Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Oregon DEQ and Gas Self Service

There are 20 states that do not require anymore a periodic testing of the vehicles, but Oregon is not one of them. As COVID messed up pretty everything it messed this one too.

Hyundai sticker is 1 month overdue, they say the Police would offer a yet undefined grace period for those. However today i looked at the camera for DEQ Sherwood, which is 5 minutes drive from Angela's work place. The camera only points to the lanes entering the station. Don' know why they didn't bother to turn it around to show the real extend of the line. I mean, how big of an effort would that have been for the State of Oregon, would have prevented all those who drived in there and turned around because the line was way in the street, with an estimated waiting time of one hour.
So i said no way, i'm not gonna sit in there and use one gallon of gas or how much it is for idling the car one hour or start it like 20 times or how many cars where in line (an estimate of 50) divided by 3.

I knew about their DEQ too program so i went back at one of the shops i knew they're on the list of 60 shops in Portland area that are authorized during COVID to test your vehicle. I mean, how difficult is this. For all cars newer than 96, all they have to do is hook up a code reader, that some have gotten really cheap, i got a bluetooth connector i bough online fo 15 bucks and a Microsoft app for 3, read your car's computer and give you a printout and with that and probably their input you can go online at DEQ site (i think) and do the rest and then wait for the stickers in the mail. I mean, it's possible. In the parking lot i saw the tall guy who maybe the manager of that shop, the parking lot seemed full with cars, i also have a problem with the rear tires, i have to deflate them, peeled of the labels they forgot to peel when they installed them, those level being exact at the contact with the metal wheel and air being escaped by them. So i just passed, came back home instead and started the computer to look for alternatives.

I was really surprised to see a small oil change shop next to where i live. I went there before, there is a read bearded guy that reminds me of both a prince and Ed Sheeran. There was this girl who asked me from the start what year was my car (duh, it was obvious it was newer than 96), but that makes me think, they don't really have an analyzer, they can do it only with a code reader for cars newer than 96. Which covers 99% of vehicles i think.
So here i am sitting in the line behind a blue Sub Are You Vehicle admiring the scenery on the bumper sticker and the tortoise on the windshield On the bumper there was this hunter kneeling on one knee. The girl came, i opened the window, she said 10 minutes waiting time and i didn't shut the window cause it was warm and nice outside, for the first time since a long time and pretty hot inside.

I was tired cause i got awakened prematurely by some noise most likely from upstairs, can't always remember the noises that wake you up, sitting there, enjoying the weather when i saw a cloud of dust coming out of one of the vacuum cleaners of the car wash next to the lube thing. But the cloud seem to go in a slightly different direction so i didn't pay attention to it. Then i saw a yellow glove coming from the hole under the Subaru trying to find the plug of the 4 wheel differential and i realized they are also servicing that but still didn't come to my senses until i started feeling the dust in the back of my throat. It was then when i came back to my senses, backed up (i was over 10 minutes anyways, triggered a bell).

So i went back to Tires Pros (next red dot to left), i parked next to door and when i wanted to go inside i thought i saw in the office a guy who looks like a general i just posted about. So i just took the car, back to Angela's work parking lot, took my truck and went home. 2 hours lost.

To be continued...

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