Thursday, April 9, 2020

Water Purification Through Infusion

Everybody has a natural repulsion towards the tiny bits of leaves or whatever you made your tea with. So if some end in your cup you will avoid to ingest those. It might be some hard coded ancestral reaction that dictates you to want to drink only clear water.

However there is more to it. Those leaves have fibers that absorbs toxins from water. So you don't want to ingest those after making your cup of tea when you separate the clear part with a stiff or use the little bag. For the minutes you leave the tea in the hot water, those leaves while eliminating the soluble part that gives color and taste also absorb unwanted toxins, like heavy metals and stuff like that. It may be one of the reasons herbal teas are good for sick people. It gives them an extraclean source of water.

For the last decades since i learn how to make pasta the original (Italian way) in Italy i've been thinking many times or almost every time i was making it. Italians use 10 times or more the amount of water necessary to cook the pasta. Probably because of thermal inertia. That is, you don't want the water to stop boiling when you put in the pasta and i bet it originated at high class restaurants. Pasta boils more uniformly and has less time to start dissolving and become mushy. Timing is more reliable. Other reasons.

As you already may have figured, there's a huge downturn. Because of the amount of water, nobody uses bottled spring water to cook pasta. Not even the sophisticated Italians. Tap water, we all now, corrodes the pipes, that may be made of high alloys that have heavy metals in maybe in the form of nano particles. Or at least the faucets which usually are made of high chrome alloys. I think it's already obvious but i'll state it anyways. In those ten minutes, your pasta will absorb not only water but the little amount of fiber present even in white flour may concentrate toxins that may be present in water and time release them in your gut.

I wrote this after Angela who was listening to Coast to Coast told me one dude came tonight with the idea that generally Italians over 65 have no immune system left because of eating so much wheat all their lives which i simply can't agree with (aligned with the current anti-wheat trend). All people on the planet eat about the same amount of wheat, though no other so much under the form of daily or twice daily pasta boiled in tons of water. Which BTW is not planet friendly either because of the energy required to boil that water.

And let us all not forget my first blog post ever. No need to read it, my English back then was... i don't know, less standard than today. I will bring in one of the important phrases:

"I found a while ago a strange idea on the web, as an important cause of the fall of the roman empire being lead poisoning from the plumbing."

It may have been one of the causes, now i believe the main cause may have been cutting the flow of gold from Transylvania which was an average of 200 tons a year for 169 years, after the invasion of Goths, Huns, Magyars, etc.. Which gold Romans used for imports they got addicted to which also attracted the warriors of Asia, ex-guardians of the silk road, that is Goths, Huns, Magyars etc..

(One may think 200 tons of gold is a lot to quarry and haul from Dacia back to Rome in those days. Here is a visualization of 1.6 tons of gold in the back of the truck and the equivalent in paper currency on the left).

And the turning of gold into lead.

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