3:13 Woke at 1:30 AM after a couple of hours of sleep because of the stink. I went and put some chlorine bleach in a bowl in the closet, started the UV lamp and closed the "door" which is permeable. I also have a blanket on top of the door space. I opened both doors (patio and main) to let the wind blow a little. It did but it stopped so i closed the doors. Around 2 i heard again the wind blowing outside, opened again both doors only to see a woman ninja passing by. Now i hear a noisy SUVs in the lot.
Saw about UFO reports all over in the news. In or around September 2015 shortly after i moved in here and after i posted the first time about the "antigravitational" or relativist drive, i was with Angela in the park. We were about to leave when i saw coming from the top of hospital and Mobile Pl on this map and veering right on top of Nyberg, following the street and furthering towards east a number of floating objects, in the shape of diamonds, about 10 meters tall, at about 200 ft altitude.
They were going one after another with one minute distance between them as if they were held by a wire, like cable cars but there was no cable, at a speed of about 20 mph. They seemed more like romboidal frames than solid objects, with lights on the sides, like some decorations on trucks on the freeway or... Christmas trees?
Absolutely silent. Also pretty far, at least a quarter of a mile. I tried to take pictures with my old 10 MP Alpha 300 Sony DSLR camera with 70 mm equivalent max focal length but they were too far away and they only came as pixels. I think i posted about somewhere including a picture but can't find anything. I had an impulse to run at the car in the lot and drive closer to take pictures but something was paralyzing me.
I think i was afraid. More like of being ridiculed by some sort of prank designed with that purpose. It was all too obvious and easy not to hide a trap or something. No cars on the street which seemed odd for the beginning of the evening or around sunset time. Also at the time i was high all the time from smoke from the ground i was ignoring. (Years after i probably reached my limit and the smoke was not enough to feel good anymore but just dizzy and realized it and started to fight it).
Most likely explanation? Drones of some sort, the frame type, though kinda big, hanging vertically rather than horizontally. Nothing out of this world.
5:15 Can't sleep (slept 10 days yesterday). Ate something, had a few drinks (it's still night, i never drink in the morning! LOL) Kept thinking. Why was he trying to sell me a carpet cleaner. The guy with the small SUV parked yesterday in our spot. And figured it out. I posted first an image with a small stain on the carpet. Then i replaced it with one where i put the laptop over it.
These guys resilience and professionalism is infinite. Their endeavour is 2500 years old or older. They will speculate every tiny possibility. They came on the suspicion there was a stain on the carpet, to amplify it. Something i didn't clean. The other ninja came out of the building "to defend me" then the guy left. It was all a show.
Everybody saw. In the two pictures posted already there is one of the legs of my tripod stand from which two plants are hanging (used to be three). The stain is from overwatering the plants and can be easily cleaned though i didn't have the time. Some of the leaves have been burnt by UV when i put it in the room and forgot about the plants for about 5 minutes.
Why are the blinds open. Because i was airing when i took the picture. It stinks so bad i can't sleep. As i said they are really pro. They only place themselves in public sight on the defense or as good guys. He came "on a suspicion". Feel realy sorry right now i didn't beat the crap out of him, i hope someone will. And the guy honking who made me walk outside. And the ninja who pretend are my friends. Still think like a child i guess or i am still drunk.
6:08 Cei puțin ei vă arată întotdeauna aspectul luminos din orice mizerie. Un sport de lux. Iadul aparține însă urmașilor noștri. Dar cui îi pasă.
Ajutați-ne cu puțină decență, autostrăzi, oportunități și job-uri, cu lipsa imaginii inestetice a lui Ciucă și aerian elegant suspendată a lui Iohannis. Cu lipsa voastră în general.
8:42 Smoke filled the place. Had no chance but go outside. Kids on scooters playing and yelling in January rain at Sunday 8 AM, at times crossing in the alley where sometimes cars pass one after another. One SUV came in the middle of the alley and stopped defensively between me and them and two "Mexican guys" started to talk annoyingly loud to each other, throwing glances at me while i was stepping on bulged areas. Smelled some dog s... and picked two dog piles, one with diarrhea, other objects thrown on the ground. When i went to throw them, another SUV came between me and the kids.
9:00 Repetitio mater studiorum. Cred că am mai zis faza cu Wan Ron Rolling dar nu contează, lumea cred că a uitat-o. Eram în Lake Oswego la apartamentul 10 iar la apartamentul 9 în ultimul timp venea tipa aia de a făcut-o pe Kelly Clarkson (postare veche). Pentru că am zis înainte de a mă muta acolo de mai multe ori că îmi plăcea vocea ei.
În realitate deși arătă ok, nu e la înălțimea vocii nici pe departe (acum s-a îngrășat foarte mult). Oricum am stat deoparte. În orice caz.
Dau într-o zi peste un video în care apărea o tipă care semăna cu ea. Nu era ea normal fiindcă era "chinezoaică" dar vroiau pe atunci încă să mă convingă că două persoane de fapt pot semăna între ele. Da normal pot fiindcă ungurii sunt și ei asiatici.
În treacăt fie spus. Pe atunci eram pe chat cu cineva și am pus link la video. În următorul minut a picat bursa 5%. Video-ul chinezesc de fapt sumariza și înfiera cam tot ce mi se întâmpla (Eu eram normal tipul cu coarne și găină în brațe).
Ok a venit vremea să mă mut și am nimerit aici la Rolling Hills. Wang Ron Rollin, Rolling Hills. Era o tipă la recepție foarte sexy. Câțiva ani după încă mă întâlneam cu ea pe alee la ora când mergea la birou, în pauze. Stătea vizavi. Care până la urmă s-a dovedit a fi ea. Dar avea și un soț care părea culturist.
De câte ori ne întâlneam se uita galeș la mine. M-am gândit s-o invit înăuntru, dar mi-era rușine fiindcă puțea prea mult a fum și alte chestii iar apartamentul era într-adevăr foarte "crummy". Ce îmi pare rău acum e că ea a vrut să-mi schimbe boilerul dar eu am ezitat. Mi-am amintit toată faza când, căutându-l pe Fumio, am dat de o poză care sintetizează poziția femeii în Japonia.
Absolut obiecte docile de folosință. Am înțeles că ei le numesc pe colegele de birou "tea ladies". Adică tot ce fac este să servească ceai. Multe rămân nemăritate și pe alea le numesc "Christmas cakes". Adică torturi rămase în vitrine de la Crăciun. Așa se prezenta și ea pe alle când ne întâlneam.
They only blow in the most visible areas. They were leaves everywhere. A month ago i pulled two sacks from under bedroom's window. Today two more sacks next to cars. There are more but i can't cause they sent a whole bands of Japanese kids at the door to defend the rot. At that patio some sort of forgotten black cover fell over the rotting leaves. They been flushing toilets every time i went to bathroom for a week now. I developed some sort of retention and i'm full of gas and had palpitations when bending to put by hand the leaves in the sacks.
They do this every fall, intentionally leave leaves in the yard, but in different places and now on sides on top of mulch areas where are harder to
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