Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Heidi and the Chipped Paint Wheel

I thought last week i made my appointment at Les Schwab for today, but i got a reminder in the mail on Monday for yesterday. Yesterday i just got the wheel, after that time of appointment, which i was expecting Tuesday evening.

As i said in fb, found the wheel at the door, around noon, i took the wheel to the truck, removed the spare, put it there to see if it fitted (can't trust those web sites, can you, was for a different year but the same part number) and it did, however some of the cheap paint remained on the thread of the bolts and the wheel got chipped on the edges, though not in the contact area, and the paint got chipped pretty bad on the edges (not  the rims) while i rolled it on asphalt.

So i went in there today with the wheel in my hands and tried to explained the hole thing to Heidi and in the end she asked me if i wanted a wheel or a tire.

How come in never thought of this, the Les Schwab places seems a bire haus, with rolling tires figuring kegs filled with compressed air.
So i asked her to get someone from the shop and after long ten minutes and asking her one more time here he came, the same nervous guy i talked to last time, i think he looks like a Hungarian singer, i saw him after in one of the searches, i'm sorry i didn't save his name. He reminds me of the nervous character cop from Pink Panther movies.

I explained to him that if the paint gets chipped in the contact area during the tire installation, it may leak, he kept saying that even if it does i won't see those, and; finally "he can't guarantee it's not going to leak".

At some point i thought of just buying the tire and installing it myself, but then i also had to buy the valve and install it, too much trouble. So i just took a chance and let it there cause i couldn't wait, may not find any parking space after 11 and don't want to park illegally at the Meridian Parking lot where they stole the wheel in the first place (though i added comprehensive, deductible 100 at my insurance).

Back home, i remembered the dog poos issue. So i grabbed a bag and a glove and went for those. They were two exactly in the same spot i saw them; yesterday, when i stuck a stick into the ground to find them. However last night there was this guy in the patio (he is always there in the afternoon and evenings) and he made me nervous and couldn't find those. The second time i went he was... eating.

So i went today, grabbed those, found some more, about 6 piles in total, and when i went in the area where i found most yesterday, in a space between some bushes and the end of the garages uphill, i thought i saw a nervous shadow passing on the other end of the bushes, coming on the alley from the other side of the garage, but couldn't see the shadow getting out. So i stepped back and aside and saw a woman suddenly yelling at her dog: "Common, go!" and leaving stepping very nervously showing a thin and well maintained body. Couldn't see her face well because sun was coming from her direction, kept looking at the large tattoo on her right elbow as she was farthering, she turned around, like she knew i was looking, i really hope it wasn't one from my recent posts but can't guarantee.

So i came back to wash my hands and write this and i saw market started to go back up around the moment of that encounter.

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