Tuesday, April 2, 2013

South West Washington Medical Center, Early 1996

Columbia River Mental Early 1996

050396 Stay of Proceedings

Never knew i had to go to a trial after i was released from jail then from hospital. I was on some sort of medication then i received a letter from the court, with a date, 05-03-1996. Just the day before the court, i found a lawyer, i gave him all my money, 800 dollars, and he seemed to be very concerned about the whole thing, especially of how the Police behaved.

I already had a court appointed attorney but i did not trust her, because she said something about the possibility of the DA to dismiss the case because of my exposure to methyl chloroform at the last job. But when i asked her what the word dismissed means, she said "nevermind". I went home looked into the dictionary, found about that word but she never spoke about it again.

So i found a lawyer and went to court. Right after i came home from the meeting with the lawyer i found on my answering machine (i have a copy of that recording somewhere, i should attache it here) a message from the court appointed attorney saying that the DA is giving me a 1 year stay of prosecution deal, which turned into 2 years the next day. I remember my paid attorney was all perspiring, looked very scared and kept trying to tell me something about the judge never signing the deal, but my wife kept telling me we should take it because we could take our money back from the attorney if there was no trial. So i did and to this day i don't know if the deal was real. All i know is there is no more record of this case at Vancouver District Court or at the Vancouver Police. By the way, the name of the judge is Fred Stocker, i think he is retired.