1:00/3:00 Singurul motiv pentru care l-au băgat pe ăsta în știri (deja vu de atâtea ori) este că aduce cu primul nostru înotător nominalizat. Niște pixeli care spală alți pixeli, asta e. Însă... nu cumva... Otoniel, Ionel?...
1:07/3:07 Dacia a parcurs un drum lung până aici, dar în final au făcut-o prea bună și nu mai ajunge și la români.
3:13 Buzzers kinda work, moles don't come too much near the building, however, i see small areas with wet soil and when i step on those the smoke (or mold smell) inside subsides. There is at least one new dog poo, i can smell it. This stuff is evolutionary, is so powerful that it stinks even when it rains like right now.
3:17 Someone is definitely upstairs, though stuff in the car at that spot has not been touched yet...
3:28 Analysis of drive axle tells failure didn't happen very long ago. It was the little the car was driven by me and by the towing guy, at most one quart of a mile that created a small abrasion that has no depth, from the axle that was wobling and hitting something.
3:55/5:55 Situația cu profesorii mei din liceu e probabil generalizată în România și nu numai, în mediul universitar probabil toți din vârfuri sunt din ăștia, doctori, ingineri, profesori, decani etc.. Asta ar explica stagnarea, de decenii, din toate domeniile.
4:10 Just remembered something, Angela found in the mail today the missing bill from a credit card, the one that was supposed to be paid before 10th of this month. She figured this one in time, did not miss the payment, she's planning on following those more closely. Most likely, a doubling of the delayed delivery with FedEx (ingannare).
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