Wednesday, May 10, 2023

May 10

1:15 Interesantă faza că Modern Talking și Sandra au lansat principalele albume în 1985. Amândouă formații prezintă stilul Synth pop, o muzică adictivă, antrenantă, un sub gen al "dancing 80s" characteristic Germaniei anilor 80 și nu numai. A fost însă abuzul acestor noi instrumente folosite intensiv și de Michael CrețuEnigma, atât de evident în ultima parte a video-ul Sandrei Maria Magdalena, care a dus la marginalizarea stilului. Ceva foarte similar cu ce se întâmplă acum cu abuzul de IA la realizarea majorității hit-urilor.

1:30 La polul opus avem muzicieni virtuoși ca Joe Bonamassa, care se bazează exclusiv pe instrumente clasice ale genului, cum ar fi chitara electrică, care încearcă și reușește să revitalizeze vechiul blues (cui îi place). Dar cel puțin, puteți fi siguri că e real, versurile în general sunt generice și nu conțin prea multe mesaje ascunse.

Din păcate la radio-urile din România domină stilul Eurodance, cu repetiții ale unor acorduri dulcege în general pe sintetizatoare și versuri stupide care nu înseamnă mai nimic.

1:22 Four.

7:06 Internal business. This morning i found the balcony door unlocked. The bandage fell from my almost healed wound which got re-infected. I had this weird dream about kissing an old woman.

It cost me about 35 dollars to replace the keys. At WinCo this old woman in her 70s looking like an ex model, "not my type", parked her white Tesla behind us. Waited at the entrance to see her better, she never got out of her car. Instead a different woman with a mask came from that direction.

Inside WinCo. I went mostly to make the last key at the automated machine, right behind me at two check stands they were two families with about 10 children. Inside WinCo everybody was getting in our way, going straight to where we wanted. What a frenzy, on a day like this! A tiny Asian woman half my height with pink t-shirt looking like a kid was packing very fast, ft. behind me.

When i drove back i got behind this Cadillac with OR whale license plate like mine, saying MOMELF. In Romanian "momele" means bait(s). On the alley only kids and teenagers, all the way to our apartment. In front of the dumpster there was standing this tall strong latina with a baby at her chest, looking very sad and worried like she was about to give up her baby. I let both door (main and balcony) opened to air (the air here is pretty "closed", a Romanian expression, mainly because of all kinda smokes including cigarette coming from outside). Right away a tall teen guy passed under the door (not a walking space).

7:47 They probably have all my life, everything i ever said and done, and lately thought, in a database. So they know for sure if i know or don't know this or that person by name. So they bring them in public places were i go to prove something (not exactly sure what).

BTW years ago, i think i was still in Lake Oswego, i thought i saw this guy working at WinCo. Today they brought him there again.

Seeing this man in the store, always smiling, detached, brought in my mind a subject rather difficult but not impossible to write about (could never start though).

Scientology uses as main tool this psychoanalysis like paid sessions (they call auditing) where the subject holds two electrodes in their hands and a meter measures the electric resistance of the body. In reality the electrical resistance of the body never changes, it is the subject that squeezes the electrodes in their palms, more or less, changing the contact resistance, pretty much the same, though less spectacular, for the purpose.

One of the material contributions (duty) of the members to the church is to perform audit on their peers, after some training. Audit is done mainly by questioning of subjects of their daily life. If the person shows an emotion on a certain subject (like the needle of the meter moving), the auditor, following the instructions of his training, starts to go deeper with questions in that direction, until the subjects show no more emotions (or has been "cleared").

Nothing new about this of which i wrote several times before. The new idea is the connection with the old Hindu principle of aparigraha or renouncing emotional attachment to material objects, ideas or events.

I don't think it's a good idea, to clear someone of his emotional memories. Though sometimes painful, they can serve as lessons (for persons who don't have family members or friends to teach them things) and later possible motivations in solving of not well understood past events, so many in my case.

8:56 Shin shin shin gan.

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

May 9

12:50 Adela Popescu.

1:00 Maria Magdalena. A typical example of dancing 80s. What a fast drummer...

Între 1979 și 1982 am avut o colegă de an Camelia Chelman din Bacău care după ce a picat examenul de mecanică teoretică cu Irimiciuc a doua sau a treia oară s-a aruncat din tren chiar înainte de a ajunge acasă în Bacău (mie pe atunci nici prin cap nu-mi trecea că voi primi peste câțiva ani repartiție în Bacău). Vorbeau colegii că cei din următoarea grupă care au dat examenul cu el au trecut toți.

M-am plimbat odată cu ea când ne-am întâlnit la un examen în toamnă pe care îl trecusem amândoi la sfârșitul anului I. Am luat Iașiul dintr-un capăt în altul și înapoi, o după amiază întreagă până seara așa că ne-a văzut toți care vroiau să ne vadă după care am mers fiecare în direcția lui. Da era foarte frumoasă dar avea o arsură mare pe gât adăugată la cabina de machiaj cred acum care o făcea destul de respingătoare în același timp. Fragilă și sperioasă ca o mimoză.

Era în an și Michael Crețu, ca Florea (am uitat dacă e numele mic sau de familie). Mulți alții inclusiv John Lennon. Patrick de la AVX?

3:36 Today i went to the dermatologist. The doctor first told me something. Then the assistant with a trainee came in the room and the doctor changed his mind. The trainee though with a mask looked like the person upstairs as a woman.

Later when i got back home and trying to change my bandages the person came in the yard as a white woman with a dog (labrador).

5:06 Double or nothing. UK trying to regain status of world great power while US had a series of inept presidents.

7:24 The person upstairs is up and squeaking. Kids are yelling in the yard. I went for a walk and lost my keys, probably when i pulled the camera to do these pictures.

I went back to search for the keys but forgot the places where i pulled the camera. First picture is with the ending sidewalk with no crosswalk. Second with the very tall useless fences on top of concrete reinforcements. I didn't search in the first area. In the second there was this woman in shorts stopped on the sidewalk exactly where i was looking. So i went further and around to look. Got to go one more time.
During my walk i was thinking. They don't need to hack your phone to turn the phone's emitting power to max (range is 0.3 to 3 Watts). I was with Boost Mobile and paying 35 dollars a month and had all bars here at the apartment. But when i switched to Hello Mobile, the cheap version of T-Mobile, at first i had all bars but then they switched us to "less busy more distant towers" for sub_urbs with 5 dollars a month plans and i only had 1 bar. At times wasn't working at all. The low signal in turn forces the phone to use max power.

11:24 Four.

11:27 La ăștia se duce Taxa pe Valoare Adăugată de pe orice bon fiscal. Partea și mai proastă e cultura căpătuielii. La români nu e chiar rușine dacă ai o rudă care să te tragă în sus. Partea cea mai proastă e că ei nu fac nimic. Stau. La stat.

Chiar dacă în mod accidental vreunul din ei s-ar apuca de te miri ce treabă, ar sări ceilalți, că le strică tradiția și trendul, (adică ar apărea ei nașpa). (Acolo în tenebrele ministerelor nu e loc de fraieri).

Monday, May 8, 2023

May 8

4:45 Nu sunt sigur, mai caut.

2:38 Metodă de combatere a analfabetismului funcțional. Luată dintr-o sală de clasă primară (1-4) de acum 50+ ani. A funcționat atunci (deși nu prea erau anafabeți atunci, scopul a fost puțin diferit, dar a contribuit la îmbunătățirea capacității de a citi și înțelege), va funcționa și acum.

Se abonează fiecare elev la o publicație săptămânală atractivă de preferat de orientare tehnico științifică (am înțeles că Știință și Tehnică a supraviețuit) sau umoristică care încă există în format tipărit pe hârtie prin insistența profesorilor sau cu o contribuție binevenită a ministerului.

Se rezervă o oră pe săptămână (de preferat ultima oră din săptămână) pentru cititul presei.

Fiecare elev citește din publicația la care s-a abonat pentru jumătate de oră. Se fac schimburi, se schimbă opinii (în liniște).

A și o oră de audiții muzicale unde elevii pot să asculte marile capodopere clasice (Beethoven, Vivaldi, Mozart, Bach etc..).

Îmi amintesc și alte activități de la școală. Dansuri populare, cu repetiții săptămânale și serbare la sfârșitului anului. Piese de teatru. Lecții de gătit pentru fete, meserii pentru băieți. Drumeții, multe drumeții.

Poate consilierii domnului ministru au idei mai profesioniste.

11:29 Nu i-au refuzat Nobelul, au refuzat recomandarea din partea statului (se spune în articol) dar nu știu dacă avea nevoie. În fiecare an sunt zeci sau sute de propuneri, există un triaj, e greu ca cineva să primească Nobelul pentru scrieri într-o limbă care nu este de circulație, iar traducerile de poezii sunt foarte greu de făcut. Blaga nu a fost interzis, cel puțin când eram eu în liceu, în anii 70 poezia Eu nu strivesc... era în manual, ca și acum.

"Între noi fie vorba", poezia promovează o... închidere (closing) a minții.

E o chestie să primești Nobelul, vine cu un milion de dolari pe când Pulitzer de exemplu doar zece mii, dacă nu s-au indexat cumva cu inflația. Însă nu vă faceți griji. Primesc numai oamenii din sistem. Eu am văzut un articol scris în Oregonian (nu mai găsesc link-ul) premiat cu Pulitzer unde era și o greșeală de redactare.

11:52 I didn't know! I had cold hands in the mornings while i was taking it.

12:00 Four.

Sunday, May 7, 2023

May 7

2:08 They did wake me after 4 hours of sleep. Tried to search for something, the person came and started to squeak so severely i gave up and started another project that has been delayed. The catch can for the newer Elantra. All the parts were there waiting and i put it together and installed it on the car. I also tried to vacuum the intake like i did to the other Elantra, some oil came, but i gave up as being too tired. People as usual moving around me like on a chase table, always anticipating my moves and creating visual traps. Kids behind me as i was working on car etc..

Corrugated copper pipe and front installation for condensing the oil. The idea behind it is to catch the oil vapor coming from the valve cover and crankcase through the PCV line that due to poor design (all combustion engines are like this) gets in the intake and on the valve, making them to stick and giving more work to the hydraulic lifters. In a way it is very similar to an appendix on the large intestine.

Besides a small, few percents, direct loss of power due to resistance to turning of the camshaft which matters when cruising at 20 HP output (60 HP thermal) in a car with good aerodynamics which is still 15 times the power of a 3000 watts heater or laundry drier, you do get noise from cam lobes hitting the partially filled lifter, foam in oil from squishing the oil out of lifters due to valve resistance (sticky), unbalanced engine due to some valves being opened only partly and with a delay which translates in poor drivability, again loss of power due to partially burnt fuel in those cylinders that overloads the catalytic converter, loss of comfort due to vibration and a host of other problems like wearing out engine mounts etc. etc..

One of the two most overlooked and poorly understood problems of modern cars including newest. The other one is using insufficiently filtered, pulsating DC from alternator for powering of the electronics and fuel pump because of poor battery connection due to contamination and corrosion of connectors that usually starts after first time changing the battery when you can never achieve the same type of connection like from factory.

Saturday, May 6, 2023

May 6

11:45 Want to get rid of nastiest itching skin infection with brown and red discoloration of the skin including an open wound with missing derma in a couple of days? (instead of 6 weeks in my case).

Gently wash with mild rose soap bar (Dove) to relieve the itching. Dry with a new untouched paper towel. Spread a very thin layer of vaseline over the whole red itching area and wound (sterile, 100% white petrolatum, unscented etc. coming from a tube, in jars it can become contaminated).

Cut open an Amoxicilin or Cephalexin capsule. Spread less than one half of it on the vaseline and gently rub until the white dust gets embeded in vaseline. Put a sterile pad on top and wrap in bandage like with any wound. I put on top a piece of women stockings to gently hold it together (no pressure added). Repeat two times a day or every time it's itching. Keep warm (do not expose to cold).

But it's best if you just let the skin wet after washing and sprinkle the antibiotic and rub a little to get wet and turn into a paste without vaseline though some will fall on the floor whatever.

Take some vitamins including vitamin D. Eat a bone broth soup (for collagen). Probiotics whatever.

Don't do as i did, use Neosporin. Two of the three antibiotics in Neosporin are the most comon cause of allergies that in my case were the only reason of spreading the infection from one point to ten centimeters diameter in a few days and inside the skin and arm that in the end led to me paniking and going to the ER.

Warning. The antibiotic you use will go through your skin and build in your system as administering orally though about twice as efficient because of bypassing the liver, should not exceed maximum daily dosage (could be an alternative method of administering on a healthy piece of skin similarly with patches in case of severe stomach problems).

2:41 The dreaded oil change. To most people it's just one hour wasted time at dealer or Jiffy Lube. To me is 10 or 100 times more complicated than to normal people. Like everything else.

Two days ago i bought oil from Walmart (Mobile 1, synthetic, 20000 miles guaranteed, 27 bucks). I had a filter i bought earlier on Amazon. I also went under car and checked the filter to see if it's not over tightened (i got in trouble once, had to put the oil with the old filter and had to go to Jiffy Lube to remove the filter with a special tool, i could not with the same tool i put it on. But this time it was loose. Like coming from Jiffy Lube and dripping loose. Yesterday when i checked oil level i saw there was some missing but it's hard to say cause the place is not level.

Why i don't go to Jiffy Lube anymore. They always mess it up. From cheap oil to not tightening the filter and leaving oil everywhere and of course the big show, with special guest stars as other customers and employees, though believe me i would because of what i'm experiencing here in the parking lot. Again with the money i pay for a 3000 miles conventional oil i can buy the 20000 miles synthetic with lesser need to change it soon.

Easiest job for a mechanic, especially when removing the oil with a pump through the gauge hole. A small electric pump hooked to the battery will remove the oil in about 15 minutes if everything goes well without the mess (oil goes directly in a bottle) and the need of removing the oil pan plug that needs new washer and torquing.

But i need Angela to be here to watch around cause i'm getting too nervous about people parading or almost walking over my tools. So when she came i wanted to go change oil but i realized i didn't eat anything all day (as i can remember) and was getting dizzy and i started to eat. As for Angela, never seen a more tired human being. She could barely speak, not capable of any attention or judgement (after a week of forced useless overtime (she says they do the same in ten hours was they would in 8) and Saturday starting at 4 AM, 58 hours in total).

So i grabbed something while she was getting more and more tired and sleepy. But when i opened the door i saw "the veteran" and his wife (a red headed writer from Hungary) walking to the mailboxes. Many times in the past she acted like she was scared of me and need her husband to escort her. In the past, i had an episode when he yelled at me "quit following my daughter" which again was passing dressed in night clothes (gown, pajamas) to the mail boxes. I believe they were on a justifying schedule and could not wait any more and had to come out. If i didn't eat, "they would have caught me again" in the act.

Every time i change oil he comes out looking for trouble. Passing by, yelling, etc.. Thing is. It's not the same person. Her she is. But the guy were three or four different short bald guys until now.

But then i realized the oil might have cooled (it's hard to remove when cold with the thin hose) and drove around the block one time to get it back to temperature and saw they were in a van at the end of the alley, like waiting for me to start changing oil? Then i saw they turned the van 180, and Angela wanted to get over it (keep nagging her for about a month about needing to change oil) and i started to change it. Other things happened, the pump makes a bit of noise that is audible in the alley but not inside an apartment other than mine. It was half hour of pure terror. Because i was so nervous, i made some little mistakes that delayed me.

Needless to say. I poured in almost one quart of oil more than i took out. I would assume the missing oil was dripping from the loose filter and spraying on the exhaust, explaining why so many people driving in front of me with stinking cars in the last months, waiting at intersections or seeking to pass and smoke me.

As Angela fell asleep, 4 (four) kids came in the yard and started to play and yell.

One more thing. The new Mobile 1 20000 miles looks already colored, like the used one after a couple of thousand miles.

Will i ever have the chance to buy an electric car and not having to change oil?

3:56 COVID (Corona Virus Disease, remember) is over. Long live the King!

It was called corona because of its round shape with spikes. To me it will always be a mystery how you can cut a 100 nanometer "virus" in two so you can see the cross section at the electron microscope. How about four of them.