Updated 02-06-23
"Kogi-Onmitsu was the direct intelligence organization of the Edo-Shogunate. At most, there were 3,000 members in this circle. Though Kogi-Onmitsu is [are] spies as well as Ninja, the most [biggest] difference between them is that, Kogi-Onmitsu basically does not use active, physical, violent and bloody means in their missions unlike Ninja."
Here is a secret service used as a political police since 1603. Instituted following the great battle of Sekigahara, biggest and last battle in feudal Japan. Name of course suggests Koga, one of the two strongholds of Ninja in feudal Japan.
Until 1603 all daimyo (lords) of the feudal Japan were constantly fighting with each other, and for that they were all hiring both samurai and ninja. Samurai for the real fights and ninja to gather information and secretly cast influence, and that happened until 1581 when ninja officially disappeared from history.
Japan at that time was divided in regions roughly corresponding to today's prefectures, but two of those regions, in the middle of Japan, not far from Edo (Tokyo), Koga and Iga, belonged to ninja where they could be hired from.
"On October 1, 1581, Oda Nobunaga led about 40,000 warriors in an attack on Iga province, which was defended by approximately 4,000 ninja and other Iga warriors. Nobunaga's massive army attacked from the west, east, and north, in five separate columns. In what must have been a bitter pill for Iga to swallow, many of the Koga ninja came into the battle on Nobunaga's side."
It is said everywhere, in Wikipedia and other sites. Ninja disappeared from history after 1581. Any yet on this site (Ninja Encyclopedia) they say Kogi-Onmitsu are in fact ninja.
There are at least two obvious reasons to believe ninja did not disappear but turned into something else.
There are at least two obvious reasons to believe ninja did not disappear but turned into something else.
One is the name of the organization, Kogi-Onmitsu, Koga being the name of the last of two ninja province taken by Nobunaga.
Second is the fact that after turning into Kogi-Onmitsu they were never required to take life risking missions.

What i believe it happened. Oda clan as most participants in the battle of Sekigahara (following the battle of Koga in 1581) were heavily infiltrated with ninja. Ninja in 1581 with the help of Oda actually staged their own disappearance and organized the subsequent battle of Sekigahara (in the same way they did many times before when they influenced daimyo in fighting each others, as part of their jobs working for third parties, only at a much larger scale) and in the end captured power in Japan. In other words, everything was scripted, from the attack of Nobunaga on Iga and Koga to the Edo period with the creation of Kogi-Onmitsu, Meji restoration, etc..
Some say that even Ieyasu himself was a ninja, actually, three of them, during his long shogunate.
But they did not stop there. They started to create strongholds throughout the world, notably Europe, with the help of the first occult Buddhist missionaries there, the Magars of Nepal who in the meantime took control of Catholic Church, through dominicans.
I believe, to this day, one of their greatest expertise is create and use of what i call "phantom leaders". Like it was, still is, the Emperor. Like all political leaders of the world in the last few hundred years.
A period of 264 years of peace followed under Tokugawa dynasty of shoguns. During this period the samurai gradually lost their privileges.
In 1867 there was a restoration of imperial power called Meiji restoration during which samurai class and privileges ended, with approx. 2 million samurai losing their right to wear a sword and becoming absorbed in the larger society. Also during early Meiji the daymio started to loose their privileges too.
The two so called World Wars are very similar with Sekigahara battle. It was said about WWI that will be the war to end all wars, like Sekigahara battle. It was not enough. WWII followed. Two senseless wars in Europe which destroyed 100 million human lives with another 100 million maimed with no winners but disappearance of normal elites and replacement of those with actors mostly from Hungary. Who were being bred in Hungary using european settlers, brainwashed and prepared for this purpose only during several centuries.
Both Japan and Hungary directly participated in those wars and had casualties. But who can verify how many casualties they had and if it compares to others? Thinking about Hitler, Stalin, others being their tools. Tools of the ninja.
There is a work on the web comparing the unique language of Japanese and Magyar, the language of Hungarians. Don't know exactly where the similarities come from but most likely from their common ancestors, Sumerians.
And last, one of the 36 war stratagemes of Sun Tzu.
A period of 264 years of peace followed under Tokugawa dynasty of shoguns. During this period the samurai gradually lost their privileges.
In 1867 there was a restoration of imperial power called Meiji restoration during which samurai class and privileges ended, with approx. 2 million samurai losing their right to wear a sword and becoming absorbed in the larger society. Also during early Meiji the daymio started to loose their privileges too.
The two so called World Wars are very similar with Sekigahara battle. It was said about WWI that will be the war to end all wars, like Sekigahara battle. It was not enough. WWII followed. Two senseless wars in Europe which destroyed 100 million human lives with another 100 million maimed with no winners but disappearance of normal elites and replacement of those with actors mostly from Hungary. Who were being bred in Hungary using european settlers, brainwashed and prepared for this purpose only during several centuries.
Both Japan and Hungary directly participated in those wars and had casualties. But who can verify how many casualties they had and if it compares to others? Thinking about Hitler, Stalin, others being their tools. Tools of the ninja.
There is a work on the web comparing the unique language of Japanese and Magyar, the language of Hungarians. Don't know exactly where the similarities come from but most likely from their common ancestors, Sumerians.

And last, one of the 36 war stratagemes of Sun Tzu.
Make the host and the guest exchange roles (反客為主/反客为主, Fǎn kè wéi zhǔ)
- Usurp leadership in a situation where one is normally subordinate. Infiltrate one's target. Initially, pretend to be a guest to be accepted, but develop from inside and become the owner later.
Right after they took control of Japan, in early 1600s they wrote for the first time, a manual, first published of course, mainly for the purpose of attracting recruits. Bansenshukai or The Book of Ninja is only a less useful skeleton, the vast amount of their knowledge being transmitted orally and within clans, is translated in English and available online. There are ninjutsu dojos all over the world, including at least two in Portland area where i live. One of them, from Lake Oswego, moved from that location, after i posted about.