Monday, February 6, 2023

February 6

12:35 Am vrut să nu mai scriu. Pentru un timp. Dar nu pot. Am zis ceva de inteligență artificială, și au venit ei cu ChatGPT și oda către Iohannis. Hai să dau două exemple de ceva mult mai... mare decât un biet chatbot. Living Earth Simulator nu a mai fost construit, dar cine știe ce mai au ăștia și nu spun...

De fapt nu înțeleg de ce nu au supercomputere capabile să scrie de exemplu un nou sistem de operare, ca Linux sau Windows.

Ultima chestie cu administrarea de antibiotice prin piele. Am pus un comprimat de Amoxicilină de mărimea unui nasture cu scotch pe piele pe braț peste care am trecut un ciorap ca să nu se dezlipeasca și în aprox 8 ore (când am verificat) nu mai avea nici un antibiotic în el (gust). Eu mai recent când iau antibiotice încep să am dureri în zone cu infecții cronice (inflamații de la bacteriile care mor și eliberează toxine), care de altfel nu le mai simt. Dar au început să cam dispară, mai ales de când le iau prin piele. Mai ales deoarece concentrația e mai mare și mai constantă în sânge, luate prin piele, la fel ca în cazul administrării intramusculare, nu mai trec mai întâi prin ficat iar asimilarea e mult mai lentă.

Și înainte era tot cam așa. Primele două zile amigdalita se făcea mai nașpa după antibiotice. Să fie oare ăsta motivul pentru care lumea crede că răceala nu poate fi tratată cu antibiotice, fiind întotdeauna virală?

Îmi amintesc, copil fiind, când făceam amigdalită venea asistenta la 12 noaptea acasă să-mi facă injecție.

Am rezolvat o mare  problemă, pe moment, fiindcă nu mai puteam să iau nimic oral.

5:45 When cats defecate, their passing stool presses on the anal sacs and a small amount of secretion is being released. In the wild, it is used for "marking the territories" though i don't totally agree with that theory. They may be used, in combination with T Gondii, to incapacitate prey.

In your house it ends up in the litter dust. Some unconscious people used  the pan of the water heater here as litter box and apparently 7 years later it still stinks. Especially because the substances entered in the rusted areas.

Chemical profiles of anal sac secretions of cats: 

The major volatile compounds in both sexes were short-chain free fatty acids, including acetic acid, propanoic acid, 2-methylpropanoic acid, butanoic acid, 3-methylbutanoic acid, and pentanoic acid.

Dogs, the same.

I believe they can entice to produce either defense smells or attracting smell, like during reproduction. Lately here they focused on the first ones. Never been so sick in my entire life. I can't eat much. Everything hurts.

But today i witnessed something i must write about. I kinda confirms everything though i don't have direct proof.

Today they came to work at the windows. Whatever the didn't finish last summer when the guy was at least to say, sloppy. He left many cracks i had to cover. There is black mold on top of the living sliding door but could not take a picture with the guy inside.

There was this generator next to our door that was feeding a small circular saw that ran all day at over 100 dB, though the saw was used sporadically.

So after they finally finished, or after about 3 hours i left for a walk. Forgot to take my umbrella (a drizzle that usually gives me headaches. At SW corner of the yard from the alley a kid came with his dog. From a distance, an adult was encouraging him as the kid kept turning his head. Though the dog didn't want to enter the yard the kid literally dragged him, annoying the heck out of the poor little thing.

So i realized i must come back to grab my umbrella. In a spot nearby there was this white older van idling at high rpm competing with the generator. So i got distracted and stepped into it. But i saw when i got near and threw it away. But i can't remember where. So right now i got a "hostile" poop ft away from the sliding doors.

So this is how they do it. First, they did it on a hesitation of mine. They could say. We didn't know he was going to come back, though they knew. Second, they annoyed the dog to produce more, as a defence reaction.

So this is it. This is how they must have done it with the mighty Romans. This is how they did it during pandemics.

11:17 Let's seek another trick.

Since all the smelly things in cat juice are (fatty) acids, i figured maybe i should try  to clean that pan with the opposite. Caustic soda. It fights the fatty acids in your oven. It is one of the strongest bases (the opposite of acid in chemistry) around. Should react with any acid.

Luckily i had a spray can that was here for years (in the mean time i switched to backing soda for cleaning the oven). No much pressure (propellant) left, but had enough to spray a layer on the visible areas. Bubbles came out which means it reacts with something.

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