They say indigenous Australian are the oldest population on Earth. It puzzles me a bit as i am a little drunk right now. If they came out of Africa it means they can't be older than Africans, right?
Separated, yes. A separated population that survived a few ice ages on that continent. How many in 70k years? I once stated that ice ages might be alternating north south and right now we're right in the middle of a cycle.
Could, a very special position on Earth's geography allow the passage through ice ages in better conditions than the rest. Allowing preserving the common knowledge known as culture. Giving them a smaller advantage over the others. Could it be the place from where it sprung the very civilization we know of today.
That instrument, can't pronounce its name. Didgeridoo. They say humans became humans the moment they started using tools. There are other species that use tools. Crows use tools and they have a tiny brain. Eucalyptus trees and termites. That's what made the hollow tubes that one of them one day started to blow into and discovered a different type of tool. That can be used to communicate over long distances. That can possibly influence others by the weird means of seismic communication. "There are sacred and even secret versions of the didgeridoo in Aboriginal communities in parts of Arnhem Land, Northern Territory, and the surrounding areas. These sorts of instruments have specific names and functions and some of these are played like typical didgeridoos, whereas others are not. Due to their secluded nature, little is known about them."It is said the name it's not aboriginal. However i found a place, Mornington Island where at least one tribe called it Djibolu. In another place, ebroo.
A much more recent migration, back to Africa of a tribe that knew how to sail and a lot more? After eventualy they figured that a big more advanced "didgeridoo" can do more than acoustically communicate at a distance?
That of a didgeridoo is 60 on most. AC grid frequency is 60 Hz in US and 50 in Europe. So apparently in the case of didgeridoo, precise size matters. The only way they could have done it by the time they didn't use any measuring tools was by sound. Tuning. But why that frequency? That remains a mystery to me right now.
The logos of Nike and Amazon, others, seem to contain boomerangs. Nostalgia? Another out of this world tool used by the separated civilization of Australia, possibly brought back in Egypt, other regions. So far i have seen that traits or elements of a civilization that spread to others places tend to survive mostly in the originating place. To this day these tools are used by the aboriginal population of Australia.
The taoist symbol representing whatever, the everything having opposing sides, seem to be inspired from the face of a penguin chick. "Whether it be biological (boy/girl), physical (hot/cold), or moral (good/bad), the universe is full of opposites, opposing sides from one another. Whether it be biological (boy/girl), physical (hot/cold), or moral (good/bad), the universe is full of opposites".

To be continued...