Tuesday, December 7, 2021

December 07

3:44 Last few days i squeezed a bottle of CRC valve cleaner into the intake and pulled about half of it with a pump from the bottom of the intake. Not much oil in the intake like the other Elantra, but lots of dirt that came with the whatever oils CRC is made of. I noticed the stuck valve (valves) got a bit released, but still have a small miss at low rpm and foam in oil. To feel it better i made several test drives and then i noticed again a strange vibration that i heard it before, with the Autozone right shaft (returned) and replaced with an OEM one that i bought online that also had about 0.15 mm (radius) or 0.3 mm (diameter) eccentricity before even i installed it.

Vibration starts at around 60 mph and goes all the way to 70 and stops at 80. I looked on a site, at that speed a 16 inch wheel turns at 1200 rpm. I swapped around all wheels and vibration is still there on the right front. Then i did the ultimate test, raised the car, pulled the front wheels, shifted in gear and looked. A terrible sight an noise. Right shaft was wobbling around.

A while ago i realized i had visual from under the hood of the end of the half shaft that goes into transmission. So i looked and saw the axle was unclicked from the tranny. Removed the three bolts from under control arm, and clicked the shaft back in. Put it all back together, started again the engine (again with no wheels), shifted in gear, but the shaft was this time just vibrating, maybe a bit over the normal limit. Put it all back together and did a drive test and it was the same as this morning. So the unckliking must have happened in between. So whatever damage has been done to the bearing or splines at the tranny would be on me. "It was me who installed the shaft and din't click it"

Made one more attempt and swapped this time left front and rear with the same result. However i discovered that the mud splashes have been bent and pulled out of their normal place and made to couch the wheels. That would create a noise that would cover the vibration of the shaft, making me unwear of the dangerous situation.

Just by looking at the original shaft that came with the car, bent, which has an eccentricity of about 1 cm and the splines damaged, i start to believe that the previous owner of the car drove it with that bent shaft for 40k and damaged the splines in the tranny. Now that site gave me a 0.15 mm bent shaft and the combination may lead to vibration and unsafe driving conditions when the shaft may seize and the wheel locked, only at high speeds. Yeah i know here is this image the new shaft appears to be longer, however, it's not. It is raised on two V shape props almost invisible on top of the aluminum rails.

This is the picture with the shaft i took today. The part near transmission.

This is the picture i took right after i installed it.

7:23 I live on a stage. Every time i go outside some people come and start their show. About a week ago i put a bowl of chlorine in the cabin for 24 hours. In the meantime the trunk lid became bend, for two purposes. Chlorine would escape and the concentration inside will be less. Everybody passing would smell chlorine mixed with the smell of a dead animal that comes out of the car. I went to bend the trunk lid back and add some more. The two brother boys who came with groceries for their mother, i think apartment nr.2. The little white van that comes here most time when i work on car. The second i turned phone's flash light to take a picture inside engine compartment, a planed revved its engines like they always do at night. A guy with a dog who stopped staring at me. I made a couple of steps behind. In reality he was waiting for his dog. Some guy hitting something in the distance. The alarm. It means i'm out and about.

An example. Last night i took the UV wand out of the little drawer on top of the roof. Batteries where exhausted or so i thought. It was off, anyways. Put it on the passanger seat. I went back inside to grab something and then went for a test drive. When i came back a nervous Asian woman (ninja are always nervous) with a colored skirt (lots of colored skirts around here, all Japanese women acting islanders, always other faces) passed exactly when i got out of the car (like they always do). However, i figured the wand was on and turned it back off before i got out of the car. At times, they turn my high beams on and when i leave i blind someone, so every can on the street in turn blinds me.

I never ever hear airhorns on freeway except when i open the door. Also the syrens. They come at the hospital only a minute or so before i leave. To allert.

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