Friday, February 16, 2024

February 16

10:40 Alexei Navalny

1:45 So they waited and waited and waited until they found the right moment to put the shocking news with Trump. Mainly because the man looks like... Just to let you know guys again and again who you're dealing with. Alien AI that is. Now searching for Engoron. Am i going to find him fast enough?

And one question. Anybody remembers in this time he was really the judge?

6:21 Haven't heard of Steve Eaton since. But he did it big time this week. Nothing changed, there is a new supervisor, "an old Mexican" however Steve is still doing the scheduling. Which means who is going to work what and with who. A team of @14.

So he again scheduled something for Angela to feel good in weekend.

After working with a deaf-mute and now with a Native American (i assume both fake like anybody else), they working Angela big time. Always working twice as everybody else. The Native American was missing yesterday, Angela worked for two, in the end she wasn't ready, and Steve sent Hao, Angela's best enemy there. Vietnamese, by definition clean as a swamp, in reality a major b...

As i was saying earlier. Vietnamese are saints in the US. Or they are kept that image because so many Americans did for them. So they are untouchable. From time to time they organize a show like this at Eaton just to reinforce that image.

She came and mixed Angela's parts that were sorted. In the morning she did it one more time and Angela got into a verbal fight with her in cafeteria. Which means raising a bit the voice, each, no harsh words, just professional voice raising. The whole team and especially Steve and the Native American started to yell "enough" "go to HR" which Angela did cause she was boiling with that desire since yesterday though i told her not to.

Hao went after her. As expected Angela got her butt kicked and "the supervisor notified". Supposedly Hao too. The supervisor told Angela "i know she did it on purpose but you overreacted. The story of our lives, both of us". How many times i got too at work into ready made scenes like these?

Late in the day Steve came to ask Angela to volunteer for tomorrow. He needed 4 people. But i told Angela early this morning not to go. Lately she did constantly 60 hours a week and at the end of the week she was just melting away, going and loosing in casinos like crazy. BTW the casinos went nuts also. No more winning in many months.

She didn't want either because she always has to work more than others, just to prove. The reason why she was asked.

Just another weekend gifted by Steve. But i assume is retaliation also because what i wrote about Japanese, being thieves. I was telling Angela. In the 70s we heard even in Romania about Japanese imitating and selling cheap in the US, and they kept doing that until they reduced car manufacturing in the US to large trucks, 50% of the cars on the street being Japanese, rest Korean, German and a few Americans.

What did they do with the money? They bought everything including real estate media outlets and politicians and nowadays there is nobody left to say anything. So Eaton must be theirs as well.

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