Saturday, April 11, 2020

Cârtițele și influencer-ii

În zilele liniștite de toamnă, iarnă și primăvară, când pereții unei clădiri sunt mai calzi decât aerul de afară (din cauza căldurii din interior), poate doar cu jumătate de grad, apare o deplasare a aerului în sus în jurul clădirii. Aerul urcă pe lângă pereți și vidul creat atrage alt aer de la nivelul solului. Ca în această imagine.

Multă lume crede că știința construcției clădirilor este ceva recent. Multe din aceste cunoștințe au existat în antichitate. În Imperiul antic al Chinei au existat coduri (reguli) de construcție a clădirilor care includeau principiile feng shui (care în limba chineză înseamnă aer, apă).

Japonia antică și medievală a fost dpdv cultural o țară tributară Chinei. Începând de la scriere până la arta războiului. Aceasta se regăsește până și în manualul-schelet sau partea mai puțin secretă a cunoștințelor ninja (restul se transmite prin tradiția orală - kuden, și prin suluri (scrolls) păstate în familii - clanuri).

"The absolute first step in understanding the Chinese connection to the Japanese text is to understand that Japanese society across most of its medieval history viewed China as a centre of culture and civilization"

Ninja sunt priviți de public ca ceva ridicol. Niște saltimibanci care apar și dispar, datorită filmelor.

Nimic mai departe de adevăr. Ninja sunt cei mai prefecționați spioni din toate timpurilor și faptul că nimeni nu știe nimic despre ei o dovedește.

Însă există pe ici, pe colo indicii ale existenței lor. Unul din acesta este o altă carte, tradusă tot de acest istoric-ninja Antony Cummins.

Din cauză că aceste manuale sunt doar niște schițe care pot fi urmate în procesul de antrenament, dar trebuie completate cu restul cunoștințelor orale, care sunt 90% din total, nu se găsesc referințe la folosirea fenomenului de convecție termică în avantajul lor, în misiuni de observație și influențare. Dar una din posibilități este învăluirea clădirii în diverse tipuri de fum, care pot influența pe cei din interior fără ca ei să știe.

Mă trezesc dimineața, vin la calculator, citesc niște știri și deodată simt miros de fum. Mă duc afară și aerul e curat. Vin înapoi, fum. Dar găsesc în locurile binecunoscute, pământul afânat și găuri (de cârtiță, explicația oficială) dedesubt. Bătătoresc acel pământ și pentru o oră, două, poate mai multe, nu mai este fum.

Primăvara trecută au venit niște tipi care păreau toți japonezi care doreau să apară ca mexicani și au făcut niște reparații dar și niște modificări la clădire. Una din modificări este o streașină deasupra contoarelor care sunt toate așezate pe peretele unde locuiesc. Au tăiat "siding"-ul, adică primul înveliș al peretelui care este format din alte două panouri și au instalat streașina însă sub streașină este un spațiu pe unde acest curent termic din jurul clădirii poate intra și de acolo prin micile spații între panouri în perete și mai departe înăuntru. Acest curent termic produce și o presiune (foarte mică dar existentă) în interiorul peretelui care face ca acest fum să ajungă înăuntru.

La mai puțin de 2 metri de perete este o gaură de cârtiță (dreapta jos în poza următoare). Cine ar putea crede că de acolo ar putea ieși fum care nu se simte afară ci direct în apartament? Dar dacă urmăriți diagrama din postare veți vedea că e posibil.

Bineînțeles această metodă nu mi se aplică doar mie. Probabil e veche de mii de ani și a fostă folosită și încă se folosește.

Bineînțeles folosirea metodei implică cunoștințe despre folosirea și manipularea cârtițelor. Acestea sunt aduse după ce au fost prinse în alte părți și lăsate să-și facă treaba, după care prin una din galerii se introduce substanța de ars, amestecată cu salpetru pentru a arde sub pământ după care se astupă iar fumul iese prin galeriile de lângă clădire.

Nu îți dai seama. Concentrația de fum crește treptat, poți confunda fumul la început cu mirosul de la aragaz, cafea, etc..

Am spus-o de atâtea ori și o repet. În acest complex trăiesc mulți emigranți, iar ninja din Japonia, care sunt experți și în camuflare, se îmbracă, se tund la fel și chiar vorbesc spaniola dar dacă te uiți atent, mai ales în unele ipostaze poți vedea că de fapt sunt japonezi și nu sud-americani.

Dar în clădirea vecină, la câțiva metri în dreapta (nu se vede în această poză) la parter la un moment dat stătea chiar o japoneză.

Bineînțeles asta este doar una din tactici. Se pot schimba în funcție de vreme, direcția vântului și ce vor ei să influențeze.

Nu știu ce este acest fum, dar cred că diferă de la o situație la alta. Poate fi un stimulant, un ușor sedativ, etc.. Poate fi uneori droguri obișnuite ca marijuana.

Ca să nu mai vorbesc de toate confuziile lingvistice, create și menținute de sute de ani. În engleză la gripă se spune flu, care vine de la influenza.

Friday, April 10, 2020

James Bond and UM 01314

There is something that bothers me a lot lately (besides the current constant bullying through noises and pollution and everything here at the apartment). But is really hard to talk about since it's unbelievable even to me.

At the end of HS which in itself was an unbelievable adventure, with John Travolta, ONJ, Joe Dassin as class mates, others, (Jane Fonda as chemistry teacher by example) i went for the mandatory 9 months military stage. Though i had this fracture at 13 that does not allow me to freely move the left hand (60% mobility left in elbow articulation) i have been drafted and went with all my colleagues, future students at some of the sections of the Mechanical Faculty in Iași at Galați, where there was a tank regiment (UM01314, UM from Military Unit). We were told many times, everything there was a state secret, but i don't believe that is the case anymore, after 40 years. We were supposed to be trained as tank or tank platoon commanders (T55) but were organized as infantry platoons. We had a day lieutenant who was going home in the afternoon and his lieutenant (replacement, whatever) was one of us, by his first name Mugur (pronounced Moogoor, the word for bud in Romanian). However he looked older (not admitted the first time in college) and was enrolled in future evening classes so i didn't get to see it after that at Iași.

Nowadays after i got Amazon video and FLEX box from Xfinity i started to browse the free movies and ended up seeing some of the handsome Roger Moore (my childhood favorite actor) movies, including The Saint and some of the James Bond. However every time i looked at him i saw my ex platoon commander from 78-79. But Roger Moore was 50 at the time.

Mugur has been there alright every day from September to June, i saw him going to bed and waking up every day in that stinking dorm, ate the same crappy food, except for a 10 day "permission" in December, another short one in May and probably another 10 days one for him only as his function privilege. But when we were marching the 10 miles to the shooting range, we all spread after a mile or so so we could not see each other actually marching. And after December all the training slowed down and turned to long mornings of sleeping with our head on the benches or reading all kinda books that we were trading among each other while the lieutenant was teaching us tank mechanics, tactics and whatever strategy theory, Soviet style.

I remember one particular episode since. Due to my HS French teacher, "who went to study in France for 6 months after college" (in reality i think he was the French singer Hervé Cristiani) i memorized a poem of Baudelaire. One day i was reading from a bilingual French Romanian edition of Baudelaire when the good lieutenant "caught me" reading and called me in front of the class with that book. Then he opened it at the exact same page where that poem was and asked me if i knew that poem. I could not lie to him and i said yes and then he asked me to recite which at first i was reluctant and i think he ordered me to and everybody went in awe of course and since that day they started to call me Jean Georges (John George in French) and that was my name throughout college.

But wait there's more. One day "his sister" came to visit him. Don't know how "he managed" to bring her inside the dorm in the military base for us all to see her. She looked exactly like Maud whatever his partner in a James Bond movie. And the captain, the battalion commander over all 200 of us future students was a guy Mihai Oprea which now i think was the ex- King of Romania Michael (Mihai).

Don't know what exactly the expression is in English, but i've never been screwed in my entire life more than by these two guys.

Just remembered something. Firs three weeks we could not take a shower because the showers were broken as i can remember. As we were learning the infantry steps and moves whatever (i'm not familiar with these terms in English) a nail from the sole of one my shoes "grew" inwards. It took me weeks until i finally stopped complaining and just pulled it out of there.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Water Purification Through Infusion

Everybody has a natural repulsion towards the tiny bits of leaves or whatever you made your tea with. So if some end in your cup you will avoid to ingest those. It might be some hard coded ancestral reaction that dictates you to want to drink only clear water.

However there is more to it. Those leaves have fibers that absorbs toxins from water. So you don't want to ingest those after making your cup of tea when you separate the clear part with a stiff or use the little bag. For the minutes you leave the tea in the hot water, those leaves while eliminating the soluble part that gives color and taste also absorb unwanted toxins, like heavy metals and stuff like that. It may be one of the reasons herbal teas are good for sick people. It gives them an extraclean source of water.

For the last decades since i learn how to make pasta the original (Italian way) in Italy i've been thinking many times or almost every time i was making it. Italians use 10 times or more the amount of water necessary to cook the pasta. Probably because of thermal inertia. That is, you don't want the water to stop boiling when you put in the pasta and i bet it originated at high class restaurants. Pasta boils more uniformly and has less time to start dissolving and become mushy. Timing is more reliable. Other reasons.

As you already may have figured, there's a huge downturn. Because of the amount of water, nobody uses bottled spring water to cook pasta. Not even the sophisticated Italians. Tap water, we all now, corrodes the pipes, that may be made of high alloys that have heavy metals in maybe in the form of nano particles. Or at least the faucets which usually are made of high chrome alloys. I think it's already obvious but i'll state it anyways. In those ten minutes, your pasta will absorb not only water but the little amount of fiber present even in white flour may concentrate toxins that may be present in water and time release them in your gut.

I wrote this after Angela who was listening to Coast to Coast told me one dude came tonight with the idea that generally Italians over 65 have no immune system left because of eating so much wheat all their lives which i simply can't agree with (aligned with the current anti-wheat trend). All people on the planet eat about the same amount of wheat, though no other so much under the form of daily or twice daily pasta boiled in tons of water. Which BTW is not planet friendly either because of the energy required to boil that water.

And let us all not forget my first blog post ever. No need to read it, my English back then was... i don't know, less standard than today. I will bring in one of the important phrases:

"I found a while ago a strange idea on the web, as an important cause of the fall of the roman empire being lead poisoning from the plumbing."

It may have been one of the causes, now i believe the main cause may have been cutting the flow of gold from Transylvania which was an average of 200 tons a year for 169 years, after the invasion of Goths, Huns, Magyars, etc.. Which gold Romans used for imports they got addicted to which also attracted the warriors of Asia, ex-guardians of the silk road, that is Goths, Huns, Magyars etc..

(One may think 200 tons of gold is a lot to quarry and haul from Dacia back to Rome in those days. Here is a visualization of 1.6 tons of gold in the back of the truck and the equivalent in paper currency on the left).

And the turning of gold into lead.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Lined up

Getting out to me is just the beginning of a huge uninterrupted show, with actors and extras lined up, as many as possible not to raise suspicion. But nothing, nothing is random, just one scene after another suggesting this hole place is nothing but a huge film setup. Where are the cameras. I know on the streets there must bye those on the poles that have been left with enough security to be hacked and streamed on the dark web. Probably in the complex they have IP cameras at windows.

Today again i forgot my walking dumbbells and i just grabbed the camera and filmed/pictured when i got too mad to ignore. Not all of them of course.

I would start in the reverted order of pictures/videos on my phone.

This guys appeared in front of me out of nowhere. I mean he didn't squeeze or anything, it just flowed with the traffic. So the many others. Which suggest some app that coordinates the traffic for this purpose. Show on cameras on the freeway with LPN, stickers, brands and logos.

I could have pictured him when stopped at the intersection but didn't figure it until i was on the freeway at high speed. This is happening because of the huge amounts of smoke, probably marijuana i've been exposed to yesterday while cleaning. He slowed down for no apparent reason, a couple of times when i pulled the camera, maybe trying to make me bump into him while using the camera while driving. Yes i know no sense of self preserving, which means the car could have been self driven as i suspected many times. (Older car fitted with self driving systems of an unknown technology). Resolution came bad so i have to explain why i did it. It's a Honda CR-V with LN KPX. It has a soccer ball on it with some green tape on top figuring a mask. 2:35 PM, I5 South, Tigard.
Every time i approach an intersection a car, several, coming, going, with open windows. Because they have to slow down and i get to get real close to distracted drivers and passengers with potentially open windows.

Today i planned to create a onedrive account so i can save my videos at original resolution. During my trip today i shot a number of them trying to prove what's happening.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

When is this going to end?

Last night i got really sick, or about to faint or worse.

Cigarette butts, dog poo (BTW there's one more with diarrhea i just saw and i have to pick up) on the other side of the building, breathing mole holes and a different kinda smoke (intermittent) next to siding on this side of the building. Mysteriously, i i plug the holes with my feet, the smell disappears. For a while or until they pop again. I figure someone let the moles do their job then throw some burning stuff in one of the galleries.

Sage construction came last spring, fixed some, broke some. One thing they did was a flashing on top of the meters on the other side of the wall. I have 6 smart meters on the side of the living wall. 5 years ago i figured no blue tooth device works inside the apartment if i don't cover the wall with grounded aluminum shielding (a piece of heat shield i bought at Home Depot).

There is a constant upward flow of air around the building due to the fact is heated. Air is pulled from ground near ground. Air with whatever comes from those holes. Mole poo smell. Mold. Occasionally smoke.

There is one pipe right under that flashing that comes from nowhere and goes nowhere. Moles are constantly digging around that pipe and is really hard to see the holes. Wondering why Sage did not remove that pipe.

Last fall i wanted to seal the area under the flashing. I wrote it all in a fb post. I used Flex Seal (yeah, as seen on TV). Big solvent smell inside our apartment and the one above. The next day, the guys from upstairs moved out. A whole summer-fall saga (season) ended (here an example). Her, i think i identified as actress who was most likely the main character in another whole summer saga, this time in Romania. Him, for convenience, could have been the young handy-man himself.

They had a dog who they rarely walked. Which means they were using a litter box. He was playing with the dog inside the apartment making huge noises. As a result or after of a "fix" done by the youngest maintenance tech, dust from the litter box somehow got inside their wall, ceiling and our wall. Finally made its way here through all kinda holes in the wall and cracks, making us constantly sick. They had a portable AC unit installed right on top of kitchen window that was vibrating the floor and walls all day long.

The new occupant upstairs is continuing their work. He has the in-wall heater under kitchen window on, and no others. Which means that one has to work overtime. Looking like a woman, he could be the other handy-man in disguise (the one with pony tail) and at times Chris Jacobson, the brainwashed androgynous ninja who thinks his enemies are his allies, with occasional guest stars, all using the same cars and identity (towards me).

Though i thought i know every inch of theses walls, yesterday i discovered 2 nail holes in top of Angela's desk next to window and 5 more pin holes in areas like on top of fridge.

Tonight i will attempt to seal the area under the flashing using clear silicone with some extension tips i bought on Amazon. The emissions, mostly ammonia, are minimal. Or maybe i should wait for one of the days when "she" is not home.