Sunday, June 28, 2020

The News Today, oh Gay!

Has anybody later noticed how R&B, formerly soul music, has gone from black to brown? More and more singers, barely child like pronouncing a type of unique slang of English that we think of as rap English coming from black environment. We thought that for so long it now got a life of its own that we don't really know when it started and then turned into something else. Something that is more suitable for the non-native non-English speakers newcomers from the colored minority of Hungary or in the case of Ariana Grande or Bruno Mars, others, even Japan.

"Classically" trained in the fine art of bel canto during their true, previous, real ID lives, capable of doing amazing vocal thrills, their English is something never heard before, an artificial, ever changing exotic branch, that sometimes is so unique it exists in a song only, one out of many versions of our ever changing and unruly lingua franca or our free style English. Or is it ours?

I heard yesterday in the car yet again in another version of this language, in a another unique pronunciation of the oh so ever repeating chorus the humble word ok. However, for the first minute or first dozen of repetitions i was convinced the man was saying. "Oh gay". Then the revelation came.

What if the three words, gay, ok and guy were invented or adapted (to modern usage) and introduced artificially by the media to create what people during the golden age of conspiracy theories where calling subliminal (which is a not so happy word for subconscious) perception. (The existing explanations for origin of the three expression are confusing and there is not agreement among linguists of the origin and time of origin of the three words).

It is not the first time when i hear songs with mispronounced words or lyrics that may have been built by artificial or even human intelligence specifically to have a second meaning hidden, phonetically over the fist one which sometimes is silly. Anyone heard recently that guy who repeats the words hack Obama? These type of songs can oftenly be found in various lists of "misheard lyrics" on various sites. But the phenomenon is way overlooked. These type of subconscious hacks are present in most if not all music.

Then there's the case of the word homosexual itself. The official etymologies say it comes from Greek and Latin, it actually comes from German (could this be yet another embedded from inception of a hidden message).

It can not come from Greek because in Greek it's omo (same), not homo. Like in omnivorous or omnipotent. But i think it was introduced this way to force the confusion with Latin homo=human and English home.

I first heard of the word virtual during physics class in grade school. It means something that can be seen but it does not exist. Then i did not mind the closeness with virtue and virtuous, same in Romanian as in English, words that i met with earlier.

The word went in the internet slang. Something that exists only digitally. Virtual reality. When used skillfully, it can create more confusion. More justification of the current politically correctness for being a sexually minority. And last but not least the confusion of pride with pry, prey and pray.

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