Monday, January 28, 2013


Toţi politicienii români sunt cumpăraţi sau de vânzare. Dacă vreunul scoate capul cu vreo idee care nu convine, este imediat amenințat, şantajat sau cumpărat. Unii chiar îşi liniştesc conştiinţa, cu idei de genul: Nu vezi ce ţară de idioţi, mai ai câţiva ani de trăit, tu ce câştigi dacă lupţi pentru idioţii care sunt oricum pierduţi?

All Romanian politicians are for sale or already bought. I would say most are in the last category. If any raises his head with an idea that is not conforming to whoever controls that country, it is immediately threatened, blackmailed or bought. Some even trick their conscience with ideas like: Don't you see what a country full of idiots this is, you only have so many years to live, what do you get if you fight for those idiots that are already lost?

O  întreagă armată de celebrităţi execută piruete la comandă, apărând în orice moment, la timp, cu tot felul de noutăţi neaşteptate, de obicei legate de evenimentele politice curente, pentru a produce ezitare, pierdere de timp şi în derizoriu şi confuzie. Dar nu au nici o personalitate. Sclavi telecomandaţi.

A whole army of media celebrities do their pirouettes, on demand, showing up in any moment, just in time with all kind of unexpected insignificant news, usually semantically related to the current political events, to produce hesitation, waste of time and confusion. 

Articole de presă şi mişcări de scenă care aparent nu au nici o legătură cu nimic, le sucesc, paralizează şi ocupă minţile românilor, precum şerpii îşi paralizează pradă înainte de a o ucide.

Press articles and scene moves that apparently don't have a link with nothing, twist, paralyze and occupy the minds of Romanians, like the serpents paralyze their pray before killing it.

Dar acest proces a început, cât se putea, integrat sub masca ideologiei comuniste, profitând de inepţia ocupanţilor, cu numirea unui idiot total manipulat în poziţia conducătorului. Cred că a fost singurul caz în istorie când o ţară a fost ocupată iar ocupanţii nu a câştigat nimic în schimb au deschis calea altora, mai deştepţi decât ei. Aceasta dovedeşte şi faptul că ei înşişi erau ocupați, ideologic. De cine?

But this process started, as little as it could,  integrated under the masque of communist ideology, taking advantage of the incompetence of the occupants, their lack of sophistication, with the naming of an idiot totally manipulated in the position of "conducător". I believe this was the only case in history when a country has been occupied and their occupants didn't gain much, but in turn opened the gate for others, smarter then them. This in itself proves that they themselves where occupied, if only ideologically. The question remains to this day, by whom?

Îmi amintesc de melodia "trupei" Phoenix, La umbra marelui urs. La umbra marelui urs, căruia îi trebuie decenii să înţeleagă ce s-a întâmplat ieri, ne-au subminat, măcinat şi până la urmă i-au pus piedică şi acestuia.

I remember here of the song of the Romanian band Phoenix, Under the shadow of the great bear,  who needs decades to understand what happened just yesterday. Under the shadow of the great bear they constantly undermined and eroded us.

Unii din cei mai buni psihologi şi sociologi din lume coordonează toată această mascaradă. Acum, modelată în timp real pe supercomputere, alimentate cu datele puse voluntar de români în reţelele sociale şi telefonice.

Some of the best psychologist and sociologist the world have ever seen coordinate all this current masquerade. Now, modeled in real time on supercomputers and fed with the data put voluntarily by Romanians themselves in the social networks and computers and telephone networks.

Ghinionul nostru a fost să-i avem vecini pe cei care s-a interpus între noi şi restul Europei de secole, ei beneficiind de acest contact şi integrându-se în vest, folosind şi aplicând cu decenii înaintea noastră ultimele noutăţi ştiinţifice, filtrându-le pentru noi şi servindu-ne pe dos.

Our bad luck was to have as neighbors those who interposed between us and the rest of the civilized Europe, for centuries, only them benefiting from that contact and integrating themselves in the West, using and applying with decades before us the latest technical and scientific novelties, especially controlling some of the Romanian scholars mostly through corruption.

Câteodată chiar stau şi mă gândesc ce rol au avut aceştia în capitala culturală a Europei de Est, Viena şi ce influenţă au avut asupra Austriei, Europei şi lumii în general.

Sometimes i think of the influence they had in the cultural capital of Eastern Europe, Vienna, and generally over Austria, Europe and generally in the whole world.

Cunoscători perfecţi de limba română (chiar mai buni decât înşişi românii) şi psihologia românului, după ce de secole au fost elita stăpânitoare în vestul ţării.

Knowing perfectly the Romanian language (sometimes even better than the Romanians themselves), after being for centuries the mastering elite in the west of the country.

România nu mai înseamnă nimic pe plan industrial sau economic în general, tot ce i-a mai rămas este sufletele milioanelor, pe cale să fie pierdute într-un război psihologic invizibil, nedeclarat dar total şi bineînţeles, teritoriul.

Romania doesn't mean much on industrial or economical terms, everything that's left is the souls of the millions that are still in the country that are about to be lost in a an invisible, psychological, undeclared but total war, and of course, its territory. With the remotely controlled politicians, after 89, other millions emigrated in Western Europe.

Nu este exclusă folosirea unor ramuri ascunse, care uneori se întâlnesc la capitolul "paranormale" din ştiinţe precum fizica, biofizica, psihologia, fiziologia.

It is not excluded the use of some hidden branches, which sometimes are known are "paranormal" from sciences like physics, biophysics, psychology, physiology.

Românii ar trebui să înţeleagă că tot ce mişcă şi se vede sau nu se vede că mişcă în ţara aceea, le este duşman acum şi nu există o singură persoană care poate să-i ajute.

Romanians should understand that everything that moves and is visible and invisible in that country it's their enemy now and there is not a single person or entity that can help them.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Providence Scholls

On December 29 2011 i spoke on the phone with Julian Mart, in Seattle. At the time, i thought he fixed his immigration status, but recently i found out he is on a Pulitzer type of visa.

That day i was feeling ill, some trouble breathing, some anxiety attack. He mentioned on the phone he is on another line with "the doctor" and put a heavy accent on that word. I attributed that to his foster care business at his home where he takes care of elderly people.

Later in the evening the symptoms got worse and i decided to go to Providence Scholls. I went and checked in and went to buy some potassium gluconate supplements at the nearby Walgreen's. I think i had in and out atrial fibrillation due to lack of potassium. I noticed there was a black limo in the parking lot and a guy in the waiting room dressed in some sort of unusual, shining leather jacket that seemed young, restless and full of life and not the sick type you usually find in those places throwing at me some sort of arrogant looks and smiles.

When i opened the bottle with the potassium gluconate i just bought, a woman came and called me. She took me to an area where an assistant took my vitals signs. I noticed she was not looking at me while talking, just at the blood pressure and oxygen level monitors, and she asked me again if i really wanted to check in. In a way she seemed familiar to me. Very young, darker skin with some sort of heavy make-up. Later i thought she was looking a lot like Niki Minaj.

So i went in, undressed, put on a gown and the doctor showed up. She introduced herself as dr.Bertani, Emilly. She seemed very young, maybe too young to be a doctor, like in her late 20s. She was kinda hardly trying not to laugh, smiling all the time. She went straight to the computer, asked the usual questions and put the data in. I asked her if she knew dr.Weeks, the doctor i last saw in that clinic, a year before. She said she was there for a very short time, she doesn't know all the doctors. (Please click again on the Providence Scholls link above. You will see the doctors that are working right now in that clinic. Do you think if she was a new doctor in there she wouldn't know them all?).

Among other things that happened in there, one thing caught my attention, although i was feeling really sick and distracted by my symptoms. When she used her stethoscope, she was barely touching me with it, not talking about holding it and listening to anything. My wife is a medical assistant, we have several stethoscopes at home and i learned to used them, including manually checking blood pressure and listening and comparing heart's sounds with those found on several sites on internet. In fact, i remember i told her that i have stethoscopes at home but i don't like to listen to my own heart because i freak out or something like that and she laughed nervously.

Then in the end i used the word breath referring to me breathing hardly and hyperventilating and i think she intentionally mistook the word for breasts and took a sort of embarrassed pose. However, in the end she told me compassionately that i should take care of what she refereed to as "chronic problems". Probably with references to my alleged psychiatric problems in the past.

I went home. About an hour later, i realized she might not have a doctor after all. In fact, she looked a lot like the celebrity known as Lady Gaga.

When i realized that, i decided to go to the ER at Providence St.Vincent hospital. I didn't know at the time what was happening to me and i though maybe it was better so. But driving i thought i was getting better and i was undecided. When at the last stop sign before the hospital, still undecided, some guy driving behind me flashed me with his high beam and i don't know why, that was the final push towards the decision not to go. So i turned back home.

For the last few days i head an ongoing conversation with the Oregon Board of Medicine Licensing. I am intrigued by the fact that they do not have doctors' photographs on their Verification of Licensure page. In Oregon, there have been at least one notorious case of a doctor working without license, dr.Patil. As a coincidence, my wife's ex-oncologist name is Patil.

A few days after i went to Providence Scholls and took a picture at the board at the entrance with the list of doctors. No dr. Bertani in there. I think there was no dr.Bertani working for Providence Scholls, ever.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Incomming Call

Just received a phone call with no caller ID information. All it was saying was "incoming call". It was from the chiropractor office i went to earlier. But this is another story. They left a message. But now i'm not sure it was from them. I'm not sure the woman who called still works there. I was earlier in the office and there was a different receptionist.

A local call from a business, no way it could have been blocked. Or even if it has been blocked, it would have shown blocked or private. But this one was marked "incoming call".

So i went to CenturyLink site and found a form and filled it out. After all i'm paying 10 dollar a month just for the caller ID. This for the daily 1800 soliciting calls i'm getting and don't want to answer.

Can't remember what form. But i received a confirmation email from CenturyLink. I am saved. This one should show what i was complaining about. Oops... It doesn't say anything, just saying they received my email. And a statement about their goals.

On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 3:03 PM, Qwest.Com Customer Support <> wrote:

Thank you for taking the time to contact CenturyLink by email.   We have
received your message.  It will be reviewed as soon as possible by a
member of our Customer Care team.  Our specialists are available and
respond to requests Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 AM
and 6:00 PM Central Standard Time.

Our goal is to respond to all customer concerns within 24 hours.
Please note that emails sent after 6:00 CST or during weekend hours may
require additional response time.

If you need immediate assistance, click the link below to find our
customer service and repair telephone numbers.

Again, thank you for contacting CenturyLink.

About two month ago, they cut my phone service for 24 hours, with no explanation.  A CenturyLink van was here near the box, my wife saw it, then the phone was cut out. I spent one day calling them, bought a new phone, then finally another guy with a pickup marked CenturyLink came and it was fixed.

This is the way they deal with things around here. When you are trying to fix a problem (initial problem was inexplicable back pain in the morning, not in the evening), i got into a myriad of other problems. They create new problems so they cover the old ones. This is proof that i'm dealing with only one entity everywhere i go.

This ticket has a date of the future, see below date ticket created. The ticket was opened today, before this email was sent. Please check the date of the email.

George Ion

On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 6:49 PM, CenturyLink <> wrote:

MyAccount Customer Service Special Offers Explore Products Account Review
  Thank you for submitting your repair ticket

Below are the details of your request.
Repair Ticket Number:
Date Ticket Created:
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The problem should be resolved by 12-06-12 06:00 PM.
You can check the status of your repair online from the Manage My Repairs page.

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