Tuesday, October 22, 2024

October 22

12:15 AM Meek Donald.

22 can be a symbolic number. It can stand for 2 swans. 2 White swans like in Dire Straights song i just posted about. How about 2 lotus petals?

I recently discovered that the eye of Horus were actually 2 and they turned into lotuses (the missing link between Ancient Egypt and Buddhism which draws from Hinduism).

How about the face of Buddha? In all depictions i've seen so far and never figured, the eyebrows seem to represent 2 stylized lotus petals put together.

The middle way is Buddha's way of life. "In his first sermon, the Buddha taught that neither the extreme of indulgence nor the extreme of asceticism is acceptable as a way of life".

1:00 Meanwhile, the opposition (Yeah me too first i thought it was Kamala but still worth posting)

1:50 Brâncuși gave Romanians a huge Shivalinga in Tg.Jiu and the whole world Mlle (miss) Pogany. Pogany is a Hungarian name though.

2:55 Un contabil trimite jumătate din bugetul nostru (zeci de miliarde de euro) în alte conturi, de 34 de ani.

3:00 Heaven's gate? Ăia care se leagănă în tricouri și blugi sunt polițiști sau figuranți într-o scenetă. Alexandra Măceșanu. Luiza Melencu.

5:03 Princess X by Brâncuși... I didn't say nothing...

5:10 How about this one?

5:55 Coincidence of the day.

6:10 Toți trepădușii din media românească se pricep la orice, inclusiv la tehnică militară.

Piloții de pe F16 nu au nevoie de "contact vizual" cu ținta.

Mai mult decât atât, piloții de pe F16 începând de la block 50 (diferența între 50 și 52 la care au fost îmbunătățite (upgraded) cele cumpărate din Portugalia este doar motorul) au la dispoziție o nouă însușire a avionului (feature). Tactical data link.

Asta le permite să primească date (în video-ul următor, display-ul din dreapta, cel din stânga este propriul radar) de la radare de la sol sau de la alte avioane.

Dacă drona era văzută de un radar de la sol care are această însușire, ținta apărea și pe ecranul avionului, tot ce avea de făcut pilotul era să apese un buton să "lock the target" și să trimită o rachetă.

E adevărat, rachetele sunt foarte scumpe, una AMRAAM din cele contractate recent de România din SUA poate depăși un milion de dolari bucata, în funcție de versiune. O rachetă sidewinder, parte din același contract, care poate merge până la 22 mile (aprox. 35 km) e puțin mai ieftină.

Motivul pentru care sunt atât de scumpe este că în afară de sistemul de ghidare inerțial, au datalink, deci pot fi ghidate de radarul din avion, de un radar de la sol sau de propriul radar.

Da, cred că aceste caracteristici transformă avionul într-un lansator de rachete zburător, repet, fără nevoie de contact vizual.

Unul din motivele pentru care avioanele mai noi, ca de exemplu F35 nu mai sunt atât de rapide. 1.6 Mach față de 2.25 pentru F16.

Însă și avionul țintă are mai multe opțiuni în momentul când detectează că o rachetă a fost locked pe el.

Prima ar fi bruiajul. La 330 km distanță de exemplu, sau la max cât poate opera un AMRAAM, are timp chiar și să aterizeze și să se ascundă într-un hangar de beton. Bine, cu o rachetă după el. Ok, închizi ușa la hangar.

Mai scriau domniile lor, spre panica dvs., că un pilot de F16 nu poate vedea o dronă, și din cauză de diferență de viteză. Dar dacă drona stă pe loc? Asta ne-ar lăsa fără opțiuni în fața dronelor de mici dimensiuni?

Pe radar se vede mărimea și viteza dronei respective. Ce faci, trimiți 2 F16 și 2 F18 pentru o mică dronă care merge prea încet și nu poate fi văzută? Dar cu elicopterele ce faci?

Monday, October 21, 2024

Sunday, October 20, 2024

October 20

1:45 AM Buda în poziție lotus pe un lotus stilizat și cu un lotus în mână.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

October 19

1:45 AM Spune-mi ce radar ai ca să-ți spun cine ești dacă exiști.

Ok se pare că am greșit. Cele 17 F16 Block 50/52 cumpărate din Portugalia folosesc radarele mai vechi AN/APG-68 (V5 introdus în Block 25 @year 2000, pulse doppler, look down, shoot downV9 - SAR, 110 km, România nu e pe listă) cu rază de acțiune mult mai scurtă decât AN/APG-83 (80 km vs 370 km).

Care sunt derivate din AN/APG-81 și AN/APG-77 de pe F35 și F22 care abia în acest moment sunt instalate pe avioanele F16 US Air Force și Taiwan Air Force Block Block 50/52. Nu îmi este clar ce radar au cele cumpărate din Norvegia.

2:33 Am găsit pe un forum că MIG-21 Lancer modernizat de ELBIT a avut radar AESA (ca opțiune), care este mai avansat decât AN/APG-68 V5 . Pe un alt forum din 2012. Nu știu dacă acea opțiune s-a materializat vreodată.

3:13 Putin, influencer. Jocul sinistru de-a uite drona nu e drona pare menit să orneze bântuie alegerile de mâine din Moldova.

8:53 Believe it or not. Câine pe piramidă, la știri. Coboară singur. La cât de vizitată e piramida și totuși nu l-a filmat nimeni urcând.

7:38 PM Edina Pop. Da știu, e foarte autentic, fiindcă în formație mai este cel puțin un maghiar pe care îl recunosc imediat. Dar sunt aproape sigur că toți sunt. Noongars, magars, mongols, etc..

Friday, October 18, 2024

Kali Yuga

I said many times before. Dogs are not naturally evolved animals. They are rather differently degenerated "races", created artificially through inbreeding during which much genetic information from the original wolf was lost and much was erroneous. What was kept was arbitrary or what served the interest of the breeders. Big, small, aggressive, playful, fluffy, etc..

There is some evolution in the creation of the breeds of dogs. From the initial results of inbreeding, many probably did not survive.

We can see from the start different races of dogs have different "temperaments". That is a genetic predisposition of running high on certain hormones or their brain wired in a certain way. I don't know if i can find right now but sometime i read on a site that is not "humane" to cross certain breeds because the result would be too much stress on the resulting dog, due to conflicting traits.

Just googleed something about humans though. Current mainstream theories say we all evolved from a single person. But try to imagine. For that to happen, lots of inbreeding should have occurred. First generation of humans, like the Bible says, should all have been siblings, right? Can't begin to imagine the result of those inter "marriages", and the following generations.

Instead i believe a more parallel type of evolution occurred. A larger number of humans must have underwent separately a number of similar mutations, due to similar living conditions.

This could have happened during evolutionary bottlenecks. When the evolution was significantly accelerated due to lower number of humans due to harsh living conditions, with the price of loosing some genetic inheritance from our ancestors, the chimpanzee. One of them was probably their strong muscles.

Chimpanzee muscles are different from those of humans and are times stronger. Humans also lost the acuity of smell and hearing and senses in general and developed larger brains and the ability to do planning.

Though the chimpanzee that were not mutated into humans survived as species as well.

But i have no idea until today that during the last ice age the human population on the entire Earth was reduced to 600 individuals. However, the author is ignoring one thing. Was that a single group? Could have been other survivors in different part of the planet, and those underwent different type of mutations?

Thawing of the continental ice moved again the water into the oceans and that started to rise oceans levels and that was perceived by humans as floods, and the legend of a flood is central in most recorded cultures on Earth (that could all have come from the same source though).

It is said during last ice age aboriginal Australians have been genetically isolated from the rest of humans for around 50,000 years (that number vary from author to author, some giving more or up to 70 k, some less. Not clear how great was their numbers, but must have been comparable to the 600 number above.

My hypothesis is. What if during the last ice age biological and evolutionary bottleneck they underwent a separate set of mutations than the 600 in all the other continents together or maybe they did not underwent any, as the last ice age has been milder in the Southern hemisphere.

Creating or keeping humans with a rather volcanic "temperament", way of planning, "reasoning" etc..

Time have passed and humans in the connected continents in the North flourished and gave birth to civilizations.

I believe this is the "ages" we hear about in the Hindu culture. Also. All the ice ages are cyclical. The Kali age (Sanskrit yuga), which name seem to be related to the goddess Kali, which name may come from the aboriginal word kylie, known to us as boomerang. We also hear from Hinduism of naraka, which became (corresponds to) Hell in European tradition.

This could have repeated (history always repeats itself, mostly because our brains are pre-programed or wired in certain ways) and on the largest scale, climate is cyclical and Hindu even has a measure for the cycles. Could these cycles be the true meaning of the curse of Samskara.

According to them, we live (again) in an age when Hell has spelt over the rest of the Earth.

The clash began indeed during the time mentioned for starting of Kali Yuga, when slave based agriculture states flourished in Egypt and Mesopotamia, pyramids were built, and the battles described in Mahabharata occurred, one of the enemies being the snakes (nagas, noongars, magas, etc..), all as a result of waves of invasions from south that started at the beginning of Kali Yuga and lasted until Huns and Attila, but that could be the only exact time in the description of the cycles that all must be much shorter.

Question. Could the last ice age on Earth have been started by humans?