Friday, May 31, 2024

Feb. 9, 2024, at 5:06 p.m.4.6-magnitude near Malibu (GMT-8)

May 31

12:15 AM Here is a snapshot of the 2019 July eq. Hour was 20:19, so the dots are significantly higher on  the diagrams. There was a smaller one right before, i will do that one tomorrow cause i think it happened at low pressure.

During this time of the year is most likely an eq will occur on West Coast, according to this theory to which i concur. However, i think atmospheric pressure is a factor. According to my theory, an earthquake may occur during the highest/lowest tides period of the year. So we got two days with highest probability, 4 and 5 June during low tide.

However keep in mind that 7 days atmospheric pressure forecasts are only 80% accurate towards the end of  the interval. I will update the post when we are within 3 days of the forecasted pressure drop.

Other factors i can think of are winds creating stationary waves and/or heavy traffic.

I tried to do my best before the window so i did it all manually with screenshots and stuff, because i am way behind, trying to do something automatic without any financing.

Also have a problem with my browser, it looks like i got at least a remote viewer on it. I tried everything to fix it. Need to reinstall Windows, tomorrow.

5:45 Hoping i'm gonna sleep better after it, i done a search... Then i looked in the blog and fb. The first time i publicized this was December 2016. I swear i had no idea... However, i wrote a bunch of stuff on g+, which i downloaded all before it went out. Maybe i should revive my old computer and look for it...

But i don't believe it really matters cause nobody will ever give me credit. And on top of everything, my theory also rebukes the tectonic plates theory... Also would not change the reality we're all facing...

Nevermind, it looks like the first time i wrote about this was October 2016 but at that time i did not have the connection with atmospheric pressure which came about one month later...

And one thing... How come NASA never turned this research into something real? And though i can't read the article, i bet they didn't quote this... Of which i didn't know myself until very recently...

6:12 Should have done it last night... It's either my browser is acting up or their server crashed...

Wondering why LOL. But i can do something. Look at the two charts and imagine the cursor also at July 4th, at 10:33 a.m. PST. Is PST the same ad the time used in the charts? And one more thing. Oceanic (and atmospheric) tides are behind terrestrial tides, by hours, according to some authors, and by minutes, according to others...

So both eqs in July 2019 happened on low tides. And yes, the periodic variations of BP (barometric pressure) are also due to of atmospheric tides (same Moon-Sun gravity acts on the atmosphere as well).

For prediction, should do charts for two days only for better resolution, but their server is now down...

8:00 AM Ever since i finished posting the above a song is playing in my head. The song was released in 1976, a year before of the great earthquake of 1977 Romania, which changed the course of history of Romania and Eastern Europe. "Pacepa defection" occurred one year later. (BTW he could not have written that book, it takes many years of immersion in American culture and English language and experience to be able to do that).

I was at the end of one week in bed due to flu, mainly due to poor nutrition, smoking, weather, and in that day (when i was getting better) i was reading in an almanac (by Romanian definition) about an ancient device for establishing an earthquake direction in China.

The song was played back then on Romanian radio and in discotheques. Is the conductor of that band Japanese by any chance?

Round face, what a looker, blue dress with fluffy little clouds like spots.

08:28 PM NASA says 50 minutes. But you know what? I can make a rough idea. I get the culmination hour of the Moon with Stellarium and then i look at tide heights.

Nevermind, i figured it from here. But it looks like i have to install Windows again cause it started again to double the links, and this happened after i re-installed Stellarium.

But before i do this, one more screenshot. According to this site, there is an almost 4 hours lag between Moon culmination and highest tide in Los Angeles. However, in Astoria, Oregon, the lag is negligible.

I guess in some place in between it could be 50 minutes. Why is this important? Because every time you look at a tide diagram in Los Angeles, you should look 4 hours behind the earthquake.
10:30 It was not Stellarium. It is Chrome itself. After i finished installing Windows (PC reset), unlike the first time today, it said could not update Chrome, should go and download it. It wasn't doing it before i did that. Doubling links that is.

2024 LA First Summer Window

Thursday, May 30, 2024

2019 LA eq tides and BP

"The first main shock (now deemed to be a foreshock) occurred on Thursday, July 4 at 10:33 a.m. PDT, approximately 18 km (11.2 mi) ENE of Ridgecrest, and 13 km (8.1 mi) WSW of Trona,[9] on a previously unnoticed NE-SW trending fault where it intersects the NW-SE trending Little Lake Fault Zone.[10] This quake was preceded by several smaller earthquakes, and was followed by more than 1,400 detected aftershocks. The M 5.4 and M 7.1 quakes struck on Friday, July 5 at 4:08 a.m. and 8:19 p.m. PDT approximately 10 km (6 miles) to the northwest."

In all 3 eqs the lag time with tide peaks was 4-5 hours.

First two were "Moon eqs" which means they occured on Moon tides peaks (with the lags) and last one was "Sun eq". On PCs. Click on an image than scroll through all with the mouse wheel.

May 30


10:38 Who knows, knows! (service discontinued). I mean, your brain and all your organs swell up and down to a total of 6% in volume due to atmospheric pressure changes. If you have a chronic infection, the extra pressure may actually trigger your migraine. My advice, treat your infection.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

May 29

8:05 AM Cap limpede

Încă de la începuturile domniei lui Băsescu, a apărut în media românească un demon, pe nume Coldea. După cum el însuși spune, a fost numit pe sprânceană, adică i-a plăcut lui Băsescu cum răspundea la niște întrebări.

Asta în primul rând arată găunoșenia statului român și a lui Băsescu însuși. Nu a avut alte criterii decât că a răspuns la niște întrebări la care șeful lui ezita să răspundă. Probabil totul, răpirea jurnaliștilor în Irak a fost o înscenare menită să- ridice cota lui Băsescu, iar Coldea a cântat în strună lui Băsescu și i-a luat locul șefului, pentru ce avea să urmeze. Numele lui era predestinat, cold însemnând rece în engleză. Cold war, războiul rece.

A fost, dacă vreți, o lovitură de stat SRI a licuriciului josnic.

Multe au fost intervențiile în media legate de numele lui. Puține sunt datele concrete, dacă e vreuna. Zvonuri peste zvonuri. Citeam undeva că de-a lungul timpului, "rețeaua Coldea" ar fi estorcat 100 de afaceriști români, cu efecte economice dezastroase asupra României. Ce înseamnă dezastruos? 1, 10, 100 miliarde de euro?

Dacă era așa, rețeaua Coldea își putea construi cu banii ăștia un oraș în deșert, cu autostrăzi, aeroport și sere. Când mă uit la el și ceilalți nu îmi apare deloc ca un nabab, deși e puțin cam fioros la înfățișare.

Mult mai recent, adică la începutul lunii, vine Cozmin Gușă È™i spune că 10 oameni de afaceri au depus plângeri (denunÈ›uri) Ã®mpotriva lui, dar Statul Român nu a reacÈ›ionat.

Totul s-a rescris cu denunțul unui singur afacerist, și acela dubios, care a plătit șantajul cu chitanță și TVA. Mi se pare destul de normal ca o firmă de avocatură cu experiență să ceară bani pentru a reduce o pedeapsă în apel, folosind expertiza lor juridică. Nu văd nici o problemă aici. A că îi împărțea cu judecătorul, treaba lor, așa fac toți. Ai bani, rezolvi.

Toate acestea sunt destul de senzaționale. Însă pe lângă aceste senzații din informații imposibil de verificat, se petrec în România lucruri extrem de grave care pot fi ușor verificate, care însă nu fac obiectul atenției mediei și în general a nimănui.

Unul din ele este execuția bugetară. Apăruse Ciolacu zilele trecute spunând că se cheltuiesc în sănătate un miliard de euro pe lună. Întreg bugetul Ministerului Sănătății (dreapta sus) este de aproape 6 miliarde de euro pe anul acesta, din care jumătate (de miliard) sau 500 milioane euro sunt salariile întregului personal, inclusiv medicii, pe întreg anul. Încă nu a descoperit nimeni pe ce se duc restul. Un spital mare costă în jur de 300 milioane adică 0.3 miliarde euro. Un miliard de euro (1.000 milioane) pe lună?

9:30 Acum două zile eram disperat să cumpăr ceva de la Walmart. M-am uitat pe site să văd dacă îl au în magazin, dar nu era. Era, dar să plătesc online cu o zi înainte. Bine, am plătit, dar am uitat să apăs pe ultima căsuță care de fapt însemna că îl cumpăr (acel obiect, sub 10 dolari). Am fost undeva, am trecut pe la magazin, dar "nu era acolo".

Bine, merg acasă, am văzut că nu terminasem comanda, am făcut ultimul clic, și mi-au dat o oră după care să merg să îl iau. 4:30 după amiază. Dar m-am uitat iar pe site pe la 3 și am văzut că era deja gata. Deci mă duc la magazin, mai iau ceva, și la ieșire am mers acolo în zona unde se ridicau comenzile. Apare o tipă și îmi spune să merg în parcare, să scot telefonul și să sun ca să mi-l aducă.

Mi s-a părut ciudat, adică eram acolo, de ce trebuia să mai fac un efort, să pornesc telefonul, să facă ei un efort iar eu să mai pierd 10 minute sau cât dura. Așa că tipa a făcut stânga-împrejur, s-a dus la un cărucior cu comenzi online pe care altă tipă abia îl adusese din magazin, ceea ce însemna că produsul a fost de fapt pe raft de la început. Azi mă uit pe site și văd că îl au pe raft.

Singura chestie era că tipa semăna cu Marie-Jeanne Ion, doar că arăta cu vreo 20 de ani mai în vârstă decât în pozele de atunci. Mă rog, blondele îmbătrânesc mai repede.

Între timp am constatat că am destul ulei în AC, deci nu-mi trebuia.

7:35 Just checked Amazon for an item i was waiting. Got an item that was ordered more than a week ago. However when i wanted to grab the number for the locker it said it was delivered with parcel delivery. I ordered the same item about 2 months before and it was delivered at the locker.

This morning when i came from my walk a "Mexican" guy came in the direction i was walking intentionally and almost bumped into me. Then he sat on the curve and watched me while i was picking the mail.

I did not see any key in there, however, there where many mail items, mostly junk mail and the key for the bigger box could have been caught between those. It did not fall to the ground cause i always look down. Only if it fell from between the many pieces of mail in my way to the apartment.

They did replace the mailboxes a week ago, could have been because people made duplicates for those keys?

8:00 PM I found a locker code in Angela's email. However i do not understand. Amazon says it was it should be USPS locker. It is not the first time this is happenind and i always assumed the guys at the office put the package in the locker. 8:15 According to Amazon, the package was delivered in a parcel locker at 10:34 AND at the Amazon locker at 10:36.

10:35 PM Meme du jour... Alt meme... Și încă unul...

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

May 28

7:10 AM Proof that freemasonry comes from Australia, via Egypt, Hungary and Japan. And yes, they master the clouds, time and thoughts. Yesterday i saw another similar clouds formation, however i did not have the camera.

1:45 Last night i made an order to Walmart but forgot to click Place order. Went there, a whole show was waiting for me.

1:46 A fost scrisă pagina cu Radu Mazăre iese din puÈ™cărie.
Is that a swastika? How funny!

2:10 Román Sándor Táncakadémia

2:45 Kulturkúria. On the right.

Monday, May 27, 2024

May 27

7:15 How long till this will become available in the US?

7:33 I knew it. Bacterial infections can induce diabetes.

We don't need no aducation...

7:34 In the meantime, other people are playing with clouds and fog and stuff. How do they do it? I am really sorry a couple of times i simply refused to take pictures, however, i got a few. The genie on my birthday and the one 2 days before and the Amaterasu's cave Friday.


3:10 Kim Jong Un, Kim Il Sung

Sunday, May 26, 2024

May 26

2:26 Le clown du jour.

Is that an arian wa?

3:30 All that Jewish volume

3:34 Was wondering. For how long you have to be a homeless in SF to get into one of these?

3:50 From the memory card. Amaterasu's cave?

3:56 Designed in ワapan.

Friday, May 24, 2024

May 24

12:11 Wages and grants. Unsolicited proposal.

1:00 PM Hey now.

1:04 Deb Haaland.

1:20 The idea behind ShakeAllert implemented by Christina David Applegate comes from one of my blog posts since 2016. The blog post is actually made of a failed grant application later in 2017. No matter how much i try i can't find his age to prove who he really is.

1:52 PM


Mahoney, Laura <>
Mar 8, 2017, 7:11 AM
to me, Jill, Jane, Margaret

Hi George,

Submission of an unsolicited proposal does not guarantee that you will receive an award.  Our authorities are what they are.  No rules were changed.  However, I will ensure that the Guide revision is clear in stating those authorities.  If you are interested in working with our earthquakes program, then I suggest that you contact that office directly.


On Tue, Mar 7, 2017 at 1:39 PM, George Ion <> wrote:
Mrs. Mahoney.

My mistake. How could i have known though since you don't have a separate list for approved unsolicited grants.

As far as applying for the competition. I would not simply because my whole application and method is based on a theory that goes against the official Plate Tectonics theory that i cannot accept given the summum of my technical and scientific background. I would not stand a chance in a competition with geologists who have built a whole science (unfruitful yet) on this theory with chapters and sophisticated terminology i am mostly unfamiliar with.

Besides in a competition you probably don't have to motivate the reason for denying an application as you would for a separate application for an unsolicited grant.

My opinion is you simply changed the rules so you can can pass my application to the competition where you can handle it in a different way.


George Ion

On Tue, Mar 7, 2017 at 6:39 AM, Mahoney, Laura <> wrote:
Hi George,

Yes, G16AP00023 is a grant that was awarded through the competitive Earthquake Hazards Program.  Unsolicited proposals are considered noncompetitive; and therefore, USGS is limited to our noncompetitive authority of 43 USC 36d for financial assistance.  This is why the letter you received suggested that you reapply through the competitive program which is subject to different authorities.

The Earthquake Hazards competitive program announcement should be posted on sometime this month.  You should search under CFDA 15.807.  For your reference, I have attached a copy of last year's program announcement.  If you have questions about your eligibility for the competitive program, I suggest that you e-mail


On Mon, Mar 6, 2017 at 10:52 PM, George Ion <> wrote:
Mrs. Mahoney.

Is this a grant?

G16AP00023 Elizabeth Hearn Southern California Kinematic and Dynamic Models of the Southern California Lithosphere: Applications to Estimating Crustl Stresses and Stressing Rates ($28,600; January 2016 through December 2016) Elizabeth Hearn Final Technical Report due March 2017 2016

On Mon, Mar 6, 2017 at 12:50 PM, Mahoney, Laura <> wrote:
Dear George,

The Guide does comply with the Federal Grant and Cooperative Agreement Act of 1977 (31 USC 6301-6308), which explains the differences between contracts, grants and cooperative agreements.  Each agency has its own unique authorities pertaining to financial assistance.  As stated earlier, individuals are included in the Guide because individuals may receive contract awards.  The revision will clarify the USGS authority for noncompetitive financial assistance awards (43 USC 36d), which only authorizes USGS to give cooperative agreements to Federal, State and academic partners. 

This was the first time that I have received an unsolicited proposal from an individual since taking over this duty.  I did not write the original Guide, but will ensure that future versions will eliminate any confusion on the types of awards individuals are eligible to receive. 


On Mon, Mar 6, 2017 at 1:54 PM, George Ion <> wrote:
Hi Laura.

So all these years since 2003 the guide or "handbook" for unsolicited proposal printed or at this address was all wrong and non conforming with Federal Grant and Cooperative Agreement Act of 1977 (31 U.S.C. 6301–6308), and after i applied on January 20th this year you figured that out?

"I'm currently in the process of revising the "Guide for Submission of Unsolicited Proposals" and clarified this issue in that draft."

George Ion

On Mon, Mar 6, 2017 at 10:04 AM, Mahoney, Laura <> wrote:
Hi George,

Contracts may be made to individuals.  However, the program office that reviewed the application did not recommend funding for your proposal as a contract, but suggested that it be resubmitted through the competitive financial assistance award process.

USGS does not have authority to issue sole source grant awards, nor do we have the authority to issue financial assistance to individuals.  The USGS sole source authority for financial assistance awards is 43 USC 36d, which states:

Notwithstanding the provisions of the Federal Grant and Cooperative Agreement Act of 1977 (31 U.S.C. 6301–6308), the United States Geological Survey is authorized to continue existing, and on and after November 10, 2003, to enter into new cooperative agreements directed towards a particular cooperator, in support of joint research and data collection activities with Federal, State, and academic partners funded by appropriations herein, including those that provide for space in cooperator facilities.

I'm currently in the process of revising the "Guide for Submission of Unsolicited Proposals" and clarified this issue in that draft.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.


On Thu, Mar 2, 2017 at 7:40 PM, George Ion <> wrote:

Thank you for confirming receiving my application dated January 20th. I hope you received all the documents as my resume was sent separately in a different envelope. Also thank you for your card included in the envelope from where i could find this email address. I will try and follow your recommendation and apply for the anual competition because timing seem to be just right.

However in the USGS web page titled "A Guide for the Submission of Unsolicited Proposals" it is stated: "Awards are made to those organizations and individuals" and "Proposals may be submitted for consideration any time during the year."

Can you please help me with the confusion created by this apparent contradiction.

George Ion


Laura M. Mahoney, CGMS
Grant Analyst
Office of Acquisition and Grants
U.S. Geological Survey
12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, MS 205
Reston, VA 20192
(703) 648-7344 Phone

The following is for internal USGS only.  This is your invitation to complete a survey that will help the Office of Acquisition and Grants (OAG) track and improve customer service.    Take the Survey

For questions regarding acquisition or financial assistance at USGS, see Contracts and Grants Information (External) or the Acquisition Operating Procedures (Internal)


Laura M. Mahoney, CGMS
Grant Analyst
Office of Acquisition and Grants
U.S. Geological Survey
12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, MS 205
Reston, VA 20192
(703) 648-7344 Phone

The following is for internal USGS only.  This is your invitation to complete a survey that will help the Office of Acquisition and Grants (OAG) track and improve customer service.    Take the Survey

For questions regarding acquisition or financial assistance at USGS, see Contracts and Grants Information (External) or the Acquisition Operating Procedures (Internal)


Laura M. Mahoney, CGMS
Grant Analyst
Office of Acquisition and Grants
U.S. Geological Survey
12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, MS 205
Reston, VA 20192
(703) 648-7344 Phone

The following is for internal USGS only.  This is your invitation to complete a survey that will help the Office of Acquisition and Grants (OAG) track and improve customer service.    Take the Survey

For questions regarding acquisition or financial assistance at USGS, see Contracts and Grants Information (External) or the Acquisition Operating Procedures (Internal)


Laura M. Mahoney, CGMS
Grant Analyst
Office of Acquisition and Grants
U.S. Geological Survey
12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, MS 205
Reston, VA 20192
(703) 648-7344 Phone

The following is for internal USGS only.  This is your invitation to complete a survey that will help the Office of Acquisition and Grants (OAG) track and improve customer service.    Take the Survey

For questions regarding acquisition or financial assistance at USGS, see Contracts and Grants Information (External) or the Acquisition Operating Procedures (Internal)

Thursday, May 23, 2024

May 23

10:10 Cătălin Hideg

10:16 Prescrierea în SUA funcționează astfel. Pentru viol, este în general 7 ani de la comiterea faptei, timp în care se poate face plângerea. După care procurorii au un timp limitat pentru anchetă totuși. În România, s-ar părea că singurul rol al prescrierii e să poată întrerupe o anchetă începută.

11:20 Just crossed my mind (the issues will stay a few days in my brain before they evaporate). If eqs (i hate the long word i typed so many times in the last few days) were caused by continent size tectonic plates bumping into each other, plates that are rigid and made each of one piece, the earthquake would propagate all along the plate, to the other end of the plate that sometimes is continent wide, with echoes back!

However because the crust is made of semi-loos materials, the s and p waves are dampened.

Everybody had assumed geologists (and all the scientists) are telling the truth (if they knew it).

But out of all mechanical engineers in this world how come nobody questioned this so far?

Moon has formed after a blob spit by Earth after a planetary merge (the last stage of Earth and Moon formation, should have seen that) entered a stable orbit, so they both had the same temperature at that time. However Moon being much smaller (surface to volume ratio much higher) it lost much more heat and became partly if not all solid. And the mantle, if Moon had one, now solidified, it is indeed made of one single piece. Ok with cracks maybe, because of the tension after solidifying. Or maybe not, the tension dissipated in time with solid plastic flow.

Now you're probably curious as how the two merging planets formed and why they were liquid. They formed by gathering of numerous asteroids caught in a solar orbit after a stellar explosion nearby. Star that turned into many solid objects made of different materials. The bigger the planets grew, the bigger the gravity and speed of merging asteroids. Their energy impact put together melted the forming planets.

These days i tried to use Edge since my Chrome on this computer has a bug that doubles links and i have to delete them manually after and did not have time to take care. However i was surprised cause at the end of search result there was an invitation to use their AI "copilot". Ask me anything! He said, very friendly.

Since i don't know yet how to share a copilot answer, here is the screenshot. However now that i think it sounds more like a ball.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

May 22

12:30 London Bridge

12:35 Meme du jour.

Not only. Was watching Kojak on youtube last night. Having trouble understand what they are talking (and are talking a lot). Part of it is sound quality due to technology at that time. Part of it is the actors are not native English speakers. Try for yourself. And they were well dressed.

12:48 Another one.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

May 21

12:44 AM I believe many people were scandalized when i said variations of atmospheric pressure can influence pressure 50 or 100 km deep inside Earth. Here's a few facts. Force created by atmospheric pressure on a square meter or weight of the atmosphere above a square meter is about 10 tons.

How much is that when calculated on an area of hundreds of square km above a seismic area?

How come we do not get crushed by this weight? Because every cell of our body has been born and raised under this pressure, so it's inside and outside, the same.

The same way some fish survive in much greater pressure deep in the sea.

But variations. Have you ever heard of people complaining of pains with "change of weather" which usually involves change of the atmospheric pressure which can go from minus 4.3 percent to plus 2.6?

How much is that? 6.9 percent of 20 tons?

2:07 It just occurred to me. This would mean the 7% variations in atmospheric pressure could translate in the same amount of variations in blood pressure. I mean, there's a difference between 140 and 150, right?

11:00 Jack Smith, David Muir.

2:15 Today i realized i don't crave sweets so much anymore. First thing that came in mind was i was taking vitamin C in the cutaneous way (DIY patches) for a while now.

Could it be craving for sweets when we lack vitamin C an evolutionary response to the fact that fruits, a major source of vitamin C, are usually sweet ? The other major source being vegetables that don't seem to have been part of the prehistoric humans diet because they need cooking and some, like potatoes, tomatoes, bell peppers, were available on the American continent only.

Same goes for alcohol. Many fruits contain alcohols.

However the other reason could be, unfortunately, i'm smoking now.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

May 19

12:55 PM I am litterally so excited by the results after adding 225 rows of data from Stellarium (Moon illumination, distance, age for each event) i don't know if i can finish my project...

Thursday, May 16, 2024

May 16

I ran into something i forgot and never understood well from an application since 8 years ago. A diagram showing tidal variations over the  years, in Seattle.

I did not have the time to fully understand that and the rest of the page, but i already have a conclusion. Tides are highest at solstices and lowest at equinoxes, because of course of the Earth distance to the Sun, but also because of the exposure of different faces of the Earth to the Sun, due to seasons.

According to this, and the fact that tides are a measure of all combined gravitational forces exerted by Sun and Moon, there should be another correlation with earthquakes. That of points of Earth on the ecliptic.

So what do i have so far?

Distance to the Moon (or apparent diameter of Moon).

Phase of the Moon (alignment Earth-Moon-Sun).

Solstices and equinoxes. I hope i will have the time to verify this in the next few days. I am almost positive a correlation will be found.

And  then, the questions. Why am i the first to show this? Why people back in my youth have tried to embed all these information into my life, so i will remember it later? Who is suppressing all this knowledge?

I think by combining all 4 charts, tides and and weather predictions, one could pinpoint precisely enough when an earthquake should occur, since ancient times. And we know ancient Egyptians were both mathematicians and astronomers. I wouldn't be surprised if some would have that knowledge plus everything that comes with modern mathematical formulas, supercomputers, AI.

8:52 Orban, meddling in Romania's EU Parliamentary Elections. Not that it matters. Being a UE MP is like a sweet retirement for used Romanian politicians.

I remember the times of Ceaușescu when heads of states were visiting each other's countries on invitation basis.

9:11 Von der Lie-on, Disinformation.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

May 14

1:00 Finally figured earlier today (actually yesterday evening) how magma chambers (with volcanos on top or not) form in subduction (and seismic) areas. Until yesterday i thought magma was coming from Earth's liquid core but that one is at 2500 km depth.

What happens is when a "plate" enters under another (subduction), there is lots of friction within the already hot, near melting, ductile (plastic) asthenosphere. And one more point against the rigid plates theory. If the plates were rigid, they would not bend like that. They would possibly break (fracture) but at the surface and producing much bigger earthquakes, something that would not allow human civilization on planet Earth.
10:10 Here are the tide charts for the 5 latest earthuakes >4 around Santa Monica plus the 7.1 earthquake in July 2019 in eastern California suggesting earthquakes occur at highest or lowest tides (possibly of the year) suggesting earthquakes may occur in both direction of the phase diagram of magma, both at highest and lowest possible pressure influence from above ground.

This is confirmed by the charts with Romania's earthquakes >2.5 since 1940 which usually come in pairs at few km and a few months or years distance.

10:52 România este datoare Ucrainei. Federația Rusă a profitat. Un răspuns la provocare.

Există un singur răspuns. Trădătorii cococsaÈ›i în fruntea României vor să ne sperie bine sau să ne bage cât mai repede È™i fără rost (toate războaiele sunt fără rost) într-un război proxy, la fel ca cel din Ucraina, cum au fost atâtea în istoria dinainte È™i după al doilea război mondial care de multe ori au rezultat în desfacerea țărilor în două È™i/sau eradicarea oricăror urme de independență de ambele părÈ›i.

Există ceva pozitiv în toată tărășenia. Nu ne-au cerut să mutăm scutul de la Deveselu.

Un lucru ar trebuie să înțeleagă fiecare. Aceste sisteme nu au fost donate de Statele Unite României, ci au fost plătite cu 4 miliarde de dolari. Da virgulă acum înțeleg de ce România a cumpărat F16 de la portughezi și norvegieni. Sau de ce Ceaușescu a forțat România să plătească toate datoriile externe.

11:30 Hm. I didn't know US fought alongside Soviet Union during Tibetan uprising.

11:40 This list is very interesting. Have to study it more when i have time. Apparently, at times US was in the same time allied an enemy of the Soviets.

Q: Who is the guitar soloist and why is he hidden behind the bassist in the video?

A: He is good at playing but a turn off (sore view).

Q: Is this song gay?

Sunday, May 12, 2024

May 12

9:50 While i was away i had this idea on how to improve my project and could not wait to do it. However, last night, after driving 500 miles in two days of which 350 only yesterday, i was too waisted. So i slept 4 more hours, woke up bloated and then i could not sleep no more.

Ok so i implemented my idea. I added a check box for each eq. I check that box, i only see that one in the chart. I checked like two years, 2007 and 2008 and put it in an html. Those were "rich years". The good news is it proves my theory. The eqs are grouped both in time and space.

The bad news is a ran into a serious limitation of google sheets. It cannot work as an app. I can share it with others but can't give general permission to edit so anyone can check the boxes, it would be a mess if two or more people would start to edit it in the same time. Fizzzzzzzzzzzzz...

Still thinking on it. Maybe i could give permission to edit, but not to save. No, editing a google sheet saves changes automatically. Still thinking. Could generate an html for each year. Ok, five years.

Of course, people with IT knowledge should have no problems downloading the sheet and making it their own.

Note that 0.1 degrees in both longitude and latitude is about 11 km.

No i don't believe two (or three) tectonic plates hundreds of km wide can only bump in two points within a few km radius area every year or two. Which area BTW is half degree (55 km) south from where "the three plates" meet in Romania.

10:21 2021-2024

10:24 2016-2020

10:35 2011-2016

11:53 2006-2010

12:00 2001-2005

12:07 1996-2000

12:12 I'm too tired to finish them all right now. But as usually, while looking for something i ran into something else. Why they were so many earthquakes in Romania starting with 2004 and ending with 2008?

In 5 years (2004-2008) 290 out of 700 total >2.5 for 84 years, though most small, under 4, those above 4 being similar to other years. 2004 is the year when Romania entered NATO and 2007 the EU. Something i've dreamed for but never expected is going to be this way.

17 years after signing the treaty and becoming EU member, Austria still doesn't want to honor her own signature and ratification and Romania is deprived of its legal right and most important part of the EU treaty, that of free traveling within EU.

Bulgaria and Romania are the only 2 EU countries that still need a visa for US.

Friday, May 10, 2024

1:05 PM In anticipation for precipitation. Eu am spus asta acum vreo lună, este unul din factori, singurul mod în care presiunea atmosferică și cea datorată precipitațiilor ar putea afecta declanșarea cutremurelor este modelul magmatic, renunțând la teoria plăcilor tectonice. Cutremurul se produce când magma îngheață pe un canal (la fel cu apa într-o sticlă în congelator) la creșterea ușoară a presiunii.

Dacă ar fi vorba de plăci tectonice, ar trebui să ploaie/ningă doar pe una din ele. La cutremurul din 4 martie a plouat în est, a căzut chiciură în vest în toată țara iar presiunea atmosferică a fost relativ ridicată, cu lună plină la apogeu.

Depinde de ce înțelegi prin cutremur. În general putem vorbi de cutremure peste 2.5 grade. În rest, magma mai poate să și bolborosească, să se miște pe canale subterane, cu degajare de gaze.

Dacă ar fi plăci tectonice, forma distribuției cutremurelor într-o zonă seismică nu ar fi un cilindru sau con ci a ar fi mai aproape de ceva rectangular.

Nu am timp acum, mă pregătesc să plec undeva, când mă întorc am să descarc de curiozitate date din Japonia și alte zone seismice, să vedem distribuția.