Thursday, April 10, 2014

Ministerul Dezvoltării Regionale şi al Administraţiei Publice

M-am săturat de câte ori iese Dragnea cu vreo regionalizare (sau apare o poză de-a lui cu tot titlul) în media să tot repet aceleaşi chestii pe fb şi de aceea le scriu aici.

Căutam prin lista de guverne a României să văd când a apărut prima dată. (Atenţie, dacă folosiţi link-ul din acest paragraf, la fiecare guvern practic sunt două link-uri. Dacă se dă clic pe cuvântul Guvern, se obţine pagina Wikipedia a guvernului respectiv, iar dacă se dă clic pe numele primului ministru respectiv, se obţine un fel de biografie oficială din acel punct de vedere a persoanei respective. Deci practic pe acelaşi cuvânt - "Guvern" sunt link-uri diferite, la pagini de guverne diferite. Foarte neobişnuit, am să verific zilele acestea să văd dacă schimbă să schimb şi eu aici).

Mă uitam deci la  pagina guvernului Tăriceanu. Până la 5 aprilie 2007, 1 minister ale dezvoltării. La 5 aprilie 2007, au mai apărut 2 şi unul s-au transformat, deci în total, 4!
Ministrul agriculturii, pădurilor și dezvoltării ruraleGheorghe FluturPNL29 decembrie 2004 - 23 noiembrie2006
Dan MotreanuPNL6 decembrie 2006 - 5 aprilie 2007
Ministrul agriculturii și dezvoltării ruraleDecebal Traian RemeșPNL5 aprilie – 11 octombrie 2007
Dacian CioloșPNL11 octombrie 2007 – 22 decembrie 2008
Ministrul dezvoltării, lucrărilor publice și locuințelorLaszlo BorbelyUDMR5 aprilie 2007 - 22 decembrie2008
Ministrul mediului și dezvoltării durabileAttila KorodiUDMR5 aprilie 2007 - 22 decembrie2008
Ministru de stat pentru
coordonarea activităților
din domeniul culturii, învățământului
și integrării europene
Béla MarkóUDMR29 decembrie 2004 - 22 decembrie2008
şi o notă mică la sfârşit

^ La data de 5 aprilie 2007, Ministerul Integrării Europene a fost redenumit Ministerul Dezvoltării Regionale.

Deci ar fi trebuit scris în Wikipedia
Ministru de stat pentru
coordonarea activităților
din domeniul culturii, învățământului
și integrării europene
Béla MarkóUDMR29 decembrie 2004 - 5 aprilie 2007
Ministrul Dezvoltării Regionale.Béla MarkóUDMR5 aprilie 2007 - 22 decembrie2008

Deci 4 ministere ale dezvoltării în guvernul Tăriceanu, după 5 aprilie 2007! (Cam câte neveste a avut LOL).

Din care unul al Dezvoltării Regionale.

Cu o singură problemă. Sate, păduri, agricultură, lucrări publice, locuinţe, durabilitate şi dezvoltare  în general, există. (LOL ce de-a ministere!) Dar şi atunci, ca şi acum, în România nu au existat regiuni.

Conform Constituţiei României,


(1) Teritoriul României este inalienabil.

(2) Frontierele ţării sunt consfinţite prin lege organică, cu respectarea principiilor şi a celorlalte norme general admise ale dreptului internaţional.

(3) Teritoriul este organizat, sub aspect administrativ, în comune, oraşe şi judeţe. În condiţiile legii, unele oraşe sunt declarate municipii.

Cine au fost minştri la dezvoltarea (regiunilor).

Dintre toţi, găsesc clar numai la Elena Udrea. Bine şi Marko Bela care a fost şi primul.

Elena Udrea
Conventia PD-L 2013 - Elena Udrea (1).jpg

 Ministrul Dezvoltării Regionale și Turismului
În funcție
22 decembrie 2008 – 9 februarie 2012
Prim-ministruEmil Boc
Precedat deOvidiu Silaghi
Succedat deCristian Petrescu

Pentru că nu a mai ocupat altă funcţie.

Tot pe pagina ei aflăm că probabil următorul ministru după Marko Bela care a fost de la înfiinţare şi sigur înaintea ei a fost Ovidiu Silaghi. Aceasta nu se confirmă pe pagina lui. Tot aici vedem că după Udrea a urmat Cristian Predescu. Paginile lor pot fi accesate pe link-urile de mai sus, adică clic pe numele lor scrise cu albastru.

A ok am mai găsit:

Vasile Blaga
Conventia PD-L 2013 - Vasile Blaga (2).jpg

 Președintele Partidului Democrat-Liberal
Deținător actual
Funcție asumată 
30 iunie 2012
Precedat deEmil Boc


Ministrul dezvoltării regionale și locuinței
În funcție
22 decembrie 2008 – 23 decembrie 2009
Prim-ministruEmil Boc
Succedat deElena Udrea

Acest minister, ca şi toţi miniştrii lui, este a fost, au fost și este (sunt) neconstituţional/i. Şi chiar dacă hai să zicem că deşi nu avem regiuni în Constituţie, ci doar în €*uropa, în care nu am intrat încă cu totul, putem să facem un Minister al Dezvoltării Regionale aşa, în principiu, mă uit la pagina de internet acestui minister şi văd deja hartă cu regiuni şi denumiri de regiuni. Deci acest minister luptă activ împotriva Constituţiei României, deşi este un minister al Guvernului României! Sau mă rog, anticipează modificarea ei care se poate sau nu se poate face prin referendum!

De altfel se ştie că cea mai importantă preocupare, prioritate și rost a lui Dragnea, care este şi vice prim-ministru, a fost şi este regionalizarea.

Deşi în sine nu este nimic ilegal în a promova o idee politică, nu cred că poţi să o faci conducând un minister care are ca scop promovarea acestei idei. LOL.

(Bine pe vrema lui Udrea se numea Ministrul Dezvoltării Regionale și Turismului. Faptul că este vorba de acelaşi minister se confirmă aici

(Bine tot ce scrie în articolul acesta este că se ceartă pe bani. (Probabil, nu l-am citit încă)).

Sunday, February 23, 2014


I post this here because it can be accessed publicly, i mean if i go somewhere in an office and i have to show it.

After my hospitalization in early 1996 we were living in Vancouver, WA. Things got better in the way i wasn't thinking of anything anymore. I was on Navane from a prescription given by doctor Proano Augusto of Vancouver that was my doctor at SW Washington Memorial, Vancouver, WA.

One day i saw an add from Express Personnel in the Oregonian, i guess. On Apple Way, off Beaverton Hilssdale Ave, in Portland. We both signed up for a 2 days training course in soldering with them.

We spent that weekend at the Marts in Salem. My ex-collegue from Bacău. Monday it was snowing and on I5 i stopped once to check tires i guess. A policeman stopped and offered his help but we were ok. So we went in Portland and at Express right in time for the course. I think Julian Mart managed to take me off Navane that weekend too.

They weren't many people in there. Can't remember exactly the names. The recruiter, a younger guy, brunet, with moustache. The instructor, Mary? Or something like that, a short and very common name. Students, besides me, Angela and a Mexican woman, i don't think there was nobody else.

Now, that i think, the instructor also reminds me of a celebrity. Always reading from a note book.

I remember her repeating as she was going through the material. "For soldering you need solder, flux and heat".

At the end of the two days course, since i scored high at tests, the recruiter and her decided to give me an electronics technician test. Since i went to a specialty electrotechnical high school and because of one semester of electronics in faculty, i did 3/4 of the test, perfectly. For the rest i ran out of time and i checked random answers.

In a couple of weeks i had an interview at Credence, onNimbus Ave, Beaverton building. Now there's some religious center in there

Anyways. On April 14 i started working there. Swing shift, 11 dollars an hour (double minimal wage at the time), in the same time with two other guys. Robert "Bob" James, a Mormon (big Bob as Dino called him, cause he was like... 300 pounds, blue eyes, in his 50s), Lyle Hall, fired from Intel an me. There was another guy in that shift, Bill Appel or something driving and old Nissan Z with a hole in the floor and a guy... can't remember, another Bob, from Colorado, who had a car with a windsurfing bord on top and everyday was bragging about coming directly from Hood River and in the weekends was remodeling houses he bought for resale, with a green license plate that started with the word SEX. I think swing shift was partially overlapping with day. Dale, a blonde guy who set on fire a few racks when he left one day and forgot something and i saw the smoke coming out. And a few others.

As usually with all of my jobs in the US i had several bosses.

First month they trained me on power supplies. Got shocked a few times.

Then i started testing boards for test heads on a minicomputer. I was packing and shipping the good ones. The other guy working at those, Eugene from the day shift was fixing them. Later, i got trained by Eugene and started fixing those myself. Can't remember who was doing the final tests, but i was doing huge amounts, good quality (no returns or complaints from field techs like from Eugene's), lots of overtime and my day shift supervisor was overjoyed. Credence was charging companies that were using their testers around the world with $700 a board and i was fixing at least 10 every day. Didn't know exactly what i was doing, just putting the board in a fixture tied to a minicomputer, running tests and replacing parts accordingly. Those were highly precise, ultra fast, nanoseconds circuits. Lyle, who knew electronics, told me that nobody understood those circuits made of Schottky diodes anyways except for maybe the designer, "they were too weird".

My buddy Lyle. We were together all the time. Many time he was just pulling me from the bench for long cigarette and hot chocolate breaks. He was coming to me smiling and braking an imaginary stick in front of my eyes: "Brake" time!

Together we went to Insurance Auto Auction and bought cars. I had this old Fairmont and he did not have a car so he bought him an old Chevy Cavalier or something for 100 bucks (nobody else bid) (he was smart, that car was not wrecked and he just started to use it, after going to the most praised by him Les Schwab (for whom i worked next year) to balance tires, that were still under warranty) and i bought an 89 white Escort GT that was hit in the front for 900 bucks. His car was ready and running but mine needed a radiator, hood, bumper, fender and some... frame straightening, which i did at Lyle's apartment. Using a cable, i tied the frame to a tree and backed up until i straightened the body enough to be able to put those parts on. One problem though. Unibody type frame was broken some place and every time i was pushing the gas pedal was going... right i guess, a little bit, and every time i pushed the brake, it was going left or something like this. But not much. To me, it was good, and the 1.9 liter engine on a small car like that seemed good enough.

Many other things happened in there. I am both nostalgic and sick when i remember.

But the main reason i dig through this stuff is this.

One summer day, before i bought the Escort, or maybe after and i was just still driving the Fairmont that day, i don't know, in the afternoon it was very nice and warm. Only Lyle and me on the floor. All the walls surrounding the ground level floor had big windows made of dark glass and we could see outside.

Maybe a dozens of police like cars marked ATF surrounded the building. One of them parked in the back of my Fairmont, blocking it. But they did not come into the building and proceeded in the bushes behind it, towards the Fanno Creek. Lyle pulled me in the middle of the floor.

A few minutes later they came out of the bushes with an Asian looking guy. Very thin, dressed in a dark-gray, very simple, sports like suite. A very strange face like i never saw before. Not Chinese. He was not agitated, barely moving, but looking upset. Nothing in his hands.

Later Lyle and i saw a small, old car with a blue static coat and a badge like ours inside parked nearby, but we knew it was only us in the building. Lyle said maybe it was the janitor or something. I was kinda shook for the rest of the day.

Later that summer they started laying out everybody in that building. My part of the job was sold to a start-up in Milpitas, California. So one day in a very beautiful September i drove 700 miles in my new Escort over there for an interview. But this is another story.


I put this here because it can be accessed publicly, i mean if i go somewhere in an office and i have to prove it.

02/23/2014 07:08:17 AM

2014:02:23 07:10:36 AM

2014:02:23 07:10:36 AM

Friday, February 21, 2014


I put this here because it can be accessed publicly, i mean if i go somewhere in an office and i have to prove it.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


I live in Multnomah county. I put this here because it can be accessed publicly, i mean if i go somewhere in an office and i have to prove it. In many local agencies there is confusion about what county this address is in (95% percent of LO is in Clackams). The place where the information is obvious is google earth, that is also the most known. Picture is clickable.

Today i spent several hours installing Google Earth. It didn't work double clicking on the rpm. (I have Fedora 20). Then i tried yum locallinstall and i saw the error message, some conflicting file with the same name. Then i found an installation line on a forum and installed it from sourceforge. I know i'm taking chances but there is no other option. Then i filled the printer cartridge with black ink that was low (yes, i refill). Then i finally printed it and added to the yellow envelope with documents. But i put it here too just in case.