being "part of the Bucharest student movement of 1956: during a seminar, he read out to other students parts of a novel he had written about a student who establishes a movement that is similar to the ones in Hungary" He did 2 years of prison in Jilava and Gherla, where Vişinescu was apparently inspector in that period of time. Tismăneanu was among those who inquired him.

Vişinescu does not have a Wikipedia page but Leonte Tismăneanu does. Why? Vişinescu was a low level semi-literate prison inspector and later prison manager doing the dirty jobs Tismăneanu and others of his kind ordered.

23 years after the revolution, Tismăneanu's son, Vladimir, now a teacher of Comparative Politics at Maryland University who has a much bigger page in Wikipedia suddenly remembered of Vişinescu, now 88 and started accusing him of executing his father's orders as himself plainly states:

"Securistul nu are convingeri, el sau ea executa (la propriu si la figurat)."

"The Securist does not have convictions, he or she executes (literally or figuratively)"

(The word Securistul is hard to translate into English. Part due to the confounding with the English word security that the first one has little to do with.)

Securist is the word used to describe the most villain characters in the time of communism, the most hated, the most infamous, often killers and torturous, at least in the first years. Also the most visible. Recruited from the lowest levels of the social hierarchy in Romania. Often illiterate. Often rudimentary nationalists themselves. Most likely brainwashed, into loosing basic human reflexes, as ironically shown above by one who knows.

Later just hearing of them was convincing enough. Further later, they softened as they got used to luxury and comfort and into the traps of corruption. Some of them realized how much they were hated. Nowadays them and their inheritors caught in network of blackmail that paralyses most of the political life of that country.

From prison guards to heads and the lower ranks of the Minister of the Interior to military and militarized police and special forces, etc., they were all securişti. I think etymologically it's coming from the Ministry of Interior and State Security.

However, this is the perception. The real "politicians" - apparatchiks - used them to do the dirtiest tasks and instill fear into population without getting themselves involved. The most interesting part is they used brainwashed nationals into killing their own, with the multiple purposes of not carrying the historic responsibility themselves but also to show Romanians are killing Romanians.

Fear or the memory of it is exploitable to the day since the generations witnessing those events are still alive and vote worthy.

Vişinescu was a jail inspector before becoming a jail manager. That proves inspections were done and they knew at any level what was going on.

Although he directly might have been responsible for some of the inhuman conditions of the prisoners or the killing of some, that could be in the hundreds, they were figures with no other power except the one given to them by their superiors. Who by the way are responsible of the killing and imprisoning of hundreds of thousands comprising mostly of the Romanian elite, often nationalists, like Goma, mostly just patriots or rich or educated.

Tismăneanu's son, Vladimir (i know, another weird coincidence) lately became (by some) the de facto leader of the Romanian intellectuals. Teacher of Comparative Politics at Maryland Universtity, he constantly mixes, implying that authority, with the hot subjects of the day in Romania, from a distance, and if there is none or none he can touch he creates one on the fly, with all the needed and necessary arguments so he can get involved.

However, at least in the last article he uses the language of the 60s and 70s and at times unexpected and rare neologisms that i for one just gave up looking for in the dictionaries. The only thing that makes the articles attractive is the evocative emotions for many as Romania is getting deeper into a hopeless poverty for most and a scene of daily scandals featuring a few, with millions working outside borders and still having a 7% official unemployment rate and on the list of the first ten countries in the world for remittance, or money sent home by migrant workers with the fear that they will forever settle in those countries (mainly Italy and Spain) and the country will be severely depopulated.

23 years after Revolution very few Romanians are interested in justice for their grand or grand grand parents long gone but this can be easily substituted, at least for a day or two, until something else comes up, for the myriad of crimes in the area of economics and politics on an unprecedented scale for that country that occur even as i write this here.

But about the current image and status of Romania there is enough information everywhere.

There are some other, more subtle aspects that occurred to me as i read Vladimir Tismăneaun's biography in Wikipedia.

"In September 1981, a short while after the death of his father, he accompanied his mother on a voyage to Spain, after she had been granted a request to visit the sites where she and her husband had fought as young people.[10][12] Unlike Hermina Tismăneanu, he opted not to return, and soon after left for Venezuela, before ultimately settling in the United States in 1982."

As i just read in that section (honestly i did not read it all, it seems very interesting, i will make some time later) it occurred to me that besides not agreeing with the Protochronism theory, that was probably way out of the European cultural mainstream and visibly exaggerated and self flattering for the National Communist regime of Ceauşescu, i don't see a great deal of dissent against his father's old comrades whose sons he probably befriended and with whom he enjoyed all the privileges of being a son of an apparatchik.

Unlike others he did not waste his time and accessed the information and accumulated a great deal of culture reading whatever was available in those libraries that not many could enter. For that, he will be judged accordingly by those who have time to read his works.

The most intriguing part is that his unique biography seems conceived as a string of dilemmas and carefully laid out traps, by many contributors, untouchable, at least in Romania, by those who don't want to risk their careers and start discussing or controversing even parts of it. Even this article i'm writing about it is an obvious, well conceived recurrent trick taken out of a Science of Politics book, with some understanding for some readers and different understanding for others, depending of their "degrees of understanding", and about this and other aspects of it i hope i will write about later as i will try to treat it dually as well.

In Romania, the only that could even read this English page from Wikipedia are teachers or students or some of the journalists that depend on the current government, that is in Tismăneanu's likeness. He even made a list with those agreed.

But there should be, at least some degree of controversy about a guy who has a degree in sociology since 74 and a Ph.D since 80 at the University of Bucharest (although self-corrected through his numerous individual unsupervised by... Securitate! - of which he was above through his father - studies) with the title ("The Critical Theory of the Frankfurt School and Contemporary Left-Wing Radicalism").[6][7] and now teaches American students at the University of Maryland.


George Ion said...

Tricky for the smarter, liar for loosers, nuanced by different multiple points of view for the sophisticated connoisseurs, Timsmănenanu is currently the greatest divider or Romanian culture and not only.

George Ion said...

For those who are afraid of Tismăneanu and his threats, innuendos and horde of politicians, let me tell you one thing. They should judge the magnitude of world or even local crises by the reactions of the stock markets, because those who are the players there are those who know most. Although they are trying to cover it up by "interventions of the FED" bla bla. The real news, those who move the markets, are rarely recognized as such although sometimes they are present.

For that reason only i put on my blog gadgets with market indexes (that by the way on my blog are being sabotaged and not working always right).

Here is the link to yahoo finance. Very important is the timing (hour when the event occurs).

George Ion said...

"As Tismaneanu rightly notes, the “search for the transcendent” has been an essential drive for humanity as far back as our records of ourselves may be traced. The perceived “coldness” of Western liberalism (used here to mean liberal democracy and capitalism), its lack of deeper spiritual values, leaves it wanting when the peoples of East-Central Europe come calling."

"His challenge is for the post-Communist intelligentsia to remain in the struggle and retain the political and psychological territory that might otherwise be lost."

Where the need for deeper spiritual values if not from a deeper spiritual past that we don't have to necessarily call it protochronism.

As for fantasies... We, Romanians did not have yet the time to explore the Ocean of Fantasies the West has to offer...

However, here's an insider quick insight. Just came from the streets. I saw models from Hollywood walking on the sidewalks of Western Portland Area or driving scores of cheap, broken and badly emitting cars with weird license plate numbers with the only purpose of trying to keep alive or kill the myth they payed for and imported from the Eastern world. Is here anything Tismăneanu knows of and we should ask him?

George Ion said...

Adică, în alte cuvinte, omul şi-a tras o biografie beton, din care nu lipsesc găuri cu capcanele aferente. Citită la viteză aşa pare, dar nu e. Eu pentru mine am citit câteva paragrafe şi mi-e suficient.

Dar ce mi-am amintit aici, am impresia că aceşti intelectuali venetici au fost cei ce ne-au creat acest complex de inferioritate în faţa tuturor străinilor. Nu ştiu sigur dacă se aplică numai nouă, sau poate sunt nişte protocoale ce se declanşează automat, dar pe noi ne-a prins tare. Bine trăiam în condiţii cvasi-animalice şi chiar ei arătau cu degetul spre vest făcând comparaţie şi au reuşit până la urmă să ne convingă.

Adică ura faţă de români a acestor persoane, pe care poate unii i-au călcat pe coadă, este greu de măsurat la fel şi efectele ei căci sunt oameni şcoliţi şi eficienţi.

George Ion said...

There is one more weird name coincidence that flashes in my memory every time i re-read and trying to complete and up-date what i wrote above. The name Vişinescu that resembles so much in pronunciation with another but much bigger fear trigger in Romnanians' collective memory; that of Vyshinsky. Could it be this the reason Timsăneanu chose this ex-securist name among others name to start his blaming?

"In February, 1945" "After returning to Moscow he was dispatched to Romania. Vyshinsky arranged for a communist regime to assume control of Romania in 1945."

George Ion said...

Hmm... Interesting...

George Ion said...

The deeper i dig into this the more i realize that this guy may be the main architect and the provider of know-how for the current team of Romania's leaders.

George Ion said...

One of the methods the non-nationals use with the purpose of getting a better grip of the local nationals is providing assistance, know-how and later arbitration to both sides in the end being the ones choosing the winners of a win-win situation.

I really hope through this blog post i made all this situation much more interesting for them.

George Ion said...

Guess who i think told me once "You are standing there and looking at me like a psychotic weirdo" in the fall of 1995, at Sheridan Fruit Company, downtown Portland, Oregon.

George Ion said...

For those who did not read Tismăneanu's biography linked in my post here's another interesting phrase or chapter. "Tismăneanu was in Bucharest during June 1990, witnessing the Mineriad" Really as a witness? Or as an actor or counselor? I remember in one of those days i've been in Bucharest too trying to see what the guys at Xerox had to offer (in the recently opened office near downtown with my friend then, Julian Mart).

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