Tuesday, March 8, 2022

March 8

5:41 Se face tot ce este posibil de către toate părțile pentru a extinde conflictul în România, posibil alte țări. Poate e singurul scop real al acestui război. (Și să nu uităm că se apropie 15 martie, ziua națională a Ungariei).

De unde au venit aceste paisprezece elicoptere scăpate de bombardamentele rusești "care au primit aprobare"? Putin a spus că practic toată infrastructura militară a Ucrainei a fost distrusă. Asta în contextul în care...

Dacă au scăpat și hangarele unde unde erau înseamnă că li se putea face mentenanță acolo, de ce le-au riscat ucrainenii, le-au ridicat și le-au adus în România pentru "mentenanță" pe sub nasul rușilor în loc să facă ceva cu ele, ca de exemplu evacuarea civililor? Din moment ce au zburat sute de km, nu erau așa de defecte. Adică vor să spună ei că se consumă 1000 km din resursa de zbor (dus-întors) pentru mentenanță?

E posibil că au venit din altă țară vecină cu Ucraina?

6:40 Dezinformare. Prețurile la stațiile de benzină în SUA au crescut cu 25% numai în ultimele zile, 40% din decembrie. Nevermind.

8:50/6:50 Vorbind de bărbați până la 60 de ani. Anul trecut a fost aniversarea creării primelor chitare Gibson Les Paul SG Standard. Cea mai bine vândută chitară din istoria firmei și probabil din istorie, are gâtul (fretboard) din lemn de cireș indian, corpul din mahon sau vopsit în alb sidef, trei doze pick-up și alte inovații (totuși mai târziu firma a revenit la 2 doze). Cel mai faimos a cărui chitară favorită a fost un Gibson Les Paul Standard a fost bineînțeles marele Garry Moore.

9:54 US to relocate 2 batteries of Patriot missiles to Poland. Raytheon owes Romania 6 batteries that have been payed in advance years ago. Probably will be delivered after the war.

10:16 The "man" homunculus upstairs didn't "go to work today", exposing self to everything that is delivered to me. Dog poop, mole mold which i fought so hard today. At times he intervenes, changing my actions and thoughts, like he had a visual on me and readings on my brain waves. At 10 precisely and earlier today he yelled obscenities and after 10 he hit the floor again yelling obscenities and interrupting my thoughts (i did a load of laundry cause everything in here smells like dirty laundry because of mole mounds and fresh dog poops).

There is a story from WWII saying US employed Navajo language speakers, a language that supposedly has not been charted by German linguists, to transmit informations, though i doubt that it would have been better than a code, because it is a very simple language.

The reason everybody is missing nowadays what these guys are doing in plain sight is because of their way of thinking. It is so shockingly different from ours that it is simply dismissed or ignored. But can we afford to? They are the second or third economy in the world and 100 million souls. They have millions of ninja acting as Mexicans on US territories and probably hundreds of actors as politicians and entertainers, besides noongarians (aka Hungarians, mongols).

The classical example is that of sumo fighters who make babies cry for good luck. But who knows what else.

One thing they are doing. Every time i finish a good match, an ambulance passes by making a big sound.

They probably believe the spirit (kami) of the ambulance manifesting through that sound or the siren is fighting the spirits of my post. Every time i go outside a big sound is issued (an air-horn, a siren or a plane or something else). So far i thought it was an alarm, but i think they are fighting spirits with spirits. Every time i get mad and curse - in my mind - the guy upstairs starts to make noises. But at times he releases dust. 

Everything they do on top of everything else is very disrupting and upsets me sometimes for hours.

Another example is shibari (not Sub R U), or rope hanging culture.

11:13 Double or nothing. I wrote earlier that according to Romanian official media a number  (up to 14) of intact unarmed Ukrainian EC225 helicopters taking big chances came to Romania where they have been manufactured at Airbus Romania in Brasov for... scheduled maintenance,  Those helicopters, according to Putin, should not exist.

Now Russian official media came with something else, quoting... Flightradar, a free site for tracking airplanes around the world. Only trouble is that the plane shown in images flies much faster than a helicopter. If  you click on one of the helicopters shown in Flightradar linked below will see that the helicopters EC145, a much lighter helicopter than EC225 that is used mostly in civilian emergency services.

The Russians who are now all over in Ukraine should have seen those taking off. I think i know why the Russians didn't see those. They probably took off in Bacău, flew a few minutes North (take off direction in an airport is established according to wind direction) and then turned around and turned their transponders on (should wait a minute or so until they appear). But i believe somebody in Bacău must have seen them. NATO and Russian radars must have seen them. However they could have taken off separately and assembled in formation after. Why they flew like that? I don't know whose plane and helicopters where, they could have had an emergency. Ask Raed Arafat, "a Palestinian who chose to remain in Romania as doctor after studies in Romania and became the head of Emergency Situation Directorate or ISU", "because no Romanian could have done it".

No i was wrong. One more clicks and figured the helicopters belonged to National Police of Ukraine.

Da, nu trebuia să spun, poate nu se prindeau rușii să dea încă un clic.

Și avionul din formația de 5 era de fapt tot un elicopter arătat greșit de Flightradar ca un avion. Avioanele nu zboară așa de încet.

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