Thursday, October 5, 2023

October 5th

7:15 Today was the biggest amount of smoke here in the last years. Found and plugged one hole next to the concrete patio. Then i tried to air but i think there's more coming from somewhere else. When there's smoke like this it's quiet, upstairs and everywhere. I never meet on person when i go to plug holes. As soon as it's over, they come upstairs through the attic and probably from outside the building to keep selves unexposed.

7:43 Este atât de dezolant să mai deschid știrile din România. Tot ce apare este fake, totul este rupt de realitate, toți sunt oamenii lor. Și au hotărât cazul Zepelin, pentru a demonstra în mod alegoric că nu e așa. Există opoziție în interiorul sistemului. Pe fondul scandalului cu jocurile de noroc.

Am spus de atâtea ori, păcănelele nu sunt jocuri de noroc. Sunt niște mașini de luat bani în care ești prins fără scăpare. Mașina îți calculează fiecare mână în funcție de starea psihică pentru ca să te mențină la jucat.

În funcție de cât de repede și de tare apeși pe buton dar dacă sunt camere în sală, în funcție de emoția de pe față, temperatură, gesturi, câți bani ai băgat, câți mai ai, ce ai făcut mai înainte la alte mașini, etc.. La cazinourile mari sunt momente când toate mașinile încep să meargă, de obicei când lumea începe să plece.

Ele sunt gândite și furnizate pentru a ruina financiar pe toți cei care au mai rămas în țară și au idea proastă de a intra acolo. Că să plătească impozite în țară. Nimeni nu știe nimic ce se întâmplă la ANAF, alte ministere. Nu știm câți angajați au, câți bani primesc, câți bani intră și ies din buget.

Și fiindcă George Sim_Ion nu era destul au mai scos și un scandal cu un nume asemănător cu al meu, Ion Georgescu.

Este un sistem închis format doar din oamenii lor și totul este show și alegorie inclusiv aceste încercări de a demonstra contrariul. Accidente, incendii, flagrante, scăpări din dosare, concedieri, găuri la buget. Ritmul lor a crescut poate de zece ori vara aceasta.

Fără scăpare.

8:15 Silence upstairs, and everywhere, a new wave of smoke just got in here.

8:40 I think i know who Alexa is (alexacrushcosplay). They capture a person with potential, at a young age then force him to have a "sex change" operation then exploit that person beyond any limit and i know they can because they can do anything they want especially on the West Coast. Look what they are doing to me.

Someone doxed her but she is still kept on porn sites where she wasn't going by the same name and on tiktok on a different name with a slightly different theme and many other sites.

12:05 Ok so i made yesterday an online quote with State Farm for my both vehicles because the bill with Progressive started to go way up high and then an agent from the area sent me an email asking me to review the quote but the quote was locked saying i had to contact the agent which i did through email but there was no answer and then i just called them.

Had to give all the info again and negotiate the premium which was slightly higher and use a credit card. The female voice i spoke with seemed familiar. Got my policies (binders) in the email.

12:30 I love free. Free is good.

12:42 I believe "sex change" is crazy because human males and females have one chromosome different and is written in any cell of your body and that can't be beaten through HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) like blocking testosterone and administering estrogen).

I was thinking these days. Besides the bone and brain changes determined by hormones given at early ages (usually when they start the "treatment") and BTW at those ages people cannot decide for themselves and after the initial trauma of the surgery, when skin of their old organ is used to create a canal, etc. what kinda of trauma do they live every time when they remember they were born of a different gender.

I qualify this as barbarism and mutilation similar to castrating singers in medieval times and people allowed such laws to pass because they don't really understand what it means, being under the influence of glamour of celebrities rather than knowing the scientific truth.

The "patients" who become females most often cannot have an orgasm due to low testosterone, they will have to temporarily take testosterone for that but will still be difficult because their organ is not intact. Not to talk about surgeries that can go go wrong.

Gender dysphoria or the desire to look and behave like a person of opposite sex is an illness most often caused by trauma. You don't treat a mental illness by fulfilling their trauma fueled fantasies by irreversibly mutilating the patient.

More than that parents can be coerced into it by financial and other means.

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