Thursday, October 28, 2021

October 28

6:18 After taking Angela to work i went for a short walk in the park (to help eliminate some of the alcohol in my my sytem). In the dark parking lot there was something moving and waited until she came under light and i saw there was a woman with a dog. They were two cars i met on the street, and both at the stop sign, when they slow down. When i came back i picked a few items from the red chips, i know there is a dog poo somewhere but just can't find it within the leaves and inside is smelling like dog and mold.

6:38 Curious to see how Hungarian women look like, seen by one of their painters?

6:45 Searching for a face. Here's a preview. First walk upstairs. I feel nauseated by the dog smell. Did i tell i found last night another mat in the "no dumping" place and took it next to the garbage bin?

6:49 Ce mai fac politicienii când nu sunt în știri? Astăzi, Crin Antonescu. Altădată cap de afiș, președinte interimar pentru o lună în locul lui Băse, astăzi mai știe cineva de el? Tulcea, my (dog smelling) a...

8:05 He went once to the car before he left. A mixture of cigarette smoke and dust came in. Got to hose the stairs.

8:42 Hosed the stairs, lots of dust already got inside, contaminated the fridge. Used the rack and gathered the leaves in suspected areas. Found at least one piece of dog poo, as the leaves where smelling. More nausea. Threw away three 13 gallons sacks of wet leaves (about 50 pounds in total). Got to go in Hillsboro Auto Wrecking need to check with google maps first.

8:44 Divele și politicienii ce (se) mai pozează așa. Looks clear.

6:13 Good news. I was able to pick the wheel at Hillsboro Auto Wrecking. For that, i did a total of 78 miles, accompanied, as usually by all kinda crazy drivers, which made it much more difficult, though there was no wind and the truck was not drifting any more.

The wheel looked intact but it had some abrasions around the rim in the area of contact with the tire from removing the tire with a tool at a "slightly different" angle. I borrowed some fine 400 sandpaper from the shop and sanded those out, otherwise i think it could have leaked. Used a water hose and some toilet paper to clean the dust i made and any dirt inside as it could damage the valve.

Here next to the old one. I also used coarser sandpaper to remove the cutting edges of the damaged area (forget to take a picture before, still got some visible cracks) so the tire won't be damaged in the transfer process. At the tire shop i was watching the process of transferring the tire when a delivery van or something backed up in my direction (after an Asian woman came to watch as well her vehicle) but i got pulled out of the way by one of those (Russian) guys from the shop, that was conveniently located 2 buildings away from where my car is.

Good news. They will bring the car inside and start working at by the end of the week (as promised). I also was directed to move the car out of the puddle on a dry area.

Bad news. Crashed with hunger and instead of using google maps i just used google (keep forgetting) and it took me to a Carl's Jr about 10 miles away. The jack i used to lift the car had a "blocked" piston, and had to interrupt the work of the man to have it unblocked. After replacing the wheel (had the spare in its place) i took the borrowed tools inside, including the compressed air hose for the impact wrench. While doing so i touched with the dirty hose that was in the puddle a freshly clear coated car. It did not damage the paint but after wiping it out with a rag, it lost the "freshly painted" shine. I showed it to the man, he said that area will be buffed anyways because right on top of it they were drops of clear coat that "tricked" during the coating job, that need to be sanded and buffed out, which they did right after. I also saw a very small dent under the shiny coat some 2 feet to the right of that area.

The short 1 ft 1/2 inch wrench that i borrowed, with a pipe as extension to torque the lug nuts that yesterday was working, today it looked damaged, looks like the spring in the clicking mechanism was broken.

Just remembered something. I tried to torque the lug nuts on the right front (where i did the axle that BTW is again not fully torqued, didn't have the tool) with the same improvisation, wrench/pipe, the ones i torqued again with the only short wrench but they seemed over torqued. Need to check those again tomorrow, borrow a torque wrench from O'Reilly's.

Good news. I slept about one hour right before i wrote here, on top of the 5 last night. Bad news. Got awakened by the TV upstairs.

7:28 I thought alcohol in bread is the reason for this Jewish ritual. Alcohol in bread is bad news for recovering alcoholics. 200 gr of bread may contain up to 3.8 grams of alcohol or the equivalent of 1/3 of a liquor shot or 100 ml of light beer. How about children, drivers?

8:30 Las' că vine generalul Nicolae Ciucescu și pune armata pe ei. Cum care armată? Aia de mercenari profesioniști (ca a lui Mihai Viteazu) (or fi și ăia tot actori?).

9:19 This guy looks familiar. Pretty much like this one.

1015 Unknown Hungarian actress seen through the lens of one of their own photographers. What man? Is there a man in the picture as well? Can't see any man.
11:09 Since driving the car in the shop's lot seems to be a big issue, i just applied for a trip permit, effective seven days from now (November 4), though i don't know when the car is going to be ready.

11:38 Cu sau fără "guvern" în România, nici o diferență. Românii plătesc în continuare impozite pe salarii, TVA, taxă pe profit (cel mai mare act al guvernelor), iar bugetul (aceste taxe adunate plus ceva împrumuturi, în total 400 miliarde lei/anual) curge în continuare liniștit pe apa sâmbetei.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

October 27

5:35 After i came from Eaton, i noticed everything smelling like fresh mold in here. I looked outside from the door, didn't see anything, took a walk, i found one empty beer can in a place nobody would throw one, and an energy drink empty can under a bush. My eyes then fell on the window upstairs, i saw the man fully dressed, at 5 AM, though he doesn't go anywhere. He even started a few squeaks when i got back inside.

2:12 Got a damaged alloy wheel on my "new" Elantra. After investigating, this is what i found out. 150-175 to fix it, 319 a new OEM one, 134 aftermarket, 159 remanufactured and 100 used from junkyard. I think a good used is my best option, as fixing, remanufactured or aftermarket may be potentially dangerous. Need to drive all the way to Hillsboro Auto Wrecking, some 25 miles.

7:48 Abbas the II of Egypt. Last ottoman ruler of post Mamluck Egypt.

8:47 Got to steal (in) your heart away...

10:53 I pursued and she withdrew,...

11:32 Mijloace militare...

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

October 26

5:10 Angela is doing overtime today, she went at 5. When i got back, though i didn't make any noise, he awoke and started the drier...

7:40 Back with a vengeance, keeping me awake since 5, second load of laundry, ignoring the fact the dryer is broken, doubled by a walking robot with a feedback on my brain, squeaking and stomping.

7:53 BTW Have you seen the latest from Boston Dynamics?

9:58 I thought it was condensation water in his dryer's exhaust pipe and tried to insert a piece of PCV tubing attached to a pump (i had it to vacuum the oil from old Elantra's manifold) through the vent, however i didn't pull any water. I remember the problem with his drier started in spring, not in winter. Most likely it's clogged with lint and there's nothing i can do about (or maybe vacuum it with a vacuum hose). I remember, after a couple of weeks i fixed  those pipes, like shown in the post linked, they came with some rotary tools and cleaned the pipes. By the end i was done i saw a "woman" climbing stairs in building D who from behind looked like the handy "woman".

10:55 She looks like a woman i see sometimes smoking on the alley here.

Monday, October 25, 2021

October 25

12:01 Is this guy again Tom Cruise? Raising his visible hand for balance because he's got something heavy in the other?
On my way to Lincoln City i stopped to get gas at Spirit Mountain. Mileeage was 23, after i found what i found loose and fixed again the battery connectors. A few miles after, i had this paranoya about not closing the gas cap, so i stopped to check but guess what. On the left side, there was this fire like ten others i encountered before, filling the whole road from Tualatin to the beaches with smoke on almost all 80 miles trip. I lowered the window and grabbed the phone to take a picture, but this angry guy, together with another one not caught in the picture carryin a chain saw started to walk towards me and when he crossed the road i gave him the finger (for polluting) and then i took off.
Here are some other pictures i took on the beach today, during a large storm.
4:39 In California, when it rains, it pours...

Picture from Depoe Bay, Oregon.
6:43 The guy upstairs is back and doing laundry at 6 AM... 6:45 Walking, smoking, editing, influencing what i'm thinking, what ninja did best in the last 1000 years...

7:23 Was thinking. The man upstairs maybe "was in rehab" or something and now "he relapsed". Right now there is so much smoke in here i opened all windows and it's still too much. Maybe he's pumping smoke in the basement with the drier. Leaving in the park and coming back later when he's done with drying, but "the drier doesn't work" and he will keep doing this all day...

7:57 Smoke was off for a while and it came back though i have three filters on in the living and both windows open.

8:18 During the peak of the smoke, it was quiet upstairs. Now it started to squeek again. Outside now it smells like garden smoke so i shut all windows and put a mask on and now trying to get more sleep.

11:32 Was flooded with his laundry vapor and woke up after half hour of sleep. Got a bitter taste in my mouth, probably from the smoke that was coming actually from a hole near the living wall outside (under the siding). Have to drive 20 miles to take a complete set of pictures under the car.

11:36/9:36 Ultima dată când România a avut prim ministru general (mareșal, whatever, altul decât interimatul lui Ciucă 7-23 decembrie 2020) a fost pe timpul lui Antonescu. Cine nu cunoaște istoria, riscă să o repete. A și a mai fost unul, dar nu prim ministru ci președinte. Timp de 24 de ani.

2:09 Here at the apartment there was so much smoke today even the squirels got high and lost their fear to humans... 

6:51 I believe kids outside are yelling because they're high from smoke... Can barely breath in here. Interestingly, when there's smoke, there's no walking upstairs and when there isn't, there's squeaks.

6:57 It rained in California ok, but not nearly enough. Average yearly rainfall in California is 21 inches, in some places this storm alone brought half of it. But let's hope, the rain season is only at its beginning.

9:11 Went outside and stepped on the numerous soft areas and the smoke subsided.

10:31 Just figured something. The 600 pounds rated fishing magnet that i just bought hoping is going to help me fix the dents in the car is dangerous.

10:40 Noi în anul 2000...

Sunday, October 24, 2021

October 24

1:00/3:00 Singurul motiv pentru care l-au băgat pe ăsta în știri (deja vu de atâtea ori) este că aduce cu primul nostru înotător nominalizat. Niște pixeli care spală alți pixeli, asta e. Însă... nu cumva... Otoniel, Ionel?...

1:07/3:07 Dacia a parcurs un drum lung până aici, dar în final au făcut-o prea bună și nu mai ajunge și la români.

3:13 Buzzers kinda work, moles don't come too much near the building, however, i see small areas with wet soil and when i step on those the smoke (or mold smell) inside subsides. There is at least one new dog poo, i can smell it. This stuff is evolutionary, is so powerful that it stinks even when it rains like right now.

3:17 Someone is definitely upstairs, though stuff in the car at that spot has not been touched yet...

3:28 Analysis of drive axle tells failure didn't happen very long ago. It was the little the car was driven by me and by the towing guy, at most one quart of a mile that created a small abrasion that has no depth, from the axle that was wobling and hitting something. 3:55/5:55 Situația cu profesorii mei din liceu e probabil generalizată în România și nu numai, în mediul universitar probabil toți din vârfuri sunt din ăștia, doctori, ingineri, profesori, decani etc.. Asta ar explica stagnarea, de decenii, din toate domeniile.

4:10 Just remembered something, Angela found in the mail today the missing bill from a credit card, the one that was supposed to be paid before 10th of this month. She figured this one in time, did not miss the payment, she's planning on following those more closely. Most likely, a doubling of the delayed delivery with FedEx (ingannare).