Friday, November 11, 2022

November 11

11/11 2022 You know it's true!

I knew her since 84 i guess since Angela started to work at CPL Bacău where she was acting as head of the IT department. They were other celebs there like Frida from ABBA, Boy George, etc.. Went to parties, New Years celebrations with her. In early 90 i quit the job as head of CAD department at IMU and went to work in the IT there and she was my boss for about a year LOL. Nothing scary like the video above without make up, uh uh. Yes some of it happened during Ceaușescu.

Would have been there for a long time if some other opera singer who worked (reading newspapers all day) there (the third one in the office) (trying to help himself or her out) didn't trick me in a plot against her. While she was in vacation i started an app for salaries (probably the first and only real time salary app on a mini in Romania) and implemented it while the other guy claimed her place as head of the IT. The man quit, i quit also and went to work independently and she probably went back to Hungary.

I finished that app, sold it to a state firm, then moved it on PC at another state firm, went to work in Italy, for two months and made an extra 1000 dollars, bought a PC, started to do accounting at home but was too burned out (drinking or maybe smoke from neighbors, dog poop like here) and could not learn object oriented or Windows (PC was a 286 anyways) which i finally did at Quadramed but was to sick (probably from dust falling from the false ceiling in there or ceiling at home) and quit after 8 months. However many of my colleagues there were also actors and other celebrities. Probably never had any real school or job in my whole life.

2:08 Bad smoke is back.

5:45 Sam? Bankman? Fried?

7:08 Where women glow and men plunder.

7:11 I started to believe cancer happens when you lose your ever thinning collagen matrix holding cells together in organs and your organism tries to fix it with immortal cells. It's evolutionary survival cause you could have lived longer in times with no surgeries and antibiotics with a cancer than with a hole in your colon. Not easy if not impossible to treat even with this theory because you can't build back your collagen matrix, only replace it with scars and that is if you find the source of collagen eating bacteria in your house made with collagen glue.

Thursday, November 10, 2022

November 10

12:26 Adrienn Zsédenyi

2:35 A fost melodia lui Buggles din 1980 inpsirată la greu din melodia Mica Țiganiadă a lui Phoenix din 1974?

8:55 Went to Lowes to buy something. When i went to the car there was so much smoke i felt like i was about to choke. Not wildfire smoke, smelled like coal smoke. I opened the window later a few hundred ft away near the office and there was no smoke. In the parking lot at Lowes there was smoke, wildfire mixed with something else.

In the store i thought i was high. I pulled my pants that were falling in front of other people like i didn't care. My mind was absent. At the paint department, there was this guy on one of those elevator for the shelves and though he blocked the area, his thing was beeping at 100 dB or something. Among other things, i bought dishwasher detergent that is not antibacterial and regular laundry detergent together with a roll of duck tape.

When i grabbed the detergent there was this Russian looking guy pushing a cart, taking on the phone, like a drug dealer from the movies on CRIME channel (Kokaj, Rockford) i watch these days.

They were no regular checkstands open so i went to the self checkstands. One of the items had a wiped out code and wouldn't scan. A woman taller and bigger than me came and wanted to grab my detergent and asked me to come to the checkstand at the end of the self checking which had no counter. She grabbed my detergent like to scan it, put it down, out of my sight and then she checked everything asking me how my evening was. Didn't feel like much talking. She said: It's about to end? Truth is, i think i was stoned by the smoke at home and in their parking lot.

I went to put my items in the trunk and drove back home. When exiting the lot, almost hit a curb that was in the place where the lane line should have been, unpainted or anything (hard to see, they added lots of them lately). On the freeway i met with a Jackson cistern that pulled on the same exit and then went to the Shell Station on 65th. A black SUV with a guy who was staring at me dead worried at with a regular (out of sequence) LPN saying MPL (Military Police?) kept driving next to the cistern, like protecting it from me.

When i got back home, smoke again. Went to the mailboxes, my pants kept falling. Not much smoke near the mailboxes though. A couple of kids got in my way close to the door.

Ir's so deja vu it makes me sad. It happened so many times before. I call it virtual events. They design around me scenes that are about to happen (but they never did in so many years). Who knows who they contact and what they obtain until those pass.

10:33 Since temperature went down they started to so laundry in the building in a week like they didn't do all summer long. Because the floor gets wet underneath.

I'm so stoned i can't speak, i can hardly type. 

Went outside and plugged a large number of mole holes, because they have to use those to accomplish the prophecy. However the smoke now comes from somewhere else. I went past the south dumpster on the hill where the houses are but the smoke does not come from there. There was this used paper plate in the leaves and threw it in the dumpster and disturbed a raccoon that was probably high like that squirrel at the door that day,

Keep remembering the song i heard on the radio on my way to Lowes. World's smallest violent. Is it supposed to be happy and funny? Never heard a song more stupid before. Wait a minute. The guy in the middle looks like the one driving that MLP SUV.

11:18 Just went outside with my air quality monitor and measured 12 micrograms, which it 4 times better than the AQI site is showing for Tualatin. That coal or sulfur like component i think makes me dizzy is gone now but will take some time for me to recover (if it's not coming back). However i don't understand this map. Where the smoke is coming from? Looking at the weather at KOIN 6 and they won't say a word about the smoke.

11:42 In the year 2000... Was staring daily at this page that hasn't change for almost 3 days now until i read this. It all deep ends on George isn't it. I hope they will make the infrastructure project irreversible by then.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

November 9

3:05 I guess they call it Grand Ole Opry for a reason. Olé!

3:33 Tomorrow's homework. Supermodel she is, but not from Slovenia.

4:07 Angela needed some groceries i forgot to grab yesterday at WinCo. When she came about 15 minutes ago she called me to come with a bag to pick them from the trunk. They were also two one gallon water bottles and was too lazy to raise them to close the trunk. But when i went to close the trunk, from around the stair's wall and the bush came a girl with an appearance of a 12 years old, who looked like her and started to stare at me, looking surprised and somehow offended.

"Veteran's daughter", a woman in her 30 with the appearance of a kid did this for years. Last time she crossed my way coming after me at the mail. The "veteran" possibly the rapper Pitbull was at the end of the alley and started yelling at me "quit following my daughter". A woman whom i thought was Tom Cruise disguised with a wig was coming again with his hands hidden behind the cars when i went inside again without trying to confront them.

Around the same position i saw in the last couple of days a guy strong build with goatee smoking or checking his phone. Could he be the father of the "new kid in the complex"?

There's a 10 minute walk from the bus station to the "cul de sac" here and "confident" kids in this "otherwise safe Latino complex" walk alone, with rarely an adult accompanying them.

5:15 dr.Oz

6:30 Came about an hour ago, squeaking senseless back and forth on top of my head ever since.

7:20 After a 50 minutes break he's back at the job.

10:46 I slept a little, woke up, went to take the garbage and realize outside there's a thick coal like smoke. Plugged as many holes as i could but there's just too many. The whole yard is nothing like mole tunnels that collapse if you step upon and the're full of smoke.

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

November 8

2:25 Dedată la diete și mai severe (atenție la coate) și un dinte puțin pilit.

7:44 Mda am postat-o pe Lia Georgina, azi au venit cu o știre despre Olguța Lia. Da e adevărat am avut-o în blogul asemănărilor din era pe care eu o numesc "asemănări romantice" când mergeam mai mult pe intuiție și am avut din păcate prea multe greșeli iar azi trebuie să o caut iar. 

Dar un lucru aș vrea să adaug. În afară de faptul că dacă cineva caută multe fotografii ale aceluiași politician rămâne mirat de numărul de fotografii pozate, unde există o colaborare clară între subiect și fotograf, și nu surprinse, cum ar trebui să fie la niște politicieni veșnic muncitori, am descoperit mai multe ciudățenii (peculiarities) la fețele șerpilor. Mulți din ei au gropiță în bărbie ca Becali (bine la el e ditamai șanțul), dar poate și mai mulți au o gropiță în... vârful nasului, care se manifestă la anumite vârste.

10:05 Unfortunately i had to go out tonight to buy stuff for the hungry fridge. 50 different people messed with me including blinding me, squeezing me at every bay and yelling after me in the store, the pepper nazi following me, a code service 1 when i turned around (like any time when i do that) cause i forgot an item that was at the beginning, and a fast moving light category warming up at the check stand first blocking the convener with a case of bear (they went back cause they forgot something) then humiliating me by handling one item (out of 100) i forgot on the cart because they distracted me, still i remained calm,

What i wanted to say. Biden waited 2 years to finally start his main campaign promise. This way, nobody can say he didn't but if Republicans win tonight, will they stop the 1 trillion infrastructure bill?

Though im afraid when i think what they did in t he last 10 years in Oregon. Showing good intentions, they messed lots of things. Smooth but wavy highways. Modern looking badly aligned medians and shoulder lines and intersections. Unseen unmarked curbs when least expected where shoulder lines should be. Still unsynced red lights leading to many stops and more fuel consumption and time wasted. In other words they can mess further the well done since 50 years ago American interstate system. Simply because the heroes and dreamers and generally America who built them don't exist anymore.

BTW just remembered something. Anybody ever calculated how many miles heating planet and how many hours Oregonians have to waste in a year having to drive to liquor stores instead of getting their liquor in grocery stores that also sell alcohol in the form of wine and beer? If they are so concerned about minors why not having locked bays in superstores like in Washington State?

Monday, November 7, 2022

November 7

1:20 More than 30 minutes ago a couple of loud exhausts shook the building for 15 minutes each, or until i started to sneeze. Detergent and not so well washed laundry smell came from the floor. I bet the floor is wet underneath. The floor bulged. I opened the sliding doors but dust came in. But it's less nauseating then the smell of floor. Now i got both i guess cause the smell is coming from outside too from the basement saturated with laundry vapor from a leak.

Ever since i was searching for someone. I was lucky i found her quickly though i could not find a good picture but i think it's good enough. Half of one of my best years of my life lost. I would say traumatized but what followed in the next years shadows it completely. My reputation trampled, because in the end she married a Lambrino. I was 19, she was 15 years older. On top of that at the time she was "married with lawyer Melvin Belli". Shy, no affection, little talk, just laughter. Seeing her and her "sisters"almost every day during a whole vacation at her "mother's" vacation cottage in Câmpulung. One date at Deia and one break-up letter from her while i was at the Musical Theater in Galați (they were taking us to fill the otherwise empty theater).

7:11 It's not right it's not fair but who cares. Here is my car next to a not so uncommon SUV that roam the streets of Oregon and generally US. Now anybody can tell me how safe is to meet with one of these. The main problem is the headlights. Being much higher, when you get in their low beam spot, you will be blinded if driving in a car like mine. Most of them and other SUVs have lights higher than the semis have.

Did not have that problem with the truck or even with the Sentra, but these Elantras, made for better mileage, are the lowest things you can find on the streets. Though many smaller vehicles refuse to turn the high beam off even when flashed, if you flash one of these they will turn on the high beam just to show you they were on low. The result is i get blinded in about 80% of encounters.

I just hold straight the steering wheel, close my eyes and open them after they pass, usually just to see a turn of the street. Cause they sync in such a way they will meet you only around curves, narrow bridges, etc..

The other problem of course is what will happen in a collision between the two vehicles.

There is little doubt. US government is not capable anymore of regulating anything in this country.
But there's more. Taking advantage of the situation, a lot of people modify their headlights to make it much worse just to teach me an infinite number of lessons. Last night i've encountered with many people that made their low beam stronger than a normal high beam. When i flash them, they turn the also modified high beam on and the result is maybe up to ten times the intensity of a normal encounter beam and i can't see where i'm going. Last night i was really mad after what i've seen in the casino (desperate pythons really squeezing me there), i decided to flash everybody who was making me uncomfortable or even turn the high beam on when blinded. But when i got at Newberg, i cop started to flash red and blue lights for about a mile before he finally passed me and stopped after making a right turn, at an "emergency" of course scaring the s... out of me. Pretty much doing the same as ambulance drivers who turn sirens on here near the hospitals when i open the back door.

What else. They finally released the rain. There is little doubt in my mind they control it by several mechanisms including the antenna array at Gakona Alaska. But they had to because Oregon is just an agricultural and mediatic extension of Japan, and they have to grow the wheat and hay for their organic Angus beef, so they can't play with fire anymore this year. Instead, the ninja upstairs did laundry all day yesterday, with insufficient detergent, and through the leak in the basement, the whole basement and building now smells like perfumed dirty laundry. And when he "woke" (probably came through the attic from next apartment) this morning he was playing hide and squeak for about half hour before he left.

That is dancing senseless around the bed in the bedroom above me for about half hour (i took refuge in the bedroom and turned the ionic filter on, which releases some ozone to fight the smell and room is smaller and ozone concentration gets bigger). Every time i was turning the voice recording app on, he was stopping for a minute, then continuing knowing the people won't listen a recording longer than that to the end.

What else. Looks like the patio door was unlocked again. I went late at night to check for holes, but don't believe i forgot it. Who knows what other ninja tricks are in the making.

11:15 Faptul că am spus-o de atâtea ori nu îi va opri. Numai dvs.. îi puteți opri să se joace cu informațiile, mintea dvs.. Cel mai ușor, nu îi mai băgați în seamă. Căci ei știu că îi băgați în seamă și de aia fac așa. Numere, simboluri dintr-o postare precedentă a mea, sintetizate într-o știre falsă, în jurul unui mit devenit realitate falsă, un cioban ajuns mare și prezent tot timpul în fotbal și în știri. Greu de ignorat. Cea mai mai cea echipă românească.

Sunt buni și ciobanii la ceva. Au fost. Astăzi un procent infim din hrana noastră mai vine de la ei. Dar el nu a fost cioban nici măcar o zi. A fost fotbalist în Ungaria. Un nume din nobilimea regală maghiară. Aici cu frate-su, fost mare scriitor.

Da, poate l-am cunoscut personal într-un tren în iulie 2004 venind din vestul Europei când rezervarea la vagonul de dormit nu mi-a funcționat după Germania și am nimerit într-un grup de sportivi români, începând de la Arad când nici măcar loc la accelerat nu am găsit. Nu știu dacă am și vorbit cu el, nu vorbea mult, doar zâmbea. Poate și Vasile de la IMU?

Oricum, am avut un loc într-un compartiment deși noaptea următoare, mort de obosit, mai ales din cauza stresului, am dormit pe jos pe culoar până în București, printre picioarele călătorilor într-un tren supraaglomerat. Ultima și singura dată când am fost în România din 1995, unde vara e fantastică.

4:45 Ninigi.

5:27 I went to cover some mole holes, i came back and let the patio door open to air and the woman with the dog resembling Jaguelin Cristian came at once at my door but ran away when i went to close it.

5:30 Înțeleg că la Deveselu (în capătul celălalt al țării) au un radar (da, luat de pe un sistem naval) cu baleiaj electronic integrat cu o rază de 370 km (limita radarelor terestre instalate în câmpie, dată de curbura pământului și indiferentă de puterea lor) și cu o baterie de rachete dar ăsta ce să facă dacă detectează ceva? Tipul de radar specificat în articol poate să prindă o rachetă cu ceva noroc dar nu poate să o urmărească în timp real.

În poza din articol se arată într-adevăr un radar nou de tip TP 80, în articol mai jos se spune TPS 43 luat din Spania care e un model străvechi din 1963 cu baleiaj cu antenă oscilantă și nu știu dacă poate face vreo diferență în război (în care NATO nu a intrat), nici chiar cu rușii iar mai jos un TP80 adus de americani. Dar la fel, ce să facă dacă nu are o baterie de rachete integrată?

A ok să-i ajute pe ucraineni dar din ce am înțeles eu până acum NATO și nici o țară din NATO nu este în război cu Rusia.

Iohannis a aprobat după ce s-a consultat cu CSAT bla bla dar NATO a aprobat? Încă o dovadă că în NATO fiecare face ce vrea când e nevoie de o lovitură mediatică, la mica înțelegere. Deciziile sunt politice și nu militare pe lanțul de comandă NATO. Am încercat de multe ori să spun. Geoană e șef la NATO pe partea administrativă, staffing, intendență iar generalii de la comandă sunt necunoscuți publicului și nici nu cred că vor face vreodată ceva. Fiecare țară face ce vrea pe lanțul ei de comandă, NATO fiind doar o umbrelă. 

Nu mai visați la faptul că tipa aia a venit să mă împiedice să scriu o prostie. Aici orice mișcare este integrată și totul e supravegheat din Japonia. A venit ca să transpire proștii să încălzească planeta cu alte cuvinte.

9:31 Proof that Russians have meddled (again) in the elections. That's why i know who's gonna win. Republicans or Democrats.

The Thing Things, lyrics most misheard by me. Here is a sample.

Nothing like the local DJ
He said he had two songs to play
One went down from the fooling around
Bringing hope for a brand new day.

And the Trumps and the Trumps and the Trumps...

11:00 Eating something. He/she it woke up and started to squeeze/stomp/hit heavy objects. My recording app has stopped working.