6:50 Biden, născut în România? Suficient de important pentru a avea o pagină de Wikipedia, dar numai cu două poze pe tot internetul? Democratic? Mie mi se pare că Biden dă ordinele la NATO. Dar cine dă ordine în Statele Unite?
Congresul American a blocat timp de 8 luni ințitativa lui Biden privind ultimul pachet de ajutoare pentru Ukraina, dar România trebuie să doneze un sistem fără aprobare parlamentară, pentru că așa spune Biden?
Nici o chestie, mai sunt câteva luni până vineTrump și termină războiul în 24 de ore.
11:32 Am impresia totuși că Biden doar a enumerat țările care doresc să transfere aceste sisteme Ucrainei, iar ideea a fost a lui Iohannis, de pe vremea când încă alerga în cursa pentru Președinția NATO. Marea diferență între România și celelalte țări donatoare este distanța de Rusia.
Cum va fi compensată România, va primi gratuit alt sistem? Va mai aproba Parlamentul încă un miliard de dolari? Plătește România megalomania?
Ce te faci cu un Președinte care îți ghicește și îndeplinește dorințele? Ca și în cazul lui Ceaușescu, singura salvare este timpul. Ne rugăm să treacă timpul ca să scăpăm de penibil.
S-a spus de atâtea ori încât mi s-a creat o bătătură pe creier în zona aceea. Nu voi pune niciodată la îndoială. NATO este democratic. NATO este pur defensiv. Articolul 5.
Nici o țară din NATO nu a fost atacată și totuși toată lumea se agită și dă armament Ucrainei. SUA de exemplu le dă cele mai bune sisteme ale lor, dând ocazia Rusiei să le studieze în condiții de luptă reale și să le găsească vulnerabilități. Vor mai avea aceste sisteme aceeași valoare pentru SUA (if it ain't broke, don't fix it). Rușii vor avea idei noi pentru următoarele sisteme ale lor.
12:00 Balada urșilor rușilor mulți. Tipa îmi pare puțin așa... instabilă, și totuși relaxată, la marginea prăpastiei ca și cum abia s-a trezit din somn. Sau a tras o linie. A ok m-am prins. Jepii mici din Buce.
12:52 Climatic change. California swap. It's like someone in Alaska is steering again the jet stream. And the smell of garbage is unbearable.
1:15 AM I was in a hurry after a long day when i posted a lot and made some mistakes based on an uninspired search about the 911 event. Went and reviewed the entry and made the corrections. The conclusion however remains the same.
12:00 Yesterday i was thinking to add a "donate" button to one of my blogs, for that i tried to re-activate an old paypal account (retrieve password) that was never used, it didn't work. After they gave me a code and i put it in successfully, they gave me a number to call but it was outside hours. Will try again when Angela comes. Too much stress gives me anxiety when i'm alone.
There are risks associated with this, like you could get money form "Al Qae_da", "Russia", "China", "Hamas", Trump, etc.. (You have no control over who donates). Other risks are they will not pass the money to me (it all depends on Google).
However i have to do it cause i can't find credit cards offers to transfer the credits. I had an offer from Wells Fargo, i applied last night and they denied it. I am sure they knew completely my financial situation when they sent the offer. Keep asking myself, could it be related to what i just said?
The reason i wrote, it affected me personally, really bad (on top of all the other problems i already had), and all the things i wrote so far affected me personally. After 911, America and my life was not the same anymore and ever since i tried to figure why, who and how. And guess what. For what i'm concerned, i did.
Other problem i tried to fix last night. An online chase account that stopped working longtime ago and i cannot fix it.
What i wanted to say. I could go ahead and do an exhaustive analysis of what happened at 911 (using only online notorious informations), with all planes, black boxes, dead bodies, reactions etc. as some would want but that is a lot of work and time consumed and i have bills to pay, gas and groceries to buy.
I know i made a lot of mistakes and i corrected only those i knew of, and my blogs are not the prettiest, but it is my only chance to continue, if some appreciate it.
11:05 Japanese writing is very complicated and inconsistent. Same characters have different pronunciation and same words can be written in different ways. Besides, there are three different writing types that are sometimes mixed.
God Yama In Japan is called Enma (閻魔, prev. "Yenma"), King Enma (閻魔王, Enma-ō), and Great King Enma (閻魔大王, Enma Dai-Ō).
However, the Sanskrit name Yama is more widely known and could have been chosen for symbolism. I know from experience they will not do anything if there is not a god or a symbol attached to it. In the end it all needs to be gods' will and doing, as they are a very obedient and hierarchical people.
Or it all might be a karmic coincidence.
While running through all these this morning, after i had some sleep, i ran into other very interesting facts.
Some of the depictions of the name Yamato in Japanese rely on character 山 (pronounced yama) like in Yamamoto and some on 大和. However if you break 大和 in two you would have two different pronouncing syllables and 大 (pronounced Dà) means great. I think the names and words are pronounced mostly by historical designations and do not have anything to do with phonetics or linguistics as we know them so they are simply memorized.
To them it is probably as difficult to understand western logical writing and thinking as to us is to understand theirs.
山 (yama) alone means mountain in modern Japanese but its shape reminds of a trident, the weapon of Shiva, also a god of destruction. Japanese pantheon has been largely taken from Hindu, and there is a linguistic link between Shinto and Hindu.
Before being called Yamato the inhabitants of Japan were known to the Chinese as Wa.
Wa ワ kana was introduced in the 9-10 century with the katana (kana) script.
George Washington is worshiped as god in some... wa shinto temples in Ha_waii.
1:13 Donors based campaigns are an illusion based on false perception. No matter how hard we try we cannot imagine how the candidates spend the amounts specified in media. How much can it cost a one on one debate in front of cameras, or a meeting in a remote area. It is a myth meant to maintain the illusion that only rich persons influenced by rich donors can candidate and the influence of donors after elections which are both offences to democracy.
Also in the link it is said Biden has been campaigning since January 2021. Then who was "running the country"? Or simply he was working two jobs hence the exhaustion?
2:00 Meme sintetic. O recapitulare simbolică și deturnare a tot ce am scris în ultimele zile. 7, India, distrugere, clădire cu etaje, buldozer cu spărgător de beton, etc..
3:25 At 911 it was treason. Fighter planes should have been risen the moment the first "hijacked plane veered of course and the contact with the pilot was lost".
If there was confusion, that meant anything was possible. It would have been normal to raise fighter planes to follow the rogue non responding plane, to try and contact the pilots and give directions visually, waiting for a decision. I think they would have been able to see the hijackers through the window.
It is said American Airlines 11 was in the air for 32 minutes before it crashed into the first tower. That simply cannot be true. From the lines below this statement it results it was 46. With climbing at 26000 the plane also lost a big amount of fuel. According to the map on Britannica, the distance for that flight was more than 300 miles, whereas a commercial airplane goes at about 500 mph.
At 08:13:29, as the aircraft was passing over central Massachusetts at 26,000 feet (7,900 m), the pilots responded to a request from Boston ARTCC to make a 20-degree turn to the right. At 08:13:47, Boston ARTCC told the pilots to ascend to a cruising altitude of 35,000 feet (11,000 m), but received no response.[28] At 08:16, the aircraft leveled off at 29,000 feet (8,800 m)[28] and shortly thereafter deviated from its scheduled path.
If the plane was above Central Massachusetts at 8:14 when the pilots did not respond but after a 20 degrees turn to the right according to the map it means it had about 270 miles to go on the path described on this map. At a speed of 500 mph that would have meant half hour time for a decision to be made.
It is said the plane hit the tower at 450 mph which is about 3 times the normal landing speed for that plane and about 10 percent over safety limit for that plane at sea level. You need at least 10 minutes to descend from 29000 ft to sea level at that speed. But how do you align with a straight street in New York that may be one mile long at 450 mph with no ILS, only on visual?
You could align with Hwy 9A however you will then hit the tower at about 30 degrees.
Found a map with the official path of flight AA11. No coordinates, only timing however, we have altitudes. The most interesting part is the last 10 minutes or so when the descent occurred at abnormal speed, the plane should have been shot down for the safety of people living in New York.
Fuel considerations. The range of an 766-200 ER is about 7500 miles and the fuel capacity is about 20 K gallons needed for the full range, or three times the distance to the official destination, LAX.
A 766-200 ER fuel consumption during take off and ascent to 30000 ft (greatest for any plane) is about 5000 gallons. So this cannot be true either.
12:20 Puteți auzi aici limba sanscrită care eu cred că a fost apropiată de limba dacă. Cuvinte (vocabular), topică, declinări. De remarcat lipsa verbelor (în acest chant). Se pot auzi cuvine ca agni (ignat, foc) vaci (voce), mrtam (moarte), cak (ochi), manasi (minte), suria (soare), apo (apă), prana (hrană), hârdaie (inimă - heart) etc..
Dacă faceți clic pe alte video-uri, vă sfătuiesc să evitați tot ce e Shiva și Kali. Chestiile astea au venit în India mai târziu, din altă parte, bănuiesc Indonezia și Australia (antică antică, nu cea de acum). Yama există și în română, a face iama, a distruge. De unde știau dacii de zeul Yama din naraka? Poate avea vreo legătură cu noroc?
Un comentariu la video: The meaning of this chant is everything exists in you and you remain immortal but that immortality finally rests in the infinite universe as if the whole universe were you. There is no death but yet there is.
Da. Nu cred că se poate spune mai bine de atât.
Nu reușesc să aflu ce înseamnă acest sritah de la sfârșitul unor fraze. Problema este bineînțeles transliterațiile. Am găsit ceva aici, și înseamnă worshiped, sought, honored, chestii de genul ăsta. O formă de întârire sau rugă către Brahma sau Universul.
Alte comentarii:
1 year ago
Sankrit most beautiful language, proud of being indian 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳
1 year ago
There is only one race " The race of Humanity " and unity consciousness And when we listen to this beautiful and heart felt chant. All else can be discarded️
1 year ago
STUNNING!!! Thank you for breathing new life into this ancient sacred language. Your supreme example has helped my practice immensely. Your beautiful voice has brought me to tears. May you be blessed with eternal freedom from Samsara.