Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Need Some Of That Vagueness Now

Una din primele bucurii de după decembrie 89. Presa liberă din România. Chiar îmi amintesc unul din primele articole citite, cineva ne-a învăţat cum să apreciem calitatea unei ştiri. Ce trebuie să conţină obligatoriu primul paragraf dintr-o ştire. Ce, unde, când şi cum.

Dar n-a fost să fie. Încet încet au dispărut aceste indicatoare ale calităţii. Cu greu mai găseşti despre ce e vorba în articol. Titlurile sunt derutante, şi de multe ori chiar nu au legătură cu primul paragraf. Locul dacă se poate cât mai vag. Un dimineaţa, seara, seara târziu, mai vezi la când. Iar despre cum, asta e treaba imaginaţiei noastre, ni se dau mici indicaţii, căci trebuie să ne umplem şi noi timpul cu ceva, comparând informaţia de pe diferite canale, aşteptând update-uri care nu mai vin căci sunt înlocuite cu alte senzaţii. Căci asta au ajuns ştirile, divertisment. Divertisment de la realitate, bineînţeles.

Regula de aur: Never follow up! Niciodată nu mai ştim peste o săptămână când şi cum s-a dovedit cutare ştire falsă sau neimportantă.

De aceea cred că legislatorii ar trebui să se gândească serios să creeze o agenţie de stat, ca alternativă la cele private de ştiri, unde să se hotărască, prin lege, pe anumite criterii ce e ştire şi ce nu e şi să le publice în paralel cu agenţiile private... Nu ar fi mare problemă dacă ar da mai mult sau mai puţin, căci toate informaţiile ne aparţin fiindcă suntem liberi...

Dar aşa să fim la îndemână agenţiilor private şi să nu avem nici o şansă decât să înghiţim marea de reclame declarate sau nu, cum se spune să căutăm veşnic linguriţa cu miere în... e pur şi simplu monstruos.

Candle In The Wind

We survive in a world of uncertainty. The ones that live before us decided for our own protection that we should not know anything for sure. And they are those who look down to us while we try to figure what's wrong with them.

Here is a song to remind us who we are.

By Reginald Kenneth Dwight. Or is he?

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


I planned this post for a long time, i even wrote it once as a paragraph in a different post that i deleted due to apparent synchronization with unrelated current events. But i will not shy off again just because of weird coincidences. And those passed from immediate and permanent public's attention for EVER like they always do due to the mere number of incoming unverifiable news.

Entraining is the synchronization of primarily one's breath with one's thought like in yoga or with outside body events like rhythmic sound although it can be applied to any rhythmic physiological activity like brain waves. It can occur in meditation, walking, dancing, work or any human activity that involve some repetition. I don't think the capability to be entrained is inherited but aquired sometime early in life, consciously or not. Maybe some are experimenting with primates, and could tell as more, as it was dr Mauser at Harvard, who was experimenting with primate body language before he was kicked out of the university probably for ethical and legal reasons.

When  using sound it can be done remotely when a person is unaware or ignoring the sound, especially during more elaborate activities that require concentration.

It can be done through music, TV, due to real time processing capabilities of today's portable supercomputers, and other means more costly like mowers motors, cars etc.

It can lead to hyperventilation and its toxic effects on the brain, if the breath is accelerated, or the opposite, lowering the oxygen level until obtaining different effects, including trance, suggestibility, arrhythmia etc.

I would not be totally surprised if in the past there were songs, poems or even books especially designed in laboratories first to entrain, to bring the subject in a certain state of suggestibility, and then to burn a message in their brain like in a sort of "punch line". But these are things of the past, today it can be done in real time even with feed-back provided by an array of passive sensors.

But lately it came to my attention the fact that the brain waves of two people that have lived a while together or in proximity could be partially entrained... But this is a subject i'm still thinking on...

In my own opinion an through personal experiences, i think entraining, in the hands of some people can become a tool of manipulation.

One car's engine, 1 mile away can do a lot to a person with nobody noticing, that can go from inducing a certain state of mind all the way to making sick or, depending on "subject's" health, even worse.

There's no question if it should be banned provided the lawmakers acknowledge its existence and usage first and provide legal means to the law enforcement agencies to detect it.