Thursday, May 18, 2023

May 18

12:40 I noticed people liked my yellow/green pictures. There's more where those came from (on my nail size micro SD card). When i took the picture i also thought of a comment:

"Though this paradise beyond the barriers is artificial and all the (decorative) trees are planted, they do still become green and glorious at springtime (More precisely at the beginning of May)". And yes there is an always empty parking lot beyond the red far light Emergency sign.

1:00 AM No animals have been harmed...

12:30 PM Four.

12:40 Această bătălie a fost deja pierdută, tot ce poți auzi acum pe posturile cu muzică nouă sau vedea în listele Billboard este IA. Bineînțeles că lumea nu știe, cum tinerii nu știu măcar că se expun la niveluri nocive de radiații cu microunde de la toate device-urile, și în curând ei nu vor mai ști nimic.

Am dat câteva exemple acum câteva zile, de atunci mă gândesc că am spus mult prea puțin și am venit cu exemple nesemnificative și căutam un prilej. Dacă ascultați cu atenție orice piesă, veți auzi tot soiul de instrumente hibride, fantastice, imposibile, vocea este complet artificială și modulată cu un tremolo artificial, melodiile sunt însă suficient de antrenante și rezistă unei analize grăbite deși cuvintele sunt de o evoluție absolut demoralizatoare. Cât despre cuvinte, unele (de top) sunt de-a dreptul ceea ce acum zece ani ar fi fost la categoria porno, deși pe posturile de radio ziua se aud bip-urile și nu cuvintele respective. Kill Bill.

La fel și muzica lui Sting, care numai rock nu e. New wave post punk, dar un punk și mai minimalist decât punk-ul așa cum îl știm noi de exemplu de la Billy Idol. Idolul neo-naziștilor, ce auzim de la el în afară de vocea șuierată a unui bas de operă (care a studiat la conservator canto, chitară clasică, contrabas etc.) pe post de rocker (toți sunt) și o chitară bas, uneori făcută tot de el? Ia să vedem. În piesa asta nu e nici măcar bas, e o chitară acustică ce umple spațiul unui bas, și un sintetizator care uneori sună ca o vioară. Piesa sună aproape ca una realizată de IA de azi. Mă rog, au trecut 6 ani.

Ar putea fi un folkist de la cenaclul Flacăra dar nu e. E omul orchestră.

De ce a prins și a intrat în istoria prezentului? Și atunci ca și acum, DJ-ii pompează piesele până când te obișnuiești cu ele, paparazi pun imaginile pozate pe foile lucioase, MTV, etc., până când ajung să-ți placă bineînțeles în lipsă de altceva.

Pe locul I din Bibleboard acum de exemplu e o piesă, un fel de country (cu aluzii la prieteni și normal tărie), de asemenea complet fabricată de IA.

Însă Sting mai are ceva, foarte "special", ce trebuie menționat. La fel ca și Phil Collins, el e unul din cei mai virulenți rasiști din muzica pop, deși, repet, din grabă și neatenție lumea nu îi recunoaște ca atare. Și pentru că de exemplu Every Breath merge așa însă numai până la refren, unde o sucește pe lovey-dovey, ca să nu se scandalizeze ascultătorul. De remarcat micimea celor 4 figuri cu vioară din video în fața marii figuri implacabile cu contrabasul.

Asculți, uiți la refren, mergi mai departe, circumvoluțiunea (pata pe creier) se sapă. Eu dacă aș fi FCC sau CNA whatever aș interzice cel puțin aceste două piese, cele mai. Every Breath, Police (Sting) și In the Air Tonight, Phil Collins.

Nici o iluzie, ambele titluri și parte din versuri sunt aluzii clare la așa zisele camerele de gazare.

Însă dacă piesa lui Doja Cat sau a lui Sza stă pe posturi și în topuri, nu mai putem aștepta chiar nimic de la autorități, care, nu vreau să vă mai plictisesc, sunt tot EI.

11:00 Ministerul...!

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

May 17

8:15 Se îndoapă.

11:15 Do not harm the beer!

11:15 Four. Four. Four.

11:20 Osmosis.

11:34 Hold on! What color is your T-shirt?

11:40 I could swear i saw about 3 of these Friday night right in front of my eyes.

11:45 Can't find the stairs on a 2021 google maps street view but they look older than that. 1, 2, 3, 4...

11:54 This morning they were working on the street lamps completely blocking the sidewalk on both ways, had to detour on grass. They raised the crane right when i passed and tried to look and got blinded by the Sun. One hour later they were 4 gigantic vehicles + one in the Meridian parking lot plus signaling vehicles.

12:00 Two dogs barking viciously at me on Borland, after i passed the school.

2:10 O campanie menită să combată ce spun eu, adică totul e fake, care vrea să arate cât de dificil e să faci poze unor asemenea celebrități. Cu alte cuvinte, se bagă în seamă. Cu participarea bineînțeles a autorităților.

Multe alte "știri" de azi, din aceeași categorie. Darius Vâlcov. La fel toți ceilalți. Ei sunt toți acolo, fac prezența la joburile lor de zi de actori modești în Ungaria.

11:15 Evo-luscion.

12:04 Planning a vacation trip. I won't make it to Idaho Falls though where is the nicest hotel i've ever been to. Wish they were more like it.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Automated Doctors From the Future

It was almost 28 years ago. Still dizzy from the life i lead in Romania. Building programs, drinking, movies, most important Italian channels on TV, not a care in the world. Except i didn't want to die in that apartment at the 4th floor in a condo out of many decent ones built by the communists in Bacău, a bit crummy to my taste.

In 1994 i applied to the Green Card lottery. I remember i wrote the application on my 286 PC and printed it on a CDC clone printer made in Romania i used for my accounting programs. I won and next year i landed in Alameda St., Dallas, Oregon, in a small rented house with my ex colleague from Bacău and his family. The extraordinary end of summer mellow dry weather with the Pacific blue bright light in central Oregon. Nothing to tell me that was the beginning of a personal hell that lasted to this day.

One of those dream days i went with Julian to a drug store in Dallas. I think it was called differently, nowadays it's Rite Aid. He made me stick my hand in one of those automated, free blood pressure monitors. 120/80 of course because of the athletic life i was leading there. I mean, besides 10 hours a day at a computer monitor, much walking to my clients  and stores because i had no car which i was craving so much.

Believe it or not, i was not familiar with the numbers. It was very uncommon to people my age from Romania of those days to be looking for those kinda things.

Moving in time. 2022. The Expanse. The best ever Sci-Fi movie. And i know what i'm talking about, i'm a big fan of those. Very realistic in projecting the near future (though still impossible without a breakthrough in space transportation). Good looking actors. Convincing evolution of language. Cinematography to match the rest. The fantastic part of it, the rings etc. however, not to my taste.

But the cuffs from the future. On ship automatic medical devices that would tell you how much you have to live, can't find right now the picture with that scene, main character, forgot the name, i remember the device told her about the collapse of her endocrine system, untreatable (at the time), 5 more years to live. Belters. Whatever.

Treat you by known procedures in known diseases from loaded databases. Obviously at least semantically inspired and an extension of the one in the picture above.

Never realized those are doable with today's knowledge and technology minus the bureaucracy and prejudices and lobbyists and stuff until the last few days.

I once wrote a short entry about administering antibiotics through patches that is being studied nowadays. Patches are known for a long time, for administering nicotine or other drugs or medicines.

There is an even better way than patches. You can administer a medicine with a surgical rubber glove. Wash your hand thoroughly, put a glove on and slip your medicine in. Any tablet or capsule  (broken) that is not time released will completely get into your blood stream within an hour or so, only about 2-3 times more or in higher concentration than orally. It is called osmosis. It happens in the same way it happens in your intestine though it does not have to fight (and kill or eradicate) the intestinal microbial flora and your liver. Venous blood from your arm goes to your lungs first and then it goes to all the organs in your body.

The opposite. Let's say the machine can isolate or seal a piece of your arm with a couple of inflatable rubber rings, wash it and keep it warm to the point it perspires. Your perspiration contains everything your plasma does except of course for living white and red cells in blood, maybe in different concentrations, but with the necessary known corrections and correlations made by AI you can probably do all the tests in the world, within a few minutes.

Then AI can administer drugs within the next hour or so, a one dose antibiotic from the future by example with half life a week or the whole time of recommended treatment and then you can repeat the tests and tell how much or what else you still need, while watching a movie. Without even the need for the barbaric procedure of puncturing a vein.

You call an ambulance. They come and stick your arm in one of those. By the time you get to the hospital they know everything they need to or you even got the needed stabilizing treatment. Same when going to the ER etc..

I always envied the guys from the future with their marvelous devices. What do you think.

11:20 Concur to that!

11:21 Do not harm the wine, try with beer or soda!

Monday, May 15, 2023

May 16

10:36 There is one more hour and a half on the west coast till 16 but the previous post is so bloated it became inoperable so i'll just do a little time travel here. There are a couple of things i don't understand about the debt ceiling. One, there is no way for us the humas to verify the accounting behind it. Second. If the US government is so bankrupt (shush don't tell anybody) it owes 24 trillions, who is willing to lend them the money for "increasing debt ceiling".

11:07 No it's not AI. He is an actor like all of them, just couldn't figure it out yet. Maybe i never will cause i got so tired of it all.

12:00 Revelation 6:6, a multitude of translations.

12:37 Am găsit-o in întâmplare, căutând altceva, era păcat să nu o pun. Poate că nu am avut răbdare să caut cele mai potrivite poze, dar pare destul de evident.

10:25 Friends with the monsters. Cea mai mare realizare din ultimele 10 guverne dăruite nouă de Iohannis. Reducerea numărului de ministere cu unul sau două. Nu contează faptul că bugetele acelor ministere au fost acordate prin lege la începutul anului. Legile se fac sau se desfac tot de către ei.

Vor simți românii o diferență cît de minusculă din aceste modificări de imagine? Nu, dar am început să mă prind unde bat ei. O rampă de lansare, un trend, pentru o guvernare mai minimalistă, care în final să ducă și la minimizarea numărului de județe, pentru reducerea cheltuielilor administrative. Se vor reduce numărul de judecătorii, curți de apel, poliție sau ce se mai plătesc din buget? Nu, pentru că ei vor rămâne aceeași la numărul de populație. O schimbare cosmetică ce deschide însă calea unor referendumuri locale neconstituționale în acord cu ciudata lege 341/2013 după cum am scris de atâtea ori.

O repetare mascată a ce a încercat Dragnea și alții prin regionalizare. O pregătire pentru împărțirea țării.

12:04 Many people don't realize but (kind of forgotten) Bruno Mars is already a classic of contemporary pop, inspiring many other artists. Well constructed tunes that don't miss a thing, lyrics that carry you away. About the more note per note verse per verse inspiration of Miley Cyrus most recent hit i wrote. But here is the more sophisticated Adeler borrowing heavily from his ideas.

2:10 Like yesterday when i was opening the door, three times. Got in my face when i wanted to leave. Waited to hear the so familiar squeak so i won't run into her. The olympic swimmer. Got back from my walk, still here. Doing the same thing. Walking on my thoughts. Though i thought she picked everything yesterday with the van. Whatever.

During my walk i've been thinking on how to write one of the nicest and lucky posts i ever wrote. But it will be separate from my time stamped entries. Watch out, get ready.

3:05 Working on that. In the meantime the person upstairs is cleaning (took another half day off from work?). I can understand vacuuming, but i thought all the furniture was moved yesterday. Then why i hear noises like from heavy objects moved from place to place? In any case, interfering heavily with what i'm doing. Breathing in the dust, etc..

May 15

11:08 Thou shalt not hurteth the oil. This is not funny anymore.

I knew for a long time they get in here while i'm gone. The oil in the deep fryer is now several shades more brown than as i left it and the fries came bitter. I have a sign at the door but they can beat it, given enough time (They open and close the door enough times until it comes in the same position. Or they have a different way of entering).

The guy from upstairs asked permission to clean the balcony. Now the balcon looks like a... Though the paint was gray (who paints a table, i saw it in his balcony)in that color?). I now remember what he did last summer.

I am familiar with this type of imitating the adults. Small children sometimes like to repeat your words or gestures to pay back the annoyance of hearing adult people having conversations and not understanding. But from a country of adult people that are bound to controlling the world, this isn't funny anymore.

BTW last night i drove for a while behind this old Jaap that was modified and turned into a pickup that was stinking really bad. I think it was making me very tired. Passed him and fought him not letting him pass again. The next street i took was empty for all i could see, a mile, but i don't know where from, here came this Japanese looking guy who wanted to cross and he would have crossed without me seeing him first (he probably came from the field or from behind some trees) if it wasn't for the Police car that was coming from a side street. Here maybe, with Police car where that car is, google car did it backwards, i was on the other side. He stopped, surprised, short of getting in my way.

Somebody please tell them. Nobody can control the world, like the weather, with gigantic supercomputers and microwave actuators (Yes, they use cell phone towers for very locaI weather "effects", Gaconna station for US level, etc). For a few weeks in a row, every weekend was hot, the snow was melting in the passes only during weekends, were sacrificing the other days so they can do their show with us on the desert beyond Mount Hood, where several times i almost lost it.

In a free world every person is a universe. Unless you enslave them all with kryptonite (their cell phones) and then you can control them, like in Ancient Egypt.

11:45 I think i feel weird after eating those fries.

12:30 Getting in my way, to pretend. I wanted to hose the balcony where the paint is and this corner of the building, to be able so install the AC. He/she/it came "home" "from work" in reality from the other roles he/she/it assumes during daytime, i'm kina hesitating cause he can pretend whatever. Now it opened the patio door upstairs. If i don't hose it dust from the AC is going to fly away in the yard. At least in the first day or so.

2:24 So i left in frustration, went for a walk, though it was very hot. Though i'm all hot, my hands are cold because of perspiration, for cooling the whole body. Which means the infection is creeping back. At Walmart they started to deny again my Barclay card though it worked for a while. I bought oil, bandaid and soda. Came home only to see a small uHowl van in his spot.

What i wanted to tell during my walk. The cops know what's happening. Proof is last night. They stopped the man from crossing. Or it was all simulated. In all cases, they know.

What this guy did to me in two and a half years or so is enough to put him in prison for the rest of his life. Yet he gets away (from this identity). Am i happy? I'm not happy cause it's not going to change anything. They are going to bring someone else, like from the beginning, doing pretty much the same stuff. The first guy i saw in here, the old man, though they were a few playing the same role (when showing) looked like Pacepa. Saw him clearly during a dysphagia episode when he came in front of my car (i drove myself to ER), looking down at me with an expression like saying. Now die!

Soon enough Romanian choreographer looking like him (Romanian my a...) who could have been him because they need to be athletic to walk that much, died unexpectedly (or retired in his original ID in Hungary whatever). Before he left i think it was Dick Cheney himself, and before that, a comedian from Seattle (Dangerfield) etc..

Now he's playing the moving scene, with the same old squeaking and hitting heavy objects.

BTW when i came. The small dog from next door came charging at me, twice. It done it before, but in a very smart way. The moment i reached in my pocket for the camera he went away like nothing happened. In the mean time i lost a full minute before looking at the sign (when i left to park the truck). He was around, everywhere, loading his van.

BTW when i backed to move the van an old white police car (Ford Crown Victoria) crept at my back and blocked my way and they wouldn't move until another guy completely backed up and left. As i said before, in this complex all driving rules are different.

3:34 Yeah i was expecting something like that. Every time i was opening the door, he was in front of me. Could not finish the AC because he moves on top of me from main door to balcony door and back. He just threw a couple of wheels from his car in the yard (the only time i ever talked to "him" i told him i bought one of my wheels from a junkyard, but it was from the same type of car and then he bought four wheels online but they didn't match the car and he kept those in the balcony) .

Could one of them have fallen on my head. What do you think now, Police. Ok i might have talked to him briefly one or two times after. Yesterday at the door. On two occasions including yesterday he had the zipper of "his" pants open.

A while ago i found a tire in the same area.

BTW just remembered something. At Walmart an Indian guy (from India) with his model girlfriend was pushing a bicycle (with a tag still attached to it) on the food isles where i was going.

3:45 Ok i just saw him picking back one of the wheels from the grass.

3:57 He slammed the door of his van, i thought it was Angela, went to open the door, he was in my face again.

4:13 The van is gone, Angela is overdue for half hour.

4:18 Angela is here, dead tired, she almost fell asleep in a road block that lasted half hour.

4:49 Four. Christmas in July. A plecat Santa in Islanda să inspecteze elfii.

5:47 Masters of blues (yes i had a few drinks). Fender and Gibson, dueling. The thrill is here. Never seen Eric so concentrated on the scene trying to keep up with his master Joe but i always thought is easier to play with a pro because he's so inspiring. He's got a slightly better voice though. Trying to figure how much is practice and planning and how much improvisation. BTW, a question for those who never listen to live music. What instrument is playing the black guy jumping around next to the two white bluesmen and what is his role.

8:56 How much force to fret a guitar string. That is, to push it down to the metal fret so you can pick a sound. This guy came up with a rough calculation. 0.3 to 0.5 pounds. I would assume on a standard gauge strings set. Cause if you can use a heavier gauge (one step thicker strings) for a better sound and to keep yourself in shape you need more than that.

I cannot agree with the results of the experiment either. When you look at the guitar neck you can easily see it's not flat (in cross section). Also the dumbell is curved in the opposite direction. So it will only make contact on one string only.

My rough guess and from my own experiences, on a heavy gauge strings you have to apply at least one pound. With one finger only. Also because you can never apply the exact amount needed, but always more just to make sure. Because you cannot measure and can't take chances in missing notes.

Not even talking a about "bending" notes. That is climbing half tone (with the great, out of this world continuous tone changing effect), one tone or more by pushing on the string towards the next one. That would be in the range of 10 pounds.

Where i'm getting at. Great guitarists during peaks of their solos on stage and records do up to 20 notes per seconds (it has been recorded more than that, in special competitions). Imagine that. Having to push one pound with one finger for each note, 20 times a second. Nobody would have thought, but it takes lots of physical strength. Sometimes i'm wondering how female guitarists like Orianthi are doing it with those thin arms. Whatever.

I wanted to come out with a reason why sometimes the strained faces during the solos. And BTW if i am sorry someone on this planet will eventually get old, that is Candy Dulfer.

10:20 I feel like i abused people with videos today. Hard to load too. But have to write this one before the day is over. There was this weird smell around and could not figure what it was. I went to look for poops but what i found was cakes of leaves, the size of small pizzas, brought by a freak spring wind next to east garages. I gathered about 5 laundry baskets of those. Ran out of breath because of the dust. But when i threw the last one, this time in the SW bin, i saw the bin was full (on a Monday) and last item on top was a children's mat, wet and smelling like urine, that was in the heat of the sun all day. Also the NE bin is full like usually on a Monday and stinks really bad.