Thursday, November 17, 2022

November 17

5:48 Right after i complained about pains due to either a defective laptop or using it too much lately.

6:36 Magnus Aurolsson. Legături subliminale nebănuite. Panică în subconștient.

11:Finally figured the mystery of the scooters that appeared all over in Tualatin, and that of market going up when i sleep in the morning. After i wrote i liked those i saw in LA. So they can pretend like in the case of the bike i found in front about a week ago, that people, kids, come here and that happens while i sleep. I bet that is t he reason of the jump of the market today around 9 AM local time. All heavily based on constantly ruining my reputation.

11:16 Trying to figure what this really is besides of course being a swastika.

12:14 A huge amount of smoke made its way here. Went and covered more than 10 holes, or until i got bored. I am also stoned by being in the proximity of those. There are still left.

12:50 Never been more high while doing one of these.

1:09 Last night i've been thinking about. They don't have to do dog's clothes in the laundry. All they have to do is have a litter box next to drier. The drier pulls "air" from the apartment and pushes it outside. There have all the 3 elements. Dog (spirit in the litter box). Fire (red hot wires inside the drier) and Earth (the vapor is pushed towards the ground first). BTW they are doing again it right now. Like they use mole holes and galleries to burn whatever in there and the dogs are present when they insert the burning stuff into the ground.

1:26 Yes i saw the mid November fly that came in (had only a few all summer long) when i was airing was too big and too fast and now hid somewhere too soon after getting in here but i was too high to figure it from the beginning.

Could have had a camera on it, to film my dirty dishes. Dishes are since last night and this morning and do not smell like dog, not even like rotten food. Ok i got it. The closed circuit drier i wrote on many occasions about. I did it because i had too many problems with out of code exhaust system that instead of going directly through the wall go through the basement and have many leaks and clog with condensed water in winter time.

3:23 Que diriez-vous si un jour vous découvriez qu'il existe sur la planète Terre une nation où tous ceux qui comptent sont des acteurs et où absolument tout ce qu'ils font, parlent, bougent, entrent et se retirent de la scène, gagnent ou perdent, ajoutant à la réalité des couches de l'abstrait indéfini, dans lequel généralement les imbéciles (à la fois toi et moi) se perdent, est-ce bien une pièce de théâtre au propos précis et aux éternelles improvisations ?

N’importe que viendra, maintenant vous ne pouvez, du moins dire que vous ne le savez pas.

8:19 World's smallest drone? I would say... maybe, for civilian or commercial purposes.

8:33 Why they have to use the word tactics when talking about journalism? Anyways. You can use shocking inventions (inventions in the sense of fakeries or media inventions) to scare the world or you can shock them by simply connecting them with shocking unknown realities like the smallest drone commercially available.

Everybody knows in their subconscious what a black hole will do, a real black hole in a lab will start first gulping the lab, the scientists, the town and then the whole planet).

Do you see any difference?
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Wednesday, November 16, 2022

November 16

1:30 I'm at Angela's computer as mine (laptop with monitor and keyboard) is biting me with EM radiation. After a couple of hours here i started to feel it too though much lighter. As i said, my cells are at the limit and anything over i can feel it literally.

For some unkown reason, i'm getting typing lag as well. I neglected this Windows computer for a long time but this never happened on Chromebook though it's also years old so i will be brief. (And the only thing i know it works with lag is reinstalling the damn W...)

Instead of taking pictures i decided to reuse whatever i can find online for this post but i didn't find much except for negative examples. I will use a couple of videos to help illustrate my latest experience that i feel i have to share. Cause it caused me a great deal of inconvenience and i think everybody should know.

Two videos on how (not) to clean a toilet, taken years apart. Don't get me wrong, it's a good intention and a good start but unfortunately does not accomplishes the task.

There is something interesting though about those because in the first one there is a type of toilet rather rare that has a big advantage. It does not have the space between the seat and the reservoir, being made in one piece. That eliminates the biggest poop trap present at most others that is very hard to clean and ignored by everybody. Where the bacteria that is trying to eat you alive lives. And with this i said mostly everything i wanted to say.

A couple of more places that are also ignored though they are somehow "accidentally cleaned" by any of the home cleaning "pros" when using a spray. The space inside the hinges where the axles is inserted. Those are inches of totally hidden cylindrical space that are never cleaned. The space under the two little covers of the two mounting bolts for the lid. The space under the rim where the nuts for those bolts are. As i said, when you use spray a cleaner, especially chlorine bleach, it inherently penetrates some of that space.

And BTW you don't need to use a plunger to lower the water level. You can throw in a couple of gallons of water from a tub without flushing and do the same thing.
Ok nevermind could not resist, started the phone and took some pictures. In the first i removed the little lids on top of screws and the screws themselves with a flat screwdriver. One can see how the blue bleach gel we used for cleaning penetrated inside. However not much got into the hole in the ceramic seat where there is a dirty goo. Same under the holes. The spray pump points to where i didn't clean in years, between the two parallel sits of the reservoir.
However there is the area inside the hinges where the axle sits, of a few inches length that is impossible to clean.
But even if you clean in all those tight spaces shown above, they won't stay bacteria free for more than a couple of days.

Here one last picture of the space under the holes, unfortunately thought of it only after cleaning by spraying chlorine bleach (quite dangerous if you spray it in your eyes, like any antibacterial spray). The rusted bolt and nut holds the reservoir, you can see the other end of it inside the reservoir. If you disconnect the line by tightening the faucet next to wall you can empty the reservoir and remove those nuts to replace a leaking seal (between reservoir and seat) or the whole kit inside which is like 20 bucks altogether.

9:38 The kitchen area slowly filled with dog smell. I went outside, took some pictures and smelled the vent. They just washed dog's whatever they sleep on. But they are doing it every day. There are dogs at both apartments 2 and 4 corresponding to those vents. 2 small downstairs and one big upstairs, though i haven't seen them in a while. The vapor gets under the siding of hour apartment which is 3 ft on the right of those vents and in the insulation inside the empty wall. That was the source of me getting so nauseated this morning i thought i was going to die and prompted me to extra clean the toilet. All apartment smells like chlorine because of that cleaning except for that area with the heater closet next kitchen that smells like dog. 

Monday, November 14, 2022

November 14

2:58 Primul român de pretutindeni care a luat Schengen de la suedezi în 2004. Ca să mai poată lucra nestingherit la imaginea României în Suedia (această țară de la poalele Finlandei, sora Ungariei) și Europa, prin mijloacele sale cunoscute, încă 12 ani sau când l-au prins în Franța și extrădat în România.

Condamnat în România în 2004, fugit și liber în Suedia cea europeană și membră fondatoare Schengen, o mică uniune în marea Uniune Europeană.

9:47 Doar dorul de pizza mă ține în picioare. După ce am dormit 4 ore noaptea trecută și am scăpat iar dintr-un accident când un mamut a vrut iar să mă izbească din spate (coincidență cu momentul când a picat bursa azi 2% și mai pica dacă era timp), etc.. am ajuns acasă și am pus o pizza făcută de la zero în cuptor.

Simt cum încep să-mi treacă durerile în toate mădularele, după ce de un număr de ore am renunța la telefon și laptop după ce timp de vreo 3 săptămâni am ignorat concluziile anterioare și am uitat motivul pentru care ajunsesem să țin laptopul într-o tavă de aluminiu de unică folosință legată la împământase. Însă recent, uitând totul, l-am scos de acolo și l-am ținut chiar în brațe. 12 ore pe zi.

Timp în care mi-au revenit încet încet mai toate durerile car îmi trecuseră (picioare, abdominale etc..)

Nu aș fi crezut dar azi dimineață după ce m-au trezit la hotel, am luat telefonul (după ce am aruncat laptopul într-un colț al camerei în seara (adică la 3 noaptea) când m-am culcat să citesc știrile. Au început iar să mă doară mâinile, pielea de pe față.

Ce se întâmplă. Dacă pui o bucată de carne într-un cuptor cu microunde de 1000 wați timp de un minut este la fel ca și cum ai ține un laptop care emite 1 watt pe wi-fi timp de 1000 minute?

Frecvențele unui cuptor cu microunde sunt foarte apropiate de cele vechi de wi-fi (2.4 Ghz) sau cele de celular.

Nu te vei încălzi în 1000 de minute fiindcă e prea mult timp dar ceva tot se va întâmpla. Și ce se întâmplă este vătămarea țesuturilor în tot organismul, începând cu partea cea mai apropiată de sursă.

S-au scris multe pe tema asta dar nimeni nu a venit vreodată cu ceva concret. Iată ceva concret. Cred că nici o ființă pe planeta asta a folosit un calc mai mult ca mine. Cel puțin 12 ore (720 minute) pe zi, de ani de zile. În ultimul timp cu laptopul în brațe, au reapărut vechile dureri. De ce dureri la șoldul în partea unde țin celularul în buzunar? Genunchiul din partea unde îl țin în mașină. A doua oară după ce am uitat ce mi s-a întâmplat în prima. Deci cine vrea poate să încerce să reproducă.

Primele dureri abdominale au apărut după ce mi-am luat laptopul ăsta acu 3 ani și l-am folosit ore în șir în parcări unde era wi-fi la oarece distanță, deci la putere maximă (căci au puterea la emisie teoretic variabilă, care se adaptează după distanță). Chestia e cumulativă. La un moment dat ajungi la maximum cât poți să mai iei înainte de a avea probleme vizibile. După această limită, orice în plus nu mai merge.

Până în 2015 am avut toate calc legate la routere cu cablu (ethernet) iar internetul venea de pe DSL. Când m-am mutat aici însă dura prea mult să-mi instalez telefon fix, am cumpărat smartphone-uri ca să intru în rând cu lumea și am legat computerele la router prin wi-fi pentru prima dată.

Dar acum mă gândesc să revin la vechea formulă, și chiar să renunț la celular, după ce m-am convins.

Între timp m-am convins și de faptul că cei care conduc omenirea asta nu le pasă absolut de nimic. Azi dimineață în hotel am instalat pe telefon o aplicație wi-fi analyzer și am găsit 297 device-uri în raza de comunicare a telefonului din care vreo 10 la 90% din puterea maximă. Am să revin și cu alte chestii, acum sunt prea obosit.

Nu puteți spune că nu v-a spus cineva.

8:53 We are living 25 years longer than 100 years ago, in part thanks to diet and modern medicine. However, in the last years of our lives we are plagued by many chronic diseases, most unknown back then.

Could be EM pollution part of the cause? I have read many things about it but never seen the numbers behind that talk (also because only ten years ago they weren't as easy to find as now is everything). Here's a glimpse into it. The average FM radio station puts in the air (final antenna emitting power) between 50 and 100 KW of power. If we add all these in a city like Portland, the result would amaze you. A total of 92 stations with an average power of let's say 75 KW. By 92. that would make... 7 MW of total radiant power of the area!

But we need to add to that the TV stations that now emit in digital format theoretically at a power 5 times less than in the past with analogue. Again with a max authorized emitting power of 50 KW. That would  be one extra MW. One wind  turbine produces in average 1-1.5 MW.

I don't believe is only tissue heating. And BTW, with tissue heating there will automatically be some cell damage. Because you don't heat  your tissue like you would when sun bathing. It goes deep inside to every cell of your body, shaking every organelle. But as i said, those responsible for bringing us here do not care or thing of all of us as expendable, in our quest of reaching Nirvana or nothingness.

9:42 That's why we should not trust the official data and studies, as many of them are simply ridiculous (silly) though many are getting in the serious area.

Again about microwaves from devices. We can find out from individual volunteering efforts that most measuring devices have an alarm set at 0.4 micro watts per square centimeter. The person conducting the experiment measured several times more one ft away from a laptop. But again, the key factor may be the time. You can actually feel the effects as i did as you give it enough times, like 12  hours a day for a month or so.

His conclusion was  the same as mine. But today i would go even further. From what i found out there is only one logical conclusion. Ban the wi-fi. Limit the number of radio stations over an area. Switch back to landline phones.

10:09 She fetele plâng câteodată.

10:5 Searching for "crazy", found a new picture of somebody else.

3:27 For who has no idea of what snakes are... More examples here. And here.

3:54 One of the biggest problems with the searches are the distractions. Tired, after many hours, when i get to these i stop and stare for minutes. Sometimes i stop altogether. It's not fair for the rest of the world, you know.

10:00 Can't keep up with what's happening, just can't. Around 7 we decided to go together at WinCo but Angela could not open the US Bank site to see if we have enough money in checking (WinCo does not take credit) but she couldn't. Later we eventually figured the site was down when she called and got an automated message saying everything was down. Could this be related to what happened yesterday when we were in Lincoln City and went to the bank. Cause right after, when i got back on the street, a guy came speeding out of nowhere (brown, most likely Japanese) in a huge white truck with a trailer (for extra momentum) right behind me. But i saw him in the mirror and was getting ready to veer in the center lane when he probably saw that and veered and passed me on the right, in the last moment. So nobody could ever say other than a guy speeding passed me on the right (on the last moment). We were also going downhill. At that moment market went down almost 2 percent. Today Angela saw the airbag sensor light on the passenger side was on. Tried to fix that in the parking lot at WinCo by fiddling with the many connectors under the seat, thought i did but when Angela came, it again came on. 

Earlier. After the first rains of the season grass bloomed, worms thrived and moles came back. Ignoring the borax i put half year ago in all holes. Last week we had here most smoke ever and that was the reason i made so many mistakes at the similarities blog. That is one of the toughest things for me to do, doing those. Tonight before seven i went into the bedroom to pick something, accidentally awoke Angela and realized how much smoke was in there. She is still groggy now at ten. Went and put borax in all the holes in the backyard. When we came back there was no more smoke finally.

Nothing but clowns at Walmart and WinCo. At the check-stand at Walmart next to me i thought i saw the singer that goes by the name Weeknd.

11:30 More snakes.

11:50 As i said i think the effect is cumulative and any little bit right now i can feel as pain and tonight i started to believe it may come to me through the wired keyboard and mouse that connect to the laptop so i will just stop for now until i can figure something.

Just ordered a bluetooth keyboard and mouse that uses 10x less power than wi-fi.

Sunday, November 13, 2022

November 13

6:17 I started to use it as a laptop a few weeks ago thinking i was crazy when i put it away with an aluminum tray on top and a grounding wire using it as a PC, with a monitor on a USBC-HDMI adapter, mouse and keyboards on USB (have a hub cause i only have one USB) at a 1.5 meters distance and that was after my old PC power supply broke and decided not to fix it.

It happened the same way with many things. After thinking something is harmful, taking safety precautions, staying away, then i forget after a while, tell myself no, it can't be i'm crazy and start using things the normal way. But soon i come to the same conclusions.

So i started to use is it as a laptop with many hours (maybe 12 on average) on my lap daily a few weeks ago. Then i first started to have abdominal pains again and now i got hand pains on my face and all the areas that were close to it like hands, thighs, etc.. Today thyroid area.

It first started a few years ago. I was going to Indian Head and use it in the car for hours on their strong wi-fi and then i first had hands and abdominal pains.

It's like this one without the +. As many said about Apple, it's not the speed or the processor, it's the integration (harmonization by design between hardware and software components) that makes it work seamlessly. At least for what i do. Reading news on multiple tabs, up to 10, google image searches on up to 30 tabs and more, blog posts editing etc..

I don't know what's happening with mine. Could be malfunctioning and it works on wi-fi on max strength all the time. But i have a microwave detector that moves the needle next to the phone or oven, and i see nothing on it next to laptop except very small movements from time to time. Could it be the exposure time and it happens on any wi-fi device if you use it that long. Other harmful EM from other components. Don't know. Got about 12 hours since i put it away with the tray on top and i already started to feel better.

I use linkclump chrome extension to open multiple tabs simultaneously. Each tab or link is a google image search on that name. The sheets are linked on the right upper side of my similarities blog. This way i can watch about 1000 pictures of about 30 different individuals in about 5-10 minutes. For a whole 3 years search range i get to watch about 3000 pictures or more, several times, in about 1 hour.

This is funny. The laptop now sits next to my small guitar/computer amplifier with radio and BT and i can hear all kinda "digital" sounds in the speakers as i move through the tabs.

7:25 Trying to relax, going back to Phoenix, the Romanian band i knew nothing about when i was hearing them on the radio all the time back in the 70s and later. But suddenly an idea came to me and now i can't listen no more. I know what this song is about. Flute bud. Hmm. Like many other bigger bands or singers. Yes, they are demonic and subliminally (usually self) sexual. These guys are the snakes.

6:07 Ok Can't let this pass. I'm in the casino hotel at Lincoln City and i just ate the pizza i bought at Otis Pizza on the road, here and the toilet is stinking like i never smelled a stinking toilet before and i was playing Phoenix while getting drunk and what did i see. The Jewish Italian looking pizza man. Violin player at Phoenix. Can't find his name right now. Gotto go to Safeway to buy something for the toilet. Did i pass this part of a new road test (and they made me use again the laptop).

Saturday, November 12, 2022

November 12

4:10 Wipe-outs. Banksy vs Bankman and now Batman. AJR.

4:21 It is true. They can also heal. But how. Like any trick, it's only temporary, by boosting your hormones.

Everybody remembers. After puberty, after all the pains of growing follows the magic period of a hormonal storm that naturally lasts up until 40s in average people and almost indefinitely in people that have an ideal nutrition and not so much stress. It is similar to salmon's run, though people live past that.

However when this overdrive period ends, your body starts to fail, from being over-stressed for so long.

And here comes the dog of Gula, the goddess of healing in ancient Mesopotamia.

To this day they use dogs as therapy. It is known they sometimes bring dogs for petting sessions in psychiatric wards.

Don't know exactly how it works, but they may boost hormones or enzymes to levels like at the beginning of your youth. Or T Gondii, the parasite that produces dopamine. No wonder they thought and still believe to this day dogs are magic.

But again like many times before, one search threw me way off course and my mind wondered so much i simply forgot why i opened this thread. I think i found something i was looking for a longtime. The origin of the symbol of the City of Lake Oswego. The symbol of the rainbow serpent (which became Nut in Egpt) in Ancient Mesopotamia. Nungal. It's just too much for now.

One thing everybody has to realize. There is too much ancient magic in public and private life and media nowadays, we got to shake some of it before we totally choke.

5:06 Yesterday i finally washed the comforter in the bedroom. 3 times washing with hot water, 2 times rinse with hot water, one with cold. Could not realy turn the spindle of the washer because comforter was too big, i kept pushing downwards until i got tired. Worked on that one, drying and washing, intermittently the whole day.

Was still stinking after one wash, two washes, etc.. I think got re-contaminated from that one (that got contaminated after months or years of dog poop smell from outside, can't remember when i did it last time, thing is hard to dry). Thing is now i got again the magic in me, my gut smells like it, i'm nauseated, took a charcoal, went outside to search for the magic but couldn't smell or find any (the grass is also covered by leaves). Which is good cause i don't like to handle those.

However what i found was a kid's bike next to curb in front of our entrance. A newer more expensive one than in the past. I know from experience that nobody comes to pick those of which i saw several in the past and i just took it next to the bin.

5:40 Cuțuvencii. I think their AI got so good by now they can predict what i'm going to say and do for hours or days. Here in his current poem posted 4 days ago Dinescu writes metaphorically about two breads that of course represent Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. Don't even want to think who's the drunk priest uh huh.

6:07 Anii 70. Ascultam Phoenix la radio dar nu am știut niciodată că cel care cânta, Baniciu, era colegul meu de bancă, Mihai. My bad. Nu cred că mă voi recupera vreodată din asta pentru că știu acum că fața aceea întunecată a lui care apărea câteodată e de fapt cea reală.

Însă melodia asta nu am deslușit-o sau poate nu am auzit-o niciodată până recent. Prima dată mi-a atras atenția cuvântarea "zei peste zei". Azi tot așa din nostalgie am vrut s-o mai ascult odată și mi s-a părut că aud în primele versuri cuvântul draci. Dar nu am fost sigur până nu am gugălit versurile. Da, așa e. Oare ce vrea să spună?

7:37 Cel mai greu îmi este (psihologic, pentru că mă înfurie la culme, practic nu durează prea mult) este să descâlcesc subliminalele pe care ei le aruncă din cele mai neașteptate direcții. Gaura din colon. Numele lui Cristofor Columb în spaniolă era Cristobal Colon. (Un nume predestinat sau prefabricat, fiindcă are inițiale duble). Pentru cine nu știe, colon în engleză înseamnă...

Însă un gând mă dărâmă. Dacă ei îi culeg selectiv sub pretext de COVID pe toți cei care se prind de ce scriu eu aici?

8:08 Was about to fall asleep when from next door they hit the wall. Exactly in that moment, not very loud, but loud enough prevent me from falling asleep. They did it twice. They used to in the past, not recently. Also i figured it is not only the guy upstairs who dries dirty laundry. I think they dried unwashed dog's laundry and the vent is not far from ours and under the siding as well. There are dog's hair on the grill of the vent.

12:54 ICR în sus ICR în jos, ICR la Londra plătea 6500 mii de lire pe lună pentru un apartament adică 7500 de euro adică 36000 mii lei pe lună adică 430000 lei pe an (aproape jumătate de milion). 

De ce au apărut ăștia în știri zilele astea nu știu, dar am fost mereu curios să le aflu bugetul, de când am citit despre un email care circula prin SUA întrebând cine mai vrea bani pentru activități culturale, prea târziu pentru a aplica, și nici măcar nu m-am ostenit să mă uit pe propriul blog în lista bugetelor pe ministere ("ordonatori de credit", dreapta sus), unde ICR se găsește ca și ordonator de credit separat față de Ministerul Culturii.

Mișto mi-am zi eu (putem afla), are un buget de 32 milioane lei, din care aproximativ jumătate cheltuieli salariale. Aproape jumătate de milion pe un apartament. Ce se știe despre clădirea însăși unde este găzduit ICR-ul în Londra. Dar cele din Paris, New York etc.. Pe site-ul lor (link mai sus, tab-ul rețeaua) se află lista orașelor unde sunt prezenți. Dintr-o simplă căutătură ne dăm seama că bugetul lor (fără partea de salarii) se duce pe chirii, care sunt pentru clădirile principale și chiriile angajaților.

Stau și mă întreb ce ar trebui să-i facem să publice lista clădirilor, angajaților, salariile. Că doar sunt banii noștri.

Am fost curios și m-am uitat puțin și pe bugetul Ministerului Culturii. Dublu număr de angajați, însă bugetul e respectabil. 1300 milioane lei (1,3 miliarde). Și am fost curios mai departe, oare ce fac ei cu banii. M-am uitat puțin mai jos în pdf și am văzut o chestie familiară (o văd mereu, cu sume mai mici sau mai mari, în general mai mari decât asta, la ministerele mai mari). În jur de 1000 milioane pe partea cheltuieli pe contul "Transferuri intre unități ale administrației publice". Deci acolo se duce grosul bugetului Ministerului Culturii. 

Chestia apare de la începutul anului, de la facerea bugetului prin legile lui. Un transfer programatic misterios care papă cheltuielile multor ministere. Unde se duc acești bani?

Ok un search pe cuvântul transfer în același pdf a lămurit doar o mică o parte (114 milioane împărțit la 4, deci vreo 30 milioane) din mister. Dar asta nici măcar nu face o mică zgârietură în transferurile lor de 1000 milioane. Deci unde se duc banii când se duc? Plătim cu ei show-ul (cultural) pe care îl vedem zilnic în media, căci oamenii se străduiesc să ne dea ceva în schimb.

"Totodata, OUG 42/2019 [care urgență dom'le] și Legea de aprobare 198/2019 prevede alocarea de la bugetul de stat a sumelor aferente categoriilor de cheltuieli pentru obiectivele de investiții prevazute în anexele care fac parte integranta din prezenta ordonanță de urgență, în valoare totală de 114.658,8 mii lei se realizează, anual, în perioada 2019-2022, prin bugetul Ministerului Culturii, în limita sumei aprobate cu această destinație. Sumele aferente categoriilor de cheltuieli pentru obiectivele de investiții, alocate de la bugetul de stat, se cuprind în bugetul Ministerului Culturii la titlul "Transferuri intre unități ale administrației publice" și se acorda de către acesta sub forma de transfer către bugetele locale ale municipiului Timișoara, respectiv județului Timiș, după caz".

După cum spuneam de atâta timp. Fiind bani publici, nu ar trebui să existe la sfârșitul anului (bugetului anual) o dare de seamă cât de cât cu sumele cheltuite sau oricând pe site-ul Ministerului Economiei sau al Guvernului bla bla?

Însă lipsa dărilor de seamă a guvernelor e o boală globală, nu le-am văzut la nici o țară de care știu eu.

2:50 O melodie tot așa de AUR (sau AIR) care mă enerva ușor la radio (categoria insuportabile, sper să plece repede din top-uri). Dar când am văzut ieri video-ul pentru prima dată m-am îngrozit. Căciulă rusească, îmbrăcați în roșu, un candelabru uriaș etc.. Oare să fie aluzii la activitățile mele?

2:52 These days i kept telling Angela how satisfied i was with the Chromebook "don't know how an Apple laptop is but this one is probably comparable, certainly an alternative for the expensive Apple" etc. while Angela's Windows based Lenovo all in one (computer in a monitor) was going slower and slower though i used all the trick i knew to fix it.

BTW i gave up the monitor and keyboard and mouse i initially (after my old PC went out) i attached to it and now i do it all on my lap as i got used to the keyboard and pad. Angela said she wanted a Chromebook like mine but if possible with 100 dollars on Black Friday. But guess what. Today Lenovo gave up the ghost (won't power anymore). And she does on it all the banking and bill pay. But guess what. I'm not fretting about. Other than checking the power supply. I hope she will decide to get a chromebook this weekend. I hope Windows and Microsoft will disappear soon from the face of this Earth.

5:55 Never mind that. Angela convinced me to fix the Lenovo. It took me a while to figure how to open it since they were not visible screws. Found a video (good thing people do keep up with figuring how to open the innumerable devices made in China), did slide a panel and voila. The thing was exposed to me. What i found. The board with the on/off switch have fallen inside. Because the screws that were holding the frame inside were loose with some completely fallen.

It was back in 2018 in my first or second trip to SW. Didn't have a laptop back then so i put the Lenovo in its box and in the trunk. Then i hit a 10 cm pot hole (asphalt stripped by construction work with a small hand written panel as signal) at 80 mph on I5 somewhere in NoCal. One ore two sockets of the screws holding the frame broke (they were rattling inside when i was moving the thing). Rest of them got loose probably from vibration after?

Heat sink's radiator was completely clogged with dust. The processor (variable speed) was throttling down while the fan was making that annoying wind like sound. But it happened sudden, after one trip. Computer was only 1 or 2 years old. Do i have any excuse for not fixing it for so long? Yes, dog poop and smoke from outside. But there's one thing i don't understand. Why didn't they make a sliding panel on top of the fan so you can remove it and clean the radiator. They never do. You wanna know why? Yes because they wanna sell more, not having us clean them.

I cleaned it, tightened all the screws and voila. It works like new. The present for Angela's birthday. So it wasn't a Windows thing but i don't apologize, i still hate them.

About 2-3 weeks ago i gave up the monitor, mouse and keyboard and started working directly on the laptop and my abdominal pain intensified to the point i couldn't take it no more. It is obvious this laptop though performant, puts out microwaves.

10:06 Hai sus pe cai! Și totuși regret că regia de montaj nu pune focus (aproape) niciodată când trebuie pe el, care face cel mai meseriaș metalic sunet în tot concertul, accentuând (dublând) pe alocuri vioara și eclipsându-l pe chitaristul oficial, Covaci chiar și la power chords, cea ce propagă obiceiul: Bate șeaua să priceapă tinerii. Bătrânii, care au avantajul imensei celebrități nu mai puteau să se prezinte cu ce aveau și au apelat la ei.