Showing posts with label Vampires. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vampires. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Dingo Ate Your Baby

Every time i'm relaxed, take a sip of coffee or something to eat from the "kitchen" and turn my head to the ever running TV i see some graphic scene. This time i grabbed my coffee and tried to read some news and turned my eyes by mistake "the other way" towards the TV and saw a guy in a morgue with a wound on his neck that first looked like a biting wound like in vampire movies. At that point my relaxation went to hell because of the coincidence and looked more carefully, and it wasn't a bite wound but some other wound then the scene starting morphing continuing into a whole plot hard to interpret and understand. So i turned the TV off and starting writing this post.

But most of the time if it's not surgery or bitten cadavers at the morgue, it's babies. Every time i eat or drink something and turn my head to the TV i see babies alternating with cakes and drinks or sexy women. Don't know if anyone ever experienced salivating while eating, but this is what's happening to me. Those cakes on TV are more stimulus to me than the food in my mouth.

More than that, many times the scenes i see on TV and try to interpret turn into something else, and else and else, fighting my analyzing power and trying to follow i loose track and in the end they don't have any logic. Even old movies like Mission Impossible, the old series or Kojak they started playing on MeTV late at night.

Don't know, it may be because of the TV that i bought from Sears in 2008 (Sony Bravia 40S), made in Mexico, broke exactly after 3 month, fixed it myself, but it always needed 16 seconds to boot up, as long as my Fedora powered computer.

I long suspected that the TV program might be altered or even entirely generated by some software ran on a more sophisticated PC or mini super computer from nearby or from a distant country through fiber optics, sort of like a more sophisticated game. There is no way i can verify what's supposed to be on TV at that time in part because,

more recently, as i wrote in this letter addressed to the Romanian Embassy in Washington, i am under the impression that i'm talking on the phone with computer programs, that are cloning the voice and style or repeating phrases of people i knew in the past (probably by putting together phrases from a database of their recorded conversation with other people on the phone in the past, mostly in Romanian but in English as well.) (Most people use a limited number of phrases in their conversations, as people i knew in Romania are getting older, they tend to talk less. However, sometimes their answers are surprising me as not following the logic of the conversation or suddenly changing the subject. When i'm about to say things more important or names, i get interrupted, usually by noises on their side or other phones ringing etc. So more recently i gave up completely).

I think for gamers it might be the ultimate coolness, to have a game that runs a TV like program that changes with their thoughts and activities, but think again and especially be careful what you wish for. According to Moore's law, that  seem to govern our society lately, it may be coming to a TV near you, soon.

Subject: RE: mesajul dvs. adresat Ambasadei Romaniei la Washington
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2012 18:11:46 -0500

Stimate domnule Ion,

Pentru informatii de contact ale ambasadei, va rog sa vizitati linkul . La telefoanele respective, aveti posibilitatea sa contactati ambasada chiar si in afara timpului normal de lucru, pentru situatii de urgenta.

Programul de lucru cu publicul al sectiei consulare a ambasadei, la ghiseu, este zilnic, de luni pana vineri, in intervalul orar 10-13. Asistenta consular telefonica se acorda intre 14.30 si 17.30, zilnic, de luni pana vineri. Detalii suplimentare sunt disponibile pe pagina de Internet: .

Informatiile despre serviciile consulare pe care le efectueaza sectia consulara sunt disponibile prin accesarea link-ului: . Totodata, sunt prezentate detalii in legatura cu fiecare dintre aceste servicii. Spre exemplul detalii privind eliberarea pasaportului romanesc sunt disponibile aici:

Totusi, avand in vedere ca va aflati in Oregon, v-as recomanda sa va adresati Consulatului General al Romaniei la Los Angeles. Detalii privind obtinerea pasaportului romanesc sunt disponibile pe site-ul consulatului, la adresa .

In ceea ce priveste activitatea unui consul onorific, as preciza ca persoanele desemnate in aceasta calitate faciliteaza promovarea relatiilor Romaniei cu alte state, asumandu-si voluntar tot ceea ce implica functionarea oficiului consular onorific. Detalii suplimetare privind activitatea consulilor onorifici sunt disponibile aici: . Consulii onorifici nu pot efectua insa acte ce implica exercitiul autoritatii de stat, cum ar fi emiterea de documente consulare.

Sper ca cele de mai sus sa raspunda intrebarilor dvs. Daca aveti neclaritaritati, nu ezitati sa imi scrieti.

Toate cele bune,
Adrian Tudorache

Ovidiu-Adrian TUDORACHE
Second Secretary, Political Section

1607 23rd Street NW
Washington DC 20008

Phone:  (202) 332-2392 ext. 136
Fax:       (202) 232-4748

From: George Ion []
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 3:50 PM
Subject: RE: mesajul dvs. adresat Ambasadei Romaniei la Washington

Domnule Secretar.

Mulţumesc pentru răspuns. Îmi cer scuze pentru că nu am răspuns la telefon dar în momentul acela eram ocupat. M-am gândit după aia şi la problema cu telefonul care face parte dintr-o serie de probleme pe care nu ştiu să le rezolv pe moment. Îmi pare rău că trebuie să intru aici într-un cerc recurent. Tot ce pot să vă spun că în urmă cu câteva luni, după ce Qwest a fost preluat de Century Link, au fost prezenţi timp de câteva zile lângă cutia din stradă şi au lucrat neobişnuit de intens. Am avut ocazia să îi văd de câte ori treceam cu maşina pe lângă cutie. Nu ştiu dacă au rezolvat toate problemele, pe vremea lui Qwest veneau mult mai des, s-ar părea Century Link nu a mai avut nevoie să intervină de atunci. Am încercat să-i întreb folosind telefonul celular iar răspunsul a venit dintr-un call center din altă ţară deşi era în timpul zilei şi a fost că s-a instalat telefon pentru un nou client, ceea ce părea cu totul neobişnuit, fiindcă au lucrat trei zile de dimineaţa până seara lângă aceeaşi cutie.

Nu pot să nu-mi amintesc aici de numărul neobişnuit de mare de maşini care trec pe strada unde locuiesc, care este mult prea mare pentru numărul de locuinţe din zonă iar unele maşini sunt cu numere de state altele decât Oregon, în special California. Interesant este că numărul variază mult de la o zi lucrătoare la altă zi lucrătoare. Primăria oraşului Lake Oswego a fost interesată de mai multe ori să afle exact datele şi au instalat contoare de două ori de când m-am mutat aici. Foarte interesant este şi faptul că eu locuiesc într-o zonă a oraşului Lake Oswego care este cuprinsă la est şi la vest de oraşul Portland. Dacă păşesc afară din parcarea de la vest, intru în Portland! Aceste maşini poluează fonic şi nu numai.

Şi maşinile noastre, ale mele şi ale soţiei au avut probleme de poluare de când le-am cumpărat, a mea chiar de la dealer, şi am adunat cea mai mare parte a facturilor în două dosare care la un moment dat aveau un inch fiecare dar s-au mai subţiat în condiţii misterioase. De aceea în ultimul timp am încercat să rezolv cât mai multe probleme singur, de exemplu am instalat în toamna 2011 un catalizator care se stricase după un an în curtea bisericii româneşti din Oregon City. Deşi a fost în garanţie, Autozone nu au recunoscut dar au acceptat un return după ce am cumpărat altul. Îmi amintesc numele vânzătorul care mi l-a vândut pe 2 iulie 1910, Dragoş.

Dar primul lucru care am vrut să-l întreb la ambasadă a fost care este programul dvs de lucru, dacă este un număr de urgenţă şi la ce servicii se poate aştepta un român care se află domiciliat în Statele Unite şi întâmpină probleme neobişnuite. După care m-am gândit la numărul personalului din ambasadă pe care l-am văzut pe site şi la numărul de români în situaţii similare şi mi-am dat seama că nu ne putem aştepta la prea multe în afară de faptul că s-ar putea ca unele probleme să fie comune pentru mulţi şi atunci s-ar putea rezolva simultan.

Un alt lucru pe care nu am putut să-l aflu de mulţi ani este la ce tip de servicii ne putem aştepta de la Consulatul Onorific din Portland care este reprezentat de domnul Rudd care este american irlandez şi nu român. Ar fi un lucru greu de înţeles pentru oricine ar afla aceasta.

Nu cred că românii care se stabilesc în străinătate cunosc aceste probleme înainte de a se deplasa sau pleacă mai întâi şi după aceea le rezolvă din mers. Iar pe cei care stau în ţară aceste probleme nu îi afectează şi sunt şi mai puţin interesaţi să le afle.

În ceea ce priveşte Consulatul din LA, am fost mai demult în contact cu domnul Ghenea, de al cărui nume şi discuţie îmi amintesc mereu. Aş vrea să vă întreb aici dacă eliberarea unui nou paşaport care de data aceasta este valabil 10 ani durează tot până la 4 luni şi dacă este necesară trimiterea din nou a actelor originale sau se poate folosi baza de date creată atunci.

Deşi am unele probleme cu recunoaştere feţelor persoanelor care le văd o singură dată în viaţă, îmi amintesc mai uşor numele. De ex., bunica mea a fost căsătorită sau a locuit până a murit în Câmpulumg Moldovenesc cu un domn Valeriu Tudorache, care avea rude în Slobozia, lângă Bucureşti. Coincidenţă de nume, pe soţul ei l-a chemat Valerian Mitre.

Am auzit că şi în România s-au îmbunătăţit mult unele servicii şi că există posibilitatatea obţinerii unui paşaport în condiţii similare cu alte ţări, ca de exemplu Statele Unite. Noi ce de aici ne aşteptăm mereu ca şi pentru noi să se îmbunătăţească serviciile care se pot pune de acord cu progresele tehnice din ultimii ani care şi-au făcut loc şi în România.

Însă numărul de probleme pe care îl întâmpin zilnic aici este mult mai mare, depăşeşte în complexitatea problemele pe care le-aş avea într-un job de răspundere la o firmă sau oriunde, şi îmi ocupă foarte mult timp. Nu cred că aş avea timp să le descriu pe toate vreodată.


George Ion

Subject: mesajul dvs. adresat Ambasadei Romaniei la Washington
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2012 12:27:25 -0500
Stimate domnule Ion,

Vă mulţumesc pentru mesajul adresat Ambasadei României la Washington şi pentru semnalarea dumneavoastră privind mesajul de răspuns automat telefonic. Vom remedia problema semnalată prin înregistrarea unui nou mesaj de răspuns automat.

Vă rog să nu ezitaţi să mă contactaţi pe viitor la telefon: 202 332 2392 ext. 136 sau prin email la .

În acelaşi timp, dacă aveţi întrebări cu privire la serviciile consulare oferite de ambasadă sau de consulatele României în SUA, aveţi posibilitatea să contactaţi Secţia consulară a Ambasadei României la Washington, telefon: (001)-202-332-4846 sau (001)-202-332-4848 cu extensiile: 117, 118 sau 120 şi email sau Consulatul General al României la Los Angeles, 11766 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 560, Los Angeles CA 90025, Tel: 1 - 310-444-0043, Fax: 1 - 310-445-0043, e-mail:,

Cu cele mai bune gânduri,

Adrian Tudorache

Ovidiu-Adrian TUDORACHE
Second Secretary, Political Section

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

050396 Stay of Proceedings

Never knew i had to go to a trial after i was released from jail then from hospital. I was on some sort of medication then i received a letter from the court, with a date, 05-03-1996. Just the day before the court, i found a lawyer, i gave him all my money, 800 dollars, and he seemed to be very concerned about the whole thing, especially of how the Police behaved.

I already had a court appointed attorney but i did not trust her, because she said something about the possibility of the DA to dismiss the case because of my exposure to methyl chloroform at the last job. But when i asked her what the word dismissed means, she said "nevermind". I went home looked into the dictionary, found about that word but she never spoke about it again.

So i found a lawyer and went to court. Right after i came home from the meeting with the lawyer i found on my answering machine (i have a copy of that recording somewhere, i should attache it here) a message from the court appointed attorney saying that the DA is giving me a 1 year stay of prosecution deal, which turned into 2 years the next day. I remember my paid attorney was all perspiring, looked very scared and kept trying to tell me something about the judge never signing the deal, but my wife kept telling me we should take it because we could take our money back from the attorney if there was no trial. So i did and to this day i don't know if the deal was real. All i know is there is no more record of this case at Vancouver District Court or at the Vancouver Police. By the way, the name of the judge is Fred Stocker, i think he is retired.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Be-Belu or Be-Bela?

"There's a sucker born every minute"

It's been a long time since i saw the title of this publication that belongs to

I wanted to signal the reality of the fact that in US a lot of people still strongly associate the name Bela with the name of the actor who first incarnated Dracula about a century ago then maintained in the public's conscience throughout decades through movies and media.

Even right now there is an ongoing commercial on networks about a ... lip-o-suction local company named... Sono Bello!

For Romanians, there are no such associations as the movies about Dracula entered in their conscience only recently and they do not realize the consequences of these associations and the fact they are actually in the middle of it all.

I suspected for a longtime now that there is quite a long list of words in modern Romanian that have been introduced, tolerated by bribed scholars, used by some as little trendy "language endearments - alintări" (actually more in sarcastic phrases which denotes the non-fully acceptance of the terms) and slowly promoted in the mainstream of our culture mostly within advertisement without the majority realizing how damaging this may be.

The word bébé is borrowed from French alright. But why add a diminutive suffix to it then contract it under the pretext of familiar use to get it to this final shape and add it to the title of a well financed and advertised magazine for babies' stuff?

Is it again a coincidence that the name of the most important cemetery in Bucharest is again, Bellu?

As for the name Bela, it started with the ex and current trainers of our Olympics Gymnastics Team. Painstakingly, right under the ignorant nose of the ex-regime they probably made great efforts to get those two chosen, but through what lengths did they have to go to do it again with the new ones? Bitang, Bellu, Bitman. I remember the first time i said something about, within the next few days Octavian Bellu got a decoration from the President of Romania, Mr. Băsescu.

Don't get me wrong, they might be meritorious people, but this is how the bigger picture looks.

How many others words, names, people and instances of this sort, fruits of the decades of efforts to undermine our languages are they and will they ever be exposed and/or stopped?

Friday, August 31, 2012


Last night i was listening to Coast to Coast yet again as i do almost every night. George Noory either has a very monotonous voice or uses some filters as Art Bell did. LOL Bel. It helps me fall asleep guaranteed every time. But this time it was too exciting to go there. He was talking about chupacabras with Linda Moulton Howe. They were interviewing a woman from Missouri who actually saw one that has been shot. You can see here below all the details. Could these chupacabras be more than hairless coyotes as they seem to me?

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Dinescu şi morţii

Dinescu, acest simpatic dinam al culturii româneşti post-revoluţionare a morţilor, un bucătar şi poet ultramodern, conservaţionist în acelaşi timp, ne aminteşte de o vreme încoace că nu mai are linişte în România de frica uncheşului său Dracula. Al cărui părinte Bram Stocker nu a apacat să-şi vadă opera postumă şi nevândută. Tuturor scriitorilor electronici aş vrea să le amintesc că această memorie de tip Google va rămâne pentru tot restul viitorului nostru şi că procurorii şi judecătorii într-o zi când nu-şi vor mai procura vor începe să iasă din spa-urile în care se bălăcesc cu infractorii să-şi mai vadă de treabă şi vor învăţa să mai dea şi câte un search. Până atunci, Dino, have a piece of my mind.

Dinescu, this charismatic dynamo of the Romanian post-revolutionary culture of the dead, a cook and an ultramodern poet, conservationist in the same time, keeps reminding us all since a while ago that he has no more rest in Romania because of the fear of his uncle Dracula, as stated 6 years ago and shown below. Whose parent Bram Socker died before he could see and sell his posthumous creation. To all electronic writers in Romania i wish to remind that this "Google type memory" will remain for the rest of our future and when the prosecutors and judges will stop procuring for themselves and start getting out of the spas where they relax together with the criminals maybe will start taking care of their normal business they are paid for by the people of Romania, and will also learn how to do a Google search. Until then, Dino, have a piece of my mind.

Friday, August 10, 2012


M-am lămurit zilele acestea cât de puţini români înţeleg ce se întâmplă. Orice ar fi, nu cred că strică să aduc noi informaţii lămuritoare, chestii ce sunt de notorietate în alte ţări. Alte ţări mai aşezate, mai stabile, cu oameni mai maturi care pot să facă faţă acestor probleme. În idea că poate unii vor începe să extrapoleze ce spun eu pe aici şi la alte chestii pentru a-şi da seama de dimensiunea problemei.

De exemplu aici la nu ştiu ce post de radio era o reclama cu o firmă locală de lipo...sucţie Sono Bello. Un joc de cuvinte care în italiană înseamnă sunt frumos iar în engleză aproape sunet de clopot. În reclamă era alternat cuvântul Bello cu Bell iar pentru un vorbitor de italiana reprezenta aşa un fel de poticnire, Sono Bell. Dar mai rezonează şi cu Bela Lugosi, cel ce a dat viaţă, acum aproape 100 de ani personajului Dracula, într-un teatru pe Broadway, scos dintr-o carte care nici nu s-a vândut când a fost publicată prima dată. (De fapt vedeam recent la OPB un film despre Anglia şi chiar spunea prezentatorul, comandantul vasului rusesc Demeter care a eşuat în Anglia, cu care se presupune ca a ajuns Dracula acolo a existat, a fost arestat, într-adevăr, dar din cauză că era beat. LOL acu' m-am prins, şi aici coincidenţă?) Din cauză că şi aici ca şi în alte ţări (Dacă vă întreb repede cum îl cheamă pe actorul ăla răutăcios din Dallas, ce o să spuneţi, JR, nu Larry Hagmann? Cu alte cuvinte numele Lary Hagman va fi întotdeauna asociat cu JR, Patrick Duffy cu Bobby, etc.. Iar despre Sue Ellen, cine ştie cum o cheamă pe actriţă?) lumea de multe ori confundă actorul cu persoanjul, Bela este sinomim cumva cu Dracula. Normal, cineva ar spune aici că lumea a uitat acele reprezentări pe Broadway, normal, ar fi trebuit să le uite dar nu, nu le-a uitat şi aceasta este realitatea, de ce, nu ştiu exact. A normal au fost finanţate şi făcute atâtea filme cu Dracula de-a lungul timpului, am impresia că de pe vremea filmului mut.;_ylt=A2KJkIccjCVQezYAKSiJzbkF?p=dracula+poster&fr=sfp&ei=utf-8&n=30&x=wrt&y=Search

Şi Bela nu scapă nici o ocazie de a ieşi în public, de exemplu acum cu pierderea medaliei de bronz a lui Ponor, pentru că nu-i aşa, românii trebuie să ia argintul, silver, care rimează cu Transilvania şi SUV-ul SILVERADO şi cu multe alte lucruri pe care nu am curaj să le scriu aici. De fapt s-ar putea să regret şi ce am scris deja. (Chiar am auzit că celălalt Belu am uitat cu îl cheamă care antrenează zburătoarele noastre de la aparate, se retrage din antrenoriat împrenuă cu Mariana Bit-ang).

Există în Statele Unite o întreagă cultură vie, destinată lui Dracula. Întreţinută de anumite persoane. Iar unii români tineri care nu înţeleg ce se întâmplă glumesc ca tâmpiţii dându-se în spectacol, ca acesta să poată continua. De belea, bestial, etc.

Şi acum o întrebare către concetăţeni. De ce credeţi voi că îşi muşcă unii atleţi medaliile la olimpiadă?

Friday, July 20, 2012


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "George Ion" <>
To: <>
Date: Sun, 5 Oct 2008 22:20:17 -0700
Subject: Question
Gheorghe Ion
6810 SW Hall Blvd #16
Beaverton, OR, 97008


In 1972 when i was twelve I've been in a CISV camp in Kisdorf, near Hamburg, Germany, sent by the communist regime in Romania.

The exact location is Ulmenhof in Kisdorf, as shown below. It's probably a school now.

Seeing that picture triggered lots of memories.

I never quite understood why me, because there were many other eligibile (children of the communist elite), like the other three kids in the Romanian delegation. I never quite understood why an organization like yours would invite children from the communist countries, since the only ones that would benefit would be the children of the above elite, with few exceptions.

Not speaking any international language, except for a few french words made it tough for us, almost traumatizing. We weren't able to communicate with the other kids. I remember quite vividly Klauss, the director of the camp asking me severeal times in French: "Pourquoi tu es toujour si seul ?". That made me feel somewhat guilty.

I also have nice memories from there, like driving a car for the first time in my life (a Renault 4 owned or rented by Olaf from Sweden) and being saved from drowning in an Olympic size swimming pool. (I was a poor swimmer at that time.)

Also dancing for the first time in the dark in a "discoteque" with the chef's daughter, Suzanna (I don't know the exact spelling) organized by a couple of local german guys that were hanging around. I think one of them was the son of a prominent local CISV member.

I remember once Klauss filmed me with a nice camera with zoom I also played with and during projection, the film jammed and I saw my image catching fire on the screen.

I am asking your help in consolidating the memories of those days with the complete list of the sites visited and a list of the staff present in the camp with their qualifications.

As I said I didn't speak any English at the time. But from singing the camp's song every morning, i memorized the words and reconstructed the lyrics later on. Please confirm that this was the camp's song lyrics.

"Here in this village you may see
Children living happily
Swedes, Finns, Turks, Romanians
British, Germans, Canadians
Philippines, Italians too
We have many things to do
How am i alike to you"

Especially the last line doesn't sound quite right.

Many appreciations for your work,

Gheorghe Ion

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "George Ion" <>
To: <>
Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2008 06:36:38 -0700
Subject: Fw: Fwd: Question

I wasn't lucky contacting the global site. Please read the following thread and help me if you can.

George Ion

----- Original Message -----
From: Bertil Hron
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 5:07 AM
Subject: Re: Fwd: Question

Dear Gheorghe,

Thank you very much for your e-mail. It is good to hear that, after so many years, you are still thinking of your CISV experience.

First of all, as regards names and addresses we are not able to give out personal details about participants. However, we recommend that your register on the CISV Friends website ( and claim participation in your Village (V-1972-006), and in doing so, possibly make contact with other people who participated in your programme.

By registering on the CISV Friends website you will also receive regular links to CISV publications such as CISV News and the CISV Annual Review.

Secondly, I am afraid we do not have the specific information you are requesting as related to excursion destinations.

Thirdly, as for the lyrics you provided, these appear to have been specific to your programme. Sometimes in the different programmes the lyrics of the CISV song and other songs are adapted by the participants to fit their programme or as part of a performance for a public occasions such as Open Day.

The official lyrics of the CISV Song are these:

The CISV Song (Kathleen Milne/Bjarne Kirk)

Here in this village you may see
Children living happily
Different race and different land
Here we come to understand
One another’s point of view
Learning through the things we do
How alike am I to you

Here we live and eat and sleep
Talk and laugh and sometimes weep
Here we share our hopes and fears
Build a bridge across the years
Sow a seed and plant a tree
Beneath whose branches there may be
All the nations gathered free

That our children so may grow
In a world we did not know
Sharing all they have to give
Learning how to love and live
In our hands the future lies
Seize the moment ‘ere it flies
Stamp the present with an act
Dare to make our dream a fact


Tuesday, 7 October 2008

03/31/1972 Don't know if i wrote above about holding hands while singing the version of the song written first above. Stumbled across a picture today. At the end of the song we were turning around while still holding hands forming a circle eacg facing outside and only then we were breaking with hands throwing them towards ground.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Ciudăţenii cotidiene, Daily Weird

Azi am descoperit că vibraţia de la frigiderul uriaş de 25 ani se transmite prin podea alături în baie unde face să vibreze uşile de sticlă culisante de la cadă. Uşa de la baie este formată din două placaje care dacă le apeşi uşor cu un deget se deformează cam un cm. Pereţii din jurul uşii de la baie panourile adică nu sunt strânse bine în perete am impresia că le lipsesc nişte şuruburi şi vibrează şi alea pe mai multe frecvenţe, toate joase în jur de 10 Hz. Chiar la Bacău ţin minte podeaua de la bucătărie când călcam se mişca puţin.

Am impresia că orice casă vibrează, mai ales astea de aici care sunt din schelet de lemn cu panouri de ghips dar dacă nici nu sunt strânse şuruburile alea de panouri sau lipsesc şuruburi... La balcon este o uşă culisantă de sticlă uriaşă cu o pereche statică total de 2 pe 2 metri care şi alea dacă le apeşi cu degetul se deformează. În dormitor este o debara cu uşi culisante din PFL de 5 mm cât peretele de lângă baie, care vibrează şi aia.

Ştiam de câteva zile că pereţii vibrează şi am făcut legătura cu apăsarea din ureche şi ameţeala şi dorinţa de a pleca din casă dar nu am făcut legătura cu uşile culisante de sticlă de la cada de la baie şi frigiderul decât ieri seara, când a pornit frigiderul şi am simţit apăsarea aia în ureche şi dorinţa de a ieşi afară.

Plus că frigiderul vibrează şi pe ultrasunete, tot timpul îmi ţiuie urechile. Deşi am izolat zona în care se face detenta freonului şi în genereal toată suspensia circuitului freonului cu cauciuc siliconic din ăla scump pentru izolat marginea la cada de baie. Scăzuse mult atunci, dar acum mi se pare că a revenit iar la un nivel maxim. Tot spatele frigiderului este închis acum cu PAL fonoabsorbant cam la 20 cm distanţă şi eu aud acum armonici mai joase de la ultrasunete poate peste 10 kHz cam la 20 dB la vreo 4 metri de el. Acum când scriu rândul acesta au scăzut brusc cam la jumătate. Oare să aibă vreo legătură cu maşinile vecinelor de scară care parchează totdeauna strâmb, dar numai în 2 sau 3 poziţii, mereu aceleaşi, cu precizie?

Deci azi am tot mutat frigiderul prin casă, este lângă peretele de la vecini ca să pun nişte PAL fonoabsorbant sub el şi în spatele lui şi ghici pe cine cred că am văzut ieşind de la scara vecină, cu perucă blondă, şi s-a urcat într-un minivan după care s-a urcat în altă maşină, o Hondă mai mică şi mai veche şi a plecat deşi am impresia că venise cu o a 3-a maşină, un Dodge gri din ăla nou lăsat pe jos?

Aceeaşi persoană cu care cred că am vorbit azi pe la 11:30 la Allied Waste Services, când am sunat să-i întreb de ce a venit camionul la tomberon a doua oară în aceeaşi zi?

A şi am uitat să spun, la un timp după ce m-am mutat am vrut să cumpăr alt frigider din banii mei dar agenţia imobiliară de la care închiriez apartamentul nu a fost de acord. Acest frigider valorează 0 dolari adică e un junk.


Today i discovered that the vibration of the 25  years old huge refrigerator is transmitted through the floor and across the wall in the bathroom where it makes vibrate the glass sliding doors from the tube. The bathroom door is made out of 5mm fiberboard that easily deforms about 1 cm if you press lightly on it. The panels on the walls around bathroom door are not close enough to the frame and i am under impression there are missing or loose screws under paint, and they all vibrate on several frequencies, all under 10 Hz. I remember at Bacău, last place where i lived in Romania the floor in the kitchen was moving a little too when i was walking on it.

I am under the impression that any house vibrates, especially here where are made of wood frame covered with gypsum (drywall) panels especially if the screws are not tighten all the way or missing... At the balcony there is a huge sliding door paired with a static window that deform easily if you press with the finger right in the middle. In the bedroom there is a storage with huge sliding doors covering all the batthrom wall made of 5mm fibreboard that vibrate as well.

I knew for a few days now that the walls are vibrating but i couldn’t make the link with the pressure in the ears and dizziness and the urge to live the place until last night when the fridge’s compressor started and i started feeling the pressure and the need to live.

Today i moved the fridge around so i can install some fonoabsorbant (loose fiberboard) panels underneath and around the back of it and than guess who i think i saw leaving from the other entrance of the building, where my neighbours on the other side of the wall next to where the fridge is are, with blonde wig and got into a minivan than switched into an older, smaller Honda and left although i think she came into one of those newer, low, grey Dodge?

The two entrances and the corresponding apartments do not communicate, at least at the upper level, where i live, from what i know. The weirdest part is the apartment right beneath me is vacant since last September with the blinds tightly covering the windows so no light can go in our out and i didn't see anybody getting in or out either for so many month.

I forgot to say that shortly after i moved here i wanted to buy another fridge from my own money but the real estate agency that i rent from did not agree although this fridge is not worth any money, being a total piece of junk.

There is at least one distinguishable harmonic from the @4 Hz main frequency but i don't have the necessary instruments to investigate what that frequency is. Maybe if i had a video editing program installed, maybe i should try download one. Probably is a frequency most harmful when vibrating out of phase with Earth electric resonance frequency, the so called Schumann frequency, at 7.89 Hz, that would be the double of what i'm counting using the clock from the wall? The sliding door have a metal frame as well so...

Maybe that's why they're slamming the doors for... To kick start a vibration that is out or in phase with Earth electric standing waves?

Now i read in wikipedia that 60 Hz is the eighth harmonic of the Schumann. Why in Europe they use 50 Hz and in the United States 60? Which one is healthier?

Somebody please tell me what the hell is going on...

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Keep Portland Weird

"Wyrd is a concept in Anglo-Saxon culture roughly corresponding to fate or personal destiny. The word is ancestral to Modern English weird, which retains its original meaning only dialectically."

Ethics in Germanic Neopaganism are guided by a concept of personal ørlög or wyrd, encompassing the notions of both fate and luck. The belief in Wyrd — a concept of fatalism or determinism,[12] similar to some Graeco-Roman concepts of destiny is a commonly held belief amongst most Germanic Neopagans.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Fake Memories And Emotional Vampires

For years i've been listening to Coast to Coast AM. One of their favorite subjects is the emotional vampires. No, they are not talking about vampires that became emotional. Unfortunately. No, they are talking about real people that feed on other's emotions.

On a certain degree we all are cause we're suckers for soaps, aren't we? Devouring every scene like if it was from our lives or even worse.

Since the news about mind reading is out of the box for years and some people are doing it for even longer, it is normal that people already have learned by now how to create fake memories.

You put the subject into a situation that he will remember for years that is very similar to what you need to hear from him (i mean from the mind reading device he is connected too).

Assuming that mind reading, especially clandestine one, is not "perfectly accurate".

Now some of those memories could have been created even before those devices existed, but they could have been acurately predicted by Moore's law and a few other laws that we suspect exist but we just don't know.

Others can be created on the fly, in real time, according to what the subject thinks, does, the current events, etc, in online "personalized" news, using some not necessarily extremely sophisticated computers. It could be on the subject's own Linux powered computer, by example.

Some of the first credible affirmations about mind reading were made by Tesla, about one hundred years ago. Nikola Tesla, the forgotten scientist, the one they drove mad with a little magic, the guy who invented AC, AC motors, radio (no, not Marconi, United States Patent and Trademark Office reverted that after Tesla's death), and had at some time more than 700 patents registered with the above mentioned authority.

You can make it even better, by applying some interaction with audience, a few professional actors and an army of figurants. If the subject becomes too savvy, you can apply "punishments" for what he's done or doing until he gives up, apply some extreme physiology, brainwash a little, and you have a real life soap that makes the Truman Show movie looks ridiculous. Never mind some could call it torture, we're talking about vampires here, right?

Are you one of those?