Saturday, December 24, 2022

December 24

12:45 O Suprapunere de drapele, o multitudine de imagini subliminale încorporate care apar în funcție de distanța de la care priviți. Câte puteți să identificați? Prima și cea mai evidentă este gura lui Lenin, nasul și ochiul lui Putin, un avion, un tanc, o lopată, zâmbetul lui Iohannis pe galben etc..

7:45 Șarpele din Pomul de Crăciun și cel de toate zilele din fața unei școli din
 (Șarpele Liber) Ungaria care este alintată chiar așa, Școala Șarpelui (Kígyós Iskola). Încă unul asemănător tot în fața unei școli în Nagykanizsa.

Banca în formă de șarpe de lângă Templul Mormon din Iadaho Falls pe unde trece Snake River.

2:20 Nobody's going to believe what i've been going through today. Again. After i bought the meter i measured every corner of the apartment especially around the router. I measured in the place where Angela was sleeping in the bedroom and next to her and i didn't see big values.

Today i watched for about half hour an incredible movie (a fantastic comedy) from the other side of the double twin beds or with my head just over one meter away from the router, in the other room which was installed next to the cable outlet. Angela sleeps 2 meters more further from it. I stopped the TV while falling asleep.

Woke up 2 hours later with pains everywhere i was exposed to the laptop or close to it in the last 6 months. Grabbed  the meter and the signal strength was normal in the area. Then i started the TV and the signal was an average of 5 which i think it's too much especially after i got exposed for so long to CRT monitors, wi-fi and phone.

Half hour of exposure re-triggered everything which was fading away in the last weeks since i put everything away which also shows the shape i'm in.

3:45 I learned the first words in English in 1972 when i was twelve in a summer camp near Hamburg Germany. As per Ceaușescu, Maurer, Bodnăraș, Sergiu Nicolaescu etc.. My grand grand father was there since the war, when remember and analyze the whole thing is clear to me, they wanted me to remain with him. Director of the camp Klaus Meine insisted half day i would give him a call but i didn't because the scared me (lower ranks Securitate guys) when i left Bucharest.

Then i actually studied it (one hour per week for four years in HS). Consolidated a bit in college and with programming. All the movies and music. I was able to understand most lyrics but stumble at a few words and get it all wrong many times. Maybe it was good for my protection i guess because some of the lyrics are so screwed up.

But i never knew why i couldn't understand some of the words like i still can't today and have to pull the lyrics to end the riddles. I listen to the radio on KG_ON and there's a couple of guys making all kinda jokes and i suddenly lose one word or two and the whole joke.

But this never happens to me when i watch DIY-ers videos on uTube. It's so plain and clear, no effort to understand. Because the sometimes naive but true speech belongs to authentic native English speakers while most artists are foreign actors.

5:05 Here's an example. If you try to forget the images in the shocking video and listen carefully, you will detect peculiarities in pronunciation of words, letters like r, t, unsecure hesitations, more than a supposed "Seattle accent" in "Cobain"'s "song".

Not exactly your athletic blond German.

Friday, December 23, 2022

December 23

1:47 Selected subliminal of the day. The Serpent of Nepal. It is obvious to anyone who looks at the picture for more than a couple of seconds. This man is no native French but Asian and he and his smiling guardians are very relaxed. Buddha (as in Budapest) was born in Lumbini, Nepal, in the clan of Shakya and in the middle of Magars which still exist today in Nepal.

3:07 Every time i was going for a walk in Lake Oswego, they were dozens of planes flying on top of nearby Mt.Sylvania which is 1000 ft high, and planes were below FAA 5000 ft limit for sure. That's why i modified the poem for children before posting it adding the word million there that now i can't find anywhere as a whole and have to put the link to my post (which is modified). Other than that, it's the original poem containing the verse that gave the title to a movie also filmed in Oregon.

The symbolism of the so called nursery rhymes is obvious nazi (to me). Hens symbolizing gay, wire of course barbed wire, O-U-T means the same as Outback in Sub Are You, geeks are nazis, but never knew until today of thorn apple, i thought it was just a figure of speech.

3:56 Another one. Yukon.

8:35 Iată cum arată un limitator de înălțime în SUA.

Nu așa. (Cu ăștia chiar nu poți să glumești).

3:25 Doar dacă. Două chestii sunt adevărate. Era frumoasă și era inventatoare. Cea mai frumoasă femeie din lume, austriaca Hedy Lamarr a dispărut de pe ecrane cam pe timpul când a apărut Elena în viața publică din România.

Thursday, December 22, 2022

December 22

1:57 La steaua. O știre căreia i-a trebuit o săptămână să ajungă până la noi dar numai după ce am scris despre... I-au șoptit numai lui la ureche? În articolul Realitatea nu se precizează care Consiliu. Pe 13 au fost prezenți Miniștri de Externe și nu de Interne. Putea fi Consiliul European de pe 15 unde a participat Iohannis.

2:15 EU Mafia. Ernst Strasser. Cash for amendements. One of the reasons UK quit EU. If only one sting operation revealed so many corrupt MEPs, how many are still out there?

BTW 8-9 December JAI (JHA) meeting didn't make any amendments regarding Schengen (change any EU law). It was a fake vote of the Council in a non legislative procedure with only consequence it influenced the public (made believe). All 3 "candidates" are/were part of Schengen for 15 years though they didn't know. Nobody knew except a few. The writers.


1:53 Zoltan is a Hungarian name. F117 was a dead end especially after the fall of one unit into the hands of Russians and new programs like F35, F22 needed developed. In fact stealth (read low visibility) was its only capability. Due to the non-aerodinamic shape did not have speeed, efficiency (range) and manoeuvrability. And one major vulnerability. At certain angles was more visibile tham a round shaped aircraft so a following rocket could simply approach at one of those angles.
However, F22 proved too expensive at a final cost of 377 million per unit, (me personally don't think so), probably had other problems and was discontinued in 2012 with 187 + 8 units built for a total of 73 billions in favor of F35 and the world is now working at the 6th and 7th (hypersonic) generation fighters.

2:54 There's a tan You Con SUV that pisses me off for a long time now with very loud exhaust and a missfire driven by a woman who's only a few years younger than her "son".

7:00 I fell asleep and awoke one hour later only to see i forgot to block the door and Angela is sleeping also. Minutes after, the guy upstairs came home.

The reason this happened is when i wanted to go and check something at the car a ninja from the other building came out, ahead of me. I mean, when i opened the door he was already outside, in the alley, walking towards my car, and i was bound to bump into him and came back thinking to go later which never happened. Possibly the same person from upstairs, with a moustache.

The advantages of one single ninja playing multiple roles (i've identified so for 4 or 5 is clear). You don't need many people to simulate the appearance of a whole neighborhood. The others will be never to be found etc.. You can never find him in the identity or place you expect. He can design situations in which he participate in multiple roles with perfect coordination, the result being as described above, in the end i woke up with the open door, with him/her possibly being in the apartment, etc.. He has me complain of things that cannot be verified (the persons do not exist).

I got one piece of hard evidence. In the infrared pictures i took in April all three apartments upstairs where i suspect this is happening were not heated.

It is also possible he didn't do anything except have me fretting and change my mood for the rest of the day or until something else happens.

One thing i discovered when i woke up was i have pain all over my body like i've been exposed again to a cell phone or laptop but the laptop is 2 meters away and the monitor is not beeping. Feel like i want to go to the liquor store because of the pain and frustration.

7:40 There is a video with martial artist and writer Stephen K Hayes against an LA security team. I never knew if these secret revealing videos are not themselves misleading mind traps. The quality of the video though is too annoying and not appealing to me enough to put the link and it's also subtitled in Russian.

However during my searches for any other suitable video to show ninja techniques other than fighting which happens very rarely if ever to a real ninja i ran into something else. Thought projection. Most people would say i'm crazy to look into things like this but it's something i experienced. They can have you dream certain dreams or crave certain things etc.. They can anticipate what you will do next.

The picture on the cover suggests the use of kuji kiri, or hand seals or cuts, that belong not only to ninjutsu. Something a ninja turned Christian said is related to dark forces and anybody should stay away from it. In reality i think it's all about training to consciously use the vibrational communications, an ancient form of communication existing in all vertebrates.

I know it's real. It's not telepathy per se, as seen in sci-fi movies (Marina Sirtis or Deanna Troi having conversations in her mind with her mother). It's more like transmitting/receiving emotions and impulses. Many times when i'm awake and Angela is sleeping and i get mad with frustration because of things i find on the net or in my memories, Angela makes noises, moves around in her sleep and is having short nightmares.

Just a tool out of many in the ninja arsenal.

9:28 2022 was the year of the three swans.

I opened the door. It was peacefully snowing then a didgeridoo started to moo like a bison. BTW here's a crop from a picture with bisons i took in one of my trips through the western US:

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

December 21

9:42 Ce recomandare le dau eu românilor pe 21 decembrie? Mergeți în anul care urmează, poate chiar zilele astea, măcar o dată la teatru, să vă obișnuiți cu actorii, cu felul cum ei acționează, ca să-i puteți recunoaște în politica și în general scena publică românească. De fapt nici nu e nevoie. De câte ori deschideți televizorul, priviți totul, măcar pentru 5 minute ca și cum ar fi o piesă de teatru.

Vă amintiți, dacă ați auzit la școală, de una din meseriile lui Eminescu, înainte de a fi celebru. Era sufleur, stătea undeva într-o cușcă în fața scenei (da, aceea în formă de scoică) și șoptea cuvintele pentru ca actorii să nu aibă nevoie să învețe replicile sau să nu le uite.

Astăzi toate show-urile live se bazează pe o versiune tehnică a ce se întâmpla atunci. Actorii au în urechi mici căști invizibile (ce se arată în video este vizibil, pentru demonstrație).

De obicei se lucrează cu înregistrări, dar se poate merge până la avea specialiști sau inteligență artificială care să șoptească 2 3 cuvinte înainte în urechea actorului. Da bineînțeles este nevoie de puțin antrenament pentru că nu e chiar ușor să asculți în același timp în care vorbești, dar până la urmă se poate face.

Astfel niște actori fără nici o pregătire devin cei mai inteligenți oameni din lume, politicieni, oameni de știință, etc. deși ei habar nu au de ce spun fiindcă trebuie să se concentreze să asculte cuvintele următoare și așa se fac toate show-urile live pe care le vedeți.

Este mai ușor cu teleprompter. Cititoarele de știri care nu trebuie să se miște au în față un ecran semitransparent prin care sunt și filmate în care apare textul  și ele trebuie doar să citească iar dvs. vi se pare că se uită chiar în cameră.

Tot ce credeți dvs. că e show live este de fapt scris dinainte de unul sau mai mulți scriitori.

2:46 Now that i wrote about Tesla bubble, who do you think i saw in the parking lot at Walmart parked next to my car? In a black Chrysler figuring a limo. Miss bitcoin herself with glasses and big lips.

But it's a big difference between Tesla fraud that used Twitter purchase to piss people off and make it crash. Though 8 billion may seem an infinite number, 1 trillion equals 1000 billion so it's a different story on a different scale.

From Walmart we went to WinCo and they were out of eggs and had to come back to Walmart and i was sleepy and just ate a slice of pizza and when i got out of there there was this huge Mercedes SUV embodying a nazy fantasy and behind an invisible black little car with a black guy at the wheel that i almost got in its way.

7:33 But even Tesla was not the worst investment in 2022.

8:37 For those who don't understand why there's another war at the edge of Europe in 2022, here's a little reminder about the Yugoslav wars. Once upon a time there was a country southwest of Romania called Yugoslavia, made up of several related nations. Official language was Serbo-Croatian.
Earlier than that. There was another entity in Eastern Europe called Austro-Hungarian Empire. Though short lived, it embodied the dreams and ambitions and nostalgia of the much older Habsburg Empire.

If you look at the maps it's easier to understand. WWI broke when the first in line to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire was killed in Sarajevo in 1914 by a Serbian nationalist in circumstances related to President Kennedy's assassination (loose inviting like security). At the end of it all was left of the Austro-Hungarian Empire was today's Austria and Hungary. The treaty of Trianon.

It looks to me like everything that was part of Austro-Hungary and more (today's Ukraine) is going back in a much broader empire that nowaday is called EU with the lastest, Croatia.

If you take into account my list of similarities, with most on the right side being Hungarian and Japanese, you will begin to understand that this is only describing the surface. The motivation behind the nostalgia of people of Austria and Hungary which hosts the world base of these geopolitical transformations.

In reality it's much much more complicated. I believe  the assassination of that prince was fake and the ninja of Japan are much deeper involved in Europe than anybody may believe. With their Asian background and ties, Hungary is the foothold of Asia in Europe.

They had immigration programs in which they invited by example hundreds of thousands of Germans in Hungary. But there have been two previous waves. The Saxons in Transylvnaia, also by invitation, The Swabs in the hole area. Interestingly enough, Germans are the second largest immigrant group in Hungary to these days.

Using some of those and maybe by other means like stealing genetic material (the famous alien abductions could have a reality base) they bred and educated in Hungary a whole army of actors which nowadays replaced the elite in most countries.

But neither Hungarians or Japanese are the only generators or beneficiary of all these. Old Indian religious spinoffs from Hinduism like Shivaism, Jainism and Buddhism are also involved and in India they came from Australia. Also directly in Europe.

10:40 De ce nu se mai înțelege nimic. Un exemplu. Tot mai multe prescrieri în cazuri majore. În SUA prescrierea încetează în momentul plângerii.

Aflu acum că în Codul Penal există posibilitatea plângerii pentru că ancheta depășește un timp rezonabil. Dar în cazul în care păgubașul este statul iar procuratura normal tot statul, cine să facă plângere pentru tragere de timp până la prescriere?

Aceste prescrieri în timpul anchetei sunt absurde fiindcă lasă păgubașul cu paguba iar hoțul cu câștigul.

11:23 Armata rusă a ucis delfini?

12:10 Altceva care poate suci o minte sănătoasă. Cum să te plângi de propria rea-voință. Ce l-a împiedicat să înfăptuiască ceva, orice, cât de mic, cât de puțin în aproape un sfert din timpul scurs din 89 sau cât timp este/va fi președinte (zece ani)?

1:30 Punctul nevralgic.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

December 20

12:56 Military helmets look like turtles.

1:20 Sunday evening i saw at the reception of the hotel belonging to Chinook Winds Casino a black SUV with LPN Oregon Cultural MOONRKR and a man who climbed in it who looked like Putin, but a bit taller, older and also possible Asian made blond. I was at the end of a 2 hours difficult drive and i panicked and realized the details only after playing the "movie" with the scene in my memory over and over again in the room. He checked into a room not far from mine which was again free complimentary from the casino (Angela heard the conversation at the reception).

Inside the casino there was another guy, shorter who also looked like him.

In  the parking lot, an unusual sight. @30-40 Latino men in their 30s doing something next to an SUV, but could not figure what. They showed again when i checked  out, coming out of that restaurant or hotel with bags next to that SUV, maybe getting food.

Today in the casino also i saw a woman with heavy makeup that could have been invisible to cameras (the makeup). Could have been around the time market started to go back up.

7:02 Slept four hours. Got totally awakened by a vehicle with loud exhaust that idled in the alley for half hour.

How come it's only me who sees this. I posted a video with a song called Nada Sou Sou subtitled in Portuguese, with Rimi Natsukawa, the Japanese singer who does Mariah Christmas and now this.

10:12 You thought you knew what the stinkiest place in the Universe is? The hardwood floor in the kitchen area in Lake Oswego that i had to cover with shelf liners? The fridge in the same place? I put the piece of insulating foam between freezing and fridge compartment and put it in a black plastic sack with chlorine and let it for 24 hours and the smell wouldn't come out and in the end i coated it with poly acrylic clear coat (thing was over 25 years old, could not find that part). The bedroom where smoke was coming from a broken chimney from a fireplace at nr.7 that happened to pass through the wall?

No, it was the washer here. The black hole beyond the little holes that the drum is made of. Wait. Maybe the a...-hole who designed it thought stinks worse.

Today after a string of luck and coincidences, i got to take the thing apart. Sunday before i left after i poured chlorine bleach in the space between the rings (that now is white in the picture) and i unplugged the thing. Just in case i made a short with water or bleach or something. Today after i used the brush i pulled a wire that was disconnected anyways (it was a ground wire, inconsequential for the purpose of starting) the thing wouldn't start and i was too tired to remember it was unplugged.

So i took it apart to put that wire back. As simple as that. When i did, the 8 millions kami (an infinity) from the space between the drum and the splash or collecting drum came at me in their full splendor and to open windows doors to be able to continue. I washed the thing 3 times, with a wet space duster, water came brown from the holes in the drum, toilet smell, vomit and diarrhea smell and detergent perfume came out of it until i washed it the 3rd time but now the whole apartment stinks like maybe old spice cinnamon, after i aired for an hour.

I think i pulled ounces of decades old brown slime from there. But then i saw a rusted dent in the drum, like someone with a screwdriver pulled that ring before. Maybe it's been done before, like 10 years ago. No there is no other way to clean it. Or maybe... Fill the drum with water until it pours out and then extract one gallon of water and pour back one gallon of chlorine bleach in it and let it for 24 hours. Maybe, if it's not too old.

Now i got to put it back together, after 4 hours of sleep. It wasn't difficult, only 3 screws, 2 structural and a number of clips to take the upper panel and the ring but i didn't know and took some more before that.

And yes i started the phone and took a picture. Wasn't putting much power until i started the wi-fi to upload it. Will add it here later. Brown slime seen best on the outer plastic guard at the left of the picture. There was more under the white plastic ring and inside the ring.

11:19 I used the hose to rinse everything and somehow water got it that ring (can't figure out how) that is empty on the inside and don't know how to get it back out (shook it around and everything might have to drill a hole). I think it was stinking from there too (stink trap by design?). The old cinnamon spice. That explains the color too. Someone used grated cinnamon flavored soap instead of detergent? Home made soap?

Sea sick crocodiles are better than all getters who live in  Florida of course and are of the color green.

2:25 I also figured a way to check the "cleanliness" of the drum and outer cylinder which is clear or translucent. Open the lid, move the drum a bit out of the way (flexible shaft) and stick a flashlight between cylinders and a panel. Will see the light coming through the little holes and the difference in color between bottom and top ones. Stinky slime gathers only on the top where the dirty water raises in little waves with no cleaning or rinsing force and soils the cylinders.

But the smelliest of all was what came from the ring in the picture. I (also) accidentally pumped some water inside through the joining line (ring made of two parts) at high pressure from the pipes here in Tualatin and then i drilled a hole on a side to empty that water and a very bad smell came out and i put a little chlorine bleach inside.

2:31 Always threatening shutdown (What are we all going to do, the government is shutting down, the government is shutting down oh my. That is they don't get paid no more?). How about a first time ever detailed report on a few pages on what they spent the money in the past year? 1.7 T, Tesla at its bubbly peak was worth 1.2. Not a very long but quite dramatic history of breaking little hearts and it all came down to a funny little fat blue bird and another self sabotage of the Republic. Long live the Emperor!

3:48 Every time i hear in that song about the man in Ohio who lives on skin and bones and big boobs the word dude, my mind goes to Jew and i might not be all that wrong.

6:12 Guvernarea prin rotație implică tăcerea opoziției nu? Și e adevărat nu am auzit demult critici pentru că PSD-ul așteaptă liniștiți să le vină rândul că altfel li se sparge târgul. În același timp a fost o soluție și pentru salvarea lui Iohannis, care era cam epuizat după ce ne dăduse 8 guverne (un număr sinonim cu infinitul) și o pauză scenariștilor care nu mai știau ce scandaluri să le mai scrie. Ce e deci cu ieșirea asta a lui Dîncu, era nevoie neapărat de vreo aluzie, vreo subliminală? A ok m-am prins vor să arate că ei citesc presa, deci au o minte a lor proprie, nu sunt doar păpuși pe ecran.

8:54 De ce Amsterdam?