5:03 The heat is on... (scroll down to see something).
9:23 It's a dog eat dog word out there, please believe me.
5:46 Slept 4-5 hours, can't sleep no more and i got an appointment at the dentist for an extraction at 8. Last time when i had one i've been hyperventilating throughout the whole procedure. How many times i went to the dentist like this, or Angela at jobs, with few hours of sleep?
It's not anxiety, yesterday i found another water bottle with hot sauce in one of the spots in the parking lot that have been crushed by a car. I'm also nauseated because i smell dog poo. I put half ounce of chlorine bleach in several gallons of water, soaked a towel and put it on top of one of the filters, the one i moved from bedroom. Had trouble opening the bottle with bleach we just got at WinCo, the cap has been leaking and had salt crystallized on the thread and probably the chlorine has lost some of the concentration. One thing that could have happened is at vibration, like from an exhaust, the chlorine has been released on demand in detectable amounts when someone is outside our door and we had the door open. The other filter that have been mostly in the living room is stopped, saturated with smoke, but we don't smoke. I all came from outside.
6:26 I opened the email from the firm i bought the mount on ebay on 6 with an USPS tracking number. After arriving from Korea at LAX not PDX on 16 with Rincos it traveled to Nevada with Pitney Bowes and it got here with USPS and scheduled for delivery today.
9:32 Drove around twice, the only place i could find was next to a garbage bin though i hate to park there. However until Thursday, got to remove the truck by then. There was one more isolated visitor space in front of the entrance of a building which i also don't like to use. The guy upstairs is not moving today. Total silence. He did that several times when he disappeared for weeks, with or without car in the spot.
At the dentist. He said there was no sign of infection within the tooth itself. Gum around it was sensitive though. But i already made my mind to postpone when i got there. Too many thing going on in the same time. Plan is to catch a day when i can sleep enough before i go there, probably next week.
Ok. He's awake and... squeaking.
12:09 Two versions of this post open in two tabs, just managed to lose an entire paragraph i just wrote. I was saying, after spending one hour in the bedroom watching Fringe and then falling asleep, i got awakened by a loud noise, thought it was USPS with my part, came at the computer, my part has been delivered at the locker, noise could have been from the movie, however, i realized the market went up, exactly like yesterday when i went in the bedroom or daily when i go in the kitchen area and out of direct view from the big living floor to ceiling window. Then i remembered a blog post i wrote about one and a half years ago, however, it was written incoherently, with many mistakes, tried to say too many things, probably missing the point, like so many others at that time. Here's the main thing from that post. The floor plan for this apartment. It is very similar to the one in Lake Oswego, which is weird in itself.
However the closet with water heater, washer and dryer is next to kitchen (there was no washer and dryer there), taking some space, at the other one was outside the balcony. End of lost paragraph.And here's the weird part or the one worth mentioning. The wall between kitchen and bathroom is not the normal thickness, as shown in the floor plan above, but one foot thick.
I measured it indirectly, and in one occasion i even looked into it through a small hole. One person could easily fit in there. But i didn't look up carefully enough to see if there's an opening to the apartment above or i did and didn't see one.
The confirmation i was onto something. When i started writing, after i was looking for the old post, the man upstairs, who is actually tormenting me while probably pretending he gets here and we might spend time together started to make noises making me so nervous i accidentally deleted it first. Then when i started to rewrite it, he took off, after being here for several days in a row.
And the market is going back down. It's not the market that i'm interested in so much (though Angela has some money in a 401k indexed to market). It's the fact that everything i do and say trying to restore my reputation is being perpetually trashed by these guys, who probably prepared this place and planned this or at least versions of it for for a long long time, and i know this is important enough to some it reflects in the market, dramatically.
Also. If i could get my hands on some money or a job this wouldn't be possible for them anymore, but that is mission impossible. One example. Google, of which platform blogger i use for the current two blogs, is not showing in the statistics of this blog or the other with similarities how many people are reading them. It did once, at one post only in the beginning, a pure DIY thing, when i was showing like 100 hits an hour for several hours, and then it stopped giving me those numbers.
I would imagine everything would be the same if i added a donation button or something. Probably the money would be taken and then never given to me.
As for jobs, all i had was with their actors and the classic example is the software engineer job at Quadramed in 1998, where my boss was local TV star Andy Carson. Nobody but them can get close enough to me. Also, Romania is one of two countries of the whole European Union where people need a visa to travel to the US.
12:57 Just cut a small piece of pear to eat, an older guy with a leather jacket (i haven't seen before as seen from the back only as he was leaving) came promptly with a white i think hound dog at my living sliding door (which screen BTW is glued with silicone, never use it, would take minutes to remove that to open it).
2:59 Was watching Fringe and feeling kinda hyper, like protozoan influence again, got worried and took half Zyrtec (yes, under my tongue, to get to the bulged again parotid glands first). Things started to get better, colors around me not seeming so bright anymore (just like before past psychotic episodes, it is also a gorgeous day outside, still not sleepy after only 4 hours last night) and me not so high for no reason, though i just had a couple of drinks, but after Zyrtec. (Was having not the kinda high alcohol can give you, but the pure protozoan unimaginable dopamine high). Then i just watched a scene in the movie that reminded me of something. While driving to the dentist on 217 close to 99 i got behind a truck with a trailer that had something green, can't remember what, and it was smelling like exhaust or maybe something else. Though i swore in my mind this morning i won't do it again, when i got into the dentist's office i started talking with him without being able to stop for like half hour or so, like giving him a debriefing on what had recently happened to me. I think this has happened so many times, it's more like a rule. When i go there, (i thought until today) because i finally can see a human being who's listening to me, if only for trying figure out what's been going with my teeth. Especially when i drive alone (also in the Elantra we have an activated carbon cabin filter).
4:09 Angela came. Went outside to check to see if the new part fits. Then i saw this. When i got back inside after a few minutes outside, i felt the smoke mixed with dog smell.
10:32 Peaceful easy feeling.
11:00 I went to the dentist for an emergency extraction, however, first appointment available was tomorrow at 8. I let them my new number (by caller ID calling at 9:30, cause i gave up memorizing my fast changing phone numbers) just in case there's a cancelation.
11:03 Today would be the first time i know of that America's addiction to their idols pushed the market up. Pragmatically on short term looks good but philosophically, this is so weird. I'm going to binge watch Fringe for the rest of the day. But after i figure the source of smoke outside.
11:17 One hole under wall, two under door. Burnt plastic like smell, probably meth. A utility machine from the city making a noise, probably canceling ambiental. After fixing the holes, i went back inside, the smell was so strong, i had to open the door.
It's hard to understand, buth the smoke from holes, though they are outside, go mostly inside, because of laminar thermal flow around building (Coandă effect). So the smell becomes apparent for an observer only when you open the door and the smoke literally comes out of your place, in which moment a siren went off. Hole is almost impossible to see in a 2D image. It's under the horizontal 4 inch pipe, 6 inches right of the joint.11:25 What would you say if i told the sweetest woman (on screen) is even 3 years older?
12:15 More smoke, one hole just opened back up. I went outside to cover it, a continuous show in the parking lot.
12:25 Lecția pe care trebuie să o învățăm. Cred că o foarte mică minoritate de job-uri în firme strategice ar trebui, prin lege, să nu aibă dreptul la grevă. Dacă vrei să lucrezi acolo, vei ști de la început, va fi o condiție la angajare.
1:36 It is really scary. The way stock market goes up and down with no economical reasons. Stock market of course is not the majority of the capital in the US. Many corporation choose to sell stock, up to a percentage of their total assets or capital. However, many people have their retirement money in funds tied to stock market. But i bet they don't check it regularly to see how their money do.
After an unnatural constant rally since December 2018 (which happened during a so called pandemic) with a "hickup" at the beginning of "pandemic", following again another barely signaled crash back then in December 2018 of more than 20%, breaking record after record, triggering a yet unknown but solid, touchable inflation, with the weirdest part, shortage of... cars in dealerships and raising of prices of second hand cars, stock market crashed this month to a low of aprox. -11.3% at 9:30 PDT this morning which was really scary.
Than it has experienced the biggest rally i saw in one day over many years since i'm watching it, or over 4% until closing time, in two stages, last on Biden declaration of sending more troops, putting troops in allert but especially on him "changing his mind" in this direction which i was expecting cause his first decision on "minor incursions" was a bluff.
Also they never stand up to their decisions, for let's say, more than a while.
It's amazing how the sentiments of americans reflect onto their own money. It's also amazing how main media plays to ignore the most important economical and historical economic phenomena we are experiencing. It was not a crash, most are saying. It's all about Uk reign most will say. However, nobody knows nothing about what's going on in Ukraine. If you asked me, this is what's going on.
After fall of the Soviet Union, many Russians found themselves outside Russia, and some in historical communities where they are/were always majoritary. I don't know exactly, but i would assume some dumbass Ukrainian politicians have irritated those which happened to be on the border with Russia and they were crying for help to their brothers in mainland and Putin is playing on that feeling and masses troops. This is what's happening. Those people don't deserve a war except for their ignorance of what the west is feeling about Putin massing those troops right now. It is, if you like, climbing the ladder of illusions, where each rung disappears after just stepping onto the next (if you look down), like the stock market did today.
If it may lead to war. It would not be the first time when the ladder of illusions lead to hell, not heaven.
And THEY may need a war right now, like they needed the "pandemic" which was not enough for the world which just started to learn who they are, to forget.
12:25/10:25 Ghe spre înciudarea limbilor. Ghei or ghey, Ge orgie. (Căci gheii nu sunt ai noștri, n-au fost ai strămoșilor noștri). Pornit de la cel mai bad text citit vreodată de mine în Cațavencii. (V-ați gândit vreodată măcar ipotetic la... înlocuirea u-ului subliminal din numele locului nașterii lui Creangă de-a dreptul cu un o?). Că de homo sapiens (care știe) sau chiar homo erectus nu prea am chef să discut acum.
1:28/11:28 În sfârșit mi-a picat și mie fisa după ce am scris ieri cu piesele de schimb, de ce nu pot călători românii fără viză în SUA. Ca să nu vadă prea multe. Ca SUA să fie menținută în zona mitului.
Sunt multe chestii de văzut în SUA, dar chestia cu piesele de schimb și modul de a le procura e cea mai tare. Încercați să vă imaginați multitudinea de tipuri de mașini care circulă aici. Zeci de branduri, majoritatea de import (Japonia, Korea). Fiecare brand are vreo 10-20 modele, cu versiuni, care se schimbă în fiecare an. Unele piese se păstrează de la un an la altul, de la un model la altul, altele se înnoiesc. O mașină are în jur de 30k piese. Nu știu, nu pot să calculez câte tipuri de piese diferite există în depozitele din SUA, dar este un număr astronomic. Și totuși, dacă te duci la un magazin de piese de schimb, nu pleci cu mâna goală. Asta și fiindcă ei le au pe cele care se cer cel mai mult, pentru restul, se face (se făcea) o comandă, care era onorată de obicei în câteva zile. Acum, cu internetul, e-commerce, Amazon, ebay, totul se schimbă într-un ritm accelerat. Deci chestia asta m-a impresionat cel mai mult de la început. În SUA nu poți să trăiești fără cel puțin o mașină în stare de funcționare pe job în familie. Orice american e șofer profesionist iar mulți, mecanici amatori.
Autostrăzile. La fel de impresionant. Peste 70k de mile de autostrăzi, plus multe alte drumuri expres, cu un total de... 253.832 km. Pentru comparație, Germania are 9k km de autostrăzi. Autostrăzile nu ocolesc centrele marilor orașe, ci trec de-a dreptul prin ele, unde câteva ore pe zi devin impracticabile. Prin Portland de exemplu trece I5 de la nord la sud (I de la interstate) cele nord-sud sunt numerotate din 5 în 5, de la vest la est), dar Portland are o variantă ocolitoare, 205, pentru tir-urile care merg din California la Seattle și invers. 84 pleacă spre est chiar din centrul Portlandului, deci nu e așa de mare problemă. Pe harta asta pe lângă freeways (autostrăzi, cel puțin 4 benzi, două pe sens, fără taxe, fără semafoare, fără intersecții) sunt trecute și highways, adică drumurile expres, care mai au intersecții și uneori, mai rar, semafoare.
Majoritatea transporturilor de marfă se face pe drumuri (freeways, highways), cu tir-uri, ceea ce le și degradează. Rețeaua de trenuri este foarte slab dezvoltată.
Casele de lemn. Majoritatea locuiesc în aceste case, cu ceva spațiu în jur, dar mulți români ar fi șocați să vadă casele americanilor. Arhitectură de vis, materiale de cct. Pentru ele, plătesc rate toată viața (mortgage). Dacă rămân 2 luni fără serviciu, sunt șanse mari să ajungă în stradă. Dacă ești nervos (de la praful de izolație) și tragi un pumn în perete, faci gaură.
Prețul la benzină și la hrană. Acum, s-a mai schimbat, dar tot e jumătate față de Europa, era cam un sfert.
Prețurile la mașini și electronice. Tot așa, cam jumătate.
Homeleșii de sub poduri la autostrăzi. În cea mai bogată dar și cea mai îndatorată țară din lume, mulți locuiesc... afară. În ultimul timp, s-a înrăutățit.
Imigranți din toată lumea, dar mai ales din Asia. Ajunși în SUA, românii și-ar putea face o idee ce sunt, cum arată și ce vor aceștia. Jumătate din colegii de la joburile de producție (manufacturing) sunt asiatici.
2:14 Two or three days after i wrote here, i got my LPNs in the mailbox. However, the part for my car (motor mount) i ordered on ebay on 6 not knowing it was coming from Korea with Rincos, is stuck at Portland Airport since 15 (last update on their tracking system), not being picked up by the local delivery service, most likely USPS. Without that motor mount, i have moderate problems steering at high speed (above 50 mph) (mostly annoying), because engine oscillates and engine is bolted to the transmission that contains the differential where from the half shafts transmit kinetic energy to the wheels. If there's an oscillation at the engine it goes to the differential and the speed at drive shafts is modulated unevenly with that oscillation.
9:40/7:40 Omul a venit pentru o corecție. A rezolvat în mare parte problemele și a plecat acum vreo lună. Dar libertatea mi-a priit, am postat niște chestii, la noroc, s-a dus bursa în jos timp de vreo săptămână și l-au trimis înapoi să-și termine treaba. După niște scârțâieli timide aseară (probabil a ieșit din "tune", chestia cu comunicarea vibrațională, shin shin shin gan), azi m-a trezit la 6 ore de somn, deși eram pe direcție să dorm 8 sau mai multe, cu ceva praf care între timp s-a acumulat pe tavan, scârțâială, și a plecat târșâindu-și încălțările pe scări la fel ca aseară când a venit ceea ce m-a făcut să strănut fără opreliște și a trebuit iar să dau cu mopul pe spațiul din fața și dosul ușii, ca aseară. La fel ca și aseară, mă întreb dacă tipul, un ninja, nu seamănă cumva cu fiul lui Lakshmi. Totuși nimic din ce a fost odată, când ignoram fumul care venea prin pereți din găuri în pământ făcute cu un baston de plimbare cu biluțe aprinse cu salpetru, stăteam high cu zilele sau săptămânile. Pare ciudat ce am scris până aici, pare desprins dintr-un roman de Ovidiu Bufnilă sau Ion Țugui? Poate, dar asta e. Nu se poate descrie sau scrie altfel.
9:53/7:53 Situații extreme care te pot împinge să găsești o rezolvare, pot duce la un beneficiu pe termen lung (dacă scapi).
Apartamentul din Lake Oswego. O zonă de lux, arhitectură de lux făcută din materiale de cct. Pereți din lemn, se aude orice zgomot, orice conversație din vecini. Praf din pod, praf de asfalt (bitum) de pe acoperiș, fum dintr-un coș de evacuare stricat de la un șemineu din vecini. Parchetul din bucătărie contaminat, a trebuit să-l acopăr cu o folie de plastic auto adezivă (din acelea de pus pe rafturi). O scurgere într-un perete făcea mucegai în apartamentul de dedesubt, deci și într-al nostru. Miros de câine din vecini. Frigiderul vechi de 30 de ani, împuțit și cu un fel de material sticlos în tava de evaporare. Am desfăcut tot ce se putea desface la frigider. Partea contaminată era de fapt izolația dintre compartimentul de congelator și restul, din polistiren expandat (spumă de mare cum se spunea la noi). Am pus-o (nici nu am încercat să caut piesa, chestia era prea veche) de exemplu (au fost mai multe încercări) într-un sac de plastic cu un litru de clor, timp de 24 de ore, am pus-o înapoi și tot puțea. Rezolvarea parțială a fost când am dat-o cu un strat de vopsea transparentă high tech. Toate acestea au scăzut nivelul de catastrofă din apartament de la 10 (fiind cel mai rău) la 5-6. Și fiindcă nu puteam ține nimic descoperit în frigider, împachetam orice aliment în folie de plastic. Folie de plastic sub capac la o oală cu mâncare. Dar o chestie interesantă. Am aflat astfel că poți să ții în frigider de exemplu bucăți de ceapă, ardei, lămâie, brânză, mujdei în cănițe, toate împachetate în plastic, timp de mai multe zile, sau poate chiar o săptămână. Asta poate conduce la economii serioase, fiindcă acum toate legumele mai ales cele ieftine sunt uriașe și nu le poți folosi odată. Frigiderul nu mai miroase. Alimentele nu fac schimb de mirosuri între ele și nu se usucă. Folia mă coastă poate 2-3 dolari pe lună. Da, avocado coapte și roșii coapte (mai bine decât să le arunci).
10:26 Just checked my tracking number. My part is so not out for delivery today.
10:34 Nu mă deranjează, Doamne ferește, când bursa se duce în sus, dar de ce se duce în sus Doamne iartă-mă de fiecare dată când merg eu în bucătărie, un loc care nu se poate vedea pe nici un geam și care are peretele dinspre baie atât de gros (un ft sau picior) încât cineva poate încăpea în el? Astăzi a început să crească și a crescut pe toată perioada cât am fost acolo și am construit un meatloaf. Imediat după ce l-am pus în cuptor și am venit să scriu aici, a început să scadă iar.