Tuesday, April 2, 2024

April 2nd

7:35 Yeah i guess it was google's way to celebrate April 1st. They changed something in google searches that my blogs was heavily relying on. I tried to fix it manually in similarities post by post and went all the way to the beginning of February but then i told myself i should be smart and do it on more rational basis.

Thinking of all the links affected by google's change (thousands) that won't work anymore in my main blog (friends) that i will never be able to fix. But who's gonna read the old posts.

So i downloaded the similarities blog, edited it in Notepad with search/replace all, and imported it back.

It is where the surprises started. Blogger (google's free blogging platform i use) imported all modified posts and kept the old ones. I duplicated all the posts. Did it one more time. Then i tried to delete them all and import again. However it didn't work.

Then i tried to create a new blog by importing the theme which i also saved and then importing the modified posts. That didn't work either. Then google told me i exceeded the number of imports for the new blog, "try again later".

Then i tried to restore the blog by importing the unmodified version (first, before editing which i kept just in case) and that didn't work either.

Then i restored my deleted old blog (had the option for 90 days) and started to manually delete the duplicates, one by one, trying to keep the newly modified ones with search/replace. However the addresses of the duplicates are not the same anymore so all links in my other blogs won't work anymore if i go with those.

I have two options. Either to manually delete the duplicates and triplicates (a few thousands posts) and keep the old ones with the addresses and then go and manually do the necessary changes according to google's modifications to search on images, or keep the duplicates which have been modified (but not all work, some needing more manual adjustments).

But for now i will keep everything, the first 100 or so manually modified, with the old addresses, the duplicates and triplicates and go and try to get more sleep cause they started to make noise right after Angela left so i could sleep no more after that.

I think i'm up to go and modify manually all the posts (as i said, a few thousands) and then manually delete the duplicates and triplicates during my free time.

But for now the impact on the reader of all this roller coaster is minimal and most important i did not loose any content.

8:02 Eu nu înțeleg o chestie, dacă banii suplimentari se dau pe carduri care se reîncarcă în momente ca atunci când le scade rating-ul, de ce nu are fiecare pensionar un card cu care să-și scoată banii și care să fie reîncărcat cu pensia în fiecare lună. Astfel, ar ieși poșta din circuit, cu tot ce înseamnă asta (mărunțișul).

Gândiți-vă câtă pierdere de timp și energie pentru poștași, cu încălzirea planetei, ca să meargă în fiecare lună acasă la pensionar, să se așeze și să numere banii. Da bine cu opțiunea ca la acei care nu vor să meargă să rămână pe sistemul vechi cu poștașul.

9:55 So they tried to parr my post with US Ambassador to Romania being a (now disappeared from the scene) local politician with different ID with this event involving US Ambassador to NATO (as for why member states have ambassadors i have no clue).

I would go and search for her right away if i knew her age. Amazing how for second rank politicians, such as sheriffs, local chiefs of police, ambassadors etc. it is nearly impossible to figure their age, even though they have Wikipedia pages like this Julianne... Smith. Shadow Government?

Knowing the age limits the search to an area of about 5 years in the lists. Very few are outside this magic interval.

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