Amazon let the package with the brake pads i ordered 2 days ago in front of the door sometimes before noon.
Last night i fell asleep late (around 2 and woke up at 6). Then i fell asleep again from 9 to noon. Some noise, maybe the knock on the door that i didn't hear consciously (didn't remember when i awoke) must have awakened me. I was still sleepy when i checked on Angela's computer and saw the order was delivered and opened the door and found the package. Got mad before i was completely awaken after i saw the seal was unglued at one end. Stuck my hand trying to see if i could remove one of the pads. I broke the label a bit in the process.
They were two boxes inside, one with rear brake pads and one with front. I was able to pull a pad (from the front). I am sure a woman or a kid with a small hand could have removed and replaced one or several pads from that box without breaking that label. I don't know if they did it, the pads appear undamaged. It looks like they have a lot of graphite cause my hands got black from handling them and chunks of copper are also visible which means they are the metal type.
At least i saw where the piece of metal that warns you is. At around 2 mm. It is supposed to make a high pitch sound when they worn to that level. Mine have at least 2 more mm above that level. But only two of the four pads (or half of them) have that.
One of the 8 pads on our car, on rear right wheel is metal on metal. Must be one without the the indicator cause i only heard a low freq squeaking sound when it was too late. Which means caliper got stuck on the pins. I also saw some white stains like from drops of something on that caliper. Could that have been since i went to Canyonville and i saw some stains with colored material on the freeway, different colors over several miles. But it would have taken at least 10k or more for that pad to wear that much since the caliper got stuck. Now i remember the brakes were making a low freq noise sometimes when backing from the spot in the parking lot, from since i got the car. Could had been the same stuff that was on the windshield and corroded the paint on the hood probably not long before i got the car. The idea to take first picture came to me after i stuck my hand the first time but before i pulled the pad. The next one after i pulled the pad.
There seems to be a superficial scratch on the upper left pad. Maybe when i puled it from the box.

It is not secret i'm watching the market after i do something. As i said before, i think there is a correlation that is so strong it cannot be a coincidence. Every time i say something right market goes down, every time i get screwed up, the market goes up.
Am i correct if i characterize today's session as choppy? Going up and down 2% within minutes, several times a day that is. Could this have anything to do with economy and coronavirus? Last time it went up at 3:44 eastern time was after i first posted on fb what i thought it happened regarding my Amazon delivery.

Ok i just figured what happened. Last night we ran across some stupid page that shows 40 incredible uses of WD40. One of them was removing labels, other was cleaning the fridge. An idea came to me. I poured a tiny amount of WD40 in the wall that stinks and covered the hole My idea was maybe it would cover the dog stink. Around 2 AM or just before i went to bed i noticed it was smelling inside like WD40 every time the fridge started. So i went and looked an found a place with cracked paint and with a dental probe i discovered a new through hole, on top of the fridge on the left side of the cabinet next to many others i covered in the past. You could not possible use WD40 to remove a seal or label from a cardboard box cause it contains up to 35% heavy penetrant mineral oil which would have irreversibly stained the cardboard. It is true it might help you to remove labels but not from cardboard and you will destroy the label in the process. I think the seal above was removed from cardboard with steam then it was let to dry. Or maybe the glue was softened with a hair drier. The stains seen on the box are parallel glue traces with regular shapes.
There is a reason why the're calling it Kabbalah.