Wednesday, March 9, 2022

March 9

1:17 There is a grey Toyota with tinted windows and aftermarket exhaust that passes from time to time. When the guy upstairs does not make noises to get me mad while i try to read certain news, that car passes by making a big noise, like right now at 1:15 AM.

1:21/11:21 Dacă așa arată Mariupol, un oraș pe cale de evacuare, probabil că celelalte arată mult mai bine. Am văzut până acum câteva poze cu ruine, de jos, așteptam să văd poze de sus, de ansamblu. Nu sunt poze cu sute de tancuri sau avioane distruse. Nu sunt poze cu grămezi de cadavre. Ascultați ce spun eu, ăștia nu se bat pe bune, așteaptă alți fraieri să facă vreo prostie ca să sară pe ei. Imre Babics, aka papagalul de la Cotroceni a făcut deja primii pași.

1:44 AM Smoke was slowly building up in here. I went to plug the holes, however, a woman (short, Asian) passing very slowly through the alley, with a phone in her hand, stopped to stare at me. A first. (they don't dispatch their own people when there's smoke). I went inside and then she left, and went back to finish. It also smell like fresh poop and lately they leave very small ones, can't find them at night. Picture taken earlier today, a new, strong mole came in the area.

2:24/12:24 Mda, gândiți-vă ce se întâmplă cu una din astea dacă e lovită de o rachetă în caz de război. Sau dacă se defectează partea de răcire.

2:52 Place filled with smoke again, found new mounds, tried to take a picture but it didn't come out. I plugged the holes, came back inside, let the door open to air, three very noisy cars passed since.

8:04 Am scris despre luptătorii de sumo care fac copiii să plângă...

Nu am văzut niciodată o avalanșă de minciuni până acum... Orice știre în România demonizează pe ruși. Un exemplu, maternitatea din Mariupol. În funcție de "sursă" maternitatea din Mariupol are 2 sau 3 etaje, are sau nu are geamuri, etc.. Cred că în realitate de vorba de clădirea Consiliului Local unde probabil se afla un centru de comandă, clădire care are inclusă și o maternitate, probabil pe partea cealaltă și care a fost probabil afectată de explozie. Oare cum poate cineva să mai fie normal după ce vede atâtea minciuni? Nimic, nimic de care să te agăți.

8:32 Am scris ieri despre "bărbatul" de la etaj.

Bursele europene au crescut ieri între 2,6 și 7%, în SUA peste 2,5% până acum, în urma acestei știri care însă nu apare la noi.

8:47 Așa arată o maternitate din Ucraina în 2017. Oare câți ani are mama?

11:42/9:42 Putin: Infrastructura militară a Ucrainei a fost practic distrusă. Ministerul Apărării: Unele din avioanele de luptă ale Ucrainei au fost relocate pe teritoriul României (a spus cu mai mult de 24 ore în urmă, se vede mai jos în această căutare, atalayar dot com).

1:41/11:41 Ce nevoie ar avea ucrainenii de avioane poloneze dacă le au pe-ale lor în România, așa cum spune Conishenkov?

1:55 O minune, cu ajutorul regiei de platou.

4:13 Figured something, have to write it here before i forget. No, two things. With the  blowers, 3. Talking about chasing spirits, fighting spirits with noise. Today for the first time this year they mowed the grass in the back. Did it grow yet? Noise inside at times in excess of 70dB for about one hour. They synced with us eating, of course.  The freshly cut grass will feed the worms and their population with again explode bringing in more moles. The car. Last time after i went to Ilany the voltage won't go back to 14.6 no matter how much i cleaned and tightened the connectors (something changed). Still waiting for the golden connector but in the mean time i figured something. If i turn on the lights, there is enough extra current drawn by those to force the alternator to put again 14.6. So the fuel pump is happy, the engine is happy, all i have to do is drive with the lights on all the time. Third and most important, i forgot.

Ok i remembered just browsing through the opened tabs and finding last search. It was important. Why do cats spit. Actually they don't, the way humans do, but they do expel saliva when hissing. Anybody's guess?

If you watch the video you won't see that cat hissing but i bet it does. And the bear retreats. Last resort, with its enormous power the bear shakes the tree. To make some dust fall on the cat of course.

It's the T.gondii. Within minutes, the bear is infected and starts to feel weird and gives up.

Here, bears hissing and pooping while fighting.

4:53 Words also have spirits. For that reason only, the characters must keep something from their old name. Examples. Doja - Tsuji, Harris - Halle Berry, Blinken - Balint etc..

8:46/6:46 Tâmpenii. România, sub asediu de către politicieni (nu termină niciodată). Moment ales ca să vă ia mintea de la problemele curente. Sau ca să le accentueze. Firma Last Energy nu are nici măcar pagină de Wikipedia. Tot ce am găsit în legătură cu aceasta este un articol scris de un japonez. Acest tip de centrale Open100 sunt considerate și în SUA "foarte controversiale". Dacă fac clic pe link-ul Last Energy din primul paragraf din articol, mă duce la un site Open100 care are pagină Wikipedia. Open source blue prints pentru centrale nucleare înseamnă ceva de genul Android la telefoane, adică proiectate de voluntari și gratuite pentru firme care vor să le contruiască. Cine e responsabil? Centrale cu apă sub presiune sub 100 MW care nu folosesc turnuri de răcire (Primul reactor de la Cernavodă are 720 MW). Însă e o tâmpenie mare să le construiești în centrul orașelor, așa cum arată poza. E o tâmpenie și mai mare să umpli țara de centrale nucleare. Toată lumea (în afară de Bill Gates) vrea să scape de ele. Să sperăm că la fel ca toate proiectele lor "de țară", nu vor face pașii următori pentru a-l îndeplini. Și că într-o zi vom pune mâna pe toți alogenii alienii. La propriu.

1:23 Am spus că rachetele Kalibr sunt ieftine. Nu știu cât de mult am greșit. Mi se pare normal să fie mult mai ieftine ca un avion, dar mai scumpe decât o bombă de aceeași putere lansată de pe un avion. În acest articol se spune 6 milioane de dolari bucata, cu rezerva exagerării. Cât am dat noi pe un F16? Dar ca să lansezi bomba de pe avion, trebuie să trimiți un avion și un pilot. Racheta Kalibr merge singură, unele versiuni până la 2500 km. La fel ca un Tomahawk, accelerează la 2.9 Mach în apropierea țintei, ceea ce o face "imposibil de interceptat". La un cost de 1-2 milioane pe bucată cât costă probabil să le fabrici, câte poți să cumperi de un miliard de dolari? Se spune că noi am plătit în jur de 4 miliarde de dolari la Raytheon pentru sisteme Patriot (7 baterii, 4 rachete fiecare), care nu pot opri o rachetă Kalibr. Nimic nu poate opri o rachetă Kalibr.

De asemeni rușii mai au Iskander, rachete hipersonice (5.9 Mach) cu rază scurtă (500 km) dar și temutele Zircon, hipersonice cu rază de până la 1000 km. Scutul de la Deveslu (Aegis) și sistemele Patriot nu pot opri nici una din aceste 3 tipuri de rachete. Ele nu pot fi oprite cu nimic.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

March 8

5:41 Se face tot ce este posibil de către toate părțile pentru a extinde conflictul în România, posibil alte țări. Poate e singurul scop real al acestui război. (Și să nu uităm că se apropie 15 martie, ziua națională a Ungariei).

De unde au venit aceste paisprezece elicoptere scăpate de bombardamentele rusești "care au primit aprobare"? Putin a spus că practic toată infrastructura militară a Ucrainei a fost distrusă. Asta în contextul în care...

Dacă au scăpat și hangarele unde unde erau înseamnă că li se putea face mentenanță acolo, de ce le-au riscat ucrainenii, le-au ridicat și le-au adus în România pentru "mentenanță" pe sub nasul rușilor în loc să facă ceva cu ele, ca de exemplu evacuarea civililor? Din moment ce au zburat sute de km, nu erau așa de defecte. Adică vor să spună ei că se consumă 1000 km din resursa de zbor (dus-întors) pentru mentenanță?

E posibil că au venit din altă țară vecină cu Ucraina?

6:40 Dezinformare. Prețurile la stațiile de benzină în SUA au crescut cu 25% numai în ultimele zile, 40% din decembrie. Nevermind.

8:50/6:50 Vorbind de bărbați până la 60 de ani. Anul trecut a fost aniversarea creării primelor chitare Gibson Les Paul SG Standard. Cea mai bine vândută chitară din istoria firmei și probabil din istorie, are gâtul (fretboard) din lemn de cireș indian, corpul din mahon sau vopsit în alb sidef, trei doze pick-up și alte inovații (totuși mai târziu firma a revenit la 2 doze). Cel mai faimos a cărui chitară favorită a fost un Gibson Les Paul Standard a fost bineînțeles marele Garry Moore.

9:54 US to relocate 2 batteries of Patriot missiles to Poland. Raytheon owes Romania 6 batteries that have been payed in advance years ago. Probably will be delivered after the war.

10:16 The "man" homunculus upstairs didn't "go to work today", exposing self to everything that is delivered to me. Dog poop, mole mold which i fought so hard today. At times he intervenes, changing my actions and thoughts, like he had a visual on me and readings on my brain waves. At 10 precisely and earlier today he yelled obscenities and after 10 he hit the floor again yelling obscenities and interrupting my thoughts (i did a load of laundry cause everything in here smells like dirty laundry because of mole mounds and fresh dog poops).

There is a story from WWII saying US employed Navajo language speakers, a language that supposedly has not been charted by German linguists, to transmit informations, though i doubt that it would have been better than a code, because it is a very simple language.

The reason everybody is missing nowadays what these guys are doing in plain sight is because of their way of thinking. It is so shockingly different from ours that it is simply dismissed or ignored. But can we afford to? They are the second or third economy in the world and 100 million souls. They have millions of ninja acting as Mexicans on US territories and probably hundreds of actors as politicians and entertainers, besides noongarians (aka Hungarians, mongols).

The classical example is that of sumo fighters who make babies cry for good luck. But who knows what else.

One thing they are doing. Every time i finish a good match, an ambulance passes by making a big sound.

They probably believe the spirit (kami) of the ambulance manifesting through that sound or the siren is fighting the spirits of my post. Every time i go outside a big sound is issued (an air-horn, a siren or a plane or something else). So far i thought it was an alarm, but i think they are fighting spirits with spirits. Every time i get mad and curse - in my mind - the guy upstairs starts to make noises. But at times he releases dust. 

Everything they do on top of everything else is very disrupting and upsets me sometimes for hours.

Another example is shibari (not Sub R U), or rope hanging culture.

11:13 Double or nothing. I wrote earlier that according to Romanian official media a number  (up to 14) of intact unarmed Ukrainian EC225 helicopters taking big chances came to Romania where they have been manufactured at Airbus Romania in Brasov for... scheduled maintenance,  Those helicopters, according to Putin, should not exist.

Now Russian official media came with something else, quoting... Flightradar, a free site for tracking airplanes around the world. Only trouble is that the plane shown in images flies much faster than a helicopter. If  you click on one of the helicopters shown in Flightradar linked below will see that the helicopters EC145, a much lighter helicopter than EC225 that is used mostly in civilian emergency services.

The Russians who are now all over in Ukraine should have seen those taking off. I think i know why the Russians didn't see those. They probably took off in Bacău, flew a few minutes North (take off direction in an airport is established according to wind direction) and then turned around and turned their transponders on (should wait a minute or so until they appear). But i believe somebody in Bacău must have seen them. NATO and Russian radars must have seen them. However they could have taken off separately and assembled in formation after. Why they flew like that? I don't know whose plane and helicopters where, they could have had an emergency. Ask Raed Arafat, "a Palestinian who chose to remain in Romania as doctor after studies in Romania and became the head of Emergency Situation Directorate or ISU", "because no Romanian could have done it".

No i was wrong. One more clicks and figured the helicopters belonged to National Police of Ukraine.

Da, nu trebuia să spun, poate nu se prindeau rușii să dea încă un clic.

Și avionul din formația de 5 era de fapt tot un elicopter arătat greșit de Flightradar ca un avion. Avioanele nu zboară așa de încet.

Monday, March 7, 2022

March 7

1:48 Dot Niet. A bad idea, that would be however implemented by Putin. Proof that Ukrainians and Russians have something in common. And the fact that both leaders are Hungarians Noongarians.

1:59 Secret to us, probably not to Russian military. I haven't seen so far one single tank destroyed by such an anti-tank missile. What Ukraine needs, needed from the first days is anti-missiles systems. It is obvious by now, "the west" doesn't want Ukraine to resist, they want to generalize the conflict to all ex Soviet block countries so they can hand them back to Russia. Putin's conditions are impossible to fulfill on short term, to change the constitution a referendum is required. But who can predict what will be the outcome of such referendum?

10:10/8:10 Se spune că România a plătit în avans cel puțin 4 miliarde de dolari pentru rachete Patriot. Oare este o întâmplare faptul că acest conflict ne-a prins înainte ca ele să fie livrate (în afară de o baterie? la Midia)? Mă uit la această poză. O baterie cu 4 rachete. Dar am înțeles că rușii au lansat multe rachete în Ukraina. De câte baterii am avea nevoie? Sistemele israeliene Iron Dome au mai mult de 4 rachete.

De ce a fost instalat scutul Aegis Ashore (partea de luptă anti-aeriană a unui distrugător) tocmai la Deveselu? Distanța de operare a radar-ul faimosului scut este de maximum 310 km. În cazul ideal în care funcționează (scutul de la Deveselu nu se poate apăra pe sine însuși de rachete Kalibr sau Isander), cât timp trece din momentul în care o rachetă agresoare a fost prinsă pe radar până când este interceptată? De ce avem un prim ministru general (ceva ce arată agresivitate) care seamănă cu un înotător para-olimpic (cerebral palsy) ungur?

Rachetele Kalibr zboară la o altitudine foarte mică (50-150 m). Ce sisteme există împotriva lor? Chiar și aceste sisteme Phalanx care de fapt sunt niște mitraliere cu cadență mare și radar care pot asigura în condiții ideale o apărare pe o rază de poate 1 km, din cauza altitudinii de zbor foarte joasă a rachetelor Kalibr. Radarul de la Deveselu operează la altitudini mari. Practic ar trebui un Phalanx pentru fiecare obiectiv de apărat. Există vreun Phalanx în  România, măcar la Deveselu?

Iskander, celelalte rachete folosite de ruși în Ucraina sunt rachete hipersonice cu rază scurtă de până la 500 km, care zboară de 2 ori mai repede decât Patriot. Teoretic, ar putea fi oprite de acestea, dacă au timp să le detecteze și să se pună practic în fața lor.

Concluzie. România, probabil nici o altă țară nu este pregătită să facă față rachetelor Kalibr iar sistemele Patriot, chiar dacă ar fi prezente, nu ajută cu acest tip de rachete. Rachetele Kalibr sunt practic niște bombe cu motor și aripioare (și sisteme de ghidare mă rog) care zboară orizontal la altitudine mică, aproape imposibil de oprit, sunt ieftine și pot fi fabricate în cantități foarte mari.

Dezinformare. Tot felul de politologi la fără frecvență încearcă să ne dea o falsă încredere. Rusia a folosit toate trupele mobilizate în Ucraina, etc..

10:42 Air quality index in  Tualatin is 87. There is chocking smoke inside. Yesterday when i drove on 18 i saw numerous agricultural fires putting out thick smoke and the wind is not blowing. Also intense dog poop smell.

1:28/11:28 Bărbații între 50 și 60 de ani vor forma o divizie specială de artilerie autopropulsată completată cu comandouri din Vaslui condusă de Petre Roman, numită "Bășinoșii", rezolvând astfel și problema gazelor rusești.

5:24/3:24 De câte ori spun că Putin este un fost luptător de judo, cu aceeași înălțime, din Ungaria, cu nume, culmea... ucrainean (decedat la Londra în 2008, în metrou, cu fața desfigurată de acid și lovituri de cuțit, ca să nu poată fi recunoscut cadavrul) apare o știre de genul. Danileț însuși este un actor de pantomimă din Ungaria, aici în poză cu cea care a făcut-o pe Viorica Dă-n cilă.

11:39/9:39 Tipul ăsta era în mașina din poza de mai jos și m-a hărțuit pe stradă duminică seara. Întâi a simulat că mă lovește din spate, după care am tras pe dreapta, el s-a oprit la un semafor pe banda din mijloc simulând că o ia la stânga, după care a venit iar în spatele meu, etc.. Până la urmă am intrat la o stație de benzină după care nu l-am mai văzut. Poza făcută la 5:31 PM, Hilsboro, Oregon PDT. Dar seara, ziua mea nu a mai fost la fel, după. Mă uitam tot timpul în oglindă să văd dacă nu apare el, altul, etc..

Sunday, March 6, 2022

March 6

9:21 Who is in control of NATO? NATO is a very loose treaty, the only binding part is Article 5 which is really vague. However it is clear NATO is a democratic institution and Blinken cannot give orders to NATO countries, though he can make metaphoric suggestions. Not even Kamala Harris can give orders to NATO. Not even Biden.

Countries following Blinken's suggestion may get in trouble and people should read the Article 5 carefully before making up their minds. Haven't heard in the news of any meeting or decision of the Security Council. As i said, i suspect this war may be a trap for NATO countries like Romania who don't really have a military force, not even like Ukraine. Probably the only reason Romania was accepted in NATO.

Who is Blinken and Putin? Two Hungarians, a poet and a judo fighter. After the main purpose of the pandemic failed, and that was to make people forget who is in charge of all positions in the whole world, they organized a fake war.

They educated people in Russia for decades or centuries to accept an autocratic power, where people believe that men in charge like Putin can do whatever they want. But what happens if an adventurer gets in power at Kremlin? In the West, people have been educated to accept adventurers as leaders who never agree with each others, who can make suggestions that to some may resemble orders but they never have to kind of power Putin has.

10:45 I wrote yesterday about Spirit Mountain Casino having over 1000 security cameras for a number of approx. 24500 machines and a similar rate of occupancy. They have several free soda machines, and you can get water whenever you want at one of the machines. I don't know and don't care how many cameras are at Ilany where i've been last night, but they have an occupancy rate of 10000 and there's only one soda machine where you can get sparkling water, and  that one is now attended and if you go there you get to talk to an unknown, masked person who can start a whole conversation or you can ask again the floating attendants who carry small bottles of free water (looking for tips of course) but those are not easy to find, especially when you need one. Or, you can adventure yourself and go to the bar and stand there again next to many unknown masked persons and ask there for water. They were times when they had water fountains and barrels with water bottles everywhere but those times are now gone. Some could stay i should have stayed home but there are only so many days one can stay put in a place like this. This morning i had about half hour of loud exhaust idling, and there is a guy coughing his lungs out in the next apartment. Slammed doors, barking dogs and children yelling almost all the time. And the guy upstairs of course.

4:05 I don't know if anybody noticed this declaration of Putin, featured in eastern countries like China and India. One of the major objectives of Putin in Ukraine has been achieved.

So much for Poland or anybody giving planes to Ukraine. Like in the case of Afghanistan, where Taliban where taking for a spin US abandoned planes, Ukraine though they might have trained pilots, they can't really use them more than one mission or two, after which they will need of course maintenance and they don't have any capacity left, even if they had the maintenance facility for the exact same variants of (Soviet) planes Poland has. So Poland will need to maintain those unless there will shortly become useless.

The other major Russian objective is recognition of annexation of Ukraine. But what will Putin do, stay in Ukraine until that happens? Honestely, never heard in the whole recent (20th century and beyond) of a war for "demilitarization purposes" or a war to get an annexation of a territory recognized.

Putin apparently has been using oil money to get new missile systems, that BTW do not seem so performant since they can bee seen flying cruising over the cities of Ukraine.

But if another country like Poland takes the bait, he might get the pretext now he has the momentum to go and try to fully restore Soviet Union. That is before NATO Security Council can or want to meet.

Just to reestablish the post WWII authoritarian order in the eastern Europe Hungary was feeling more comfortable with.

Saturday, March 5, 2022

March 5th

2:30 Can't remember, i think Spirit Mountain Casino has about 2500 machines with a similar max rate of occupancy, for comparison, the newer Ilany, just north of Portland has close to 10000 (but it looks like an industrial installation or a sweat shop in China). The average occupancy at SM is around 1000. So what i'm going to say is going to shock you more. There are over 1000 security cameras at Spirit Mountain, or on average one per customer.

If one would ask him/her self why so many, the answer is certain not for security. For that, about 50 cameras or 20 per customer would suffice.

There is another, much more troubling reason and it has to do with the business itself. I googled earlier, and the number for a strip area Vegas casino is 2000 security cameras.

But wait. One camera does not watch one machine only. When you sit there you are being watched by several cameras, from different angles. Of course, there is nobody behind walls of monitors to do this. Every move or blink of an eye or temperature change is fed to computers and analyzed. They have supercomputers and AI to do the job. And the job is to know how you feel in every second so they know what to throw at you and what to keep.

For those who don't know. Most machines have stop and go buttons. That means, you put in your 5 or 20 b bill and press the button and spend 40c or 60c or one dollar etc. for one hand and then you have a choice. You can press the button again and stop the reels yourself or let the machine stop them for you which takes more time and it's not so much fun. So you watch the reels and press the button when you think you just saw the beginning of a good combination or the end of a bad one or when you feel. Needless to stay, it's just an illusion, the time needed for the reels to stop after you saw and pressed the button is too long and the combinations are unpredictable. But some times they will give it to you nevertheless, to keep the illusion alive. If you start and stop the reels, they will detect when you get too tired to follow and stop and will fill the screen with wilds, before you have time to react and then you will try at least ten more (loosing) hands  until they will give you a small amount. In short it's a game of waiting and analyzing emotions and optimizing how they separate you from your money in the most pleasant way.

Does it have anything to do with gambling? Are the combinations random? (in a reasonable way, theoretically no machine can generate randomness, only God can, but it can be simulated pretty close to).

Of course not, but they invented the Indian territory solution so there is absolutely no legislation or definitions or anything that can regulate what the're doing. But make no mistake, it's no Indians, it's the same sharks that control everything.

7:08 But why media outlets can't verify, they evacuated from Ukraine too? However, they can come up with things like these... Maria of Donbas hits again, under a new zero (90) name...

7:59 Off Piste... Japanese believe not having sex before battle brings one bad luck... But could it work the opposite way... Prevent your enemy from having sex (before all battles) so it will bring him bad luck?

8:08 Could this be the reason they brought the huge rocks in the complex in front of every building? Are those my enemies too? Truth is i don't like them... When they brought them first time i went and knocked on them to see if the're not ninja in disguise. But to this day i'm not sure... The place now gets filled with smoke or mole mold, got to go outside and see. Found a mound around the corner in front of the other apartment (took a picture but it came blurry because i was so nervous and moved the phone (was that tree bonsaied to make it look like a snake?)). Stretched my legs to step on it without getting in front of their window. Came back only to see in disbelief the Mercedes stretching sign on the rear windshield of the floating van, leaving. (The floating van is an old white van with Japanese people inside that on top of everything else moves around the complex and at times is parked in the alley in front of the building. One day i thought they were homeless, but their appearance varies continually according to show needs).

8:38/6:38 Papagalul de pe pârtie planul înclinat... După evaluarea noastră... Nu calculăm.

9:13/7:13 (Pick at you... Cred că încep să devin răutăcios, după ce am stat atât de mult printre ei...)

9:35 Aha. Animated dolls have souls.

1:51 We both slept until now as no more smoke came in today, something that didn't happen in a long long time if ever here at this place. Planning to go to blow the area above filter under grill, as last night i took some pictures with a snake camera and found more "peanuts" as we call them or pieces of dog food remaining after i cleaned that area in November and also some hairs. While searching for the post with that story, one older forgotten story surfaced, that with the grill at the old car (it's good to blog). Now i started to ask myself if they're related (i mean they arranged the car and the auction for me, not a lot of trouble if it's all one single organization). Also this morning someone passed by and put some mineral insulation flakes on the windshield, to create another story, cause i wanted to go somewhere to borrow a hose with compressed air to blow under the grill to remove those few remaining pieces cause they got contaminated by the dead mouse i found in the engine's fan box and the car keeps stinking like a dead animal, making me sick and the smell also propagated lately inside, capisci? BTW now i'm really glad i quit fb cause there there was no ways to put links in the text like this (or do searches like this) which BTW is as easy as selecting the word(s) to click on and, right clicking and pasting the address of the linked page from browser's address box (next to reload button that looks like a recycle sign upper left). But i dread getting in the car again and going to search for a place with compressed air cause now i know why i'm getting sick in the car and ready to vomit and Angela doesn't want to come with me.

4:14 Did you know that you can make one gallon of windshield cleaner with a few ounces of rubbing alcohol and a few drops of liquid soap? Rubbing alcohol will also drop the freezing point. I just did, but with this which also repels water, i removed the grill from the car but my phone's battery was too low to take a picture directly inside that duct, scores of people organizing shows, Japanese models vacuuming cars inside engine compartment for hours, Hungarian kids yelling like crazy or like swallowed alive by giant snakes. But when Angela's long time planned beets soup was ready and i came to eat, the guardian angel upstairs started to flap his wings hit the floor with his hooves. Now a very loud exhaust roaring.