Monday, October 25, 2021

October 25

12:01 Is this guy again Tom Cruise? Raising his visible hand for balance because he's got something heavy in the other?
On my way to Lincoln City i stopped to get gas at Spirit Mountain. Mileeage was 23, after i found what i found loose and fixed again the battery connectors. A few miles after, i had this paranoya about not closing the gas cap, so i stopped to check but guess what. On the left side, there was this fire like ten others i encountered before, filling the whole road from Tualatin to the beaches with smoke on almost all 80 miles trip. I lowered the window and grabbed the phone to take a picture, but this angry guy, together with another one not caught in the picture carryin a chain saw started to walk towards me and when he crossed the road i gave him the finger (for polluting) and then i took off.
Here are some other pictures i took on the beach today, during a large storm.
4:39 In California, when it rains, it pours...

Picture from Depoe Bay, Oregon.
6:43 The guy upstairs is back and doing laundry at 6 AM... 6:45 Walking, smoking, editing, influencing what i'm thinking, what ninja did best in the last 1000 years...

7:23 Was thinking. The man upstairs maybe "was in rehab" or something and now "he relapsed". Right now there is so much smoke in here i opened all windows and it's still too much. Maybe he's pumping smoke in the basement with the drier. Leaving in the park and coming back later when he's done with drying, but "the drier doesn't work" and he will keep doing this all day...

7:57 Smoke was off for a while and it came back though i have three filters on in the living and both windows open.

8:18 During the peak of the smoke, it was quiet upstairs. Now it started to squeek again. Outside now it smells like garden smoke so i shut all windows and put a mask on and now trying to get more sleep.

11:32 Was flooded with his laundry vapor and woke up after half hour of sleep. Got a bitter taste in my mouth, probably from the smoke that was coming actually from a hole near the living wall outside (under the siding). Have to drive 20 miles to take a complete set of pictures under the car.

11:36/9:36 Ultima dată când România a avut prim ministru general (mareșal, whatever, altul decât interimatul lui Ciucă 7-23 decembrie 2020) a fost pe timpul lui Antonescu. Cine nu cunoaște istoria, riscă să o repete. A și a mai fost unul, dar nu prim ministru ci președinte. Timp de 24 de ani.

2:09 Here at the apartment there was so much smoke today even the squirels got high and lost their fear to humans... 

6:51 I believe kids outside are yelling because they're high from smoke... Can barely breath in here. Interestingly, when there's smoke, there's no walking upstairs and when there isn't, there's squeaks.

6:57 It rained in California ok, but not nearly enough. Average yearly rainfall in California is 21 inches, in some places this storm alone brought half of it. But let's hope, the rain season is only at its beginning.

9:11 Went outside and stepped on the numerous soft areas and the smoke subsided.

10:31 Just figured something. The 600 pounds rated fishing magnet that i just bought hoping is going to help me fix the dents in the car is dangerous.

10:40 Noi în anul 2000...

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