Thursday, December 2, 2021

December 02

7:40 Last night i finally got the part i needed for my car (was delayed, then it came on time, surprising me), went outside, pulled the wheel and checked to see if it fits, thinking, maybe replacing it (could be 2-3 hours work, mostly inside) just when i went with the part, smoke started, big time in about the same time where they were putting a big show in the parking lot (it was quiet but all of a sudden, everyone i saw before and some i didn't, came outside and started to make a pass, a conversation, a yell). At first it resembled grilled hot peppers,  then it turned into something like a building burning somewhere.

Last night i also realized something. The electrostatic "Ionic pro" filter was due for a cleaning, was contaminated itself with dog smelling stuff, was spreading it in the room. So i cleaned it with the showerhead, careful not to flood the electronics compartments (if i couldn't do it that way, the filter was junk anyways, these are very good but they should design it with more ease to clean in their minds), this morning was still wet, dried it and cleaned it some more with a wet towel, hair drier, finally works, but the room was filled with smoke big time (the two activated carbon + HEPA filters where not enough) and i had this bitter taste in my mouth and got some fluid in my lungs that make me feel like i choke and want to cough all the time. Can't see anything in the news today, air quality is still bad on monitors, there is no trace of fire on the IR satellite, don't know where the smoke came from. My only guess. The ninja are playing again.

7:48 Is Kroger so high this morning climbing defying gravity because of what happen to me at Fred Meyer last night (a local chain that have been brought by Kroger a few years ago). Around 9 i ran out of everything to drink except beer and was mad because of the smoke and show and everything and went there to get some wine (< 1 mile), at first couldn't find it, this store is becoming more surrealistically posh every time i go there, they re-arranged wines by categories, and i had to look like 5 minutes to find the isle with "1.5 liter California wines", that is the cheap ones, got my Gallo Pinot Grigio for 7 bucks (not the cheapest), different quality this time, sweeter, they were all these Aryan fast moving constantly working guys, moving stuff on carts and almost running me over, this colossal good looking guy at the self checkers, a skinhead with a black mask figuring a German beard (no moustache) next to me (when i looked more carefully, he wast just a Gipsy from Hungary), a guy with a black German beard (no moustache) outside and when i went at the self checkstands, at the next free one they were in the printers, forgotten or ignored these 10% OFF JEWels tickets.

8:05 Finally went and checked outside, there where these tiny "volcanoes" right under siding.

9:00 A few minutes ago, after me mentioning above the word ninja. Ninjutsu is rooted in Buddhism and Buddhism in Hinduism. Who knows what vedic principle they apply when they double everything like this. One thing is sure. They replace a short term memory, an event that is still being processing in people's mind with something else, usually fake, emotional and misleading. Real, not movies ninja, get very rare into confrontations.

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