Monday, February 6, 2023

February 6

12:35 Am vrut să nu mai scriu. Pentru un timp. Dar nu pot. Am zis ceva de inteligență artificială, și au venit ei cu ChatGPT și oda către Iohannis. Hai să dau două exemple de ceva mult mai... mare decât un biet chatbot. Living Earth Simulator nu a mai fost construit, dar cine știe ce mai au ăștia și nu spun...

De fapt nu înțeleg de ce nu au supercomputere capabile să scrie de exemplu un nou sistem de operare, ca Linux sau Windows.

Ultima chestie cu administrarea de antibiotice prin piele. Am pus un comprimat de Amoxicilină de mărimea unui nasture cu scotch pe piele pe braț peste care am trecut un ciorap ca să nu se dezlipeasca și în aprox 8 ore (când am verificat) nu mai avea nici un antibiotic în el (gust). Eu mai recent când iau antibiotice încep să am dureri în zone cu infecții cronice (inflamații de la bacteriile care mor și eliberează toxine), care de altfel nu le mai simt. Dar au început să cam dispară, mai ales de când le iau prin piele. Mai ales deoarece concentrația e mai mare și mai constantă în sânge, luate prin piele, la fel ca în cazul administrării intramusculare, nu mai trec mai întâi prin ficat iar asimilarea e mult mai lentă.

Și înainte era tot cam așa. Primele două zile amigdalita se făcea mai nașpa după antibiotice. Să fie oare ăsta motivul pentru care lumea crede că răceala nu poate fi tratată cu antibiotice, fiind întotdeauna virală?

Îmi amintesc, copil fiind, când făceam amigdalită venea asistenta la 12 noaptea acasă să-mi facă injecție.

Am rezolvat o mare  problemă, pe moment, fiindcă nu mai puteam să iau nimic oral.

5:45 When cats defecate, their passing stool presses on the anal sacs and a small amount of secretion is being released. In the wild, it is used for "marking the territories" though i don't totally agree with that theory. They may be used, in combination with T Gondii, to incapacitate prey.

In your house it ends up in the litter dust. Some unconscious people used  the pan of the water heater here as litter box and apparently 7 years later it still stinks. Especially because the substances entered in the rusted areas.

Chemical profiles of anal sac secretions of cats: 

The major volatile compounds in both sexes were short-chain free fatty acids, including acetic acid, propanoic acid, 2-methylpropanoic acid, butanoic acid, 3-methylbutanoic acid, and pentanoic acid.

Dogs, the same.

I believe they can entice to produce either defense smells or attracting smell, like during reproduction. Lately here they focused on the first ones. Never been so sick in my entire life. I can't eat much. Everything hurts.

But today i witnessed something i must write about. I kinda confirms everything though i don't have direct proof.

Today they came to work at the windows. Whatever the didn't finish last summer when the guy was at least to say, sloppy. He left many cracks i had to cover. There is black mold on top of the living sliding door but could not take a picture with the guy inside.

There was this generator next to our door that was feeding a small circular saw that ran all day at over 100 dB, though the saw was used sporadically.

So after they finally finished, or after about 3 hours i left for a walk. Forgot to take my umbrella (a drizzle that usually gives me headaches. At SW corner of the yard from the alley a kid came with his dog. From a distance, an adult was encouraging him as the kid kept turning his head. Though the dog didn't want to enter the yard the kid literally dragged him, annoying the heck out of the poor little thing.

So i realized i must come back to grab my umbrella. In a spot nearby there was this white older van idling at high rpm competing with the generator. So i got distracted and stepped into it. But i saw when i got near and threw it away. But i can't remember where. So right now i got a "hostile" poop ft away from the sliding doors.

So this is how they do it. First, they did it on a hesitation of mine. They could say. We didn't know he was going to come back, though they knew. Second, they annoyed the dog to produce more, as a defence reaction.

So this is it. This is how they must have done it with the mighty Romans. This is how they did it during pandemics.

11:17 Let's seek another trick.

Since all the smelly things in cat juice are (fatty) acids, i figured maybe i should try  to clean that pan with the opposite. Caustic soda. It fights the fatty acids in your oven. It is one of the strongest bases (the opposite of acid in chemistry) around. Should react with any acid.

Luckily i had a spray can that was here for years (in the mean time i switched to backing soda for cleaning the oven). No much pressure (propellant) left, but had enough to spray a layer on the visible areas. Bubbles came out which means it reacts with something.

Sunday, February 5, 2023

February 5th

3:00 He woke me up several times, last time at 1 AM and now i can't sleep anymore. I read some news, can't do nothing else, i'm too sick. In the mean time i ran into some "news" about this maniac. Apparently after a while he changes everything he says. Could it be he is all made up (never existed, like his mother and all the others), a walking, squeaking talking on demand real time AI generated collection of semantic noise directed against me and what i posted for years?

BTW I've been thinking about the two buildings across from Eaton on Tualatin Sherwood. Haven't seen much parking space, could they be supercomputer warehouses?

In the mean time i gave up administering antibiotics sublingually. At the last one i moved my tongue, enough of it got in my stomach which started to hurt badly. But i already had a plan B. Patches. They do nowadays have patches with antibiotics. So what i did, i poured the stuff from a capsule in the middle of a big band aid pad spreading it like one square inch and stuck it to my arm. 8 hours later i pulled it and tasted it (now that i know how to check it) and the antibiotic was mostly gone. Which means it has been absorbed. Now i ran out of band aids, lost my duck tape and i simply used scotch tape at the last one.

Also i'm also almost cleared, i get better by the hour. Last places that still hurt are those i thing were damaged in years by microwaves from phone (right ear, eye, sinus, right hip, etc..). Patches to really work. Amoxicillin has a in vivo half life of about one and a half hour. Which means in that interval, the amount in your body gets halved. Still administering interval is 8 hours. Now imagine that. Instead of taking it orally, with a patch you have a much more constant concentration in your blood.

I also took half Zyrtec which to me is the best sleep aid. Trouble is it doesn't work right away, i have to take it hours before i go to sleep. 

Though i think i fixed the sewage leak, the closet still stinks. Not sewage but dirty laundry. So i put back the uv light in there, which i took out in the day i took the pictures and got sick. Wondering how many of the older houses have that under their water heater. What was their plan. They poured something underneath the water heater to make it stink at which i asked to be replaced. Then they opened the sewer line. The idea was to make us sick so we'll go to see a doctor.

2:45 Am citit știrile. Dezolant. Tot ce văd sunt ei, scris de ei, mult zgomot pe chestii derizorii, izolate, multe minciuni. Situația e nașpa nașpa nașpa, nu am alte cuvinte.

Saturday, February 4, 2023

February 4th

12: Led Zeppelin. Incredibly how the concrete block in the middle looks like the ones under my water heater. More semantic, subliminal connections?

Made in China. Now we know who the midgets flying in a weather spy balloon downed over Ruswell were.

5:12 Just realized why i can't sleep. There's a party with much base and yelling at the one level building where my truck is.

1:40 One extremely loud exhaust came, slowy, iddled for a few minutes, totally changed my mood.

Today i discovered a way to take antibiotics without hurting my stomach. After i discovered a sewage gas leak under the newly installed water heater, i took some measures to see if i can cover it (in very hard to reach place). While doing so i exposed myself to it from much closer and now i got tonsillitis (that started right away), sinusitis, possibly bronchitis. But my stomach (duodenum, pancreas whatever) are totally destroyed after exposing myself to the leak for weeks or years, earlier because of contaminated foam from the old heater.

So i had to figure a way to fix myself, if i didn't want to end up in hospital with "COVID". I new about, there are some pills that are regularly taken sublingually. I read more and found out, there are some controversies on forums, this route bypasses the GI tract and liver and goes directly into the bloodstream, with increased bioavailability, and antibiotics are sometimes given intravenously or intramuscularly, which do the same. Nothing to lose.

The only trick is the pills are 500 mg and have to keep them under your tongue without thinking talking, singing eating or drinking for about half hour. This way they won't mix with saliva and you won't even feel the bitter taste which guarantees it won't go into your stomach.

After about ten minutes my whole body and especially the infected areas heat up, which is a sign of inflammation due to dead bacteria. After half hour, if i taste it, the pill loses its bitter pungent taste which means it has been absorbed through your rich capillary network under you tongue.

If you could do this with capsules? I think it is possible, but again have to keep your tongue still. Unless if they're time released.

Don't do it right after eating, there's too much saliva in your mouth.

2:15 The third loud exhaust, now with a base, within 40 minutes.

He's back in the atmosphere, with a vengeance. Squeaking for hours on a Saturday night. He left the day when they cracked open that sewer line and came back the day i fixed it. The guy upstairs. Which means they don't expose their own to the bad stuff.

There was much smoke in here. I went outside, stepped on the bulges for 15 minutes, the smoke subsided. I also found a pack of Marlboro, opened, with one or two cigarettes missing. I think whatever is antibacterial can breed new strains.

But the smoke like always clouded my judgement. I was dressed lightly and literally cooled my body. When i came back, my chest, head, other areas were cold and it took me one hour to heat back up with an electric blanket. But when i heated up, now my whole body aches.

7:18 De câte ori văd sigla Băncii Transylvania îmi amintesc de o fază (aici tipul de sus a început să țipe cu niște sunete aproape inumane). Este aici în Portland un loc ce se numește Dragon Herbarium. Este singurul loc unde poți de exemplu să cumperi gălbenele (calendula) sau ceai de frunze de afine. Într-un timp, de câte ori mergeam acolo era în parcare un station wagon (break) din alea vechi, lungi, late și joase, negru, ce părea să fi fost dric la un moment dat în viața lui. Pe spate scria University of Transylvania cu litere albe, gotice, poate mai era și vreun semn ce nu-mi amintesc. Într-o vreme când nu fotografiam tot ce puteam și credeam că merită. Între timp în ultimii ani a dispărut.

Cred că nu trebuie să mai spun. În SUA numele Transylvania este echivalent cu iadul, Dracula cu dracul, etc.. Azi am văzut iar sigla băncii și mi-a venit să caut ce scria pe dricul lui nenea ăla. Dar ce credeți că am găsit?

Friday, February 3, 2023

February 3rd

4:18 I wrote a while ago about replacing the water heater. I think there is a sewer line under it. 7 years ago i managed to squeeze some Great Stuff foam in there. However it was the cheap open cell foam and in time got saturated with sewer gas, mainly ammonia. When they removed the tank i scrapped  the pan and  the remaining foam was smelling like it. But it thought the line was closed (heard  the sound of the foam escaping in it back then).

After they put the concrete blocks i washed the whole place with some water with detergent until it came clean. I think some water got into the line and possibly in a s or p trap. But now, weeks after, i think it dried from there and sewer gas started to come in. When you do laundry, the lines get somehow washed, but 2 or 3 days after, or this night, you could not breath in here. I mean, i woke up because of the smell, at 1 AM and ever since i'm thinking what to do. I stock my borescope camera and saw the line under one of the blocks and it looks like it's open.

3:07 I never saw the face of the guy who did it because of the mask. Later in the parking lot he briefly pulled the mask and he looked like... I think  the other guy also with mask might have been... 

Today i saw in the parking lot a guy dressed like him, maybe taller, without mask but a bit of goatee, could not have been only 2 or 3 days, it was at least one week old, saw another version 2 or 3 days ago, shaven.

Same thing happened in Lake Oswego, at Apt.9 next to ours first was Lindsay Lohan who acted as a real estate agent, and then Kelly Clarkson, on the same name, car, etc..

When i got in my place a woman or girl, most likely Japanese made lo look latina pulled in the spot next to me, within one minute so and started to stare at me so i just left to Walmart, then she left too. While i was leaving the complex a Penske van popped in front of me. Today hundreds of people were involved in many scenes, including near accident situations at Walmart. Walmart was full of kids, but also at Lowes heard some crying.

My back pain (kidney, pancreas, gut, don't know) started back after i've been around the water heater taking pictures with the borescope. I put something, a piece of corrugated plastic that fits hard in that space on top of that pipe (i pulled after a while and saw a circle imprinted were the pipe was, put it back on), but the pipe is dented and can't seal. Bought something to put on that corrugated plastic, but will be here only tomorrow.

4:32 Last summer i've been complaining about dust on Avery St., on Nyberg. For months they were excavating the terrain in both sites. On Nyberg they build an apartment complex. On Avery, there are a couple of long industrial like buildings (it goes to the right maybe 300 ft or more), with no windows (except the huge lobby) with no signs, no name, just a Scientology cross, just across the street from where Angela works. Her previous job site also belonging to Eaton was on Teton St., a reminder of Thetans. Anybody know what these nuts are doing here?

4:43 Can't remember, it was a total of maybe 4 weeks of 24 hours week long notices of entrance last summer, for replacing the windows, a job that actually lasted several hours. Now, 6 months after, they gave me another one, for one week, for a touch up and painting job that would last probably half hour.

Last summer i thought i saw the guy who was leading the team was looking like the Emperor of Japan himself. That and the flare up of the sewage gas last night, following my posts yesterday. Emperor of Japan is a descendant of goddess Amaterasu, and the leader on Earth of divine origin. BTW i think it was her i saw  today in the parking lot. Unrecognizable on both sides without makeup.

12:13 I know i'm into the next day but want to right this one here because of the picture with the water heater pan and concrete blocks. After fasting all evening, and midnight i made myself some noodle soup with added bone broth. So i wanted to check my blood pressure. But my lancet broke. And started to ask myself, could there be a way to do it without? So i kept a needle with two fingers, somehow hidden and i pulled it a bit of a time until i finally hitted it with the prepared finger. Not much worse than the lancet. Then guess what. My BS came 230. With the new stick that show 20 less than the old ones.

Kept asking myself why. Maybe because i killed the sewer leakage (99.9% or it anyways). But my face and eyes hurt because... This morning when i went in to take that picture with my borescope camera i just shot the UV and the little closet with a blanket covering the permeable door had a lot of ozone built in there. In fact it says in the lamp's instruction. You have to air the room after using it.

So i don't know. Is it the ozone that got in my lungs and killed the whatever in there, before it can reach the stomach. Or the lack of stuff in the air. Or the copious amounts of coconut oil i took in the last days. Or the fact that i quit drinking alcohol and coffee. But if finally went down a little. Which contradicts my earlier theory that sugar builds up in your body and can't go down even if you fast.

But confirms the one that says your body pulls all the sugar from your gut (most of it coming from breaking down more complex carbs by pancreatic enzymes and it's not 10 or 20 grams, is in the hundreds of grams a day, and your body sacrifices the normal BS level pulling all sugar from the gut to cut the supply for bad bacteria and mold and why not, protozoa discharging from lungs and fermenting there.

Thursday, February 2, 2023

February 2nd

2:31 Intervenția lui Lavrov. Nici Maia Sandu, nici Lavrov și nici Putin însuși nu au trăit în Uniunea Sovietică. Gorbaciov, poate, sporadic. Nu rușii luptă în Ucraina. Recruții sunt probabil duși undeva pe un câmp și împușcați, sau fără apărare în focul "dușmanului" totuna, așa cum s-a întâmplat cu americanii în Vietnam. Și de Crăciun le dau o lecție, să nu mai folosească telefoanele să spună acasă ce se întâmplă. Ca și cum "ucrainenii" nu ar vedea prin sateliții prieteni tot ce fac.

În timp ce "Putin" spune că a ordonat armatei să intre în Ucraina pentru a-și apăra minoritatea de acolo după venirea la putere "nedemocratică" a lui Zelenski...

3:57 Tocmai îl găsisem pe Dodon... Ieri am pățit aceeași fază... Editorul online pe care îl folosesc pentru decupaje (crop) m-a blocat și mi-a zis gata, nu mai e gratuit, trebuie să plătesc și mi-a cerut bani. În realitate cred că e vorba de o chestie ceva, se bagă alții pe fir. Deci am plătit cu credit card pentru o lună, cred că m-au băgat pe o versiune mai veche, astăzi a intrat iar cea nouă. Acum îmi cer bani din nou, trebuie să caut altul, nașpa fiindcă mă obișnuisem cu ăsta...

5:43 Curios lucru. De câte luni lucrez cu aplicația asta? De ce s-au hotărât acum să-mi ceară bani? (1.95 pe lună). M-am uitat la card pe site-ul băncii și au zis că e activitate fraudulentă și a trebuit să-mi anulez cardul. Deci am încercat din nou cu aplicația gratuită de pe Chromebook, Gallery, căreia îi lipsește ceva, însă cred că mă pot obișnui cu ea.

10:25 Angela Merkel. Adolf Hitler.

5:41 Before i forget. It hit me today. The video with Norah Jones is an enactement of Amaterasu being tricked by music to come out of the cave after she went in there being upset and took the light with her. So in is the video, in this case tricked by love (of a Japanese boy), where Madonna substitutes Amaterasu (Amaterial). What other gods (spirits) with rays around their head used to live in a cave? The Wandjina, who are precursors to all solar deities in the world.

6:05 Ce-aș mai bee de-aș mai putee...

6:17 A new intraday trend of the market (actually it's been around for some time after "George Santos" moved upstairs two years ago). Every time i go to sleep in the morning it goes up, every time i come to the computer to do whatever it goes down etc.. And lately i only slept during day time cause at night is much more quiet and i can do stuff.

Yesterday we went at Walmart to fill Angela's antibiotic prescription, i was staring around and saw the small boxes with "Rely on" black sticks and bought some (they're really cheap, 10 bucks for 50) and when i got home i was not sure i bought the right ones and opened the box and used one and... surprise. My blood sugar came consistently 20 more than with the old sticks. Now i don't know which are good and which are not.

Didn't take a reading in quite some time, it used to go down to 200 and under while fasting and exercising, now it won't move under 300 no matter what, with 400 after eating, even no carbs at all.

In the last few days i had back pains which i suspected was either kidneys or pancreas, which at first was going away with omeprazole, and i remembered an old trick and took larger amounts like 5-10 grams of coconut oil (solidified by cold in here) several times a day. I keep cold in here (65) because it's less stinky Today after a week i think the back pain is going away. Also stopped drinking and drinking coffee (switching from soluble which i ran out to decaf ground also played a role in my back pains i guess).

BTW when Angela came from work she wanted to air the apartment and she did so, when she went to bed there was smoke in the bedroom, went outside, stepped on bulges, the smoke subsided, but i also found 4 new fresh dog poops. So much for airing.

6:54 Ce-aș mai bee de-aș mai putee... Cafea... Ciocolată... orice! Got some Ensure bottles with 10 grams each. Ok almond milk hot chocolate with one gram of sugar (got 15-20 grams in my 5 liters of blood right now anyways). I think i said it before. One reason your blood sugar won't go down even after fasting and exercising is because all your collagen and other tissues in your diabetic body are saturated with it. I think i got one pound of sugar spread throughout my tissues.

I once wrote about the possibility that your body is increasing your cholesterol level to compensate lack of vitamin D because cholesterol is used to make vitamin D in the skin after exposure to certain UV wavelengths (soft UV or UVA i guess). What if your body increases your blood sugar because of lack of collagen in your body? Ok i'm gonna drink a bone broth drink right now.

This phrase lacks logic. Or follows  the type of logic doctors use, one of the reasons i don't want to see those anymore.

9:10 Will bricks and mortar stores ever come back again? No matter how annoying and tricky the salesmen were, they cannot be surpassed by Amazon. Just miss ordered again one or two things and when i picked those from the locker, i cursed loudly in my mind and as usually one or two cars in the lot beeped their alarms. So back in the apartment, they were knocking on walls every time i did so until i stopped.

These guys break with me here all the laws and rules in the world yet they knock or beep when i disturb the karma of the Universe by cursing in my mind.

9:21 Ok am deschis ne-știrile. Cele mai flagrante cazuri de zgomot semantic peste postările mele recente. Tamás Balikó. Ion Sterian. Piese de șah de aceeași culoare (moto-ul blogului). Netaxarea profitului corporațiilor. Wandjina, cave spirits. Restul vă las pe dvs.. să le descoperiți.

9:53 Yeah i remember i heard about when i was in HS. Erich von Daniken. Probably first major example of coverage by noise. No it doesn't mean necessarily his theory was true though is a good indication.

10:00 Spy balloons... Here comes the Sunak...