Monday, February 17, 2020

McNeeley Real Estate

Name says a lot. For many years i used to believe it has something to do with kneels. Makes you kneel that is. I know one guy there. Mark Hessel. And there was another woman i spoke with in the agency, short, fat, looking Japanese.

In January 2010 we've been kicked from Sussex. There was a guy there Kaleb whom i knew only by seeing him and seeing his name on the mailbox.

At Sussex there was an episode that just came to mind. The 2002 Seattle earthquake. There was a handyman scheduled exactly at that time in the apartment. He went outside to pick something from his Volvo, i went to the door to see what he's doing. Then the earthquake started, a series of ample movement, i stood in the door frame when i heard somebody running on the roof. I looked at the handyman while he was staring the roof.

There was a broken pipe in the wall in there that got never fixed. Every time i was opening the water at the bathroom sink, a pipe was moving in the wall. Probably leaking in the wall and making mold.

While i was there at first i was not aware of the mineral insulation problem. After, or when when i realized the attic was full with loose mineral insulation, i taped the lid to the attic so it won't fall down at least through there.

There was this guy with a red Toyota Supra i guess who looked like a South American drug dealer who was showing from time to time, pretending living there. La Tuta i guess.

Christine McVie, Carole King acting like managers. John Winquist, owner of Regent, the management company i think is a now Hungarian top politician.

Across the street, BNC. A church that looks like an UFO.

And Tom Cruise, the mechanic.

That's all about Sussex, here and now.

So we've been looking for a place to move. Actually applied in two different places. One Saturday in February they called us from Sunflower Apts, i believe we were approved there too but for some reason i can't explain right now none of us wanted to answer the phone. Monday (hopefully i will come with the date, it think it was February 2010) i had appointment with Mark from McNeeley, i went at the apartment in Lake Oswego and signed the papers. As we climbed in the truck to go in Lake Oswego they called us again from Sunflower and told us we were approved but i already made my mind. I was moving to Lake Oswego. Rent was about similar but location, one of the best in Portland area. Not knowing it was actually on the top of an extinct volcano.

Don't know what was wrong with me in that day. I didn't feel the terrible stink in there. Maybe because window was open. Maybe i was hypnotized (to us, Mark appeared like he had severe strabismus (not seen in the picture above). All i saw was the view, the pool (which Mark told us wasn't "ours", the apartment was the only one rented in the building, the others were individually owned condos). The place was a dump. I will select some pictures. The pan of the fridge filled with some sort of glue that resulted from combination of asphalt and silica from roof shingles. Hardwood floor was stinking so bad from being contaminated with that stuff and food that i had to cover it with shelf liners.

The rusty, leaking toilet, discoloration of the vynil.

Everything was leaking under the kitchen sink

And the endless hole.

There are many other things to be said about that place before i start getting to the reason for this post. But before, a word about Apt.9 or next door. There were a couple of celebrities that were showing as Anna, the young single neighbor. One of them was Kelly Clarkson.

And the guy at Apt.2 (two levels down) who looked like Jinichi Kawakami posing for a young single guy who was never cleaning and smoking the stinkiest cigarettes (natural tobaco, not treated for burning faster like most brands). There i found out for the first time of the existence of ninja dojos in the US.

The woman who lived at nr.6 (right under) left after one week (came back at times). I forgot where she said she was moving. The apartment was vacated for a long time, more that a year. Then the short old man with the green van moved in. He lived there for about 6 months. On June 6 2011 i took this picture.
And this one on July 2nd the same year.

I think he left in September that year. That was after they poured asphalt on street. Because the day after he dragged me into a short conversation.

What was about him. As you can see from the first picture he was handling some high tech tools. Sometimes at night i head what i though him was chiseling, maybe the walls.

After him i remember Christina Minnis moving in there. Found the name on a site that gives you names of neighbors and googled and found this.

She was wanted in Texas for some minor offenses and she found shelter here. However, she was living in that dump with a guy (i forgot his name now), black, who was working for a British company, somewhere in Downtown Portland.

She found a job here in Portland at David Killer Bread. I remember the day when Dave Dahl, the owner, was arrested. A few days later they started the bathroom fan downstairs and was on until December 2014.

They had a dog probably she dog, probably sick cause it was actually crying every they after they left in the morning.

Story is much longer. To make it short, today i figured the purpose for that fan to be on for so long was to pump in the floor (or their ceiling) and into our apartment the same stuff they pump in here for more than a year now or since i heard upstairs the same chiseling sound, December 2019 and then i heard the dog making the same crying sound as the one down stairs more than 6 years ago. That is litter dust. When those neighbors moved in spring, i saw the woman carrying a small dog in a pouch at her chest, like a baby. Both dogs were probably sick, probably infected with some parasite that eliminates in the feces and ended up in the dust that gets in here, that gives me the same symptoms and probably.

This summer upstairs moved a woman who looked like a Japanese actress. They also had a dog and they had a portable AC in the kitchen area vibrating the walls and floors and allowing litter dust to get into the walls and from there in here. The current neighbor does not have a dog but a cat and uses only one "in wall" heater, in the dining area or about the same area where the AC was and for that reason (the others are off) it runs a lot, that also vibrates, in about the same area.

Last night i covered more holes and cracks in the laundry closet area because after cleaning for many days it started to stink after i used the washer and drier yesterday which shook the walls and more stuff came in. But i believe somebody was in here last night and took out of the sealed bag an old injector (forgotten from Nissan) that today started to stink to mask the hole story.

Both stinking places are responsible for creating and maintaining my diabetes.

The woman at Apt.9 driving a blue Jeep reminds me now of Christa Jacobson. After her in that apartment moved in a guy who resembled Andrei Postelnicu whom i saw last time the day before he went missing in Florida. In the spring of 2014 i believe Bill Cosby moved in there.

The apartment nr.7, next wall, slightly below, had a chimney. I believe this is where the smoke came from. When i moved in here the smoke didn't get out of our clothes until i washed them at least 5 times each. I believe in there at times was a woman from Hungary, Nora Gorbe.

I once called Lake Oswego Police. The guy who came, Sergeant Sparkle, was looking exactly like the President of Hungary, János Áder.

One more thing. The more i look at Jim McNeeley's face the more i think he looks like the old man who moved lately at Sussex in the apartment under. I don't know, it's been more than ten years. I think it was around 2007 when he came. He parked some sort of old RV vehicle and had it parked there for a long time. Then he got an old car. Lately he put a blanket in kitchen's window and i think he was not airing and cleaning a lot and the whole place started to stink.
To be continued (having a break).

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Stealing in - What? in progress...
In Thought ... (3020466221).jpg
I bet this is what this "thinking chimpanzee" from Wikipedia is thinking about. Is Ninjutsu a real thing?

Since they have at least one manual published on paper and on internet, and dojos accross the US, it must be real.

But let's first try to analyze two different expressions from Japanese language. 忍者 = shinobi no mono (ninja) and 神心神眼 = shin shin shin gan.

Here is the common translation of these expressions with Google Translate. And here is the answer to a lucky google search which will let me to later pass to the second one. The syntagm 忍者 can be read or pronounced in two different ways. Shinobi no mono and ninja. In the two expressions the transliteration shin or shinobi appears 3 times represented with 3 different kanji and having 3 different meanings each time. Trying to emphasize here the closenes of pronounciation of the kanji 忍 (shinobi), 神 (shin = God or deity) and 心 (shin = heart which separately pronounces kokoro, note a strange resemblance with some latin languages).

I've been also lucky enough to find and "steal in" an online pdf version of the Bansenshukai, the manual i was talking about. Title is translated as "The Book of Ninja". In the manual the expression "steal in" appears 14 times. The expression "stealing in" appears 5 times and the word oral (from kuden or oral traditions appears 247 times).

At page 31 of the pdf in the Introductory Notes of this book there is a reference to Chapter I, Correct Mind that says "a soft and weak person will become hard and strong, an evil-minded person will become loyal and a stupid person will become wise. With justice, courage and wisdom, there is no way you cannot ‘steal in’.

Beyond the obvious contradiction within the phrase itself, this is a good example of what ninjutsu is all about. "Stealing in", or infiltrating. But there is also a whole chapter named "Art of lock picking" which actually teaches you the old art of entering and breaking or physical stealing, mostly documents and other important objects.

Since i'm here i also should mention, by looking at the Content of the book, the existence of three chapters about "open disguise" which are believe are at the basis of what we see today about all public persons in all countries being actually ninja and also 5 chapters on infiltration.

I lost most of the day and all the inspiration trying to find a workaround about a bug or a protection within the pdf file so i can put links to pages (could not link to comments) and i've also been lucky to find that by chance.

There are a number of active school of ninjutsu. Of them one is Togakure-ryū (School of the Hidden Door, the name is suggestive, i think by personal experiences, no door can stand between you and yout guarding ninjas). One of the main purposes declared in the Wikipedia page of this school of ninja is achieving 神心神眼 = shin shin shin gan, literally God's eye and mind.

What is that. From the same personal experiences, is a way of picking your opponent's or subject's emotions, from a distance or from behind a wall and with combining with knowing his actions in every minute learn to know him so intimately that at some point you can actually know him better than himself and/or predict and/or heavily influence his thoughts and actions. I think it can go all the way to a point where i believe we can start calling this... Stealing one's mind. For what purpose. Obviously for using him for stealing others' minds. be continued...

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Mărirea alocațiilor, pe ordinea de zi

Încă jumătate de oră în labirinturile kafkiene ale site-ul Camerei Deputaților și Senatului și în hățișurile luptei intestine inter-partinice pe urma legilor și ordonanțelor în legătură cu dublarea alocației. Între timp pasărea Spin a început să cânte și-a intrat în drepturi vestind primăvara, vara, nu știu, va vesti câteva luni de acum înainte, ceea ce face aproape imposibil să mă gândesc la ceva.

Anul trecut pe 19 decembrie Parlamentul a aprobat o lege care a fost promulgată de Iohannis pe 14 ianuarie. În aceeași zi a fost introdus la Camera Deputaților proiectul Legii Bugetului de Stat pe 2020 al Guvernului Orban. În anexa 3, punctul 20 putem vedea bugetul Ministerului Muncii, ca parte integrantă din Bugetul de Stat. La pagina 32 la "Asistența sociala pentru familie și copii" este prevăzută suma de 12.938.206.000 lei. Dacă împărțim această sumă la 3,6 milioane de copii (câți sunt în România sub 18 ani, conform Strategiei Bugetare Fiscale a Guvernului) și la 12 luni aflăm exact suma de 300 de lei. De remarcat, din aceeași pagină 32, că o sumă asemănătoare a fost alocată și "preliminată" pe 2019, deși alocațiile au fost 150 de lei, începând din martie.

Ok, a dat norocul peste mine și pasărea Spin a încetat. Deși au trecut atâția ani de când o aud, nu reușesc să-mi amintesc dacă anii trecuți a început progresiv, câte jumătate de oră pe zi și a ajuns la peste 8 ore când s-a încălzit mai bine (de fapt erau cam 2-3 grade C și întunerec când a început).

Înapoi în labirint. Pe 16 ianuarie vine Orban și trântește o ordonanță pentru a încerca să amâne aplicarea acestei legi, și vă las pe dvs. să trageți concluziile în legătură cu scopul acestei ordonanțe. (Continuarea genocidului împotriva poporului român și implementarea "viziunii" conducătorilor României, de pe aceeași pagină 157 din Strategie prin reducerea populației prin descurajarea nașterilor). Aflăm textul acestei ordonanțe din link-ul de pe fișa actului pe pagina Senatului (Apăsați pe L2/2020).

Ordonanța începe cu argumentul "Având în vedere necesitatea încadrării in limita de deficit bugetar, instituita prin reglementari europene (Sistemului European de Conturi - deficit ESA), care nu trebuie sa depășească 3% din PIB"

Cu toate acestea în aceeași Strategie amintită mai sus (la pagina 7 din pdf) este scris că deficitul în anul 2020 va fi 3,39%. Nu pot să nu spun aici că din calculele mele folosind datele din Legile Bugetului, deficitul depășește 5%. Însă datele din aceste anexe sunt aberante, cu niște cheltuieli fantastice la unele ministere (Agricultură, Transporturi, Muncii, altele) totalizând sute de miliarde care nu știe nimeni unde se duc.

Aflu acum că nu pot pune link la o pagină de pe site-ul Senatului cu procesul legislativ al unei legi. Singurul mod e să apăsați pe L2/2020 care se află pe pagina deschisă de ultimul link de mai sus.

Ce se află mai interesant pe această pagină. Un termen pentru primarea raportului de la Comisia de Muncă. (Clic pe poză pentru a o mări).
Astăzi am reușit să aflu numărul Procesului Legislativ PL-x 10/2020 pentru aceeași lege care a ajuns, după ce a fost respinsă de Senat, în Camera Deputaților. Printr-o căutare google.

Legea se află în stadiul trimiterii la Comisia Pentru Muncă. De data asta nu avem nici un termen. De aceea legea se află pe ordinea de zi a Camerei Deputaților de cel puțin 2 zile (am văzut-o și ieri). Se așteaptă acel raport.

Cel puțin pentru mine aici la capătul lumii pagina cu ordinea de zi a Camerei Deputaților îmi intră foarte greu. De aceea am încărcat versiunea pdf a ordinii de zi pe contul meu gratuit de google.

Iată cum arată raportul pentru legea precedentă, pe care Orban a încercat s-o amâne prin Ordonanța 2/2020. Probabil similar ca nivel de complexitate cu raportul pe care Camera Deputaților îl așteaptă în fiecare zi cu legea pe ordinea de zi. Zilele astea, cândva, vom vedea pentru ce așteaptă 3,6 milioane de copii.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Take it Down

I took my love, I took it down

I climbed a mountain and I turned around

And I saw my reflection in the snow-covered hills

'Till the landslide brought me down

Oh, mirror in the sky, what is love?

Can the child within my heart rise above?

Can I sail through the changing ocean tides?

Can I handle the seasons of my life?

Well, I've been afraid of changing

'Cause I've built my life around you

But time makes you bolder

Even children get older

And I'm getting older too

Well, I've been afraid of changing

'Cause I've built my life around you

But time makes you bolder

Even children get older

And I'm getting older too

Oh, I'm getting older too

Oh, take my love, take it down

Oh, climb a mountain and turn around

And if you see my reflection in the snow-covered hills

Well the landslide will bring it down

And if you see my reflection in the snow-covered hills

Well the landslide will bring it down, oh oh

The landslide will bring it down

Thursday, February 6, 2020


Normally i would wait to refine more these ideas but i believe many are asking themselves right now the same questions and also i want to release some of the emotion that is chocking me right now respect to what if found out today.

Following is what i know so far and i will keep in mind when i start digging or maybe find something accidentally while searching for something else which happens a lot online.

Templars are not realy masons but associated with Freemasonry and are said to be a fraternal and military organization (this reminds me of SEAORG, a branch of Scientology).

De Molay, as i first thought when i first heard the name pronounced, before seeing it written, suggests demolition or the opposite of building as the masons claim to be (re-builders of the Universe, whatever, but in oder to rebuild you have to demolish first, right?). There is an association of De Molay with the skull and bones. Which brings to for comparing with Hindu Godess Kali and also the cycle of destruction/creation or death/rebirth present in most religions.
Word temple has dual meaning, both as Solomon's Temple and part of human skull. (Note here first mentions of Freemasonry in China are way older than the Temple of Solomon).

It appears there is more than a linguistic connection between the esoteric practices of Kabbalah and Kapala and ancient Egyptian word Ka (soul). How about the sanskrit noun kapata, which is usually associated with the result of any traveling magic show?

De Molay was burnt at the stake suggesting he was at least been suspected of sorcery.

Or so goes the legend, to keep the "brothers" motivated to do what they did, at least until the French Revolution, execution of Louis XVI.

If so, could it have had anything to do with this


Once or twice in my life i was warned about the Templars but, for some reason, kept ignoring them.

Wouldn't have known about kapala if it wasn't for Japanese kappa resembling a turtle (the back of a turtle bears a resemblance with a human skull or kapala). Kappa plays an important role in Japanese mithyology.