Friday, December 10, 2021

December 10

9:53/7:53 O nouă afacere păguboasă catastrofală a statului. Un F16 nou costă... Asta în timp ce Finlanda cu un produs intern brut doar puțin mai mare ca al României, își trage 64 F35... Un F35 costă de 2-3 ori mai mult ca un F16 nou (care încă se mai fabrică) însă bate în luptă 20 F16... Cu jumătate de miliard România ar putea cumpăra 6 F35, jumătate de escadrilă, care ar face cât 120 F16... Dar în Finlanda statul nu se războiește cu populația... Sunt curios totuși ce ar face un F35 în fața unui Su-57 care apropo costă cam la fel... Asta în timp ce...

3:37 I don't have a phone because i didn't wanna pay 38 bucks for another month with Boost Mobile (yeah funny isn't it) while they have so much better offers for new customers. I called them trying to unlock the phone to go for a new plan or a new provider (Mint starts at 15) and they keep asking me for the old pin number (had service interrupted a few months, they gave me a new number but the service put together was more than one year, i would have qualified) and i don't know the old pin number, i don't know the current one, i ask for it when i need it and they send it to me in a message, but i'm pretty sure it's the same as the old one, last four of MEID number whatever) so i got mad and ordered an unlocked phone, a moto e simple (not e6), a 2021 model which has the same price of Amazon (150) as the older e6, i only hope it has the same camera quality. (I will never buy again a provider phone).

So i came back from the shop where i went to work on car (in the alley in front of bays) (too many distractions here, too much intoxicating smoke, too many bolts untorqued and nuts put upside down) where i re-did every bolt i've touched lately, added some grease on brake pads, some Gorilla tape on the crack of the panel under) etc.. when i found at the door the phone that was due tomorrow, i figure the locker (we have an Amazon locker at the office) is full, i figured maybe they wanted me busy setting the phone and plan so i don't tell the story from the shop right away.

At the shop while i was came a black customer in a black Cadillac, who looked like a guy i saw yesterday in the news. When he was about to leave, a smoke appeared, and i started to feel so tired i wanted to give up what i wanted to do and go back home.

It's not  the first time, at Spirit Mountain i met with that woman who died on the set and had an argument with her in the parking lot a day or two after she died in the news. Many others before. So i figure they just re-date the video or audio or whatever to get me involved somehow while they pull the actors from the scene making it look indeed terrible of my part.

When i was about to leave, another black guy in a black Cadillac, only a bit different and younger. Probably to create doubts in my mind.

Thursday, December 9, 2021

December 09

12:25/10:25 Da, sigur, singura chestie e că pe atunci nu existau vi_ruși. Majoritatea pandemiilor din istorie care până recent s-au numit epidemii, se pare că au fost de origine bacteriană iar în cazul celor virale, cercetătorii nu sunt încă de acord.

4:512:51 Virionul variolei este foarte mare (350 nm) în comparație cu cel de COVID (100 nm + spikes) și necesită celule mari (cu aparate Golgi mari?) pentru a se multiplica. Se spune că folosește celulele macrofage, cele mai mari celule din sânge (până la 21 micrometri sau 2 sutimi de mm), care au tocmai rolul de a "înghiți" sau cuprinde particulele nocive din sânge sau țesuturi ca de exemplu bacterii de TB. Întrebare. De ce sunt atât de diferite între ele imaginile cu macrofage, din cele care cuprind bacterii de TB.

Atenție, pentru scopul practic de a include pe aceeași pagină particule de mărimi diferite în această imagine ele nu sunt reprezentate la scară, totuși comparația are valoare intuitivă. Vedem astfel că unele bacterii în formă de bețigașe, cele cu o lungime de un micron de exemplu sunt comparabile în volum cu virusul de variolă, care are 350 nm dar este aproape sferic. În timp ce bacteriile sunt organisme vii (unicelulare mă rog), au nucleu care conține ADN, au metabolism, se hrănesc cu nutrienți din mediul înconjurător, care poate fi țesuturile gazdei pe care o infectează, se pot multiplica, se spune că virusul nu conține decât ADN sau mă rog ARN cu instrucțiuni care "conving" o celulă gazdă să-l multiplice.
5:273:27 Apropo de imaginea de mai sus în contextul știrilor curente. Internetul a modificat complet ideea de copyright. Se permite folosirea unor materiale fără permisiunea autorului, pentru anumite scopuri.

Zilele acestea au apărut iar în media referințe la plagiatura unui ministru. Suntem obișnuiți cu aceasta, în timp ce în alte țări el ar demisiona imediat, în România practic este promovată la nivel de stat infracționalitatea prin lipsa de decizie a organelor legale (procuraturii). Adică, se arată în media, ministrul cutare a plagiat 10 pagini în proporție de 100% într-o lucrare care are ca scop îmbunătățirea CV-ului, deci folos personal, procuratura nu se sesizează iar ministrul va sta în post să toace banii din bugetul ministerului până la termenul obișnuit de uzură, de aproximativ un an.

7:28 Wow. A big storm just passed over California and Sierras. Hope it helps with the drought. BTW i remembered i took a picture yesterday. White roses in bloom and Sun near horizon at noon in mid December Oregon.
7:48 Mie îmi pare suspectă căsătoria lui Ivan Cel Groaznic cu o Romanov, ai cărei familii descendenți au dat peste 100 de ani dinastia Romanov. Ca să se asorteze cu  noul titlu the țar, în engleză tsar, tzar sau czar, denumire care iată, nu am știut, provine de la cezar (caesar în latină sau engleză, confuzie în română datorită cuvântului țară, o coincidență rară și pură lingvistică, ce vine tot din latină, însa de la terra. Statul nou creat sau mai bine zis ridicat la rang de imperiu odată cu ascensiunea lui Ivan clama, ca și Imperiul Habsburgic, Bulgar, titlul de Sfânt și Roman (Holy Roman Empire), continuator al Imperiului Roman. Oprichnina, o poliție secretă înaintea Kogi Onmitsu?

Paranoia lui Ivan Cel Groaznic a dat probabil tonul pentru tot ce a urmat în următoare jumătate de mileniu în istoria Rusiei, ceva ce s-a răspândit și în fostul bloc sovietic. Aceasta s-a manifestat însă doar în a doua jumătate a vieții lui Ivan. Oare să fi fost înlocuit, la fel ca primul shogun din dinastia Tokugawa, care a început la 1603, cu un ninja, sau poate doar a avut doar niște ninja pe aproape care l-au înnebunit cu prafuri, chestii de-ale lor. Știu sigur că anumite fumuri, prafuri de ninja îți pot modifica, fără să ai habar, dispoziția, deciziile, te pot face să ai atacuri de panică, accese de paranoia și chiar de nebunie.

11:03 After painful dust, comes intoxicating smoke. I tried to get some sleep but couldn't. When amount of smoke in here got unbearable, i went and cemented the hole, but was too late (they reuse mole holes to stuck burning ninja tools in there). That wall, whole apartment was full with it. Tried and aired for about 5 minutes with one window and main door open. Smoke had a animal urine component. Then i decided to go for a walk to get some air. But first i wanted to move the truck, can't stay on a visitor spot for more than a few days, or i could get another "stationary vehicle" warning. In my way to the truck after, i interacted with a number of people that seemed to have waiting for me, creating some scenes.When i left the apartment, in building D across the alley they were descending the stairs with a kid. Me walking towards a car with a woman driver and in the last moment a truck cut my way. Other similar, involving children. When i moved the truck it took me 4 attempts to align it with the spot. That tells something about how intoxicated i was, still am. Barely find the key to type. After about 10 minutes in open air i actually started to feel that i'm high.

12:35 I noticed last night when i came from a walk, today, the man upstairs came home in the same time with me. During the walk which included hospital alleys and parking lots, waves of intoxicating smoke were making my pain going away at times.

7:20/5:20 Da bine dar noi putem sta liniștiți, îl avem pe Geoană la NATO nu?

7:23 Yesterday and today was chasing a vibration and noise at the car after Angela came from work. After i done the struts over the weekend and test driving it i noticed these noises. Started swapping wheels around and found at the rear wheels the flaps were bent and touching the tires. Every time i looked at the clamp for the rubber hose at the throttle was loose which makes engine twice noisier. I knew about a squeaky brake caliper and was too lazy to fix it (had other priorities). Today i found right front calliper a bit stuck, possibly others, from the car sitting too long in auction lots and in puddles of water, one brake caliper bolt a bit loose (found by chance,  thinking it was a bolt for the hub, torque near zero), two hub bolts (to the knuckle) over torqued, almost could not brake them loose with the 2 ft torque wrench together with a broken plastic panel under which indeed is noisy. I guess the vibration of the panel came from the (brand new) piece of I5 to Wilsonville and back, which in places is wavy. Piece of advise. Never, ever ignore noises and vibrations at your car.

10:09/8:09 Cum veniră se făcură

Zoran aka Eric Clapton

Doru Duciuc?

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

December 08

8:03/6:03 Aparigraha. 2000 de ani de creștinism au încrustat în cultura europeană multe din principiile biblice, ceea ce s-a văzut la transformarea Rusiei într-o societate comunistă. Comunismul nu ar fi fost acceptat de mase dacă nu avea multe trăsături comune cu creștinismul.

Ceea ce nu a putut "scoate" Biblia, Vechiul și Noul Testament din mentalitatea vestică a fost însă idolatria. Putem oare face o paralelă cu principiul hinduist, mai apoi budist, al ne-atașării (aparigraha)?

Un lucru e sigur. Cei care practică renunțarea, ascetismul, modestia, frugalitatea, principii care stau la bazele artelor marțiale de tip ninjutsu, cei care au pus control pe vastele numere ale populației din țările vestice și nu numai folosesc acest principiu filosofic ca pe o armă. Cel mai tare sunt sancționați cei (uneori țări întregi) care se atașează, uneori obsesiv, de anumite idei, de anumite persoane sau chiar numai fețe (fără să cunoască nimic din realitatea persoanelor respective), ceea ce de fapt este o dependență față de neurotransmițătorii eliberați la vederea acestor apariții.

Întrebarea e dacă ei, artiștii marțiali, nu merg și ei ca și creștinii laicizați de astăzi tot așa din inerția mileniilor, uitând generozitatea și esența filosofică a acestui principiu al renunțării (aparigraha).

2:44/12:44 If it's "unplugged" then why the switch on his guitar?

4:49 Planet Earth never ceases to amaze me. Here the jetstream on top of a cyclone? And the IR version.

11:08 I ordered a few days ago assorted sandpaper (different grain size) in the event i needed it to fix something at the car, that wasn't the case, 10 bucks on Amazon, didn't even open it. Now today and  yesterday it looks like somebody is/was burning fine sandpaper (or maybe aluminum foil, with the same effect, some sand paper is made of alumina) somewhere around here and it gets in here through thermal flow, under the door and from other places. I remember when i went to the locker next to office to pick the package, there came this short older blond guy, probably Hungarian by the looks, smiling and asking if they brought something good for me.

As a result, my eyes burn, this morning i woke with a pain in pancreas area, radiating to the back, got irritated throat, bowels, etc.. At times, i yell my pain in my mind and the guy upstairs utters long yells in the same time. I made a low sugar hot chocolate (cocoa has a good fiber and also added some fiber in it, to help collect the dust that gets eliminated from lungs into my digestive tract). Was searching for a face but gave up because of generalized pain.

Upstairs. Can't catch the yells on recording app. If i let it on, it becomes to long to be listened when he starts, if i keep it off, by the time i raise my hand to push the start button and until it starts, usually a few seconds, he stops, like he knows. Or it's maybe just some AI program and some speakers and a walking robot, i believe they wouldn't expose one of their own to the alumina smoke.

Now it sounds like a live person came, probably through attic, went and flushed the toilet. Or maybe the toilet is also remote controlled.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

December 07

3:44 Last few days i squeezed a bottle of CRC valve cleaner into the intake and pulled about half of it with a pump from the bottom of the intake. Not much oil in the intake like the other Elantra, but lots of dirt that came with the whatever oils CRC is made of. I noticed the stuck valve (valves) got a bit released, but still have a small miss at low rpm and foam in oil. To feel it better i made several test drives and then i noticed again a strange vibration that i heard it before, with the Autozone right shaft (returned) and replaced with an OEM one that i bought online that also had about 0.15 mm (radius) or 0.3 mm (diameter) eccentricity before even i installed it.

Vibration starts at around 60 mph and goes all the way to 70 and stops at 80. I looked on a site, at that speed a 16 inch wheel turns at 1200 rpm. I swapped around all wheels and vibration is still there on the right front. Then i did the ultimate test, raised the car, pulled the front wheels, shifted in gear and looked. A terrible sight an noise. Right shaft was wobbling around.

A while ago i realized i had visual from under the hood of the end of the half shaft that goes into transmission. So i looked and saw the axle was unclicked from the tranny. Removed the three bolts from under control arm, and clicked the shaft back in. Put it all back together, started again the engine (again with no wheels), shifted in gear, but the shaft was this time just vibrating, maybe a bit over the normal limit. Put it all back together and did a drive test and it was the same as this morning. So the unckliking must have happened in between. So whatever damage has been done to the bearing or splines at the tranny would be on me. "It was me who installed the shaft and din't click it"

Made one more attempt and swapped this time left front and rear with the same result. However i discovered that the mud splashes have been bent and pulled out of their normal place and made to couch the wheels. That would create a noise that would cover the vibration of the shaft, making me unwear of the dangerous situation.

Just by looking at the original shaft that came with the car, bent, which has an eccentricity of about 1 cm and the splines damaged, i start to believe that the previous owner of the car drove it with that bent shaft for 40k and damaged the splines in the tranny. Now that site gave me a 0.15 mm bent shaft and the combination may lead to vibration and unsafe driving conditions when the shaft may seize and the wheel locked, only at high speeds. Yeah i know here is this image the new shaft appears to be longer, however, it's not. It is raised on two V shape props almost invisible on top of the aluminum rails.

This is the picture with the shaft i took today. The part near transmission.

This is the picture i took right after i installed it.

7:23 I live on a stage. Every time i go outside some people come and start their show. About a week ago i put a bowl of chlorine in the cabin for 24 hours. In the meantime the trunk lid became bend, for two purposes. Chlorine would escape and the concentration inside will be less. Everybody passing would smell chlorine mixed with the smell of a dead animal that comes out of the car. I went to bend the trunk lid back and add some more. The two brother boys who came with groceries for their mother, i think apartment nr.2. The little white van that comes here most time when i work on car. The second i turned phone's flash light to take a picture inside engine compartment, a planed revved its engines like they always do at night. A guy with a dog who stopped staring at me. I made a couple of steps behind. In reality he was waiting for his dog. Some guy hitting something in the distance. The alarm. It means i'm out and about.

An example. Last night i took the UV wand out of the little drawer on top of the roof. Batteries where exhausted or so i thought. It was off, anyways. Put it on the passanger seat. I went back inside to grab something and then went for a test drive. When i came back a nervous Asian woman (ninja are always nervous) with a colored skirt (lots of colored skirts around here, all Japanese women acting islanders, always other faces) passed exactly when i got out of the car (like they always do). However, i figured the wand was on and turned it back off before i got out of the car. At times, they turn my high beams on and when i leave i blind someone, so every can on the street in turn blinds me.

I never ever hear airhorns on freeway except when i open the door. Also the syrens. They come at the hospital only a minute or so before i leave. To allert.

Monday, December 6, 2021

December 6

11:19/9:09 Cheltuielile bugetare sunt prevăzute prin lege, la începutulul anului, pe fiecare minister în parte, până la ultimul leu. Execuția bugetară se constată contabil. Fără acele cifre Cîțu, de care deja începusem să uităm, ne spune doar vorbe frumoase. Să reiau doar exemplul Ministerului Transporturilor care a avut prevăzut un buget variabil (cu "credite de angajament") de până la 32 de miliarde de lei. Anul se termină și nu vom ști niciodată unde s-au dus acei bani. Alți bani, la alte ministere care însumează peste 100 miliarde lei, cu destinație necunoscută. 

2:14 I gave up on the mole chasers, the ones that i modified and buried in the ground. I assume the batteries dimmed and the sound dimmed though i don't see big mole mounds around where i put those, i see small ones in a few place around the building. So i remembered something, i had a sac of Portland cement i bought about a year ago and forgot about. I grabbed a few pounds of that in a jar and poured on the freshly raised soft ground and mix it with a spoon with the soil and pushed it back in the holes. That is after i got really sick and found those again open under the siding. It wasn't smoke this time, "just" the fresh smell of mole enzymes and worms. While doing so i noticed on the stairs of nearest entrance of the building D was a kid that was working his device, for hours. The fat, brown and curly one (Looking more Native Australian than Spanish or Islander). What i think, i think he came early from school after missing some classes and sat there for a couple of hours or something while Angela went to buy groceries from three stores.

5:38 At 70 k, wanted to change the spark plugs. Original ones, Yura (Korean brand) irridium waterver where much criticized on forums. There some trying to kill the myth with Asian spark plugs work only on Asian vehicles, with most notorious, NGK and American spark plugs only work on American vehicles. Could there be a reason behind the myth. They are sabotaging each other. Like all spark plugs made by NGK for American brands are bad from their births and the other way around. I don't know, i think i tried once and indeed didn't (what did i know back then anyways).

Some on forums where praising Autolite as good for Hyundai. (Could it be Koreans are something in between Asians and Americans, with 1/3 of population being Christian and very nicely designed car, which do not resemble soap bars). Ok so i searched and found some in store at Autozone (the newly open store on "Dartmouth" street, across from Walmart, next to WinCo. So when the time came (also wanted to do a test drive after installing new struts and stuff) i went in there to pick them. Guess what. Trouble. The woman who came to help me was acting that day as manager too so she was talking to others while trying to find and sell my spark plugs, at a ratio of 1/10. One word to me, 9 to other people in there. Which all seemed like a theater team from Hungary. When i was  trying to open my mouth to say something, one of them would  yell (to another). Finally saw on the screen what i was looking for, Autolite iridium for about 8 bucks a piece. She went to grab those (from a shelf up in the sky so she used those stairs on wheels to get to them). Some guy came to ask me if i am already being helped, like i was helpless or something. Finally she descended with the spark plugs but she called me at a different checkstand. Where i was in the middle of the mob of actors all yelling at each other. I asked her for a gapping tool (don't know if i still have the one i used 3 or 4  years ago), i looked at a plug to see if it has a crush washer, she checked everything out, when i looked at the price on the card reading machine, the price was 22. So i asked her, how much is 8 by 4, she said, what? and asked her again finally figured, and then she said they are on sale or something but when i looked on the boxed it said "double platinum" instead of iridium. And then she asked for my card, but i told her, i don't think i payed because the price was not right. Or can't remember anyways. Then she did a return, went and grabbed the iridium ones, i payed for, the mob was still yelling at each other when i left. When i got home i didn't feel like installing them anymore, but when i looked inside the box, i saw they were only three of them. Back to the store, 10 more miles or something, she grabbed the stairs on wheels, went up in the sky and grabbed my spark plug and then again the sorry scene. But now i'm plainly afraid to install those. What if she dropped that one and it's cracked? I don't know, the little box should be damaged, but who knows why she did this for. I mean, sending me home with three spark plugs instead of 4.

And BTW when i first installed the half shaft from Autozone, i lost the original nut. The big nut that torques at 200. When the second half shafts came from the store online i installed the right one with the nut from Autozone and then i returned the shaft without the nut. Simply forgot about. Now i have that Autozone nut on the right but guess what. Keeps coming loose (didn't "crush" them yet like i was supposed to). But the original on the left doesn't come loose though it's not crushed. so i crushed them both tonight, but i'm about to order an OEM nut. And BTW i went for a test drive in Wilsonville, it was a traffic congestion, i turned around and heard this noise at the tires, above 50, like i had a tire out of balance or something. I came home to check the torque on the shaft nut, right one was loose, but also had a lug nut was over torqued. Impossible, the way i do it lately, with the torque wrench.

9:07/7:07  About a week after i treated the car with the UV wand, the stench came back, without warning and with a vengeance. Got sick by driving it a couple of hours, with again T Gondii symptoms. Put new batteries (they last a few hours) and put the UV light back in, in the meantime i was thinking. How that parasite (T Gondii) could have survived in there after upholstery was washed with detergent and the car treated with UV, activated carbon (for fish tanks), deodorant and lemon grass essential oil?

The yellow dust covering the engine compartment is still stinking after being exposed to forced air for about 20 hours or how much we've been driving that car and to air rest of the time.

The thing is they probably make dog food with cow's bones flour. Could they come from cows that are sick with T Gondii. Could the parasite survive in the bones long time after the death of animal?