Since there is more and more evidence freemasonry, which modeled our modern world, culture, language in the last few hundred years while we were "sleeping" is a type of animism centered on mole, possibly switched from
penguin, or both, and since we know moles are exclusively insectivores, with the ability to stun their pray (worms, other small insects) possibly with aerosols made of their salivary venomous enzymes, and their main slogan being "making good men better", i am currently investigating the obsession with race superiority and presumptive use of gas for mass extermination in WWII being tied to freemasonry, (hallucinogenic) smoke for harassing or stunning victims, etc..
First search,
moles zombification of wormsFirst result,
The British Trap"
They have good vision, despite living underground, and they have unbelievably adapted sensory abilities that cause them to be able to detect the smallest vibrations."
I never knew moles had good vision!
moles poor visionAs for vibration, i knew of some of the stuff.
seismic communication
Same British Trap: "moles are homebodies, and will live in a series of tunnels for generations before moving. They even have kitchens and storerooms for their food, which largely consists of earthworms, which gets kind of weird. They make the earthworms like zombies

by biting their heads off
and a special toxin in their saliva keeps them (weirdly enough), alive and immobile and—fresh. As many as 470 worms have been recorded one chamber storeroom!"
I knew that, the interesting part is how they move the earthworms in there. If they were to carry them one by one, it would take lots of trips. I knew from previous searches that
moles have to eat their weight in worms in 24 hours. Thinking of maybe that "
special toxin in their saliva" which are evolutionary modified digestive enzymes and construction of tunnels to make that automatic for them.
Can't find nothing on a search like "do moles actually trap the worms". Cause there's the confusion with the traps for moles.
It is the first time on an very early Sunday morning with relative silence in here, with a mug with water and backing soda to compensate for stomach acid over production due to uncontrollable indoor pollution, stress and pancreas (common bile blockage) when i realize that. Moles actually could trap the worms and those enzymes actually present in the tunnels gets them zombified and make them crawl in the tunnels that would lead them to the "storeroom" where they go, eat them or bite their head to keep them for later use.
Honestely, i would have never cared for all these things if i didn't know, after spending lots of times inside in this place that "mole smell" has an effect on me.
These (including the one i live in) are very poorly designed buildings. Walls made with a wooden frame with inside and outside panels, filled with insulation, and one more layer of siding on the outside, there is a lot of air circulation between air from outside, inside walls and inside apartment, especially when there is a temperature difference between inside and outside.
When there's no significant wind outside, there is a constant flow of air around the building. Usually the ground around the building, summer or winter, is colder than the walls. In the winter the walls are warm because the inside is being heated. In the summer, they respond to solar heat, while the ground, due to grass and moisture, is kept colder. In both situation, colder air from the surface of the ground is attracted by the vacuum created by warmer air climbing on the surface of the wall. If the siding in not sealed in the lowers part or just above ground, there will be some dynamic pressure created by air that starts to climb exactly in that area that will push some of the air inside wall.

I noticed every time i overslept in the last years, i found in the morning openings in the ground next to door and alongside living room wall. But the smell. It actually do smells like earthworms, a smell i am familiar with since childhood when i used them for bait while fishing, but also like "fresh ground", probably given by mold also coming with that "air from the ground". So i figured, if that smell makes me lethargic, and after all the searches i did on mole kallikreins, it is possible that the air gets sucked from the holes close to walls due to effect predicted by Bernoulli's law, main actually contain some of that enzymes in an aerosolized form (tiny suspended particles in the air).

But it's not only that. Over the years, i noticed that many times there is smoke outside and inside the building that i could not explain. Also there was some evidence (though it's very hard to make an evaluation after you are expose yourself to it) that the smoke is actually having an effect on me. Mainly forgetting about everything, feeling satisfied when you shouldn't. Angela coming from work really mad at me and the whole situation and then within half hour changing completely towards being permissing and accepting everything, all when the smoke was present.
Situation was complicated further by the presence of dog waste around the building. People coming here from other buildings with their pets and leaving their waste real close to our building, in the same flow pattern of the air described above.
On several occasions, when making longer trips, including several trips of thousands of miles in California and other states, when i noticed the smell on our clothes, car, etc. A mixture of mold and animal waste mainly.
There was a link between the holes and the smoke as well. In the beginning i was just going outside and obsessively tried to step on all mounds. Eventually the smoke smell would go away after i stepped on a number of holes. I did that for years, spending up to one half hour at the time and bringing the dirty shoes inside which i had to wash. Lately, i figured there is only a few of those that i need to seal, right next to the building, to get rid of most of the smoke. More recently, i used Portland cement to mix with the soil (in amounts that won't change color or appearance), which made it harder to moles to open the holes again, until they finally stopped.
But of course smoke cannot possibly come from the moles. The only way this could happen is if someone comes and sticks inside the holes or nearby some self burning material that may contains plants with psychotropic effects, including common drugs or legals substances, like maybe kratom, as i was suggested by some t-shirts in a casino. Again cement in soil made it harder for those and in the last days previous to date of this post the moved further from building, in areas i did not and could not possibly put cement.
More complications from other building materials. One is insulation dust constantly falling from the attic under the effect of vibration, either from the constant rumbling of the freeways nearby of the presence of cars with aftermarket mufflers or simply broken.
There was this particular purple Dodge with broken exhaust that was idling many times a day until i got desperate enough and went to the office after which it stopped. That lasted about a year and a half. Before that, there was this green truck again with a 5 or more liter engine coming out of one of the garages, each morning and idling for 15 minutes (legal limit) or more. Until after again, i talked to the owner and recorded the conversation.
Mineral insulation dust falling from attic is visible on the walls of this building only. Mineral insulation containing silica, other materials, besides being very irritant, especially to your digestive system, has a deodorant and antibacterial effect, making it even harder for me to realize the smells. Also dust falling from asphalt roofs. I noticed when i dusted the building many times of the years that the dust, mainly made of dead bugs, and the materials described above, with a touch of oil from exhaust from all cars, is extremely stinking. (Everything antibacterial creates even weirder strains that are very resistant and persistent with again devastating effect on your health). If i didn't wash my clothes and take a shower right after dusting, the dead bugs smell inside would become unbearable in the next few days.
There was a period of about one year, that included one fall and one spring when they re-roofed the entire complex with hundreds of thousands of nails being inserted with pneumatic tools. It was then when i searched about the number of
nails needed in an average size wooden American house.
I could not possible have tolerated all these if it wasn't for what i will call from now on the "mole gas" and the smoke. It made me lethargic and absent from my own life. Years of wasted life.
People smoking around. This complex is advertised as "smoke free, in transition". Which means people are allowed to smoke outside buildings. Even right now as i write, i feel cigarette smoke. It's coming through walls or by doors etc..
Litter dust. Most people living upstairs over the past few year had pets. Small dogs, cats, etc.. I would assume they used what they call litter boxes. Some of the weirdest stuff on Earth that if i had any authority i would ban it in the next second. "Diatomaceous earth". It's quarried fossilized remains from microscopic creatures that were neither plants or animals and lived million years ago. Made of amorphous silica, after being burned in oven at high temperatures to get rid of any organic stuff that may have been in there as a side effect that silica would crystalize, making it very dangerous to breath. Small enough to enter the lungs, it wouldn't be in amounts large enough to cause silicosis (filling of the lungs with silica, like it happened in the past to miners) but most likely contributing to many respiratory illnesses, including asthma and cancer. It has the capacity to absorb water and animal waste many times its weight. There are additives that make the absorbed urine "clump" and possible to be removed for the open tray, but that is after some if not most of it evaporates inside the room of course. But some of the clump will remain in the tray no matter what. Interestingly enough, those tiny silica carcasses have geometric shapes, a long time obsession of freemasons. This stuff is so nasty it is also used as pest control, to kill bugs.

Driers' exhausts under the siding. For some reason, this building has the driers' exhaust, (Tumble drum dryers that use much electricity to heat air to dry clothes, with resulting steam needed to be evacuated) under the level of siding. Which means some of the steam coming from it would penetrate siding and walls. Some of the exhausts, like the one from upstairs also opens near a basement vent, and pushes some of the steam inside the basement (after the exhaust have been modified, about 2 years ago). The result is the steam condensate on the wooden floor, penetrates and making it bulge, bringing moisture and mold smell inside).
But for steam to come out of the drier through the exhaust, an equal amount of air is extracted from that particular room. Air that may come from a window if it's open. But if no window is opened, air will come from under doors and even walls (there is a half inch opening between inner wall panels and floor)
I remember when "the old man" who lived upstairs (a guy which at times resembled actor Rodney Dangerfield (i know he's dead, but his Hungarian correspondent is or was not), other times Dick Cheney, others, who "was smoking" (probably not present there most of the times, with others doing "the job" like in all cases), the steam coming out of that exhaust was smelling more like cigarette smoke than anything.
I'm sorry i got carried away with all this stuff and deviated from the tittle and scope of this post. I also realized i probably could not finish describing all the ordeals i had to go through to figure these simple things.
It was in the day when i realized that mole mounds resemble pyramids when i started to think there might be a link between moles and freemasons, with everything mole being an inspiration for those, probably at the beginning, or in ancient times. After being exasperated with the multitude of mounds i thought i had to step on to make the smoke go away, i did a search and saw for the first time the inner structure of a mound which indeed reminds of a pyramid, including tunnels and chambers, though at a much larger scale. People living long time ago might have also been impressed with the proven architectural skills of the moles, small creatures capable of building a nest out of soil.
More than that, there is a resemblance between the appearance of wrapped mummies and earthworms. The fact that
brain of mummies was discarded during the embalming process.
Brain was an useless organ for immortality, since earthworms caught in moles' larders were living indefinitely with their head bitten off.

Another argument in trying to prove that life of moles is inspiration for freemasonry is the appearance of moles and some of the signals of freemasons.

One particular species, the "Star nosed mole" has a sensory organ developed around the nose, it uses to actually feel its dark environment.
Could there be here a similarity with the so called "masonic grips" or handshakes.
I even discovered, absolutely by chance, some frames in a video actually showing an imitation of that organ as a response to danger.
Other arguments of course would be also current or modern symbolism. The popular character R2D2 in Star Wars movie, Android logo, could also be inspired by the shape of moles.
Can't help here but ask myself. If the masons are the moles, what are the rest of us, the worms? There are enough signs that this is the case. Liberalisation of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, polluting buildings, transportation, psychiatric drugs, opioids, over medication, zombifying media, fake politicians and politics.
We should not care about pollution. Moles live most of their healthy live underground and never get to breath fresh air. But their galleries are filled with enzymes that break down most of organic polluters.
We are mostly living trapped in a many thousands years old model inspired by mono animism or the admiration of our ancient
ancestors for a crafty animal.
Ashmole. I stumbled the other day onto the name of one of the most famous freemasons.

Jacques de Molay. One of the reasons or accomplishments of the French revolution was the avenging of Jacques de Molay. The favorite method? As opposed to burning of the stake as in case of Jacques de Molay, chopping of the head.
Immolation. There are mixed
etymologies for this word out there. One of them claims the root mola, which in old English means flour or an improbable Latin imolat which means food sacrifice. I personally believe it's got something to do with skin moles as "witches sign". Anybody who had a mole, that somehow resembled the velvety fur of the animal, hence the name, would be considered suspect of witch
I really hate to ad a "most likely" to all these theories, but have to state at least my educated belief in the origin of freemasons. Most likely their current European incarnation of the freemasons comes from the
Mamluk Kingdom of
Egypt, before but mostly after the Ottoman Invasion of Egypt, around 1500 when both the elites - the moles and their
Indian brought slaves - the worms, the Gypsies, came over in Europe during the confusion of the
dark times @1500, similar to what's happening nowadays.
For some unknown reason, most immigrants in Europe during the last 1500 years, starting with the Huns of Attila, the Magyars, probably some Tatars, Mamluks, others all settled in