Thursday, October 5, 2023

October 5th

7:15 Today was the biggest amount of smoke here in the last years. Found and plugged one hole next to the concrete patio. Then i tried to air but i think there's more coming from somewhere else. When there's smoke like this it's quiet, upstairs and everywhere. I never meet on person when i go to plug holes. As soon as it's over, they come upstairs through the attic and probably from outside the building to keep selves unexposed.

7:43 Este atât de dezolant să mai deschid știrile din România. Tot ce apare este fake, totul este rupt de realitate, toți sunt oamenii lor. Și au hotărât cazul Zepelin, pentru a demonstra în mod alegoric că nu e așa. Există opoziție în interiorul sistemului. Pe fondul scandalului cu jocurile de noroc.

Am spus de atâtea ori, păcănelele nu sunt jocuri de noroc. Sunt niște mașini de luat bani în care ești prins fără scăpare. Mașina îți calculează fiecare mână în funcție de starea psihică pentru ca să te mențină la jucat.

În funcție de cât de repede și de tare apeși pe buton dar dacă sunt camere în sală, în funcție de emoția de pe față, temperatură, gesturi, câți bani ai băgat, câți mai ai, ce ai făcut mai înainte la alte mașini, etc.. La cazinourile mari sunt momente când toate mașinile încep să meargă, de obicei când lumea începe să plece.

Ele sunt gândite și furnizate pentru a ruina financiar pe toți cei care au mai rămas în țară și au idea proastă de a intra acolo. Că să plătească impozite în țară. Nimeni nu știe nimic ce se întâmplă la ANAF, alte ministere. Nu știm câți angajați au, câți bani primesc, câți bani intră și ies din buget.

Și fiindcă George Sim_Ion nu era destul au mai scos și un scandal cu un nume asemănător cu al meu, Ion Georgescu.

Este un sistem închis format doar din oamenii lor și totul este show și alegorie inclusiv aceste încercări de a demonstra contrariul. Accidente, incendii, flagrante, scăpări din dosare, concedieri, găuri la buget. Ritmul lor a crescut poate de zece ori vara aceasta.

Fără scăpare.

8:15 Silence upstairs, and everywhere, a new wave of smoke just got in here.

8:40 I think i know who Alexa is (alexacrushcosplay). They capture a person with potential, at a young age then force him to have a "sex change" operation then exploit that person beyond any limit and i know they can because they can do anything they want especially on the West Coast. Look what they are doing to me.

Someone doxed her but she is still kept on porn sites where she wasn't going by the same name and on tiktok on a different name with a slightly different theme and many other sites.

12:05 Ok so i made yesterday an online quote with State Farm for my both vehicles because the bill with Progressive started to go way up high and then an agent from the area sent me an email asking me to review the quote but the quote was locked saying i had to contact the agent which i did through email but there was no answer and then i just called them.

Had to give all the info again and negotiate the premium which was slightly higher and use a credit card. The female voice i spoke with seemed familiar. Got my policies (binders) in the email.

12:30 I love free. Free is good.

12:42 I believe "sex change" is crazy because human males and females have one chromosome different and is written in any cell of your body and that can't be beaten through HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) like blocking testosterone and administering estrogen).

I was thinking these days. Besides the bone and brain changes determined by hormones given at early ages (usually when they start the "treatment") and BTW at those ages people cannot decide for themselves and after the initial trauma of the surgery, when skin of their old organ is used to create a canal, etc. what kinda of trauma do they live every time when they remember they were born of a different gender.

I qualify this as barbarism and mutilation similar to castrating singers in medieval times and people allowed such laws to pass because they don't really understand what it means, being under the influence of glamour of celebrities rather than knowing the scientific truth.

The "patients" who become females most often cannot have an orgasm due to low testosterone, they will have to temporarily take testosterone for that but will still be difficult because their organ is not intact. Not to talk about surgeries that can go go wrong.

Gender dysphoria or the desire to look and behave like a person of opposite sex is an illness most often caused by trauma. You don't treat a mental illness by fulfilling their trauma fueled fantasies by irreversibly mutilating the patient.

More than that parents can be coerced into it by financial and other means.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

October 4th

12:55 Incense flavored pearl like grapes...

9:37 Made some coffee. Decaf soluble of course cause i'm too lazy to make some real coffee and with my means here i can't make it much better anyways. Just remember, got to clean the espresso filter (every 300 cups). Got to wait, need to do some car insurance quotes first.

Woke at 8 AM with shortness of breath. Lethargic. Tried to replace my patches. I have patches everywhere especially behind ears, like Frankenstein. However, after two days of patches behind ears it looks like my bulges subside. Got two bulges by the parotid glands on both sides for many years.

Besides that got some bulged lymph nodes on my neck for at least years. A she doctor then told me "not to worry about those, they will never go away". My medium ears were hurting when i woke up and the bulges are for the first time, or third day since i put the patches, smaller. Hurting because there's a fight in there. Penyciline vs bacteria. Dead bacteria causes inflammation.

My legs also get whiter and whiter every day. Got patches there too.

At the third patche i got really sick. Could not breath even with decongestant and mouth open. So i grabbed my jacket and went for a short walk.

I think it was right before that when i went and enlarged the hole at the corner of the building and poured some oven cleaner in it and then put it back together with some soil from a bulge further away. It wasn't even a hole, there was an undisturbed thin layer soil, less than half inch on top. Unconspicous.

And they started. The guy at apt.3 got out giving me scarred looks (all composure, the short muscular guy is a ninja). He was wearing an Amazon jacket.

When i got by the locker, i glimpsed a school bus entering the complex (it was shortly before 9 AM). Came back. A number of them already started the wave. I didn't care trying to concentrate on breathing. When i got right here the car with NWY or YNW number started the engine and though it's a newer car surrounded the building with exhaust for the half minute the cat was cold (so i won't feel the smell inside?). Inside it was smelling like mold, big time, the kind that comes from the ground from a mole hole.

I started the ozone generator that ran for about 5 minutes. Pulled the coffee on the small table next to the bed had a sip when i saw something like a black bear coming from around the building in front of the windows who started sniffing the area where i poured the oven cleaner inches inside the soil.

Then a teeny tiny dog wrapped in clothing that started to sniff further away where there is a poo i marked earlier with a leaf waiting for removal. A tiny shiny oily smeared dog poop (when you drag the dog while pooping it gets enraged and open the anal sacks and the poop gets oily and really stinky). However somehow this morning i lost my sense of smell. Could it be because of the patches on the neck.

Then at the other end of the leashes a young black guy (or girl), not tall, curly, skinny, coming from the apartment next building, that now has on the window an inscription saying VENOM.

Now i sip more coffee, heated some elbow macaroni and cheese, thinking to go and remove the poop. And my morning started. BTW i don't stay near the microwave when it's working and got really close to almost one wall big door/window when i saw the bear.

Upstairs activity was sporadic with some squeaks, though i noticed someone left like every day, came back, i didn't look at the clock, yesterday i started to suspect the morning trip is to the airport to take or get someone there and then someone left for the day while someone was still inside, squeaking.

Got so mad of all these had to come and write it. My coffee and macaroni got cold BTW.

12:35 A drama unfolding quietly in San Francisco that didn't make the national news, something all Americans should know about, but people are still curious about Trump and McCarthy bla bla as if they can't enough of those, especially of Trump.

40 hours after it happened, 24 hours after last update, no news about the woman as who she is, what or who hit her and what is her status.

(Yeah i know the subliminal keyword here is Crusie).

A lot is at stake. The future of autonomous vehicles among others and i believe behind this news stall are happening intense negotiations. Obviously there are cameras on board those vehicles and in the surrounding area and they should know by now.

But they are facing a dilemma. Those cameras on the vehicles are not so good news for the privacy of people on the streets of San Francisco so they hesitate to release the recordings that would confirm their existence.

1:15 Minutes after i wrote about the dogs of the morning, another one came dragging a hooman on some sort of umbilical cord. Light brown, two ft long, about 3/4 ft in diameter, it raised a leg and peed inches away from the concrete patio, while i was finishing eating and thinking of a Shasta diet lime soda diluted with water. The human was behind the corner on the right but would soon show and coordinated the dog that was sniffing intensely the same area the first two did.

6:44 They just said (2 hours ago) the story has been updated. That's a lie. It didn't change since shortly after it happened. They keep changing update time.


Tuesday, October 3, 2023

October 3rd

4:12 I was doing google searches on Alexa's blog IP number and i found a list of blogs associated with and when i opened the second in the list i found this, which could be my upstairs neighbor. Born in Philippines, writer, degree in English, also from San Francisco, journalist, food critic, Reiki practitioner, operating room nurse, etc.. I think i talked to her last Saturday at Lucky Eagle Casino not knowing who she was.

Also in the section with followers on goodreads i saw someone (second picture) that could be Alexa but there is no name and is not clickable, even after i signed it in with fb.

Could have done this long time ago but did not have time and patience.

5:37 Oh... My... God... Did i just criticize Stevie Nicks' eerie clothing style?    

Been to Fred Meyer to get the stuff i din't get at WinCo yesterday. When i came back they were here, doing gymnastics moves and yelling like crazies.

6:20 Like anything in this crazy world we live in there are of course fake Sadhus. The reason i searched and wrote this was this guy in red t-shirt with deformed hands that passed on the street in front of me twice, when i started my walk and when i came back. I saw in a video last night a Sadhu that held his hand in the air for 50 years and the hand was deformed but i think he was real. Just to prove his dedication to Lord Shiva.

And i remembered a couple of things. The check-stand i saw first yesterday had no line so i went there and there was this short Indian woman (a rare sight) and i was intrigued that she didn't greet me or i didn't hear, she was holding her head down while checking stuff and in the end she asked me if i needed bags and i looked at her and said i have my bags in the car. Got next to car, moved my stuff in the bags, it was raining and then another older woman came and ask me to give her the cart and then she said 'thank you'  and i said "you welcome".

Lately i became so emotionally pissed with everything i sometimes won't answer to hellos in the park and here is an example. Today there was a woman with a dog who said hi, i made eye contact and nodded my head but didn't say anything as she started talking to her dog. "Come on. No! Leave it there. Come on".

11:43 Minciuna zilei. Cea mai mare sursă de venit al bugetului de stat (fără contribuții asigurări sociale) e TVA. Toți plătesc TVA chiar și când cumpără o pâine.

Monday, October 2, 2023

October 2nd

6:36 Do prostitutes look clients in the eye? I believe eye contact initiates a communication channel between two persons that is beyond our current knowledge and can go beyond the physical proximity or time limit of the encounter depending on the intensity and type of emotions during the eye contact and it would seem logical for them to avoid those as they avoid having pleasure because it is very exhausting, having do deal with multiple partners a day.

1:33 Have an intermittent flat on the left front at the truck. Sometimes it stays put for a week, today was at half normal pressure since i wrote about. There was this white windowless unmarked van next to it but still like a sleepy head idiot i insisted on inflating that tire on the spot with a foot pump and that happened within the last half hour of the market today and they even had enough momentum to lower oil price that is dangerously high by some 2%.

Higher stock market means higher retirement funds but also higher inflation.

When i backed up of course some guy with a red SUV with tinted window tried to get my back. He then parked on a visitor spot nearby, still could not see his face. Cultural LPN maybe 2506.

They would probably keep doing this until i go to a tire shop "to fix it" where they will put up another show but i guess would have been better if i did it cause they put another one here today and will put one every time i will use it.

2:10 Minciuna zilei. Unde sunt banii de la bugetul Ministerului, 59 miliarde lei, Cheltuieli curente sau blogul acesta, dreapta sus (site-ul Ministerului de Finanțe de obicei intră mai greu).

Runners in the park. Maybe you should try to do something (else) instead of messaging me.

10:16 Moțăiam pe pat și m-am ridicat fredonând melodia aia deverme a Bee Gees. Smile... cu gândul la toate și la link-ul de lângă melodie. Și s-a ridicat și doamna de sus și a început o avalanșă de zgomote pe ritmul ideilor. Ca și cum cineva ar fi auzit la ce mă gândeam și nu trebuia. A încercat deci cu orice preț să alunge din minte acea melodie și acele gânduri. După care au urmat altele dar domnia sa a obosit sau ceva a oprit-o.

Între timp m-am apucat să fac o pizza. Puteam să iau una mai devreme din super market, aveau acolo pe vremuri o pizza destul de bună, acum o fac și ei cu praf de copt. Așa că mi-o fac singur. Gătitul și orice activitate mai puțin intelectuală ca și condusul favorizează ideile și ieșirea lor din subconștient fără îndoială. Însă aveam deja un subiect cu prioritatea nr.2, după gândurile despre sclavia modernă și cum o ignorăm cu toții. Spunem trafic de ființe vii și după această conceptualizare care ne obosește creierul ne vedem de treburile noastre.

Unii chiar își rostesc în barbă. Treaba lor. E vina lor. Ei bine, aflați noutățile de pe site-uri. Nu e vina lor, 90% din ele au ajuns acolo și rămân acolo împotriva voinței lor. În țări ca în Spania jumătate din prostituate sunt românce, probabil cu zecile sau sutele de mii. Am calculat odată nu știu unde. Jumătate de milion parcă mi-au ieșit.

Deci la ce mă mai gândeam. Ținuta lui Janos Kobor din video-ul cu Scoprions și Omega. Și faptul că volumul vocii lui a fost coborât la un nivel foarte scăzut din mixer. Ca să nu se prindă lumea normal cine era.

Dar geaca. Avea acolo o geacă ce era evident făcută să nu se închidă și să-i arate pectoralii. Care nu erau cine știe ce, mai mult piele. Și atunci de ce, mă întreb și mă întreb, și m-am iluminat brusc. Omul întruchipa un Buda. Mai mult decât atât, avea și părul galben cârlionțat proaspăt, întruchipând perle. Un happy Buda în Budapesta. Mi se pare normal.

În cele mai multe statui, Buda apare pe jumătate dezbrăcat. Calea de mijloc.

Da asceții Sadhu umblă de multe ori dezbrăcați. Dar o fac din renunțare, nu senzualitate.

Ok dar căutând o imagine a lui Buda cât mai aproape de a lui Kobor, de ce dau. Exact de ce spunea Buda lumii să se ferească. Una din extreme de evitat când urmezi calea de mijloc. Învăluită în misterul cuvântului tantra.

Ce se întâmplă. Profeții, învățătorii, guru, învață de obicei bine. Dar lumea proastă preferă de multe ori să ia o frază marginală de undeva, să o rupă din context, să o interpreteze ca să o poată adapta la obiceiurile lor vechi. Budism ezoteric, zona din crea ninja își trag puterile. Tantra, o lume a magiei și sexului bine cunoscută nouă de la MISA.

Sunday, October 1, 2023

October 1st

To make a long story very short. I think at Lucky Eagle i spoke to a woman posing in Casino staff or maybe even being a member of the staff in uniform with a dark green and gray shirt (i later saw another woman with that uniform that had an inscription Lucky Eagle Employee) who was actually the woman upstairs. She was showing empathy and even smile in the end but when i asked her who she was so i can tell her later if i see the woman with the T-shirt she kinda ended the conversation.

I was complaining about being bullied on the road all the way there and then i saw a woman with a T-shirt with the name of a football player named Lynch and thought that was part of bullying and/or a threat. Then i spoke with a security guard at the entrance about the same stuff and now when i googled Lynch 24 as saw on her t-shirt i see a face who might have been of that security guard. BTW he told me to tell him about my research (on who was Lynch was) next time when i get there and he looked either sick or scared to death.

No i don't watch football as i didn't watch soccer while i was in Romania. I find both extraordinarily boring. Some guys throwing and/or kicking a ball from one place to another.

3:34 There is more weird stuff i would like i feel like i need to share. An idea that was later in my mind.

I think when a man has sex to a woman and the woman shows/has pleasure there is a channel that opens between the two beyond the initial attraction or desire for sex that may not ever be stopped by either. This probably is embedded in our genes and is ancestral and helps the survival of the species when the two need to stay together to raise children.

That link gives the man an extraordinary attraction and attachment towards that woman and an incredible energy and happiness.

More than that i think the same stuff happens when you see repeatedly a woman on a video on certain sites while pleasuring self but it is one way only cause the woman will never even know who you are. Or who knows.

I don't think women should do this cause it maybe dangerous for the whole lot of people who watch them.

More than that. I think ninja with the help of Buddhism and  Shintoism that both inspired from ancient Hinduism  through special training know how to tap or use or open that channel in order to literally read someone's mind and/or influence that person. But i think should better be a woman to be able to link with a man.

Could they control and finance the whole porn phenomenon. Free sites you can access anonymously with a couple of clicks that may capture your soul. Literally.

But even "lesser" activities like semi-porn tiktok videos may have a similar effect and in the past movies and music clips. I think the keyword is submission and man do they show submission in the newest videos on tiktok.

Amazingly i had an intuition about this before.

10:36 Washington State. You may call it revitalization of supposed old European religions vs Christianity and/or Judaism, i call it ninja manipulation. I think the apprentice magicians are actually succumbing to a higher level of magic.

One of the central cultural pieces in this puzzle is Pink Floyd's the Wall. However i know David Gilmour is a legendary Hungarian rock singer named Janos Kobor of the band Omega and i think Janos is a Jewish name in Hungarian. However in Hungary he did the opposite of what he did with Pink Floyd, a type of ballad romantic rock and probably using a wig presenting himself as gay.

However there are recognizable Pink Flyod accents especially in the guitar solos and pretty plain in early songs.

No i don't believe they were beneficial for the ordinary Hungarians, their greatest hit there, Girl With Pearls in Her Hair is about m...n like many other international hits including Train's Drops of Jupiter.

Wondering how come Klaus Meine (Scorpions) speaks and sings in Hungarian using those hard to pronounce non-european vowels singing with Janos Kobor both transcending in a different cultural space were Kobor is unrecognizable as David Gilmour. Here doing a bit of magic for their own.

10:40 As i was making an effort to remember names and stuff and also got frustrated by my own sloppiness in the blog post with his face while talking with Angela i became "emotionally vulnerable" and she started her ritual dance upstairs. However she took off right away.

BTW they did laundry in the building and pumped vapor in the basement as everything including the floor got colder and the floor is wet and bulged at places. We are being eaten alive by collagen eating bacteria developed in the fiberboard floor that is pressed with collagen based glue.

12:10 By far not the only case. Here is the Hungarian singer Zoran (Ștefanovici) who for us all is known as Eric Clapton. They don't call themselves magic people for nothing. (Nu se prinde nici darcul. What?)

As i was getting ready to fry my bread in two pans (ran out of bread, none of us wants to go to the stores) they showed in the back zooming like pixies from a game we both played last night. There's magic in the air (dog poop smell). 

2:50 St_evie Nicks as Eva Sun (Eva Csepregi) singing late 80s disco in Hungary, however in this clip she kept her traditional scene clothing and dancing style.

All use more upbeat songs and lyrics compared to their counterparts in the US and UK and the reason is they try to keep happiness at home...

 4:15 Words is all i have...

I have started to believe that the US didn't change much since the times of the Wild Wild West. But make no mistake. Nobody should expect the US government to look into this. They just said they passed "a bill" borrowing  more money to pay their bureaucratic axes for 45 more days for crying out loud. I am wondering from whom because everybody knows they are not going to ever pay them back.

5:50 Again i lost a paragraph due to motion and throwing of a heavy object upstairs.

I said that i noticed when i drive from here to near Olympia, that is 116 miles on I5, moslty south north i'm getting about 8% lower mileage than when travelling back on final trip report on dashboard and the another reason could be this.

Same happens when i drive from here to Grande Ronde which is east to west.  One of the reasons could be i always return at night when temperature is lower and tire pressure is lower but but in this case the difference could come from the formula of energy mv2/2 when the energy depends on the square of the speed.

The total speed of your vehicle is 500+/- legal limit made of the speed of the Earth towards east then adding or subtracting your vehicle's speed and the dependence on speed of energy is not linear.

Car's energy due to just rotation of the Earth is 500*500 = 250000. Let' say you move west with 100 mph. The speed's contribution to the energy will be 490*490 = 240100 and when you move east 510*510 = 260100. First difference is 250000-240100=9900 and second 10100. Am i right?

Ok some would say you have to use extra energy only when accelerating at that speed and then you go at constant speed and energy so the difference would be trivial. It is true but a trip is made of numerous accelerations and decelerations and when you get your ft off the pedal the loss of energy is due mostly to friction with air so it is not transmitted back into the ground.

I think one first application would be in athletic competitions LOL. Another one; vehicles could go slowly when moving north and faster back south to compensate for the time and save energy. Different speed limits on freeways.

BTW just remembered something. Last night when i reached exit 88 on I5 and took a left towards Aberdeen the Sun suddenly moved in my face as the car in front of me slowed suddenly. On the radio was singing Stevie Wonder. Can get the symbolism?

All the way there i kept asking myself where are the cops when these guys do what they do on the streets.

I noticed a couple of times earlier that everybody was behaving while passing some stationed flashing Police cars not necessarily slowing down but not bullying by approaching too close from behind, passing on the right where there was no room in front of me, getting dangerously close to my lane, constantly changing speeds, getting in front when about to pass, etc. All drivers i could identify doing those things were Asians except one.

At a moment i saw on the right shoulder a pretty rectangular pile of garbage mostly clothes of the height of a person with a small car near it and that vehicle could not have been the source, several Police cars and a fire truck. It was all about dumping wasn't it and they were busy participating in the show. Then inside the Casino i noticed how the word TRASH on the trash cans resembled TRANS.

9:53 Ideas from the road.

I never thought Asians care much for the truth. At least the ones i encountered.

"Though should not bear false testimony on your neighbor" is the second commandment in Judaism and Christianity. The real important stuff, not the sectarian rituals like fasting or not working on a major saint day or kissing icons.

The main requirements of Shinto are others

Nor do they care for causality, long term consequences of their actions. That is replaced with codes and/or loyalty to a master or a group. No matter how the events succeed they will overpass them in order to get the needed results.

It is about Buddha's life. There are large variations between different authors and though they all revere Buddha, many don't agree and that reflect their way of thinking.

That is the reason i could not find with one or two searches what i needed to know. The idea from the road. Was Buddha a Sadhu.

Sadhu is a religious category in India that at the beginning was a privilege for the Brahmin or the highest class. Nowadays all are accepted and are approx 4-5 million Sadhus in India. They are accepted (on the side of the larger society) because people say "they burn bad karma" or in other words, bring good luck.

There is no doubt "the wondering ascetic monks" the biographers say Buddha was associated with but they never say it plainly.

The reason one would become a Sadhu is purely religious. The way to becoming a Sadhu was not an easy one. You needed mainly to give up all your possessions and family, take some vows and have a master (guru).

He would give you a secret name only him and you knows and then you would have to do a job for him, no matter how small. After that  you were expected to live from begging, wondering. 

But there must be some reasons the Sadhu live separately from society and that is they have knowledge of things ordinarily uninitiated humans should not have and would probably get scared by those or abuse them and would not accept their rituals and way of living in the materialistic larger society.

What i think it happened. Buddha who was not Indian nor Brahmin though he was a rich prince (Chinese looking, from Nepal) who indeed gave up everything, became a Sadhu and could not bear that life and after about 6 years broke his vows and turned to what he called the middle way, rebuking both "extremes" as he said, probably the hedonistic-materialistic world and the ascetic Sadhu.

No single Sadhu has all the knowledge and i think Buddha had at least three gurus.

Then the knowledge he gathered from the Sadhu was passed to normal uninitiated unbound by vows and purifies by renouncement people and that ended in the hands of some that weaponized it and this is how ninja appeared and the results are the today's world.

Unless he intentionally penetrated that category in order to gather knowledge for his clan.

I am not writing all these for having fun or for the entertainment of the reader. The ninja posses and use this knowledge as operational means when infiltrating in foreign (to them) territories, of which most important is tapping into one's mind. But there could be more because i started to believe all the people in the world are interconnected in one to one or one to many communications channels we don't understand yet and some have more abilities to influence others.

11:50 Whatever. HBTY.