"cunoscută fiind lozinca vremii ,,Opriți-l pe Eminescu!”"
"1888 Eminescu are dorința de a-și termina unele lucrări pe care își amintește că le-a lăsat în manuscris. Pomenește Henrietei de gramatica
limbii sanscrite, rămasă în manuscris la Biblioteca Centrala din Iași.
Prin scrisoare recomandată îi cere lui Maiorescu să-i trimită biblioteca
si manuscrisele rămase la București. Criticul însă nu dă nici un
răspuns acestei scrisori."
"1889 La 3 februarie Eminescu este internat la spitalul Mărcuţa din București și apoi este transportat la sanatoriul Caritas. La 13 aprilie
se instituie o curatelă pentru asistenta judiciara a bolnavului. În
noaptea de 15 iunie, la ora 3, poetul moare în sanatoriul doctorului Șuțu din strada Plantelor, București. Ziarul Românul din 16 iunie anunța
la știri: Eminescu nu mai este. Înmormântarea are loc în ziua de 17
iunie. Corpul defunctului este depus în groapă la umbra unui tei din
cimitirul Bellu."
Gramatica pe care Eminescu a încercat să o traducă este aceasta.
Bopp este şi nume de cometă descoperită în 1995. La mişto?
Ca şi limba dacă, nu a fost o limbă scrisă.
"The earliest attested Sanskrit texts are Brahmanical texts of the Rigveda,
which date to the mid-to-late second millennium BCE. No written records
from such an early period survive, if ever existed. However, scholars
are confident that the oral transmission of the texts is reliable: they
were ceremonial literature whose correct pronunciation was considered
crucial to its religious efficacy."
Primele texte au apărut în jur de 1500 Î.Cr.. (mai sus) Prima gramatică, a lui Panini, sec. 4 Î.Cr..
Scrierea Devanagari, देवनागरी, care este identică şi pentru Hindi (şi alte câteva limbi), datează din A.D. 1200, dar a fost aplicată pentru sanscrită mult mai recent. Există 4 tipuri diferite de transliteraţie în caractere latine.
Timp de mai multe luni, începând cu Decembrie anul trecut, pornind de la lista de cuvinte româneşti de origine necunoscută şi cea de cuvinte româneşti considerate autohtone din www.dexonline.ro şi de la afirmaţii, uneori adevărate, de pe unele site-uri româneşti naţionaliste, am alcătuit o listă de cuvinte româneşti cu puternice asemănări cu unele cuvinte sanscrite. Dar răsfoind dicţionarele online, am găsit numeroase alte cuvinte declarate oficial de origine latină sau slavă, mult mai aproape de sanscrită. Probabil lista e mult mai lungă.
Legătura dintre cele două limbi sugerată de această listă provine dintr-o vechime foarte îndepărtată (mii de ani). Cuvintele s-au păstrat în fondul lexical de bază al limbii române, uneori, uimitor, cu pronunţare identică. Gramatica limbii române s-a schimbat continuu de-a lungul timpului. Ca şi gramatica tuturor limbilor. În afară de sanscrită, care a rămas în mare parte neschimbată de cel puţin 3500 ani. Este limba cea mai veche cunoscută, şi care a rămas aceeaşi pentru mai multe milenii. În zilele noastre, sunt zeci de mii de vorbitori nativi de sanscrită în India şi sute de mii nenativi (care au învăţat-o în şcoli).
Din discuţie cu unii lingvişti mai neconvenţionali, am înţeles că teoria indo-europenistică nu a fost aplicată încă limbii române, lingvistica românească rămânând practic la nivelul la care era pe vremea lui Eminescu. Deşi, în mod paradoxal, este limba europeană de departe cea mai apropiată de sanscrită. Căci dacă multe din limbile europene "se trag" din latină, mai puţin cele nordice, latina se trage şi ea tot din sanscrită. La fel de paradoxal, noi avem şi o mulţime de cuvinte latine, latina fiind a doua sursă de geneză a limbii române, care poate s-au întors înapoi ca... neologisme (bine, neologisme de 2000 ani LOL). Dar nu ştiu sigur care este prima, sanscrita sau o altă proto-limbă comună pentru dacă şi sanscrită.
Showing posts with label coincidențe și sincronicitiăți. Show all posts
Showing posts with label coincidențe și sincronicitiăți. Show all posts
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Case NR.12-664146 OCT 26 2012, Lake Oswego Police Department
From: George Ion <george.ion.email@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 2:06 PM
Subject: Ref.case NR.12-664146
To: sfilippelli@ci.oswego.or.us
The time i made the phone call at home was 6:10 PM OCT 26 2012 and that was minutes after accident. There are also time stamps on the pictures attached. There is a picture with the rear of my car and one with the front of his. There is a picture with the offer for the insurance that has a date of OCT 25. But the date on the envelope is 29 as seen in the picture. I spoke with my insurance agent every day for the last 3 days. Minutes after the accident happened another gentleman showed up at the scene of the accident. He seemed to live in the neighborhood of https://maps.google.com/maps? q=Boones+Ferry+Rd+%26+Kerr+ Pkwy+Lake+Oswego,+OR+97035&hl= en&sll=45.424485,-122.707842& sspn=0.011928,0.026565&t=h&gl= us&hnear=Boones+Ferry+Rd+%26+ Kerr+Pkwy,+Lake+Oswego,+ Clackamas,+Oregon&z=16
The other gentleman, a younger blond tall slim person brought a pen probably from his home. The personal data of Michael Jivangi (a tall guy name is indian, muslim by appearance) was written by himself and i added the license plate, make and year of the car. There is also a picture with the brake reservoir with the broken lid from the vandalism case i reported separately. Actually there are several cases and instances. Please try and speak with Ben Schneider of the Lake Oswego Police to whom i reported another instance of vandalism on my car that happened several months ago.
There are 4 pictures attached. I forgot to tell you one more thing. The apartment nr 6 wich is right under nr.10 in the building where i live is vacated since September 2011. Before that there was an older, shorter gentleman with an old green van that was making strange noises at night like rebuilding something. He put blankets and blinds and then he left and i never seen anybody going in and out but many times there was strange smoke smells coming from the cracks in the wall that i finally fixed but even as i write this email there is a strange smoke here that i cannot explain that has a weird effect on me. Could you possibly check to see why there are blinds and blankets in this vacated apartment and nobody is there for more than a year and sometimes i still here noises?
At 7:30 Oct-26 an hour or so after the accident i went to the Doctors Express at 17437 SW Boones Ferry Rd Ste.100 for a checkup. There was a middle age Dr with a grey goatee and an younger Asian like assistant and another older gentleman in a blue suit with a gray mustache. The doctor first wanted to see the car, front and read. After the assistant took my blood pressure which was 160/90 with a pulse of 91. I gave them the Medicare card and my drivers license and they gave them back to me. The doctor asked me if i had any back pain and i said i only felt heat like after going to the chiropractor. After that i went a couple of times for different reasons this week and i got paperwork for both. Last night and today i asked them for the paperwork for Friday 26 but they are saying there is no record of me being in that day in there.
Date: Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 2:06 PM
Subject: Ref.case NR.12-664146
To: sfilippelli@ci.oswego.or.us
The time i made the phone call at home was 6:10 PM OCT 26 2012 and that was minutes after accident. There are also time stamps on the pictures attached. There is a picture with the rear of my car and one with the front of his. There is a picture with the offer for the insurance that has a date of OCT 25. But the date on the envelope is 29 as seen in the picture. I spoke with my insurance agent every day for the last 3 days. Minutes after the accident happened another gentleman showed up at the scene of the accident. He seemed to live in the neighborhood of https://maps.google.com/maps?
The other gentleman, a younger blond tall slim person brought a pen probably from his home. The personal data of Michael Jivangi (a tall guy name is indian, muslim by appearance) was written by himself and i added the license plate, make and year of the car. There is also a picture with the brake reservoir with the broken lid from the vandalism case i reported separately. Actually there are several cases and instances. Please try and speak with Ben Schneider of the Lake Oswego Police to whom i reported another instance of vandalism on my car that happened several months ago.
There are 4 pictures attached. I forgot to tell you one more thing. The apartment nr 6 wich is right under nr.10 in the building where i live is vacated since September 2011. Before that there was an older, shorter gentleman with an old green van that was making strange noises at night like rebuilding something. He put blankets and blinds and then he left and i never seen anybody going in and out but many times there was strange smoke smells coming from the cracks in the wall that i finally fixed but even as i write this email there is a strange smoke here that i cannot explain that has a weird effect on me. Could you possibly check to see why there are blinds and blankets in this vacated apartment and nobody is there for more than a year and sometimes i still here noises?
At 7:30 Oct-26 an hour or so after the accident i went to the Doctors Express at 17437 SW Boones Ferry Rd Ste.100 for a checkup. There was a middle age Dr with a grey goatee and an younger Asian like assistant and another older gentleman in a blue suit with a gray mustache. The doctor first wanted to see the car, front and read. After the assistant took my blood pressure which was 160/90 with a pulse of 91. I gave them the Medicare card and my drivers license and they gave them back to me. The doctor asked me if i had any back pain and i said i only felt heat like after going to the chiropractor. After that i went a couple of times for different reasons this week and i got paperwork for both. Last night and today i asked them for the paperwork for Friday 26 but they are saying there is no record of me being in that day in there.

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