Monday, May 15, 2023

May 16

10:36 There is one more hour and a half on the west coast till 16 but the previous post is so bloated it became inoperable so i'll just do a little time travel here. There are a couple of things i don't understand about the debt ceiling. One, there is no way for us the humas to verify the accounting behind it. Second. If the US government is so bankrupt (shush don't tell anybody) it owes 24 trillions, who is willing to lend them the money for "increasing debt ceiling".

11:07 No it's not AI. He is an actor like all of them, just couldn't figure it out yet. Maybe i never will cause i got so tired of it all.

12:00 Revelation 6:6, a multitude of translations.

12:37 Am găsit-o in întâmplare, căutând altceva, era păcat să nu o pun. Poate că nu am avut răbdare să caut cele mai potrivite poze, dar pare destul de evident.

10:25 Friends with the monsters. Cea mai mare realizare din ultimele 10 guverne dăruite nouă de Iohannis. Reducerea numărului de ministere cu unul sau două. Nu contează faptul că bugetele acelor ministere au fost acordate prin lege la începutul anului. Legile se fac sau se desfac tot de către ei.

Vor simți românii o diferență cît de minusculă din aceste modificări de imagine? Nu, dar am început să mă prind unde bat ei. O rampă de lansare, un trend, pentru o guvernare mai minimalistă, care în final să ducă și la minimizarea numărului de județe, pentru reducerea cheltuielilor administrative. Se vor reduce numărul de judecătorii, curți de apel, poliție sau ce se mai plătesc din buget? Nu, pentru că ei vor rămâne aceeași la numărul de populație. O schimbare cosmetică ce deschide însă calea unor referendumuri locale neconstituționale în acord cu ciudata lege 341/2013 după cum am scris de atâtea ori.

O repetare mascată a ce a încercat Dragnea și alții prin regionalizare. O pregătire pentru împărțirea țării.

12:04 Many people don't realize but (kind of forgotten) Bruno Mars is already a classic of contemporary pop, inspiring many other artists. Well constructed tunes that don't miss a thing, lyrics that carry you away. About the more note per note verse per verse inspiration of Miley Cyrus most recent hit i wrote. But here is the more sophisticated Adeler borrowing heavily from his ideas.

2:10 Like yesterday when i was opening the door, three times. Got in my face when i wanted to leave. Waited to hear the so familiar squeak so i won't run into her. The olympic swimmer. Got back from my walk, still here. Doing the same thing. Walking on my thoughts. Though i thought she picked everything yesterday with the van. Whatever.

During my walk i've been thinking on how to write one of the nicest and lucky posts i ever wrote. But it will be separate from my time stamped entries. Watch out, get ready.

3:05 Working on that. In the meantime the person upstairs is cleaning (took another half day off from work?). I can understand vacuuming, but i thought all the furniture was moved yesterday. Then why i hear noises like from heavy objects moved from place to place? In any case, interfering heavily with what i'm doing. Breathing in the dust, etc..

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