Wednesday, December 14, 2022

December 14

8:43 I'm smart. I done soldering bolts on a battery terminals like i was thinking for months. Going over and over the procedure in my mind dozens of times but actually didn't have the time, guts and tools to do it. Last night again i was watching some guys doing all kinda stuff in minimalist shops at the other end of the world. Rebuilding batteries. One guy fixed the terminals by pouring red hot molten lead in a scaffolding done with a piece of sheet metal he cut with metal scissors on a live battery. Another one was using the graphite electrode from a AA battery tied to the other terminal using the battery itself as a power source.

But now the current battery is also leaking so i went to Walmart to buy this time the cheapest and replace it. But first i had to try to solder those.

Trouble at Walmart. Let's not talk about how many people with babies got in my way. Went to the batteries area in the farthest corner of the store and they were locked, like much of other stuff in a cage. Still too attractive because of the price. 59 bucks for a 65 amps regular battery though a bit oversized (physical).

But how to get it? I talked to a gal in a blue shirt and and she said something in a device. Went at the batteries, nobody was coming. I went and found another guy in a blue shirt. Amazing how clueless these young guys are. Making a great effort to say a few words. He mumbled something in a device. The third one asked me, did you hear the call on the interfon? Cause if you didn't nobody will hear it, but he himself did not call anyone. After asking 6 guys the same thing and more than a half hour, i went to CS and again they weren't paying attention to me and asked for the manager.

Ok here came the manager and she asked on the interfon "Who has the key to the battery cage?" and finally she figured it out. It was Joel, a red headed Hungarian acting like a Jew. He walked with me back in that corner, i asked him for a tape measure and he went and grabbed one and a woman and they both came and locked in a hurry, kinda like covering each other. After some negotiations and measurements i grabbed a battery and tried to put it in the cart but the guy wanted to take it to the front.

Could it be because i asked him earlier "why do you have them in cages, who would try and steal a 40 pounds battery?" but i insisted to put it in the cart but he walked with me all the way to the counter to make sure i will pay for it. I told him there are items smaller and more expensive in the store, but whatever. Why would people want to grab the heavy ones.

Payed (core charge was added) and went home. However at home i realized i took the wrong battery. I went back and returned the battery to customer service. She recognized me and asked for the guy with the key. Another guy came and i went and grabbed a more expensive one cause they didn't have most of the batteries they say they have on the site.

Went to Lowes and bought two bolts 3/8 1/16 (close to 10 mm 1.25) and came home.

Prepped the terminals with flux and sand paper (sanded first, then flux then sanded and flux again) so i made sure the lead had no oxide on it. Prepped the end of the bolts first removing the marks with sand paper, then heating them on the stove coil adding solder, soaking them in flux, sanding some more, repeating until the surface on the hex end was covered with shiny solder. Let it heat for a couple of minutes more and applied on the terminal. After two seconds, i poured some water to cool it. The terminal didn't have time to heat much. But as i said i saw last night videos with guys pouring molten lead on those and the plastic part of the battery did not melt. I guess it's nylon and nylon melts close to lead melting point. No it's propylene and it melts and 320F. But i don't believe i heated them above 150 F. For a couple of seconds.

So i used the bolt itself as a soldering tool, but "the tool" remained on the terminal.

Then i added a nut i and tried squeezing a couple of wrenches onto each other without applying torque on the terminal itself and i could tighten them to the maximum.

BTW Here is a picture with my new "camera".

I remember years ago i bought pocket cameras for under 100 with good results. Got some of them on flickr. The best was my 12 MP 70 dollars AGFA (a German brand made in China). Lacking some color depth but clear enough.

But those are gone now. Cell phone cameras eliminated the need for those and can't find them anymore. I mean, after so many years the best i found was a 110 dollars Cannon at Walmart.

So i bought this. a 53 dollars camera, no brand (Amazon's choice for the price though), that probably has inside the camera of a cheap cell phone. But i needed it so badly cause i can't use my cell phone anymore. Here is the fist picture i made with it. No flash cause i don't know yet how to turn it on.

The guy upstairs is again yelling violently, after i recorded him and uploaded he stopped but a trumpet car started and is idling for more than 15 minutes now. Yeah i know the negative is a bit off (learning curve, first one ever done) but all i can do right now is cut it with a saw and resolder it and i don't see the point.
How is this important. I once wrote, battery terminals as we know them are a 100 years old technology. They are only good for starting a car and charging the battery. New sensors and electronics and EPS on a car need DC not pulsating rectified DC. Battery is supposed to act as a giant capacitor to filter the peaks of the pulsating DC however for that you need soldered or tough metal on tough metal contact quality, not the old battery connectors on lead. No matter how big and strong and how much you tighten those, the lead being soft, the connection will loosen enough to create problems after only one trip, most important, lowering gas mileage by at least 10%, vibrations, trouble steering with EPS at high speed with EPS etc..

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

December 13

8:56 AM Fusion (if it works) may seem a good solution but will still heat up the planet (bringing net heat into a giant but still closed system). Reverse entropy is better as it is globally neutral and is readily available. A solution proposed by Einstein peer and collaborator Leo Szilard that caused the market crash in 1929.

We can see it already working in any heat pump that heats your house 3 times more efficiently than a furnace that is 100% efficient.

10:23 Legal basis for bitcoin. "It was a good idea ruined of course by a Jew". As for fried, aren't we all? Friars, Fried, Freed, Freud, Freund, Friend.

9:44 PM My math set on you. (The beautiful Jew nerd with glasses).


Monday, December 12, 2022

December 12


4:30 Today i've done the most stupid thing. After i took the two plants in the bathroom i started an UV lamp in the living and took the laptop, measured it again with microwave meter and not looked ok and layed on bed in the bedroom doing a search for maybe ten minutes. However i started to feel pain in the belly area, hands, face, etc.. I looked at the meter again and it was set on a different (irrelevant) measurement (EM or EF or something) instead of RF.

I took a Zyrtec that in the past proved effective to acute T-Gondii infection and then i slept all day.

When Angela came i went outside to again measure the size of the battery (which now is leaking and has intermittent contact at the damaged terminal) because i planned to replace it with a Marine type battery that has threaded steel terminals. There was thick smoke and i went and plugged a number of holes including two next to the door. The little ions generator proved effective for smoke inside. A school bus came at the park south of the complex, a bunch of Japanese looking kids came inside the complex stop at some place and started talking.

6:37 Cândva odată de mult am folosit termenul de blat general. Cred că și acum se potrivește deși e foarte greu de înțeles.

Mai pe înțelesul tuturor. Acest conflict din Ucraina, pe care nu-l putem vedea clar din media socială, auzim doar de 8 milioane de evacuați, mai vedem câte o clădire distrusă, etc. pare un blat între Putin și Zelensky, pentru a măcina nervii tuturor. Nu am văzut pozele cu distrugere masivă de infrastructură, a centralelor și rețelelor electrice, decât sporadic.

Eu sincer cred că acest război nu se va sfârși decât atunci când șerpii și jain vor ajunge la concluzia că lumea a uitat despre ei.

Spuneam despre gimnaste transformate în cântărețe (și am asemănarea cu Paula Abdul ca să dovedesc - despre ea s-a spus că în tinerețe era cheer leader) dar trebuie să o mai lucrez încă o dată după noile criterii și reguli). Iată astăzi câte ceva despre o handbalistă transformată în politiciană de top.

Ne putem da seama și după numărul pozelor pozate. Poze pozate adică poze în care există acea legătură tainică între fotograf și subiect care se transmite privitorului. Unde fotograful respectă regula treimii. Unde subiectul e întotdeauna aranjat, îmbrăcat, frizat și gata să degaje acea confidență necesară bulismului. Poze de unică folosință, făcute pentru o singură privire. Pentru că la a doua, a treia și a mia îți dai seama că ceva nu e în regulă.

Da și-au îmbunătățit strategia (dată fiind amploarea cazului) și mi-au luat-o înainte (la sincronizări încă nu i-a bătut nimeni până acum). Când am început s-o caut azi iar pe doamna pe care o căutam de mai multe zile, știau că o voi găsi și au băgat întâlnirea de mâine înainte de a avea eu timp să postez. Dacă o pun, pic pe invers. Dacă n-o pun, lăsăm treburile să meargă înainte. Din Malta adică o țară minusculă. Unde nu poate verifica nimeni.

Ora 1:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time este 8:00 PM ora României.

7:05 Dar România este în Schengen. Parlamentul și Consiliul au votat în 2007, Comisia a constatat securizarea frontierelor. De jure dar nu și de facto.

Parlamentul European a susținut aderarea României în 2007 când a votat împreună cu Consiliul intrarea României în Uniunea Europeană și Schengen, restul fiind baliverne blaturi și porceli degeaba timp de 15 ani fiindcă românii și în general europenii pur și simplu nu știu politică.

E o chestie să fii undeva (Schengen) și să nu știi.

8:56 Fusion (if it works) may seem a good solution but will still heat up the planet (bringing net heat into a relatively closed system). Reverse entropy is better as it is globally neutral. A solution proposed by Einstein peer and collaborator Leo Szilard that caused the market crash in 1929.

We can see it already working in any heat pump that heats your house 3 times more efficiently than a furnace that is 100% efficient.

Sunday, December 11, 2022

December 11

2:02 Câteodată o melodie e doar o melodie. Nu am avut nici o intenție rea când am postat ultima melodie a lui Szia. Doar că mă sâcâie foarte mult de fiecare dată când o aud.

3:06 Warning. In this video some of the guys are Japanese. Especially the little one and those dressed in ninja pants and samurai like tops. The reason i put this video? I mean, causally. Was a google suggestion. Google saw i posted Nehammer this Nehammer that, it popped it on the list of suggestions on youtube and i thought it would be fun to post it. But i'm glad it did because i saw it one more time and now i finally realised  the full symbolism of it which is about Japan conquering the whole world to be able to fulfill Buddha's sermon of the seven suns, with a number of them being thrown upon the world already. 
10:00 5:30 hours of sleep of many pieces. We went to Ilani alright. Angela had 50 bucks, we came back with 93. 90 miles drive (in total), 10 bucks on the gas. Avoided one clear accident (a guy came from behind on Sylvan heights at high speed and had to pull off that lane). So the theory is true. If i write here, i win. Today we're going to the beach (i think) and i'm expecting again to win.

At one time we sat next to a guy who looked like him. I saw a woman wearing something with a Mickey Mouse on the back. When i woke up now it smells indeed in here what could have been mouse droppings (a ninja smoke recipe that also includes hemp ash). Most aggressive drivers i saw yet. On my way there i felt like paralyzed like i didn't care.

It was quiet until now, when i started to write, the squeak started. I started the 123 recording app, it stopped. But i forgot what i wanted to write. He/she now started a load of laundry. Wondering if he uses warm water, enough detergent. After the last laundry done by the other neighbors, i felt nauseated all week.

10:42 I remembered now. There is one corner at Ilani (which casino altogether is as big as two football fields) where the meter shows values above 10 mW/m2 or in the check regularly zone range (but if you asked me i'd say you should avoid anything above 1 and normal is 0) situated in the corner between to Tom's Urban bar and the 360 bar. At one point i recorded 25. Meter identified the source as a cell phone tower. Question. Is there a cell phone tower on top of the casino where so many people go? (10000 capacity). (Image with the chart card and meter taken a few days ago with the phone at one ft).
12:11 Ok he caught us here. Started to dry about 15 minutes ago or right after we ate.

10:48 Ok m-am prins de ce au scos ăștia Schengen-ul pe masă acum, la 15 ani de la aderare și 11 ani după ultima pomenirea fără vot. Și acum au încercat întâi să ne "refuze" fără vot pentru simplul fapt că s-ar fi dublat votul din 2007 (suntem în Schengen), ceea ce până la urmă s-a și întâmplat, Consiliul intrând în umbra rușinii și votând de 2 ori, în 2007 și acum același lucru. Rușine care s-a spălat prin arestarea unei modele din fruntea Parlamentului European.

Nehammer, pe blat cu Iohannis, a încercat să împingă "votul" nenecesar în primăvară după alegerile la ei și înainte de alegerile de la noi dându-i ein Schwung lui Iohannis ca să prindă viteză. O lovitură de ciocan cu dublu efect.

11:11 Pentru uitare a ce am scris despre JAIN dar și faza cu prăjeala celulară. Legătura subconștientă. Aparatul meu de măsurat microunde din poza de deasupra este de asemenea făcut în Seattle (unde este Boeing).

11:20 It was a roller coaster. Angela "invested" 400 bucks (bills money) at Chinook and came back with 600 while i slept in the car, tired and drunk. When we got back the first ATM machine at US Bank in Tualatin playing tricks like always, did not accept more than 400, she needed to use the other ATM as well (she needed money back in our account tonight for paying bills). My theory still holds. I wrote above before i went i wanted to win and my wish came true.

Apropo, mergând încolo, la urcarea pe un deal aproape de destinație o mașină de culoarea asta cu geamuri fumurii care fac persoana de la volan, ce părea o femeie japoneză, aproape invizibilă, mi-a șters fundul schimbând banda când drumul s-a îngustat iar, la câțiva cm distanță.

Când m-am întors mi-am dat seama că nu mai am nimic de băut acasă și am intrat la un magazin specializat (liquor store, asta e în Oregon) al unui indian din pădure (in the middle of nowhere) unde era un semn mare la intrare unde scria Kratom Sold Here. Indianul asculta ceva o predică religioasă (după tonul vocii) la un difuzor (speaker) și l-am întrebat "what religion is that?" iar el a răspuns Sikh, Punjab. Nu cred totuși că era Sickh fiindcă Sickh poartă întotdeauna turban.

It's a tradition. We go to Grocery Outlet in Lincoln city, buy gallon water bottles and potato salad and Italian dry salame and go to a beach to eat. Then one guy with a big dog comes either to pea for an extended period of time like a whole minute or poop in front of our car or open window. Yeah i know our apartment, car and clothes and f...s all smell like dog poop already. I told Angela. Next time when i feel like peeing i go in a busy parking lot at a beach, raise one foot and pea in front of everybody. I think i would be arrested, but why (huge) dogs can do it?

11:40 Just remembered a commercial i heard many times already at the radio. A woman and a real estate agent. The real estate agent tells the woman the house has a wonderful view on the Willamette valley, but only from upstairs. And the woman asks. What upstairs. There are no stairs. The rock climbing wall?

Could this be the reason market always go up when i go in the kitchen to eat something in the morning?

Also found the patio door unlocked. In here it stink like never before.

Saturday, December 10, 2022

December 10

12:36 Dacă mai cârtim mult... (de la est și de la vest).

12:37 Ok să zicem că nu e ea ci doar o coincidență uimitoare și simultană de înfățișare, vârstă (în general -3 sau -4) și țară de origine ca toate celelalte asemănări ale mele. Dar de ce trebuie ca una din vicepreședinții Parlamentului European să arate ca o modelă?

3:11 Je suis Petrom.

3:38 Sheingen. Nu văd unde e criza dar pun link-ul la Lady Gigea așa de fun pentru weekend. Apropo după ultima spălare de rufe a vecinilor aici pute ca în grajd.

4:04 Pentru cine mai crede că sunt posibile viteze de peste 200 kmh pe autostradă, iată cum arată un video cu viteze de până la 190 kmh. Mașinile de Poliție din SUA în trecut, Ford Crown Victoria sau Chevrolet Caprice aveau motoare de peste 4,6 litri cu o viteză maximă de 210-250 kmh. Am văzut în video un TIR de Amazon, deci e recent, acum mașinile Poliției sunt mai mult Dodge (Chrysler care a fost deținut de Daimler) sau SUV-uri. Video-ul a fost pus chiar de tipul din mașină, care a luat 20 de luni pentru urmărirea asta. Am văzut pe drum alte mașini de poliție, de ce nu blochează drumul. Poate așa e Procedura, în momentele acelea de nebunie omul putea să le izbească și să moară. A oprit fiindcă i s-a dus un cauciuc când a atins banda aceea galbenă cu vibrație (care are rol să te trezească din somn). Conducea un Buick cu tracțiune pe față, probabil un small block V8 după cum ghicesc comentatorii.

5:53 I think i'm getting one of these... Bluetooth has 1% of the emission power of wi-fi and wi-fi is 10% of a mobile phone.


Tot nu credeți în subliminale?

1:01 Manfred Mann. Urmează right said Fred. Apropo de teenage diplomat. Show-ul politic și cultural în trecut înainte de era mediei era făcut mai mult pentru elită. Literatura franceză și muzica germană din secolul 19, teatrul, etc.. Astăzi în plină eră a democrației de fațadă elita este pur și simplu ignorată fiindcă nu contează ca număr, show-ul devenind super populist motiv din care politica a devenit un șir neîntrerupt de țepe.

Cât despre cultura zilei, muzică și divăreală, nu ai scăpare, cum dai drumul la ceva te inundă fluviul. Am numărat, în ultima ei melodie, super rasista SIA spune "i'm unstoppable" de vreo 25 de ori dar sunt melodii de exemplu cu Justin Bieber sau Just in Beaver în care repetă o mantra cam de 100 de ori. Dar să nu greșiți. Actorii sunt aceiași ca în secolul trecut. Numai că și cântăreții de operă sunt reciclați în rock stars. Gimnaste și patinatoare reciclate în mari cântărețe. Modele în vicepreședinți de parlament de super stat.

3:16 L-am văzut acum 2 sau 3 zile trecând pe alee.

4:33 Another try at Nehammer.

5:05 Legally obliged. Excepția britanică.

5:28 "The Schengen acquis is the body of law which governs the lifting of internal border controls between those countries that form the Schengen area: this includes all EU States (except Ireland the UK) plus Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and Lichtenstein. The UK does participate in some parts of Schengen, as recorded in Council Decision 2000/365/EC"

În agenda din 8 decembrie nu este scris Accesul României la Schengen (Romania's Accession to Schengen Treaty) ci Full application of the Schengen acquis. Pentru că România era membră Schengen din momentul aderării la UE.  Ca non-binding procedure, adică nimic. Nici un efect legal. Tragere de timp.

România este membră Schengen din momentul aderării deoarece Tratatul Schengen nu mai exista ca atare ci a fost introdus în cadrul de lucru al Uniunii Europene încă din 1999 (was integrated in the framework of the EU in 1999 and has become EU legislation), nu mai este un tratat separat. Tot ce rămânea de făcut era îndeplinirea criteriilor tehnice ceea ce trebuia evaluat de Comisie și nu de fiecare țară în parte. Nu mai era nevoie de un vot al Consiliului care a fost făcut pe un tip de procedură neobligatorie (non-binding). Votul Consiliului pentru aderarea la Schengen a fost dat în 2007.


Tot ce trebuie făcut e să citim puțin mai jos în acest document.

Au calculat timpul necesar de la anunțul Austriei până la vot pentru ca noi care nu suntem specialiști în drept european a nu avea timp să ne lămurim în toate aceste aspecte.

După cum spuneam, guvernanții noștri cu toți consilierii lor se fac și ei că nu știu.

6:15 I came to the conclusion that the alarm setting at 4 mW/m2 (-45 dB) is too high for me. At hose levels a few seconds of exposure induce pain so i set it lower than that at 1 or -47 dB. As soon as i did the alarm started beeping and i saw there was in my area a level of 2 to 4 mW/m2 or just right under the old setting for several minutes. The moment i raised from where i sat and tried to triangulate the emission stopped. But it can't be from one of my devices since the phones are turned off and too far away. The only possible conclusions is it was from a 5G tower or a microwave oven in the middle of the living or right on top of me upstairs which is unusual.

6:36 I was reviewing what i wrote recently and as a conclusion i started to course the Jain in my mind and the guy upstairs left and i ate, sat at the computer, wrote the above and then adjusted the settings and the alarm started to sound. Now i got pains all over. Normal reading on the metter right now are 0.001 most of the times with spikes under 1.

After 2 weeks we're going to Ilani tonight. The only time i didn't loose was when i wrote here so i expect not to loose tonight.